A random pokemon journey

Raiding the lab

Raiding the lab

Yes cancer shrooms were a thing in this world though not really a problem unless you somehow mistook the bright red and blue cap for something edible. Even if you ate it though the mushrooms effects rarely were fatal because healing in this world was quite good with cancer being an easy thing to treat with a healing ability or potion. The most popular use for the mushroom to my knowledge was in poison supplements to promote growth in pokemon of that type. Still in my current case the rampant cellular growth was a positive benefit after I limited it to only missing parts.-

I also created three other worthwhile potions that would make me quite a mint if I sold them. I made a temporary strength boosting potion, a potion of mental stimulation and a potion of food. The strength potion worked by activating that astonishing strength that all people had when they were in danger that showed itself every now and again with people doing crazy shit like lifting cars back on earth. The potion did have a slight side effect where the drinker got more confrontational while it's effects were going since it did mess with the fight or flight response.-

The potion of mental stimulation was basically just all the good parts of coffee with none of the downsides. You got the wakefulness and focus that coffee gave you without the anxiety and jitters. Finally was the potion of food that I was quite proud of as it had all the nutrients of a balanced meal AND tasted like a gourmet meal as well. One potion a day was pretty much all you needed to get on fine which sounded weird until you realize that for most people making food was rather time consuming and distracted from whatever you were doing.-

This potion on the otherhand was something you could down in a minute and go about your day just fine. It even tasted like a really good meal which trust me was a lot harder to pull off than you'd think. Anyways while I was playing weird scientist with my alchemy Wes and Rui had managed to take down yet another admin as well as discover the main laboratory of Cypher. They hadn't raided the place yet since there was no telling what sort of traps were within the place and Wes wanted to hone his pokemon some more as that battle with the second admin had been too close for comfort apparently.-

I had no such problems and after finding out where the lab was grabbed Hades, Rune, Tank and Vulcan and set off for it. Once I got there I almost wanted to scoff because it was clear that the place wasn't designed to stop pokemon from getting in as it had a high voltage electric fence blocking entry. The building itself was a small white metallic modern place that stood out like a sore thumb in the desert.-

I released Rune from his ball and pointed at the fence "Take that down please." I commanded and my electric Charizard casually walked over to the nearest pilon and snapped it off while ignoring the absolutely lethal amount of electricity that flowed through it. With the pilon missing the electricity couldn't flow all the way around the compound and thus we could walk right in. Which was precisely what we did too. 'The security of this place is a fucking joke, I didn't even need an i.d or anything to open the door.' I thought honestly astounded by the sheer stupidity of this places security.-

It was hard to understand how whoever designed the security of this place thought as this world had electric, rock and ground type pokemon that could basically ignore the fence entirely and yet apparently thought that that fence alone was enough security. There were no checkpoints or I.d scanners at all so I could just walk right in without any issue at all. The inside of the lab was sci-fi was hell with glowing wires and metal walls, floors and ceilings as far as you could see.-

I released Tank and Vulcan from their balls in the lobby while Rune had to go back in his ball due to his size. "Alright the plans real simple, search and destroy. If it moves and isn't a shadow pokemon or looks important it dies. Also try not to damage any of the equipment since I am curious about how the stuff here works." I said calmly and my pokemon sent out understanding vibes through our bond before moving into the complex. It didn't take long at all to hear screams of pain and fighting while I casually walked into each of the now cleared out rooms to search for records or equipment.-

"Don't be jealous your job is the most important of all, protecting me." I said to Hades that was sending envious vibes through our bond as we listened to Vulcan and Tank bring the wrath of me down on these people. The ghost paused for a moment as it thought about my words before sending proud vibes through our bond as it came to agree with what I said. Sure it wasn't able to go torture and kill some of the wicked deserving here but my very safety and life was being entrusted to it which was arguably far more of an important job.-

Living in the Hub had done a fantastic time chilling the ghost out as it was much more mellow now that we weren't constantly on the road and in danger. There were no assassin's after me in the region and we had no wild pokemon to deal with either so Hades had been able to relax which did wonders for it. The screams and sounds of fighting all but stopped after my fifth room searched which meant that my pokemon were either dead, done or moved on to a deeper floor.-

'Third option it is.' i thought when I saw the missing elevator at the end of this floor and the tied up people around it that Tank had left for me. "Why are you doing this!? What the fuck did we ever do to deserve this!?" On of the Cypher soldiers with red armor demanded angrily when he saw me walking around casually. "Do I need a reason to crush scum like you lot? You did shit you knew was wrong both morally and legally so you must have understood at some point that you might get retribution brought down on your heads right?" I asked calmly.-

That made the guy shut up as there wasn't any real argument to make against that. Sure it could be said that slaughtering them like this was going a bit far but they sort of brought it on themselves so I wasn't bothered. With that out of the way I interrogated my captives under threat of torture to figure out where all the important documents and files were.


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