A Professor of Magic at Hogwarts

Chapter 95: Dueling Class 2

Chapter 95: Dueling Class 2

Felix Harp breathed a sigh of relief, finally achieving a success.

Stepping onto the stage, receiving praise and earning points—going through the routine, Felix felt that even with just this one successful example, the lesson was quite fulfilling.

But soon, the second, third, and fourth young wizards stepped forward, demonstrating their Disarming Charms to the professor.

"Absolutely splendid!" Felix Harp watched as a seventh-year wizard gracefully cast a delicate spell. He praised them against his inner reluctance.

Felix Harp thought to himself, "They need encouragement, they need encouragement..."

Severus Snape strolled over, his tone laced with sarcasm. "Their success stems from exposure to similar spellcasting techniques and theories in other classes. In fact, I've never anticipated students below fifth year mastering this spell in class."

"Professor, we shall see."

Severus Snape smirked, "There's only a quarter of an hour left..."

Just then, a Disarming Charm caught the attention of both of them.

"That's... Hufflepuff, who is it?" Felix Harp turned around. Among the successful four, there was no young wizard from Hufflepuff, making even him, who wanted to treat everyone equally, unable to do so.

The Hufflepuff students automatically made way, enthusiastically shouting a name in unison, "Cedric! Cedric!"

A tall and lean wizard walked to the front, his face slightly pale, his features handsome. He wore a Hufflepuff house robe.

"Felicis, step forward and let's applaud for the fourth-year student who mastered the Disarming Charm! Hufflepuff gains twenty points." Felix Harp recognized the face—Cedric Diggory, the top student in the fourth year.

Katie Bell, sitting beside Hermione, tiptoed and kept her gaze fixed on his figure.

"Do you know him?" Hermione asked.

"Of course! He's the Hufflepuff Quidditch Seeker. Wood thinks highly of him, believing he might take over as captain next year. And don't you think he's rather handsome?" Katie Bell said.

"Is that so?" Hermione glanced at her.

Ron whispered to Harry, "So, he's your competition?"

Harry nodded, looking at the red sparks on his wand, feeling a bit disheartened.

"That guy is really popular," Ron observed, looking at the direction of the Hufflepuff house. The young wizards were enthusiastically applauding and cheering. He said somewhat enviously.

On the gilded stage, Diggory stood beside Felix Harp. Felix Harp realized that Diggory was only half a head shorter than himself, standing at about five feet six inches tall.

"Diggory, you haven't learned the Disarming Charm before, have you?"

"No, Professor Harp."

"Tell us, how did you master this spell?" Felix Harp asked encouragingly.

"Professor, I practiced for a few minutes each time, comparing my issues with the notes on parchment. The part about the mindset of spellcasting mentioned there was very helpful for me."

"The part about confidence?" Felix Harp inquired.

"No, it's the phrase 'Disarming, not Harmful' that helped me," Cedric said.

Felix Harp understood, "Correctly grasping the incantations is vital for our spell practice. At least in the early stages of learning magic, we need to channel our emotions effectively."

In the following time, both Felix Harp and Severus Snape remained busy. However, even by the last five minutes of the class, only seven young wizards had managed to master the Disarming Charm.

It's not surprising that the younger wizards below the fourth year level struggled, considering their various limitations. A mere two hours wouldn't allow for significant leaps. Yet, even the sixth and seventh years, who were nearing graduation, showed rather average performances.

Most of them merely produced bursts of red sparks from the tips of their wands.

This, even some exceptional lower-year students could manage.

Felix Harp quietly noted down a list of names: the twins, Autumn Zhang, Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, Alya Spinnet, Draco Malfoy, Eddie Carmichael, Anthony Goldstein, Padma Patil, Hannah Abbott.

Though these were second to fourth-year students, they displayed exceptional magical talent, standing out as the cream of their respective houses.

In the final five minutes, Felix Harp pressed the pause button, gathering the young wizards once more.

He waved his wand, causing the ceiling of the hall to revert to its original state, and the milky light transformed into twinkling stars. Many young wizards felt as though they had experienced a vivid dream.

"As we conclude our Dueling class, I must remind you all—" Felix Harp's gaze swept across them, seemingly reaching every single one.

"The time in class is always limited. You must invest more effort into practicing spells. Don't complain about your lack of effort only when danger strikes."

Felix Harp waved his wand, and from a corner, a suitcase flew out again, releasing hundreds of packets of information. Each packet was made up of four sheets of parchment stuck together.

Harry opened the packet in front of him, finding densely packed writing.

"—This is the detailed information on the Disarming Charm, encompassing various spellcasting techniques and objectives. You can cross-reference each point during your free time, and if you encounter parts that are difficult to understand, seek the help of a professor or an older student."

"There are also some forms in here that provide reference for assessing your spellcasting level. I'll need you to hand these in before the next class," Felix Harp blinked, emphasizing his point of concern.

Given Felix Harp's nature, teaching was not the only goal—he also aimed to gather research data.

Certain data—like how a 'certain someone' learned the Disarming Charm—weren't necessarily significant since they lacked representativeness. However, when the number of students expanded to hundreds or thousands, with ample samples, the information that the data could reveal intrigued him.

"Professor, do those of us who have already learned the Disarming Charm still need to complete this?" a seventh-year wizard said reluctantly.

"Learned?" Felix Harp expressed confusion.

"Yes, I've already learned the Disarming Charm. Look—Expelliarmus!" He swung his wand, and a thin red light shot from the tip.

Felix Harp and the young wizards watched as the red light traveled over ten meters before gradually disappearing in mid-air.

The wizard looked at them rather smugly.

Felix Harp pondered for a couple of seconds. Since the class was over, there was no harm in delivering a mild blow to the students' egos, right?

So, he raised his head calmly and said, "I was planning to cover this part in the next class, but since the opportunity is here—"

He suddenly swung his arm, his wand striking forward like a sword. A wrist-thick spell shot forth, spanning half the hall and directly striking the castle wall.

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