A rare magical miracle in the world

Chapter 55 - 41 Miracle Race (Seeking

Chapter 55: Chapter 41 Miracle Race (Seeking


Translator: 549690339

“Thanks, Lilith.”

Bailuo looked at the three pirates, “How many pirates are on this island?”

“There are, three thousand, a little over three thousand.”

The pirates were in a dazed state, blurting out their secrets in a confused haze.

To verify the reliability of the information, Bailuo asked several other pirates and received nearly identical responses.

“Over 3000?”

Upon hearing this number, Bailuo secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Pirates were not to be feared—they had managed to take down 1200 today, and knocking out another 1800 didn’t seem too difficult.

The power of Sherri and Lilith was too fearsome, once they made a move, let alone one or two thousand, even tens of thousands would be only a matter of time.

However, these pirates gave Bailuo a piece of rather unsettling news.

“Uncle, what do you think?”

“Pirate King Morgan…”

These pirates weren’t unaffiliated marauders; they were organized and belonged to a major pirate named Morgan.

“The legend of Morgan has been around for at least 150 years on the high seas.”

Uncle said, “Rumor has it he commands the largest pirate group in the Eastern Waters, the ‘Black Wanderers’.”

Miracle Power is very rare at sea—the Azure Duchy and a few Pirate Kings possessed it, and because of diverse abilities, it was often referred to as ‘Divine Force,1 rather than a miracle.

This was also a common tactic used to deceive the populace by the Kings of Miracle Mainland.

“150 years?”

Bailuo, “Successors? Or family inheritance?”

In Bailuo’s view, it was impossible for humans to live that long, so was Morgan a sort of title or name passed down?

“His Majesty the Pirate King has Divine Force, he has lived for two hundred years, remains forever young, and if you attack here, His Majesty will definitely know and then send troops for revenge.”

One of the pirates mumbled these words in a hazy state, making Bailuo frown slightly, “Let them come, I’m not afraid of a little pressure.”

Bailuo wasn’t afraid of an opponent like the Pirate King, nor were the People of Yatun.

The only problem was that the description of Morgan by the pirates was too strange, raising Bailuo’s guard.

“Eternal youth, for real or just a charlatan?”

Bailuo found that the pirates themselves might not believe it, just considering it a legend, as none of the pirates present had actually seen Morgan.

“Living for 200 years, can people really live that long?”

Thinking of the wonders of miracles, Bailuo revised his understanding, “Could there really be a miracle that grants eternal life in this world?”

“There is.”

Uncle said, “The Marquis of Clearspring in the Iron Eagle Kingdom possesses such a miracle.”

When mentioning this name, Uncle seemed to recall something from the past but didn’t elaborate.

Bailuo, ” ”

Well, hearing that even a miracle of eternal life exists, what else could Bailuo say aside from admiring the greatness of miracles.

“Additionally, Miracle Creatures are closely linked to a Master of Miracles; they can also grant the Master of Miracles eternal life.”


As Bailuo thought of Sherri and Lilith, he pointed at himself, and Uncle nodded in confirmation.

However, that was only for a Master of Miracles. For Bailuo, living forever alone, without family, was meaningless.

So Uncle told Bailuo that Miracle Power could increase the lifespan of humans, and better still, finding a life-related miracle, such as the Marquis of Clearspring’s Fountain of Youth, could grant ordinary people infinite lifespans.

‘A miracle of eternal life…’

Bailuo silently vowed to find it, not just for himself, but for his senior sister, Uncle, and others.

Not knowing before gave him no choice, but now that he knew, he was determined to find it no matter what.

But discussing this was pointless for now; their focus had to be on Pirate King Morgan.

“How many subordinates does Morgan have?”

As for this question, the pirates actually had no idea; they were instructed to stay on this island, clearly just ordinary, less impressive pirates—the rather disposable kind.

How could they possibly know such confidential matters?

Whether Morgan was a Master of Miracles or the nature of his Divine Force was something the pirates knew nothing about either.

Finally, skipping further questioning on these matters, Bailuo asked, “What are you doing on this island?”

“We use this island as a transit point.”

“Storing treasure?”

“Stockpiling supplies.”

“What’s the deal with those eighty-plus pirates?”

The pirates suddenly fell silent. Bailuo looked puzzled at Lilith, who said, “Master, you’ve asked them a question they can’t comprehend.”

It was as if someone abruptly threw in the nonsense phrase ‘Nonsense phrase (no translation)’ while asking a question.

Naturally, people would respond: “what?”

Indeed, the pirates were bewildered, not understanding what Bailuo meant. “I’m asking, what are those eighty pirates doing deeper inside this island?” Unfortunately, there was still no answer to this question.

“Are there pirates elsewhere on the island?”

Uncle suddenly interjected and asked, to which the pirates responded in unison, “No more.”

Bailuo, “There are no other pirates on the island?”


“What’s going on then?”

Bailuo looked at Sherri, who assured him confidently, “Sherri truly sensed it, there are human presences over there.”

Sherri couldn’t be wrong, and neither could Lilith’s Fairy Magic.

Thus, only one fact could be confirmed—those eighty-plus people were not pirates!

Afterward, Bailuo asked several more questions.

Only after thoroughly exhausting the knowledge of these few pirates did Bailuo finally order their execution.

“Are there really others on the island?”

“Yes,” Bailuo said, “Sherri told me there are at least eighty more.”

“Go and scout ahead with your quick speed, but if there’s any danger, don’t act rashly—let’s discuss it slowly first.”

Uncle suggested, and as the core of the People of Yatun, Bailuo was absolutely indispensable.

Anyone could be sacrificed, yet Bailuo was the exception.

“Rustle rustle–”


Bailuo, who was about to call Sherri over, suddenly paused; his uncle noticed, “What’s wrong?”

“Good news!”

Without elaborating, Bailuo gave his uncle a smile. The latter was puzzled but quickly understood.

“You go ahead with your tasks. If you need anything, come to me.”

The uncle said, “I’ll take care of things on this side foryou.”

“Then I’m off.”

After speaking, Bailuo mounted Sherri and took to the sky, with Lilith immediately following.

She sat on Bailuo’s shoulders and asked, “Master, shall Lilith help you fight next?”

The port was no longer in danger; the remaining pirates were concentrated in the depths of the island. Bailuo was on his way there, and if anything were to happen, he would handle it.


Bailuo nodded and said, “Then we’ll also pick up a new miracle on the way.”

Although Lilith was a Miracle Creature, she knew the rarity of miracles being born.

Bailuo was aware too, yet he himself was endowed with three types of miracle. Who could have more experience in finding miracles than him?

“That’s how I found you, Lilith.”


Blinking her adorable eyes, Lilith covered her mouth, “Master is so amazing!” “That’s right!”

Sherri beamed with pride, “Master is invincible in the world!”

“And super handsome, so handsome it’s killer!”


With the lighthearted banter of the two darlings echoing in his ears, Bailuo felt they shouldn’t be speaking like this.

It’s better to stay low-key.

Even though it was all true, speaking so loudly about it still didn’t seem appropriate.

“Now, let’s see what this fourth miracle is.”

Bailuo immersed himself in consciousness, and the Black Leather Book appeared. He flipped through it, finally stopping on the previously blank fourth page.

[They are naive, they are pure, they are kind, they never covet the flesh and blood of sentient beings.]

[Yet they have been betrayed and coveted.]

[That extra six hundred and sixty-six years of heart, is it a blessing, or is it a curse?]

[They lost their king, they no longer have a home, oh merciful Holy Lord, please allow them to roam the forests once more, to become the dreamy citizens of stories and legends, to be asked about their ears.]

[Time remaining: 364 days, 23 hours]

[Direction: 60 degrees Southeast]

“So long!!”

Bailuo muttered to himself, encountering such a lengthy riddle for the first time, “No, it’s not just a riddle, it feels like it’s telling me a story.”

“But there’s so much information, I don’t know where to start.”

[They are naive, they are pure, they are kind, they never covet the flesh and blood of sentient beings.]

First was this sentence: naive, pure, kind, do not consume the flesh of sentient beings.

In short, it was probably telling Bailuo about this new miracle.

Oh, another important piece of information from the riddle—they.

The Black Leather Book used ‘they’!

“Could it be a Miracle Race?”

Bailuo suddenly thought of the eighty human-like creatures on the island, unknown even to the pirates, “Is it them?”

“Not eating meat, so they must be vegetarians.”

The first sentence was long, but the meaning was clear: they were vegetarians.

Mounted on Sherri, Bailuo flew towards the location indicated by the Black Leather Book.

But even the book wasn’t needed this time; Sherri herself could sense it:

“Sherri, that life fluctuation you detected before, take me to them.”

“Yes, Master!”

Sherri flew as if on autopilot, allowing Bailuo to continue pondering the riddle of the Black Leather Book.

[Yet they have been betrayed and coveted.]

“This sentence must be describing their situation,” Bailuo mused. “Looks like they’re having a rough time.”

Indeed, a Miracle Race with only eighty people left—this was worse than the fate of the People of Yatun.

[That extra six hundred and sixty-six years of the heart, is it a blessing, or is it a curse?]

“Can’t understand this at all, what does this sentence mean?”

Bailuo found himself at an impasse, unable to decipher the meaning of this third sentence, “An ability? Or the literal meaning, cursed?”

Six hundred and sixty-six years of heart…

Bailuo recalled, “Teacher taught us, if we come across a question we can’t solve, we can skip it for now. After finishing what we can do, we can come back and figure out a solution.”

So, Bailuo decisively tackled the last sentence.

[They lost their king, they no longer have a home, oh merciful Holy Lord, please allow them to roam the forests once more, to become the dreamy citizens of stories and legends, to be asked about their ears.]

“This sentence also has loads of information.”

Bailuo thought to himself, “Losing their king, no longer having a home, it’s probably reminding me to provide them with these two things.”

Granting them a king, a home.

Easy said!

That’s all too easy!

Provided they bow down in submission, it’s not just a home—Bailuo could give them a hundred homes.

“The trickiest part is, the king and home are not to be taken literally but are more akin to something emotional.”

Like earning their recognition or giving them the warmth of a home, Bailuo thought, “Roaming the forests once more, that must refer to an attribute, they must be a forest attribute Miracle Race.”

“The dreamy citizens of stories and legends, perhaps a famous fantasy species?”

“Asking about the ears…”

Bailuo pondered and murmured to himself, “This sounds…somewhat familiar.”

The forest, a frequent setting in fantasy tales, always prompts the question of why one’s ears are pointed.

Bailuo crossed his arms, contemplating, “If I had to guess, I’d probably say…”

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