A Professor of Magic at Hogwarts

Chapter 233: The Power of the Guardian Patronus

Chapter 233: The Power of the Guardian Patronus

The voice rolled forth in a shimmering wave of silver, swiftly sweeping across the entire stadium, instantly freeing the young wizards from the icy grip of the Dementor's influence.

Professor McGonagall held her wand, scanning her surroundings and quickly coming to a decision. She turned to Felix and Dumbledore, saying, "I'll go down to the field."

In that moment, Harry landed smoothly. Madam Hooch hurried over to check on him, while the Gryffindor players rushed forward. Meanwhile, Cedric looked back at the sudden turn of events on the field, still holding a golden Snitch in his hand.

The young wizards who had just shaken off the Dementor's effects, especially the Hufflepuffs, almost turned the entire stadium upside down with their immense cheers, like waves crashing.

The Dementors, previously hesitant, stirred restlessly. The little entity that posed a great threat couldn't allow them to give up their readily available feast. Some Dementors soared into the air, while the rest discarded their tattered hoods and continually absorbed the joyful air...

Dementors lacked eyes; they relied entirely on their senses of smell and emotional perception of the external world. But today, they had a novel experience—they saw light.

In the blink of an eye, the Patronus of the Swallow-tailed Guardian rushed into the midst of the Dementor horde, its entire form radiant and dazzling. The burst of silver waves exploded, surging like waves of silver sea.

The Dementors almost instantly dispersed. They kept retreating, but the lightning-fast Swallow-tailed Guardian in its silver brilliance weaved a intricate web in the air, enclosing all the Dementors within it. Any Dementor that touched the fine web would fall back.

They were completely trapped.

In the wide-eyed gaze of the young wizards, the gaps in the web grew smaller and gradually formed a semi-spherical enclosure. The forms of the Dementors were slowly obscured, and finally, the form of the Swallow-tailed Patronus vanished, revealing a half-moon in the center of the field.

The radiance of the "Half-Moon" pierced through the misty field.

A young wizard exclaimed in a daze, "Professor Harp conjured a moon?!" His companion next to him fully agreed.

Many students looked up at the sky, seemingly trying to confirm the moon's presence, but all they could see was the black sky shrouded in dense clouds.

Felix's eyes shimmered with silver light. His current emotions were somewhat peculiar. The Patronus was constructed from pure, joyful, and positive emotions, but because it lacked human emotions, it couldn't experience despair. Therefore, the Dementors couldn't harm it.

Most importantly, Felix discovered that the radiance emanating from the Patronus seemed to have a significant restraining effect on the Dementors.

Through the perspective of the Swallow-tailed Guardian, he noticed that the enclosed Dementors seemed to be subtly shrinking in size...

"Perhaps it's an illusion..." Felix murmured softly. The radiance of the "Half-Moon" grew even stronger. Indeed, it appeared like a silver moon rising slowly.

Dumbledore's expression turned somewhat odd. He was undoubtedly angry, furious that the Dementors had dared to intrude upon the school. He had intended to teach them a lesson.

But now, it seemed that if he didn't intervene promptly, who knew what astonishing thing Felix might do.

The Patronus was a universally acknowledged defensive spell that could repel Dementors but not kill them. However, Dumbledore wouldn't make such a shallow judgment.

The simplest logic was this— if the Patronus couldn't harm the Dementors, why should they fear it so much?

He spoke softly, "Felix, you may fend them off, but Dementors cannot be killed. They are employees of the Ministry of Magic."

Felix shrugged and sent a stream of light from the Half-Moon, transforming once again into the silver Swallow-tailed Patronus, hovering in mid-air.

The glow of the "Half-Moon" gradually dissipated. The young wizards stared wide-eyed, intensely watching. They chattered and discussed—

"Do you think the Dementors have gotten smaller?"

"It really seems that way..."

"Could it be a perspective issue since we're standing higher up?"

"Impossible. When I sneaked a glance at the gatekeeper Dementors at Hogsmeade, each was at least six feet tall. Now, no matter how I look, they're less than five feet..."


When the Dementors emerged into the daylight once more, they barely had time to glance at the motionless Guardian Patronus in the sky. They desperately fled the area, the tattered black cloth hanging from their lower halves bending almost parallel to the ground.

The body of the silver swallow expanded in an instant, growing thousands of times larger, with a wingspan of nearly twenty feet. It trailed far behind the Dementors, occasionally bursting forth with a brilliant light.

The young wizards erupted in tremendous cheers; in their eyes, Professor Harp was standing up for them.

The fleeing Dementors were moving even faster.

After a while, the exaggeratedly sized Guardian Patronus of the Swallow-tailed soared back. It hovered at the edge of the Quidditch pitch, basking in the adoring gazes of the young wizards.

"It's just so, so cool!"

"It's over," Felix sighed but showed no intention of retracting his silver Patronus.

Dumbledore looked at him with an odd expression.

"Felix, I must remind you that though Dementors might not be highly intelligent, they possess a vague collective consciousness—as I've mentioned before, removing even one of them can alert the others."

Felix hesitated. "Could we leave just one?"

Dumbledore seemed to be tickled. "Oh, unless you wish to have the Ministry of Magic knocking at your door. Thousands of people have seen your Patronus. You can't argue your way out of that."

"But what if it were 'Sirius Black' who did it? He learned powerful dark magic from Voldemort..." Felix tentatively suggested.

"In that case..." Dumbledore smiled, "it wouldn't be much of a problem, but you would need substantial evidence to convince the Ministry's investigators. High probability they'd attribute it to Black himself."

Felix pursed his lips. "Substantial evidence, huh?"

He waved his hand, and from the gigantic silver swallow perched at the edge of the pitch, a clear call rang out. Two dark shadows were expelled from its beak—two malformed Dementors, barely three feet tall.

They hastily departed. Felix and Dumbledore watched as the Dementors vanished completely.

Dumbledore mused, "Felix, your Patronus has truly astonished me. I thought developing a method to communicate through Patronuses was a remarkable feat, but I never imagined you'd come up with this method of consuming Dementors."

Felix blinked. "It was a spur-of-the-moment idea, Headmaster. But the results are indeed quite effective."

In the field, Professor McGonagall had already left with Madam Hooch, escorting Harry. Gryffindor's spirits were low as its players trailed behind.

Just a moment ago, Madam Hooch announced that Hufflepuff had won.

The young wizards began to leave the stadium one by one, but many kept their gaze fixed on the platform where Felix stood. They discussed among themselves, even though their words were inaudible, Felix could infer what they might be saying.

"Will you visit Harry, Dumbledore?"

"I trust Pomfrey and Poppy. And you, Felix?"

"I trust Weasley and Granger."

Dumbledore and Felix exchanged smiles. After a while, Felix suddenly thought of something. "I remember Harry's broomstick seemed to be blown away by the wind?"

Dumbledore responded uncertainly, "It should be retrieved eventually..."

"True, it couldn't just disappear."

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