A Professor of Magic at Hogwarts

Chapter 208: Conversation with Lupin

Chapter 208: Conversation with Lupin

Harry woke up in the hospital bed and opened his eyes to see the white ceiling.

"Here you go, Harry," he heard Hermione's voice, and he reached out to take it—his glasses.

After putting on his glasses, Harry's vision became clear, and he saw Hermione and Ron sitting nearby. Madam Pomfrey was preparing a potion on the small table by the bed, and Professor Lupin was leaning over, checking his condition.

Across the aisle, Professor Snape sat calmly on the opposite bed, flipping through an issue of the Daily Prophet.


"Child, drink this first," Madam Pomfrey said, and Harry struggled to say, "I think I'm fine!"

"Oh, really?" she said absentmindedly, "That doesn't stop you from drinking the potion. Hurry up, or I'll replace it with a Draught of Living Death."

Harry drank the liquid in the cup in one gulp, then turned to Felix eagerly, asking, "Professor Harp, did I last for two minutes?"

Felix put down the newspaper, smiled, and said, "That final move of yours was indeed quite impressive. I was actually timing it."

It took Harry a couple of seconds to realize what the professor meant, and he showed a surprised expression. "So, I, I…"

"Yes," Felix winked at him, "you can take your time considering your wish. Just don't make it too challenging, or I'll have to decline."

Harry blurted out, "I want to know about my father, and also about Sirius Black!" He glanced at Professor Lupin next to him, who was looking at him in astonishment. So, in a hushed voice, Harry added, "Thank you for coming to see me, Professor Lupin."

Professor Lupin kindly said, "It's nothing, I happened to have some free time tonight. Harry, about your father—"

Madam Pomfrey handed him a blanket, "It's a bit chilly at night, cover yourself with this." She then turned to the two professors, annoyance on her face, "The patient needs rest; you both better keep it short."

Professor Lupin adjusted, "Harry, I know you have some questions. This weekend, you can come and find me. I won't disturb you for now. Professor Harp, shall we?"

Felix stood up, "Of course."

The two of them walked out of the office together. As they turned a corner in the hallway, Lupin paused, "Professor Harp, we need to talk."

"About Potter?"

"Exactly, about Harry." Lupin said calmly, "It's evident that you treat him differently. But don't you think some of your methods aren't suitable for a third-year student?"

"What do you mean?" Felix looked at him curiously.

"Summer special training, forgive me, I was with them in a compartment and overheard some. From Harry's description, he fainted over a dozen times during your training..."

Felix casually remarked, "It's probably more than that. If my recorded data is correct, it should be 32 times."

Lupin looked at him sternly, "Haven't you realized the seriousness of the problem? He's only thirteen!"

"What does age signify? Will Black spare him because he's young and wait until he's of age? If you're concerned about his health, that's unnecessary; I've prepared adequately."

Lupin suppressed his anger, "Harry will be safe staying at the school. Moreover, not everything can be brushed off with 'being prepared.' Have you considered his mental resilience? What were you doing at thirteen?"

Felix looked at him expressionlessly and said softly, "In my view, your reasons are all excuses. At least I won't place my hopes on others and pretend that nothing has happened."

Lupin calmed down, hesitated for a moment, and said, "I don't intend for my words to come off as biased, but you come from Slytherin, and you were Snape's student..."

"What are you trying to say, Lupin?" Felix tapped the window frame in front of him, "I'm in a hurry."

Lupin took a deep breath, "I care about Harry's safety more than anyone else, and your influence on him is just too significant. Unfortunately, Snape and his father were bitter rivals during their school days, and I'm worried Snape's attitude might affect you."

Felix Harp's gaze shifted towards the window, "Severus can't sway me, but I don't intend to change my teaching philosophy. Professor Lupin, you're being too broad in your concerns. What's your connection to Harry? Let's just part ways here."

He took a few steps, silently counting in his mind, one, two, three...

"I knew Harry's father! We were good friends, even beyond what that word implies. I am deeply grateful to him," Lupin suddenly revealed.

Felix, with his back turned, curled his lips, then turned to look at Lupin, "You expect to convince me with vague words?"

"... Harry's father, James Potter, he was a genius in school, a prodigy who excelled in everything he learned. He was at the top of his class. And as for Sirius Black... I mean Black," Lupin stood alongside him, gazing out the window. The night had fallen completely. "I was an outsider back then, and James accepted me."

"James and Sirius, they were exuberant, outgoing personalities. They were very popular among their classmates. James even joined the Quidditch team. But, on the flip side, they also became targets of Slytherin."

Felix asked with interest, "Can you elaborate?"

Lupin thought for a moment, choosing his words carefully, "The Slytherin of that time... might be different from what you've encountered. The theory of the Dark Lord was very popular, and many students joined the Death Eater ranks right after graduation. We privately called them Death Eater reserves."

Felix nodded, "I have heard some of it."

"James and Sirius, at that time, Sirius was a good person." Lupin said with difficulty, "They quickly became leaders of Gryffindor, with James's carefree attitude, fondness for pranks, but also his strong sense of justice, always standing up for his fellow students. Sirius, on the other hand, strongly resented his family's corrupt lineage. He didn't have any liking for Slytherin either. He even cut ties with his family at the age of sixteen. I just didn't expect that he would ultimately betray James." He shook his head and didn't continue.

And Felix understood what he left unsaid. He sighed emotionally, "A righteous young man turning into a dragon of darkness, how can one not lament?"

Lupin continued, "James and Sirius made enemies among many, certainly, some due to their pranks. They were indifferent to that. Peter and I also participated to some extent. Looking back, I find my own foolishness hard to believe."

"Are you trying to tell me about your own youth?" Felix asked.

"Almost there. James and Sirius had a nemesis at the time, our current Potions professor, Severus Snape. They had their confrontations, even escalated in the last few years."

"Because of Harry's mother?" Felix interrupted, inquiring. From the information he had gathered, it seemed there were complex emotions at play.

"Forgive me, but I privately dug up some information." Lupin looked at him, his eyes complex. After a pause, he continued, "You're a true Slytherin, Professor Harp. I mean that without any offense, but you clearly know some inside details and yet remain silent..."

Felix cut to the chase, "My knowledge is limited, I can't grasp the entire picture of those times. However, it's helpful in sorting out some uncertainties. Please continue, Professor Lupin..."

Lupin said somewhat speechlessly, "It's far more complicated. I was one of the few who understood the situation back then, Professor Harp. I hope this conversation between us won't be leaked."

"At least I won't be the one to share it." Felix's gaze slid to the corner of the corridor, revealing a playful smile.

But what if someone was here?

"Harry's mother, Lily Evans, she was good friends with Severus even before entering Hogwarts. And James and Sirius, they connected instantly, the kind of bond Harry shares with his two closest friends." He smiled, saying that was perhaps the most beautiful memory of his life.

"As I mentioned before, James and Sirius quickly became prominent figures, gathering a large following. As for their relationship with Severus, it was somewhat akin to Harry and Malfoy today. Snape embodied many traits James disliked: unkempt, into dark magic, a Slytherin, and a bother to his classmates."

"Why a bother? I recall you said Snape and Harry's mother were good friends," Felix asked.

"That's true, but you can't expect eleven or twelve-year-old boys to calmly analyze situations. Plus, James and Sirius..." he paused, "they were impulsive personalities."

"The conflict between James and Snape escalated quickly. James hexed Snape, and Snape countered with various spells. Lily always stood by Snape's side, disapproving of everything James did."

"That's how it went for a few years. Then, James started to have feelings for Lily," he smiled, "Suddenly, he became interested in her, the same Lily he had been at odds with for so long. He tried to approach her, but why would she pay him any attention? James soon changed himself. He became less arrogant, less boastful, and overall, he showed a more mature side..."

"Their conflict with Snape shifted to the shadows, away from Lily's sight. We didn't find it inappropriate at the time. Snape was already displaying remarkable talents in potions, favored by Professor Slughorn, who gave him many opportunities. We all agreed that if he graduated, the Death Eaters would gain a powerful ally."

"Meanwhile, due to some severe incidents, Lily broke off her friendship with Snape. James took the opportunity to step in, showing her abundant care. Forgive my choice of words, but it's close."

"About a year later, in their seventh year, James and Lily became a couple. His relationship with Snape became even more convoluted—conflicting personalities, differences in beliefs, and emotions further entangled."

"If you ask me, Snape's most hated person was James, maybe next to Black. It was he who acted as an inside source for the Dark Lord, revealing the location of the Potter family. Merlin, I didn't know how to tell Harry. James trusted him so much, even made him Harry's godfather..." Lupin's eyes turned red as he spoke.

"Professor Harp," Lupin looked at him earnestly, "we haven't interacted much, but I can tell you're a dedicated professor. Many of my students like you, even though they're not old enough to take your elective courses."

"I'm sharing these past events with you, hoping you won't be influenced by Snape. Please believe me, my feelings for Harry are sincere."

Felix fell silent for a moment. "Professor Lupin, you're overthinking. Harry is a student I have high hopes for, and I'm equally excited about his future."

Lupin departed, and Felix's gaze turned to the corner. He sighed lightly and left from the other direction.

Around the corner of the corridor, Harry sat silently on the ground. Ron and Hermione looked at him with mixed expressions.

This scene was difficult to break down, so I apologize for the lateness today.

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