A Professor of Magic at Hogwarts

Chapter 160: Gathering Information

Chapter 160: Gathering Information

Felix Harp suddenly recalled a campus legend at Hogwarts. There was a Ravenclaw student who had read all the books in the common room overnight, considered an inexplicable miracle.

Perhaps, this was the effect of magic.

He carefully sensed it and found that the magic seemed to have completely vanished, leaving no trace. After a moment's thought, he decisively shifted his perspective.

In the pale and black world, he could barely see faint magical stars gathering. He pressed his nose into the air and vaguely saw a magical vortex.

"Magic is slowly recovering."

"I wonder who the next fortunate Ravenclaw student will be?"

Felix left this place.

The day had turned dark, and he returned to his office, where a small domestic elf stood at the entrance.


The elf looked up, eyes widening in surprise. "Mr. Harp!"

In the office, Felix handed him a bottle of butterbeer. "There's no more pumpkin juice or fruit juice, but this one's not bad. It's not very alcoholic."

Dobby hurriedly thanked him.

Felix looked at Dobby's new attire. "So, you managed to escape from Malfoy?"

"Yes, Mr. Harp, you can't imagine the luck Dobby had..." He began to recount his magical journey.

Felix listened with a smile.

"You've had quite the stroke of luck, Dobby."

Dobby beamed. "All thanks to the great Harry Potter! He saved Dobby!"

"Do you have any plans lately?"

"Plans? Dobby wants to earn a bit more money, to save up for a birthday gift for Mr. Potter, even though it's quite difficult..." Dobby took out a small box the size of his palm from his pocket. "This is for Dobby's friend, Mr. Felix Harp's gift."

Felix took it with interest and unexpectedly found it wasn't some shoddy item.

"It looks quite delicate, though I can't quite make out what it is."

"A music box, sir." The elf looked at him timidly. "Didn't cost much... Dobby earned it working at the Leaky Cauldron. The owner there is very kind, pays two silver Sickles a week."

Soon, Dobby took his leave, also praising the butterbeer. "It tastes great, Dobby really likes it. I'll recommend it to my friends."

Felix watched his disappearing figure, contemplating the fact that two silver Sickles a week might be affordable for him too.

Next time, he would inquire if Dobby was interested.

Time swiftly moved on to July 14th. Felix's figure appeared on a concealed street corner in Paris, France. He walked into a narrow, dim alley.

A man with a hood was leaning against the wall, his right hand in his pocket. He glanced at Felix, whose face became blurry and twisted, a pair of silver eyes faintly shining.

The man instinctively averted his gaze and spoke in French, "What brings you here?"

"It's none of your concern. Just remember, I'm not your enemy." Felix pulled out a brown wand from his robes, the silver glow in his eyes intensifying.

"Alright, just remember not to cause trouble. I doubt anyone would willingly provoke you."

The man nervously stepped aside, revealing an empty stretch of wall behind him.

Felix's lips curved into a smirk as he walked straight towards the wall, creating ripples upon impact—the ripples expanding in circles—until his figure vanished.

The man stared at Felix's fading silhouette before turning his head to continue watching the alleyway outside.


Felix Harp observed the scene within—this was a makeshift bar with various large and small wooden crates haphazardly put together by magic, serving as tables and chairs.

Not far from him, two wizards with hoods were loudly arguing, a silver artifact placed before them.

"Ten Galleons!"

"No, it's at least twelve!"

The same scene was unfolding in this small space, though most wizards concealed their appearances with hoods.

This was a magical black market slash bar in Paris, France.

Felix stood at the forefront, regardless of the discreet glances from others. His gaze swept over every person present. When his eyes, glowing with silver light, met theirs, these wizards either met his gaze fearlessly or nervously averted their eyes, muttering curses under their breath.

In the context of the black market, displaying power was a wise move—a clever way for strangers to integrate into this place.

Felix quickly spotted his target. Behind a makeshift bar constructed from wooden crates, a disheveled wizard with dirty hair was guzzling down cheap beer.

"Aladdin, it's been a while." He spoke with a hoarse voice.

The wizard raised his head. His cheeks were rough, and he was one of the few who hadn't hidden his face. "Oh, it's you. Want a drink?"

"No thanks. Anything interesting happening in Paris lately?"

"A lot of foreigners visiting, does that count?"

"Tell me more."

"Two Galleons."

"Chink~" Two golden coins dropped onto the box before him, making a crisp sound.

Aladdin grinned as he collected the coins. Then he suddenly shouted to the surroundings, "What are you looking at? None of your business!"

Others quickly averted their gazes.

"Recently, a lot of foreigners have been coming, all claiming to be Muggle researchers. It seems they're attending a conference, and the Ministry of Magic is responsible for security."

"That's not particularly intriguing, Aladdin." Felix fixed his gaze on him.

"Hey! Stop staring like that. You wanna hear about the time I wet my pants as a kid?" Aladdin rudely retorted, turning his head. "Alright, it's just that I can't beat you. Otherwise..."

"There's been a minor issue. They encountered an attack..." he revealed.

"What kind of attack, and were there any casualties?" Felix pressed.

"No casualties. That bunch of Muggle experts is useless. Two or three people barged into the conference, and within a minute, they knocked over a dozen folks." Aladdin said disdainfully.

"And what about the French Ministry of Magic's Aurors?"

"They were stationed outside. The woman from the United States who's supposedly in charge of the conference security is said to be extremely arrogant. She's the head honcho this time." Aladdin shrugged. "I guess the attack was bait to lure them."

"Why do you say that?"

Aladdin glanced around and lowered his voice. "You really wanna know? Want to get your hands on some inside info? I paid quite a price for it."

"Ching ching~."

Four gold Galleons landed on the box, and Aladdin's eyes lit up.

"If the information doesn't satisfy me..."

"Don't worry! It'll be worth it."

Then, he revealed a secret. "Word has it that the attackers were audacious. They left a warning for that woman—a bloodstained badge."

"What kind of badge?"

"Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry."

Felix fell silent.

"Quite audacious, right? There are over a thousand students there. Now they're in turmoil. Six out of seven Americans left the same day."

"No casualties, right?"

"None. That's why I said they were audacious. Their purpose in coming seemed more like a proclamation."

Exiting the magical black market, Felix looked at the bright sky. People in the distance were leisurely chatting, a young couple pushing a baby carriage, strolling under the sycamore trees.

"Something just doesn't feel right about this trip."

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