A rare magical miracle in the world

Chapter 40 - 29 Fairy Princess (Seeking Recommendations)

Chapter 40: Chapter 29 Fairy Princess (Seeking Recommendations)

Translator: 549690339

[It is awakening, please wait patiently for one day]

It changed, the content on the third page, as wishes appeared one by one, finally underwent a transformation.

Bailuo knew that the third miracle was a sure thing.

“Wait, huh?”

Subsequently, Bailuo did not abandon the girls after using them, but patiently listened to the rest of the girl’s wishes and noted them down one by one.

After everything was over, Bailuo then returned.

On his way back, Bailuo’s mind was filled with thoughts like ‘I’m truly a genius’, ‘As clever as I am’, ‘Merely riddles, how could they possibly stump Bailuo’.

“Even his walk is buoyant.”

The elder sister and the old uncle watched Bailuo’s retreating figure, clueless as to why he was so happy.

“Miracles, they require storytelling, and then asking a group of girls ‘What are your dreams’?”

The elder sister felt that if it were herself, she probably couldn’t do such a thing until she died, the old uncle felt the same; any of such acts would be contrary to their nature.

“Those stories…”

“Probably heard them in dreams again.”

The two were no longer surprised, the old uncle considered it Bailuo’s natural talent, and the elder sister was a complete believer in Bailuo, anything from Bailuo had to be the best.

As for Inya, naturally, she also loved to hear stories, and more than the stories, she loved the snacks she had all night long.

Inya: Happy to listen to stories, happy to have snacks.

Snacking while listening to stories, happy plus happy, that’s double the happiness!

“What will you turn into?”

At night, Bailuo slept on the grass, with the Crystal Vial beside his pillow, the Black Phoenix Butterfly in the vial was emitting Miracle Light only he could see.

Inya still had that terrifying sleeping posture, and perhaps because she had eaten too much sugar these past few days, the sound of her grinding teeth was unusually loud.

Luckily, Bailuo had no intention of sleeping tonight anyway.

How could he possibly sleep!

‘ ‘Whoosh whoosh- – ”

As dawn approached, Bailuo had watched the little creature all night, and just as the first ray of sunlight fell, the Black Phoenix Butterfly finally transformed. ‘Here it comes!’ Bailuo inwardly exclaimed, his eyes not leaving the sight.

The Black Phoenix Butterfly was enveloped by light, its wings began to elongate, turning into a black dress, delicate and fair arms, gracefully placed in front, in a praying posture.

Inside the Crystal Vial, she was curled up mid-air, and sensing her master’s gaze, the little creature slowly opened her eyes.


She very much resembled a fairy princess from a fairy tale, only the black dress set her apart, adding a touch of nobility and allure on top of her ethereal beauty. Bailuo felt that she indeed looked like a queen from a fairytale kingdom, a being at the pinnacle of fantastical creatures.


Contracted to: Bailuo Yatun

Level: Middle Tier

Category: Miracle Creature

Faction: Ideal Coast

Ability One: Possesses magical power, capable of making fantasies and dreams come true

Contract method: Find it, prepare a Crystal Vial, tell a lovely story about a girl, listen to their wishes

“It’s a success! Hahahaha!”

Bailuo shouted as he scrambled up from his bed.


Inya was startled awake, she hastily got up, her face filled with terror: “An attack? Are we under attack?”

“Attack? Where’s the attack?”

“Everyone get up, getup!”

Because of Inya’s loud shout, all the people of Yatun were awoken; they grabbed their weapons and braced themselves, but could find no trace of the enemy.

A bunch of people of Yatun just stood there dumbfounded, the tense expressions on their faces slowly turning to confusion and bewilderment. “What’s going on?!”

Nors, puzzled, looked towards the campsite; he had been on watch all night and had not seen even a hint of the enemy, not even a wild beast.

How could there be an attack?

An imaginary attack?

“Did you have a nightmare, boss?”

Nors looked at Bailuo in confusion, and then the gazes of the people around them; even Bailuo found it a bit hard to withstand.

“No, no, there’s no attack, no attack.”

Bailuo quickly stood up, looking at Inya awkwardly, though she was innocent, having been scared by Bailuo himself.

“Everybody misunderstood, it was all a misunderstanding.”

Bailuo bent down to pick up the Crystal Vial, but found that the fairy inside had vanished without a trace.

“Strange, where did she go?”

Before Bailuo could wonder more, he saw a fairy princess in a black dress sprinkled with dreamy starlight fly past his nose, then drift in front of him.

“Hehe, master, master.”

The little fairy, about twelve or thirteen, still exuding childlike innocence: “I’m here, right here.”

At this moment, those who were still bewildered all stared in amazement at the little fairy and their confusion intensified.

“It’s from the stories!”

“It’s a fairy!”

“They really exist, this is true, it’s unbelievable!”

“Am I dreaming?”

Due to the appearance of the little fairy, the people of Yatun were completely astounded.

They had thought that what Bailuo told were just stories, but such a magical creature really appeared in front of them, and for a moment, they felt their worldview was turned upside down.

Yet, what followed was an unprecedented surprise.


Although Bailuo really wanted to observe the little fairy closely, he now needed to appease his clanspeople, so he quickly shouted, “This is the third miracle I found, she is my Miracle Creature, a Fairy!”


Uncle and elder sister exchanged glances, no longer knowing what kind of expression to use to face Bailuo’s good fortune.

Is this still luck?

Finding three in succession, are you aiming for the skies?

“Xiao Luo might…”

Elder sister Yinyin guessed something about Bailuo’s situation, but uncle hurriedly signaled her not to speak out, “This is Xiao Luo’s secret, we must help him keep it well.”


Elder sister also understood the importance of this secret, it must not be exposed.

“The third miracle, we, People of Yatun, now possess three miracles!”

Uncle stood out, preemptively capturing everyone’s attention and led by example by kneeling in front of Bailuo.

“With three miracles, one may claim a duchy.”

“With seven miracles, one is sufficient to claim kingship.”

“With twenty miracles, one may ascend the throne as emperor!”

After uncle finished speaking these three sentences, he turned back to look at everyone, “We Yatun have three miracles, it is only fair and reasonable to establish a duchy even today.”

Moreover, Yatun’s situation was different from that of other countries.

Because these three miracles, they all belonged to Bailuo alone.

In comparison, in other countries, a Miracle Lord controlled one kind of miracle.

This also made domestic relations complex and knotty, a whole host of Miracle Lords competing and scheming, each harboring their own ulterior motives.

Uncle did not elaborate on this, but he conveyed a piece of information to everyone.

That is, Bailuo’s greatness had already surpassed everyone’s imagination; he was the undisputed Miracle King, an object of worship for all.

“Still the same ritual?”

Bailuo knew what uncle was about to do, after all, it wasn’t the first ceremony.

“This is an honor.”

Uncle patted Bailuo’s shoulder and then took the lead in kneeling down, “Kneel and you’ll get used to it.”

Bailuo did not stop them, and had no choice but to let uncle and elder sister lead everyone in the third oath to Bailuo.

Soon, three minutes passed.

The contents were basically unchanged.

The only change was Bailuo’s covert identity, which now officially became Miracle Archduke.

The previous statement ‘proclaiming you as king’ was more a blessing and a wish, meaning everyone would strive to make Bailuo a king.

However, this did not mean that Bailuo was already a king.

It’s like someone saying ‘I wish to unite the world for my lord’, which is naturally just a goal, a dream.

Similarly, the title of Miracle King was actually just empty talk.

But now it’s different!

Bailuo had truly become a Miracle Archduke.

With three miracles, Bailuo was in truth a Duke.

Once he established a country, with the blessings of three miracles, even if placed on the entire Miracle Mainland, the name of Yatun Duchy was legitimate, recognized by the whole world!

“Keep it low-key, low-key.”

Bailuo had no time to think about the little fairy’s problem, “Everyone, please stand up; there’s no need for the Duke title, really.”

The little one already belonged to Bailuo; their hearts were connected, and even Sherri sensed the arrival of this new companion.

“Little one, uh…”

Bailuo felt calling the fairy Tittle one’ was not quite right, so he gave her a name, “I’ll call you Lilith.”

“Lilith, go play with Sherri for a while. I have some things to handle, I’ll come over soon,” Bailuo let Lilith play with Sherri.

The little fairy was also very curious about Pegasus, as they belonged to the same master, there was no animosity between the two but rather they were incredibly close.

Lilith fluttered around Sherri, observing her from every angle, while Sherri also observed her, her eyes filled with curiosity.

Seeing they could get along harmoniously, Bailuo heaved a sigh of relief.

After all, in this world, no one with more than two miracleshad ever been heard of by uncle, so Bailuo did not know if there would be conflicts between miracles.

But now it seemed there was no such problem; they got along very harmoniously.

Miracles have an attribute called ‘faction’.

Sherri was a Pegasus, belonging to ‘Northbound Land’, and Lilith was a fairy, belonging to ‘Ideal Coast’.

There was also the Initial Sprout Holy Pouch, its faction was Divine Twilight.

Three kinds of miracles, three completely different factions, yet Bailuo felt no kind of contradiction.

“This new miracle, oh, Lilith, what is she?”

Uncle and elder sister came to Bailuo, both questioning the situation of Lilith.

If it were a type of weapon like swords, or animals such as horses or lions, they could probably guess the use and function.

But a fairy…

Never seen one before!

Can she fight, does she have any power, what can she do? They knew nothing.

Truly, she was a creature as mysterious as a riddle!

“Lilith is a Miracle Creature, called a Fairy,” Bailuo said, “As for her specific abilities, I’m not clear either, it seems she can grant wishes, making fantasies come true.”

This ability, broadly speaking, is naturally very impressive, but Bailuo didn’t know the limits of Lilith, what kind of wishes she could actually fulfill.

“What about her level?”

“Middle Tier!”

“Middle Tier?!”

Uncle exclaimed with joy, “Xiao Luo, are you serious? Truly Middle Tier?”

Regarding the level of miracles, Bailuo hadn’t asked in detail before, so now that he had three miracles—the Least Tier, Lower Tier, and Middle Tier—it was necessary to get a good understanding of them.

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