A rare magical miracle in the world

Chapter 47 - 35 A little understanding, just a little.

Chapter 47: Chapter 35 A little understanding, just a little.

Translator: 549690339

Sherri was flying in the sky, while Radish was under a Levitation Spell cast by Lilith, its body tied to a rope, the other end of which was connected to Sherri.

Although Levitation Spells allow one to float in the air, the movement speed isn’t fast, so Sherri had to be out in front, pulling Radish along as if she were pulling a balloon.

Radish was highly agitated, its four hooves prancing endlessly.

Because she was carrying someone, Sherri couldn’t maintain her speed. Her protective measures were only effective for knights and couldn’t protect those further afield.

It took Sherri several minutes to fly just a few kilometers.

“Be quiet!”

Sherri scolded dissatisfiedly, which finally brought quietness.

“It’s just ahead, master.”

Sherri had an automatic navigation function; the clearer the target, the more accurate her perception.

Of course, that excluded miracles, as Miracle Power would neutralize Sherri’s tracking function.

“I see it.”

It was a vast port. Bailuo, riding on Sherri, with his senior sister and Radish, glided down from the sky like Santa Claus’s sleigh.

The senior sister was very calm, her expression unchanged.

On the other hand, Radish was so frightened that its legs were about to, no, had already gone soft.


As Bailuo finished speaking, Lilith immediately flew out.


The uncle who was standing near the Venomous Snake Gang’s ship suddenly saw a flicker of light in his eyes.

The uncle looked up and saw that Bailuo and the senior sister, who were initially invisible, were becoming clearer and clearer.

“They’re back, board the ship.”

At the uncle’s command, Nors and Jiera didn’t see Bailuo, but as the uncle said they were able to leave, the two immediately dispersed.

The uncle took a large group of people and chose the largest ship.

Jiera took her brother John another way, while Nors took his sister Fiona along a third path.

“Who are you people? What are you doing coming aboard?”

Pirates of the Venomous Snake Gang were still on the ship; in the air, Lilith quickly descended, her incredible speed taking her over the three ships.

An invisible magical Barrier enveloped the ships, causing onlookers initially drawn to the scene to return to their own business.

The scenes on the ships were blurred, and no matter what happened inside, outsiders would not detect anything unusual.

“The ship, we’re commandeering it.”

The uncle announced the claim of ownership to the people on the deck.


The thugs were amused by the uncle: “Has he lost his mind?”

“Hey, old man, are you looking for death?”

A thug stepped forward, bossily reprimanding the uncle before suddenly launching an attack—swinging a pirate’s saber at the uncle’s neck with lethal force.


However, just when the thugs were smirking and ready for the spectacle, the aggressor ended up clutching his neck, stumbling backward.

“Cough, cough you…”


The thug fell, his blood spreading across the deck—an image that deeply shocked the observing thugs of the Venomous Snake Gang.

“Kill, kill him!”

As the adversaries rushed him, the uncle remained calm.

He didn’t draw his own weapon, instead, he snatched the weapon from the nearest thug and stabbed him to death.

Next, like a wolf among sheep, by the time Bailuo landed Sherri on the deck, all he saw were corpses strewn about.

“Uncle, your skill hasn’t declined over the years.”

Bailuo said with a smile, walking up to the old man, who shook his head: “I’m old, can’t fight anymore.”

Well, the uncle’s ‘can’t fight anymore’ = decapitated three to four dozen men in minutes.

Uncle: I am a composed old man; a composed old man doesn’t take pride in such trivial matters.

“We’ve also taken care of things here, boss!”

Nors greeted Bailuo, and Jiera also waved and signaled: “So have 1.”

Since the other two ships were smaller and had fewer people, for Nors and Jiera, taking them was as easy as turning over one’s hand.

“Everyone aboard, then.”

Bailuo had everyone load the carriage onto the ship, ensuring everyone was gathered, he then spoke to them: “We can set sail now.”

However, after a while, with no movement from the crowd, Bailuo asked in confusion, “What’s wrong, why haven’t we set sail?”

Although the enemies had all been dealt with, the faster they could leave, the better, obviously.

“They don’ t know how.”

The uncle said helplessly: “Feiya, go and teach them how to lower the sails.”

The People of Yatun lived deep in the mountains and forests; those who had been on a ship were few and far between, let alone having knowledge on how to sail one.

Fortunately, the uncle knew how to sail, as did the senior sister, and so did Elder Mountain Grandpa.

So, the uncle asked the senior sister to stay behind, while he swung himself onto Jiera’s ship with a rope to instruct the crew to lower the sails, and then took the helm himself.

“Weigh anchor!”

And so, the three ships, under the control of the People of Yatun, slowly sailed away from the port.

The entire process went unnoticed by anyone.

It was just three ships setting sail, what was so strange about that? Wasn’t this a completely ordinary event?

Yet, once they had navigated ten-odd kilometers, Bailuo knew they had broken free from the restrictions of the Iron Eagle Kingdom.

They, were free!


Bailuo laughed, and all the people of Yatun began to cheer as well.

“We’ve made it out!”

“We’re free!”

The Iron Eagle Kingdom still had some control over land areas.

Especially those seven Miracle Lords, even Bailuo dared not confront them now.

However, the Iron Eagle Kingdom did not possess a powerful navy.

As for developing maritime resources, they had never even considered it.

But that made sense, in a world with miracles, the ocean really wasn’t very useful.

Could there really be someone who would dive into the vast deep sea to search for miracles?


“Swish, swish, swish.”

The people of Yatun found tools on the ships and began to scrub the deck. Although these three ships were seized by them, what’s seized becomes one’s own.

They naturally took great care to maintain and protect the ships that belonged to the people of Yatun.

“Alright, the cleaning is almost done.”

“Everyone, take a break.”

Bailuo had everyone start cooking as they had a ship now, with a specialized kitchen inside the cabin.

Diana saw this and was overjoyed, “I’ll do it, I’ll do it, nobody fight me for it.” The women of Yatun volunteered to prepare lunch, they cooperated and showed Bailuo what was called the strength of women from Yatun.

After lunch, the children were all taken by Lilith to the deck of the big ship, which could accommodate more people.

They gathered around Lilith, watching her perform various amusing tricks with fairy magic.

“How long will it take…”

“Dad went before, roughly, about ten days.”

“Ten days, hmm, that should do.”

At the speed of the sailboats, traveling for ten days meant they would cover at least 3000 kilometers. Maintaining such a distance from the continent meant even if a fleet attacked, they would have enough time to prepare.

“Let Sherri come down. From here on, we just need to follow the map.”

The elder sister fixed the ship’s steering wheel; they planned to navigate eastward for a while before making positioning adjustments.

Sherri was initially escorting everyone, but that was no longer necessary. Besides, Sherri’s actual mission was to deal with some sea beasts in the ocean. These creatures, like the monsters in the mountains, were of unknown origin and terrifying, many of which Bailuo had never heard of in his previous life. Sea beasts were one of the great perils of the ocean.

But mostly they were active in the deep sea, only coming to the surface during storms to attack ships and bring terrible disasters.

“It doesn’t look like a storm is coming.”

“There won’t be one for the next few days.”

“Uncle, you understand even this?”

“A little, just a little.”

The uncle had gone to sea before, his sailing experience was very rich, he was an extremely skilled navigator.

Uncle’s unique skill???? Navigator.

“Even if we encounter one, we have the blessing of miracles.”

The uncle wasn’t afraid of sea beasts; they were just larger and not much stronger than the wild beasts in the forests.

He could deal with them, and so could the elder sister and Bailuo with ease.

What’s more, there were Sherri and Lilith as well.


Without Sherri and Lilith as guardians, Bailuo wouldn’t dare take the risk of crossing the vast ocean with so many people without any preparation.

It must be said, miracles really do bring a tremendous amount of confidence. “Sherri, rest now.”

Bailuo called Sherri back through the connection of miracles.

“Master, Sherri isn’t tired; I can fly for a while longer,” Sherri insisted.

“We might encounter other vessels, we should be careful,” Bailuo said. “Let’s have Sherri fly to her heart’s content tonight.”

“Alright, Master.”

Sherri trotted cheerfully away; she wasn’t a real horse, so naturally she wouldn’t stay in the cabin. Instead, she remained on deck with the children. “Sherri, you’re so beautiful.”

“So white and shiny.”

A group of children, only five or six years old, led by Little Helen, scampered into the embracing arms of Sherri who lay down, beginning to be affectionate.

Sherri shared Bailuo’s preferences; the children whom Bailuo adored, she adored as well.

Conversely, those who Bailuo disliked, Sherri would also intensely loathe. Therefore, being loved and admired by her own people who needed her protection made Sherri very happy.

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