A Professor of Magic at Hogwarts

Chapter 152: Metamorphosis

Chapter 152: Metamorphosis

With less than a week remaining in the Easter holiday, Felix Harp suddenly abandoned all other activities, taking refuge in the Room of Requirement to practice Memory Charms and Patronus Charms. He had a premonition that his magic was on the brink of a transformation.

It was a peculiar sensation, as both fluency and awkwardness manifested within him simultaneously.

As the days went by, even students who happened to cross paths with him in the corridors noticed that something was off about Felix.

"Professor? Are you feeling unwell?" Hermione looked at his eyes shimmering with silver light and cautiously inquired.

When Professor Harp looked her way, she felt as though her thoughts were easily laid bare.

Felix turned his head gently and said, "No worries, it's just some magic progressing. It'll pass in a while."

On the final day of the Easter holiday, within the Room of Requirement—

At this moment, he sat in a broad bronze armchair, leaning forward, his long fingers supporting his chin, lost in perpetual thought.

Ripples spread through Felix's heart, memories of casting the Patronus Charm flooding his mind:

From successfully conjuring his Patronus form in his fifth year;

To its companionship during the Forbidden Forest night stroll;

To the battle against a Dementor during his graduation journey;

And the countless days of practice...

With each wand flick, each thought and insight, each moment of joy, each time it soared across the sky...

These memories from the past surged in an eruption like a volcano.

However, Felix was no longer as helpless as he was in his fourth year. With his accumulated experience and the breakthrough he had recently made in Memory Charms, he began to sort through the chaotic thoughts.

The Thinking Room expanded as if under the influence of an Unseen Expansion Charm, books inside rustling and flipping like leaves caught in a fierce wind. A dazzling array of magical symbols burst forth in radiant light.

Countless silver wings appeared in his mind, filling his entire mental landscape, and then, in a singular instant, these swallows converged toward the center.

Their speed reached its apex!

Silver figures collided, erupting into vast silvery mists. Countless swallows followed one after another, converging at the center where the silvery mist churned ceaselessly, seemingly brewing something.

Within the Room of Requirement, Felix's eyes grew brighter and brighter, and his light blue pupils emitted a dazzling silver radiance.

At the peak of the brilliance, Felix drew his wand and swiftly thrust it forward—

"Guardian Protection!"

A burst of silver light erupted, rapidly expanding and engulfing Felix's figure entirely. It swiftly spread across nearly half the room, and after a brief moment of suspension, the silver light swiftly contracted and condensed into a silver swallow.

This was Felix's new Patronus.

This swallow was significantly larger than the usual form, akin to the size of an owl. Its body was covered in countless tiny points of light.

These points of light were interconnected by nearly imperceptible threads, resembling the skeleton and veins of the Patronus.

As the final strand of silver light merged into the Patronus, the points of light and threads vanished from sight.

Before Felix stood a brand new, corporeal Patronus.

A sixth-level Patronus Charm!

He locked eyes with the silver swallow, seemingly able to sense its thoughts. It unfurled its scythe-like wings and darted around the room like a lightning bolt, leaving a continuous trail of silver in its wake.

"Your speed has improved once again," Felix marveled and said.

Abruptly, the silver swallow appeared before him, floating in mid-air, emitting a short, joyful chirp to express its inner delight to Felix Harp.

Felix extended his index finger and gently touched its head. The sensation was solid; if one ignored the silver glow, others might mistake it for a mutated bird.

The swallow nudged his finger, transmitting a sense of joy.

Felix returned the gesture with a satisfied smile. As the eve of Easter drew near, he had finally turned his recent period of accumulation into reality—

Occlumency—six transformations!

Legilimency—six transformations!

Obliviate—all void—six transformations!

Patronus Charm—six transformations!

Breakthroughs in the other three spells naturally occurred; they were already at the pinnacle of fifth-level proficiency. In less than a year since his return to Hogwarts, his magical prowess had deepened due to various experiences—

From the formation and practice of the Thinking Room spell to his exchange of Memory Charms with Snape, and to Lohart's magical notes... until, within the Room of Requirement, Rowena Ravenclaw's millennia-old memories displayed the utmost in Memory Magic.

With Crown's help, everything fell into place, causing his Memory Magic to naturally undergo a qualitative change.

And with the transformation of Memory Magic, the breakthrough in the Patronus Charm was a matter of course.

After all, he faced no barriers. Lady Ravenclaw had directly informed him of the existence and location of memory nodes, saving him countless hours. It was just that due to the limited control over Memory Magic, it seemed somewhat arduous...

The silver swallow perched on his shoulder, gently pecking at his ear.

Felix's thoughts raced as he pondered a question that had troubled him for a long time—the "Golden Finger."

What exactly was his "Golden Finger"? Or perhaps, did the "Golden Finger" truly exist?

No interface, no hints, no sudden intrusion of others' thoughts...

All there was, was tireless practice and seamless transformation, and Felix, following the number of transformations, named his own magic as Level One, Level Two...

Perhaps this was the essence of his "Golden Finger"—

An inherent magical talent?

The magical world was never short of talented individuals—like Parseltongue, metamorphmagi...

Or talents specialized in a certain field, like flying, advanced transfiguration, potions, or even just possessing an extraordinary intensity in a single spell...

Such examples were common throughout history. But how many could truly push their innate talents to the extreme?

Felix had achieved it.

His own determination, wisdom, and unique magical talent had combined to shape his present self.

"So, is the importance of the 'Golden Finger' really paramount?"

Felix smiled, looking at the silver swallow on his shoulder, and stepped out of the Room of Requirement.

Before a window, Felix lightly tapped the Patronus on its head. "Go, bring me a dewdrop flower from the Forbidden Forest."

The swallow spread its wings, transforming into a silver streak that swiftly vanished into the night sky.

Watching the silver trail it left behind, Felix suddenly recalled an ancient poem he had seen in the Ravenclaw manuscripts—

"Stones turned into little birds, chirping cheerfully. Crossing mountains and lakes, it brought back daisies from the Red Plain."

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