A Professor of Magic at Hogwarts

Chapter 213: Prestige

Chapter 213: Prestige

However, Hermione's good mood didn't last long. A fifth-year senior rushed over to her and inquired, "I heard you can break solid wood handrails with your bare hands? This must be the effect of practical spellwork. Can you demonstrate?"

Hermione stared at her in disbelief. Are you asking me to publicly perform handrail-breaking?

The senior student also realized her mistake and whispered, "It's okay if it's done privately. I've prepared two copper cauldrons..."

Hermione felt uncomfortable and saw people beginning to gather around. She nervously said, "I have something important to attend to, I need to go back to my dormitory for a moment and will be right back!" Then she hurriedly left.

Hiding in her dorm room for a while, she finally thought of a solution.

This time, she was prepared. She returned to the common room, cleared her throat, and confidently said, "Regarding the proficiency level mentioned in the Magical Script Club announcement, it's something like this." She drew her wand and slowly traced a golden magical script in the air.

A group of students gathered around, curious.

The magical symbols gradually took shape, hanging in the air without dispersing, and everyone watched in silence.

Hermione explained, "Getting to this point is already quite difficult. It's based on a rough grasp and continuous familiarity with the practical script's meaning, allowing it to exist steadily in a short period."

After a few minutes, Hermione flicked her hand, and the golden script flew into her palm. "This is a magical script representing light, which we learned in our third year. The key is to manifest the magical meaning represented by the script." Symbols on her palm suddenly burst into a bright white light.

The young wizards were entranced for a moment. Hermione sighed with relief; it seemed to be effective. At least no one asked her to perform again—

Just then, the twins appeared suddenly. Fred inquired, "Hermione, I remember you also mastered a strength-enhancing spell, which one is it?"

Hermione glared at him, not saying a word, but a halo suddenly enveloped her hand—she had better control over the magical script symbolizing "buffalo strength."

Fred shrank back a little, jokingly saying, "You're not thinking—"

"Exactly, just as you're thinking," Hermione affirmed, taking a step forward.

Fred saw the situation turning unfavorable and hurriedly pulled George along, while many Gryffindor students burst into laughter. Lee Jordan, the twins' mischief-loving friend, cheered excitedly.

Later, they returned to their seats and discussed in hushed voices.

About five days had passed since the recruitment announcement for the Magical Script Club was posted. Many students planning to sign up had already taken action, but a few were still hesitating.

This hesitation was essentially about not wanting to write a seven-foot-long essay, wanting to see if there was a better way. In most cases, the so-called "better way" meant finding a shortcut to quickly master a practical magical script.

Ron was particularly infatuated with this idea, even though Hermione had told him at least ten times that it was impossible. He remained stubbornly enthusiastic.

Hermione reminded him and Harry in annoyance, "There's less than two weeks until the end of the month. You can't expect to write a seven-foot essay in the last few days. Unless you're not planning to join the Magical Script Club. Remember, the first round of recruitment has the loosest requirements. It won't be this easy later!"

"Alright, alright," Ron yawned, "but both Harry and I couldn't borrow Professor Harp's book. We started too late..."

Hermione took out two identical books from her bead bag, bearing the title "Exploring Ancient Magical Scripts." She handed them over, and the name Felix Harp was neatly printed on the cover. "Here, you can borrow these for now."

Ron gazed at her with admiration, "Hermione, you're truly amazing. How did you know we couldn't borrow the books?"

Harry was equally incredulous, "Yeah, Trelawney even said you had no talent in Divination. She should see this."

Hermione retorted, unamused, "I bought these at Flourish and Blotts, not from the library's collection."

"You bought two?" Harry asked.

"One book for careful study, filled with my notes; the other for collecting," Hermione said matter-of-factly.

As a result, Harry and Ron were vying for the book with notes, and in the end, they decided to read it together, rather than touch the blank "Exploring Ancient Magical Scripts" book. This left Hermione frustrated.

In different corners of the school, young wizards had varying attitudes towards this matter: some had given up early, some were half-heartedly attempting it, and some were secretly striving.

In the following days, Felix Harp seemed incredibly busy. Those who could catch sight of him during classes would find him leaving in haste as soon as the bell rang.

After that, finding the professor was an impossibility.

He also fulfilled his promise, delegating the grading of daily tests for third and fourth years to his assistants, greatly reducing his workload.

Felix had a number of recurring tasks: his unwavering communication with Nearly Headless Nick, which occurred about every three or four days; With Flitwick's involvement, Dueling Club had become less demanding; Experiments on the Shrinking Charm had to be put on hold for a while, as the eight-eyed giant spider had expressed significant objections.

Besides this, he spent most of his time in the library, researching Memory Charms. Many techniques were hidden within snippets of text, often overlooked even by the authors themselves, yet he managed to unearth them.

He paid special attention to the materials left by Lady Ravenclaw; her twelve volumes of manuscripts were pondered over repeatedly.

The results were significant—Felix had nearly unraveled the intricate structure of the stabilizing memories that Lady Ravenclaw had left him. Ironically, what he originally sought was a Patronus that could implant itself into the owner's mind. However, what Lady Ravenclaw offered far exceeded his imagination.

This became particularly evident during the recent trips to St. Mungo's.

In discussions with Dumbledore, he, who was usually succinct, expressed confidence: "The healing method is quite clear now—first, memories should be roughly sorted by age to create a general outline; then, using memory nodes to stabilize them and prevent disintegration. As long as the completion rate exceeds fifty percent, the remainder can recover naturally."

Dumbledore nodded approvingly. "Felix, you've solved a significant issue that has troubled the magical world. This method can be applied not only to healing the shattered memories caused by the Heartrend Curse but also to certain stubborn memory injuries."

Felix was momentarily stunned. "I haven't thought about that yet, I've been busy lately." Mainly because no one around him had such a need.

Dumbledore shook his head. "An old friend of mine was attacked by Lohart's Memory Charms, suffering irreversible damage. He's not alone; there are many cases of abuse of Memory Charms. Most people can't receive effective treatment...

Felix, this achievement qualifies you for the St. Mungo's Healing Badge and the Order of Merlin Badge." He implied with a wink.

Felix instantly grasped the Headmaster's intention.

This was a golden opportunity to acquire prestige. With a bit of manipulation, he could be hailed as the "Bane of the Heartrend Curse," the "Ender of Memory Damage," or even the "Master of Memory Charms."

Felix's heart raced. Among his public labels, "Muggle Studies Expert" and "Hogwarts Professor" were widely recognized, offering tremendous convenience in normal social interactions.

However, in the eyes of a few, he might still be seen as the "Ancient Magical Script Traitor" or the "Dark Lord Reserve" and other unfriendly titles.

Hmm... the former referred to those old fogies from the Ancient Magical Script Society, while the latter was likely some pure-blood families he had intimidated.

Though he despised mundane socializing and political maneuvering, he didn't mind expanding his influence.

Whether it was the St. Mungo's Healing Badge or the Order of Merlin Badge, they were both highly renowned distinctions.

Suppressing his excitement, he neither confirmed nor denied, saying, "Dumbledore, some magic is crucial to me. I don't plan to share it publicly in the short term."

Dumbledore understood this well and calmly advised, "No one will force you to share your magic, Felix. In fact, most healers wouldn't be able to reach your level... With just the branch of Memory Charms, you're already standing at the pinnacle of the wizarding world."

"My suggestion is to develop a set of effective healing methods that are far below your own level..."

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