A rare magical miracle in the world

Chapter 72 - 52: The Bizarre Miracle (Please Vote for Recommendation)

Chapter 72: Chapter 52: The Bizarre Miracle (Please Vote for Recommendation)

“V’Isthis the place?”

Sherri’s trip this time wasn’t merely a casual stroll.

[The sun had set, yet the moon had not risen, without the sun, nor the moon]

[All beings lay in their graves, these peaceful years, only because it trudges along with the burden]

[And when the moon disappears, the sun gone too, the immortal shall wander in that endless night]

“I really can’t understand this riddle at all.”

Sherri looked at the Black Leather Book, only to see that its fifth page had already been opened. Unlike before, this time she didn’t need to find anything. As soon as she reached the designated place by the Black Leather Book, the attributes of the miracle immediately appeared on the fifth page.


Level: ???


Faction: ????

Remaining Time: ???

“This is the same as showing nothing, a joke?”

To be honest, Sherri had never encountered such a peculiar situation before.

Everything was unknown!

Half a month had passed when Sherri found the fifth miracle.

Sherri didn’t know the pattern by which the Black Leather Book discovered miracles, whether it was as soon as a miracle was within proximity to her that it would detect it immediately, or if it needed to wait half a month each time.

Because it was always half a month, it made Sherri start to question the specific cooldown period of the Black Leather Book.

Unfortunately, the Black Leather Book, like the Initial Sprout Holy Pouch,

No, it was even more aloof than the Initial Sprout Holy Pouch.

At least the Initial Sprout Holy Pouch would convey a sense of closeness to Sherri, but the Black Leather Book really wouldn’t even give Sherri the time of day.

V’You’re the boss, I can’t afford to offend you.”

Sherri also didn’t dare to blame the Black Leather Book, after all, it was her bread and butter.

Humans, how could you be angry with your own golden finger?

The poor thing is already black and unremarkable, why hassle it, really why?!

V’Let’s continue with the riddle then.”

Sherri noticed that beneath the previous text, new words had appeared.

[You were the first person it saw after it arrived, but you don’t recognize it, and it doesn’t recognize you]

[However, that’s okay, even the most familiar people start as strangers]

[It’s willing to give you a chance to be its friend, this is the first time in countless years that it’s had such a thought, and it might also be the last] “Make friends?”

V’Having a thought for the first time and possibly the last?”

Sherri was beginning to understand, this statement was probably telling her that only she had triggered this quest.

For this miracle, either Sherri would successfully contract it, or no one else could obtain it.

A second person entering the equation was out of the question, as it had only developed the idea of making friends with Sherri.

“So, what should I do?”

Sherri was somewhat surprised, “Make friends? Is that the way to go?”

Sherri, after all, came from modern times. She had some insight on how to make friends, but clearly, the Black Leather Book didn’t mean for her to do that.

Because soon enough, that introductory text on the Black Leather Book vanished.


What took its place was the word ‘wait’.

Just that one word, ‘wait’, no other second word.


Sherri mumbled calmly, “And then, that’s it?”

V’Inexplicably, it’s quite fitting for my current situation,” Sherri laughed, V’Although I don’t know what you are, it seems likeyou, just like me, are quite bored too.”

Sherri indeed had nothing to do now.

Elder Uncle was exceptionally capable, and the older sister had taken over all educational responsibilities. Elder Mountain Grandpa and Grandfather Andrew, working together, had managed the territory’s construction thoroughly and orderly.

The children were also studying earnestly, and Sherri could tell they all had a strong desire to become skilled quickly and serve at her side.

So, Sherri had become free.

For several days, it was eat, sleep, sleep, eat, leading the life that Inya had longed for.

The only activity was the occasional exercise, but no one dared to spar with Sherri.

Even the older sister used ‘how could one cross hands with Your Majesty’ as an excuse to decline the offer.

Indeed, everyone agreed that as the King of Yatun, Sherri didn’t need to go to battle.

For the sovereign to embark on a campaign signified the incompetence of the subjects, a transgression for which they should apologize with death.

“On this point, we seem quite compatible; I hope we can become good friends,” Sherri said as she dismounted from Jiera, allowing her to play nearby and bringing out many fruits for her to enjoy.

As for Sherri, she found a spot to sit cross-legged and just stared out at the distant sea, lost in a trance…

This was the first day.

And then came the second day, the third day.

Whether it was windy or rainy, Sherri would arrive on time at this cliff to gaze into the distance.

She didn’t know what the Black Leather Book meant, but since it was a miracle, a bit of weirdness was perhaps not out of place.

The older sister and Elder Uncle found Sherri’s behavior these days somewhat strange, but having had similar precedents before, they didn’t pay too much attention.

On the other hand, Lu Anya and Anderson were especially curious, “Has Your Majesty always been like this?”

A few times, the siblings were ordered to protect Sherri’s safety along with Jiera and John.

They witnessed Sherri’s behavior, seeing her sitting alone on the cliff, motionless, not knowing what she was doing.

The siblings exchanged glances, inwardly declaring their monarch a man of unfathomable mystery.

“Your Majesty’s thoughts, how could we possibly understand them?”

Elder Uncle wholeheartedly defended Sherri, knowing the reasons but not disclosing them: “If we could guess them, would he still be our Majesty?”


The siblings, along with Grandfather Andrew, immediately felt Elder Uncle’s words made a lot of sense.

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