A Professor of Magic at Hogwarts

Chapter 237: Gathering of the Magical Runes Club

Chapter 237: Gathering of the Magical Runes Club

As late November arrived, the weather had turned extremely cold. Thick frost covered the windows of the castle, and there had been a few snowfalls, draping the surrounding mountains of Hogwarts with snow-capped hats.

However, within a relatively small classroom, the atmosphere was as warm as spring. The firewood in the fireplace crackled and burned brightly.

Felix Harp reclined comfortably on a sofa, smiling as he looked at young wizards and witches from different years and houses. They were gathered on several sofas, their eyes filled with curiosity and anticipation.

"Today marks the first meeting of the Magical Runes Club, and I'm pleased to see that everyone is here."

"During the past few weeks, I've been rather occupied. But now, I've managed to set aside some time to properly consider the matters of the club." Felix played with a coin in his hand, a coin of deep emerald green with a unique, substantial sheen. The young wizards observed it with curiosity.

The coin didn't belong to any known currency – it wasn't a Knut, a Sickle, or a Galleon.

Felix gestured and flicked the coin into the air.

Before the gaze of the young wizards, the coin transformed mid-air into a slender serpent covered in scales. It suddenly swelled and expanded, its sinuous body twisting and turning, until at one moment, it engulfed its own tail, forming a perfect circle.

Wide-eyed, the young wizards watched the peculiar serpent continue to loop through the air—a pattern many of them hadn't encountered before.

However, Jeffrey, the Slytherin prefect and seventh-year student, spoke in a low and fervent tone, "Ouroboros."

"Exactly, the Ouroboros. If you've ever delved into magical symbols, you won't have missed this ancient emblem. It signifies many things, with wide applications in alchemy, ancient runic magic, and the study of ancient seals. Even outside the wizarding world, the Ouroboros is quite renowned, though people tend to refer to it as a symbol of mysticism."

"Many interpret the Ouroboros as a symbol of cycles, infinity, and rebirth…" Felix eloquently recounted the history of the Ouroboros symbol. When he paused, sixth-year student Petra Selton raised a question.

"Professor, how do you perceive it?"

Petra Selton had a long braid trailing down her back, and Felix recalled her as the student who, prior to the OWL exams last year, had haphazardly bought a talisman that emitted an onion scent.

Felix explained, "I once considered it a symbol of alchemy, representing the prototype of all things and the cycles of construction and destruction... to some extent, it embodies the alchemist's pursuit of perfect transmutation."

"Later, as I delved deeper into magical theory, I saw it as a symbol of vitality, signifying the alternation between death and rebirth. In ancient epochs, many ancient wizards engraved it onto gravestones."

"As I engaged with ancient runes and used them as my measure of magic, I believed it represented infinity and self-growth."

Felix spoke leisurely, "Miss Selton, do you grasp my meaning? Human perspectives evolve over time, and how we view things shifts with different stages of understanding."

He gazed up at the circular serpent, speaking with sentiment, "Each person's viewpoint won't be entirely the same. I hope that one day, you will also have your own perspectives—ones that aren't mere echoes of others', but rather thoughtful conclusions after ample learning."

The young wizards listened, half comprehending, within the Magical Runes Club. Students ranging from third to seventh years attended, and not all of them could entirely grasp the depth of Felix's words or the mindset behind his speech.

Quietly waiting for a while, the firewood in the fireplace continued to burn, and Felix Harp curled his lips into a smile. "Alright, young wizards. I've gathered you here not for idle chatter. Frankly speaking, I have many things to attend to, but discussing trivial matters isn't one of them."

"The Sorting Hat places you into different houses based on your most prominent traits. For example, Ravenclaw—" His gaze swept over Cho Chang, Penelope Clearwater, Padma Patil, Eddie Carmichael, Marietta Edgecombe, Michael Corner, Parvati Patil...

"Slytherin—" He looked toward Jeffrey, Draco Malfoy, Pansy Parkinson...

"Hufflepuff—" He signaled to Cedric, Justin Finch-Fletchley, Susan Bones, Petra Selton...

"And Gryffindor." His gaze passed over Harry, Ron, and Hermione, the Weasley twins, Percy, Alicia Spinnet...

Felix smiled. "Your qualities collectively shape the distinct atmospheres of the four houses. Yet, in truth, the atmospheres of the four houses in turn influence you, amplifying these traits. Sometimes, I only need to exchange a few words with someone to roughly guess which house they belong to."

Felix chuckled. "On a side note, at certain times, I consciously play this game, and my success rate is quite high."

"Back to the main topic. This practice has its pros and cons. The benefit is that each house emphasizes admirable virtues, and once a culture forms, it's easy to be inspired and progress. However, the downside is that some might not learn the best traits and instead adopt various flaws unknowingly."

Penelope Clearwater mused, "Professor, it's like how Ravenclaws value knowledge and individuality. These students are intelligent, insightful, and curious... yet sometimes their self-centeredness can make them clash with the outside world or even hurt others?"

Felix nodded approvingly. "Insightful and courageous, Miss Creevey."

"Hogwarts' headmasters realized this a long time ago. Some of you might have had this question before—many of your classes are with students from other houses, and they're not restricted to just one. For instance, Miss Granje?"

Hermione looked up, slightly nervous, and said in a hushed voice, "Our Herbology class is with Hufflepuffs, Potions with Slytherins, Astronomy with Ravenclaws."

"What about after fifth year?" Felix turned to Jeffrey.

Jeffrey answered, "Most of the classes are with students from all four houses."

Other young wizards couldn't help but ponder this question.

Felix continued, "This practice is to let you see a different group of people, learning about each other's strengths through understanding."

"And the clubs enhance these qualities, which is something I like. So, in the future, when it involves cooperation, I'll have you choose students from different houses as partners."

Harry almost immediately looked at Ravenclaw's Cho Chang, but what shattered him was that her gaze went to someone else. He turned his head and saw the tall and handsome Cedric.

Instantly, a sense of disappointment and loss filled him. The long-held anticipation burst like a soap bubble.

Malfoy glanced at Harry, then at the others, his thoughts hidden.

Percy and Penelope shared a smile.

"Now let's discuss the Magical Runes Club itself." Felix tapped the armrest of the sofa, quieting the slightly restless young wizards.

"First and foremost, the club's teachings are centered around practical runic magic. You'll learn a great deal about practical runic knowledge."

"Secondly, you'll be involved in some of my research, contributing data or forming research teams to tackle experimental topics."

"At times, we might simply sit down and chat, discussing topics not related to runes but intriguing nonetheless. For example—why were we able to perform magic unconsciously when we were young, but after entering school, it became difficult?"

Harry suddenly remembered some of his magical experiences before starting school—like how his hair always grew back immediately after haircuts. Within the few minutes between leaving the barber shop and getting home, his hair would revert to its original state as if it hadn't been cut at all.

Or the time Aunt Petunia tried to force him into an ugly sweater with orange pompoms. He had resisted so much that the sweater kept shrinking until it could only fit a toy puppet.

And at the Muggle school he attended, when Dudley and his gang chased him, he tried to jump over a trash bin but found himself inexplicably sitting on a chimney.

And he remembered releasing a giant snake at the zoo when he accidentally vanished the glass barrier.

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