A Professor of Magic at Hogwarts

Chapter 58: Unexpected Developments

Chapter 58: Unexpected Developments

On Tuesday morning, the weather was unexpectedly clear, and the winter sun cast a golden glow upon Hogwarts, the ancient castle.

Felix Harp slept until eight o'clock, waking up to the laughter of young wizards engaged in a snowball fight.

Throwing back the covers, his cotton pajamas automatically disentangled, and a finely woven cardigan slipped over his shoulders. He stretched his neck, adjusting the clothing for comfort, and then, with the aid of magic, donned a pair of fleece-lined trousers.

"Magic does make one lazy," Felix couldn't recall when he had read that line during one of his years at school, but he found it to be quite true.

Finally donning a dark wizarding robe, Felix pushed open the window and looked down upon the snowy landscape.

The weather had warmed considerably; Felix didn't feel the cold. The courtyard and grounds of the castle were blanketed in thick layers of white snow, and a few young wizards hurriedly made their way to the dining hall for breakfast.

"Thank Merlin I don't have classes in the morning. Happiness is truly relative."

Back in his office, he reviewed the tasks he had been dealing with lately:

  • Discover the Chamber of Secrets and handle the serpent creature (agreed with Dumbledore to address during the Christmas break).
  • Identify the Dark Lord's relics resembling Horcruxes (after advertising three times, still clueless; young wizards are unreliable, but one piece of evidence).
  • Practice Apparition skills (recently been lax, stuck at four consecutive jumps).
  • Acquire the rare Parseltongue skill (awaiting feedback, liaison: Harry Potter).
  • Keep up with the arrangement with Krayne (indefinitely postponed...).
  • Prepare for the next encounter with the extravagant Hagrid (meticulously planned).
  • Continue scouring the thousand-year-old books of Hogwarts (in progress).
  • Deal with the public relations threat brought by Rita Skeeter (√).
  • Complete the Magical Runes binding vine (√).
  • Assist Hermione in her thesis (√).
  • Prepare Christmas gifts (√).
  • Undertake the Dueling Club proposal (√).
  • Draft the Ancient Runes curriculum reform proposal (√).
  • Befriend Lockhart (utterly absurd; this task is void).

Felix pursed his lips. There didn't seem to be anything particularly urgent. Christmas was less than a week away, and he was growing a bit lazy.

"I could pay Professor Snape a visit and finalize the details for the Dueling Club assistants."

Felix descended the castle's staircase, crossed the courtyard, and noticed several oddly shaped snowmen along the path—clearly the work of younger students. Limited by their magical skills, they had to take matters into their own hands.

After having breakfast, he made his way down to the castle's underground area, familiarly navigating to the office of the Potions professor.

Knocking on the door, Felix was met with Snape's expressionless refusal to enter.

"I believe I didn't invite you to my office, Felix."

However, Felix had long understood the professor's character. Unless you wanted to provoke him, he preferred direct speech and getting to the point, especially about the topics that interested him most.

So Felix spoke, "Professor Snape, I have obtained Headmaster Dumbledore's approval to oversee the upcoming Dueling Club sessions. Regarding the teaching staff, I need to know your intentions..." He paused and locked eyes with Snape.

Snape pressed his lips tightly together, his black eyes staring unflinchingly at him. After a moment, he stepped aside. "Please come in, Felix."

The Potions professor's office was located underground, with dim lighting. Countless glass specimen jars lined the shelves against the walls. Beyond those lay Snape's private chamber.

Approaching one of the shelves, Felix carefully examined one of the jars. "Is this the large claw of an Acromantula? The ones that inhabit the Forbidden Forest?" he asked with genuine interest.

Snape emerged from the inner room, trailing two cups of pumpkin juice. "No," he said coldly, handing Felix a cup.

Their conversation turned to the matter at hand.

"Felix, when did you snatch the Dueling Club from Lockhart's grasp?"

"Professor, I must remind you that Professor Lockhart's daily duties were becoming overwhelming, forcing him to make difficult choices."

"I find that hard to believe," Snape sneered at the notion. "What's so busy about teaching one performance-based class?"

"Of course, he's busy replying to fans. From what I know, he spends at least an hour each day on this task," Felix Harp flashed a mischievous smile. "I can understand Professor Lockhart quite well. After all, we're both authors, and dealing with fans' demands can be quite the ordeal. Besides, he's even more prolific than I am."

"The books he writes..." Snape didn't finish the sentence, his expression conveying everything. "But do you also reply to fans? That truly surprises me. I thought you wouldn't waste time on such trivial matters."

"No choice," Felix sighed. "Most of them are officials from various magical ministries around the world. We discuss Muggle legislation and how to interact with Muggles."

Snape choked on his drink.

He said, "Felix, don't beat around the bush with me, state your purpose."

"Professor, I wish to know if you're still willing to participate in my Dueling Club course."

"Your Dueling Club?" Snape elongated the word "your."

"Yes, my Dueling Club," Felix looked at him calmly.

There was a distinction to be made.

Snape fell silent.

Felix remained composed. He wasn't sure if Snape would agree, but the information he received from Lockhart indicated that Snape had volunteered to assist with the course.

This indicated his interest in the Dueling Club.

As for the reasons, Felix wasn't sure and didn't care.

However, he had heard that Snape had been vying for a teaching position in Dark Arts Defense, but unfortunately, Dumbledore had never approved it. Was there a connection between these two matters?

For instance, was Snape considering the Dueling Club as a substitute for the Dark Arts Defense class? Felix speculated in his mind.

"I require involvement in the selection of the course content," Snape made a condition.

"Of course, your experience is valuable," Felix smiled, saying this.

Felix placed the cup of pumpkin juice back on the table and stood up. "Professor, the next Dueling Club session will commence after the Christmas break. I will communicate the teaching content to you then. Farewell."

"No need for pleasantries," Snape said with a stern face.

Just as Felix was about to exit, he suddenly stopped. "By the way, Professor Snape, I've already prepared your Christmas gift in advance. I believe you'll be pleased."

Snape managed a small smile. "I'll also prepare a gift for you, Felix."


In the evening, Felix switched shifts with Professor Flitwick to oversee the routine patrols within the castle. There were always young wizards who, with various legitimate and less legitimate reasons, slipped away from the watchful eyes of professors and prefects to act on their own.

What he didn't expect was to encounter a breathless Miss Hermione Granger, who seemed to be in a hurry.

"Professor Harp! Oh, thank Merlin, I finally found a professor!" the young witch exclaimed in excitement.

"Miss Granger, what's the matter?" Felix inquired.

"The Chamber... the creature in the Chamber..." Hermione tried to speak, but after running quite a distance, she was gasping for air.

"Another attack?" Felix's expression grew serious. Could this really be happening again? Another attack just days before Christmas break?

His assistant nodded at first, but then shook her head.

"Indeed, there was an attack, but no one was hurt. However, Harry... he went after the serpent creature!"

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