A rare magical miracle in the world

Chapter 43 - 32 Hiruen (Vote for

Chapter 43: Chapter 32 Hiruen (Vote for


Translator: 549690339

However, the problem of not being able to smelt ore was not absolute.

Lilith could manipulate hammers and tools to smelt iron ore, forge pig iron and wrought iron, and then cast spells.

“Ah, I’ve made iron!”

Lilith’s originally downcast mood was restored on seeing the continuous production of pig iron.

Though she couldn’t directly change raw materials, through indirect methods, Lilith could still use magic to operate dozens of furnaces at the same time, processing a large amount of resources.

Then casting spells again, she could immediately create the tools everyone needed, saving the People of Yatun a great deal of time.

Additionally, people found out that Lilith couldn’t directly turn trees into lumber, but she could manipulate saws and axes to fell them first and then perform spells.

Of course, Lilith’s everyday magic lay mainly in aspects of daily life such as clothing, food, shelter, and transportation.

When it came to creative activities, that was something Lilith was somewhat powerless to do.

For instance, Bailuo wanted Lilith to produce some high-precision instruments like handguns, microscopes, televisions, computers, and atomic bombs.

Regrettably, these were things Lilith could not create.

In fact, Lilith couldn’t even conjure up a watch or an alarm clock.

Upon careful consideration, it seemed that fairies indeed clashed with these mechanical objects, so this wasn’t dwelled upon further.

“If you think about it, fairies in fairy tales aren’t supposed to make weapons or possess advanced creativity; instead, they abide by ancient powers.”

In fairy tales, there were always stories of humans taking weapons to capture florists, which showed that fairy powers were supposed to be opposed to humans.

However, her master was Bailuo. When the master had a need, Lilith didn’t have time to consider whether something was suitable for a fairy to do or not.

If it wasn’t possible, she’d make it possible!!!

“Pursuing human creativity too much might be counterproductive.”

Thus spoke the uncle, and so, the two of them immediately changed their approach and started asking about areas where Lilith excelled.

Indeed, they found where Lilith’s true strength lay—the Transfiguration Spell.

The Transfiguration Spell truly was a very, very powerful magic.

And it was extremely popular with children, which at one point made Lilith an even bigger star than Sherri.

“The glass slippers, such beautiful glass slippers.”

“There really is a Pumpkin Carriage!”

At that moment, Miya was wearing a pair of extremely beautiful glass slippers; although the uncle could also make them, Lilith’s glass slippers were different. She didn’t use glass to make them!!!

Indeed, Lilith had simply transformed Miya’s pair of fabric shoes into glass slippers.

And the Pumpkin Carriage was actually an orange that Bailuo turned out.

After all, they looked quite similar, the color was the same, enlarged a bit, and modified the shape, and the Pumpkin Carriage was perfect.

“Lady Lilith, I want, I want beautiful clothes.”

A girl spoke these words, and with a wave of the Fairy Wand, the girl’s plain clothes instantly transformed into a very beautiful pure white princess dress.


“So beautiful!”

“I want one too! Lady Lilith is the best- ~”

The girls had never seen anything so magical; they treated Lilith like a fairy from a fairy tale, jumping for joy and making all sorts of wishes.

Lilith didn’t hesitate; she was indeed the Guardian God of the girls’ dreams, and now she rolled up her sleeves and unleashed a tide of magic.

Watching this scene, Bailuo truly found Lilith’s Fairy Magic astonishing.

Sometimes, it seemed to conform to the conservation of matter.

But other times, it was indeed very magical, completely defying the law of the conservation of matter.

Like the Pumpkin Carriage, which originated from an orange.

But the weight, Nors tested it out, and indeed it was very heavy.

And the glass slippers, both intuitively and optically, were indistinguishable from real crystal.

However, unlike changes in shape, if there was a change in substance and Lilith stopped the magic, then things would revert back to their original form.

But before the magic ended, any physical actions you performed would not affect the transformation itself.

Such as breaking, smashing, tearing.

If there was a violent chemical change, however, it would quickly revert back to its original state, revealing its true form.

This was also the reason why Lilith could not create food: she could change the form and state of food and could turn stones into food, but it was not edible, absolutely not edible!!

“Even so, it’s like an ability out of a fairy tale.”

Bailuo didn’t know the principle behind it, but he felt that there must be something constraining Lilith during the process of releasing Fairy Magic. “Does it consume a lot of Magic Power?”

Bailuo thought that Magic Power might be the key factor behind spell effects.

“Magic Power, what’s that?”

After Lilith asked Bailuo in return, she began to receive information about Magic Power.

Bailuo had intended to say that Magic Power was Miracle Power.

But there was a problem: the Miracle Power within Lilith had not decreased in the slightest, yet Lilith had been casting spells for half a day.

Bailuo found it strange; did she not consume any?

“Can you cast spells indefinitely, without stopping?”


Lilith gave Bailuo a definite answer, “Although each spell’s area of effect is limited, I can continuously release various Fairy Magics.”

This was somewhat terrifying, Bailuo mumbled to himself, ‘It seems I really need to foster more research-minded individuals in the future, to properly study the power of miracles. Ah.’

The uncle told Bailuo that simply using miracles was the most foolish and primitive method.

If you want to establish the Miracle Kingdom, you need a lot of talented individuals, exploiting human initiative; only then can you truly extend the power of miracles in all directions.

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