A Professor of Magic at Hogwarts

Chapter 150: Fantastic Beasts

Chapter 150: Fantastic Beasts

Not long after, the male unicorn returned. It walked elegantly before the three, bowing its head and setting down an empty bucket.

Up close, Felix Harp noticed its mane shimmering with a glow as white as pearls. Even the shadowy depths of the Forbidden Forest couldn't hide the dancing light that emanated from its form.

On a high, brown slope, a slender unicorn gazed at them from a distance. Beside it stood a small unicorn with golden fur.

"Look, look," Hagrid couldn't contain his excitement, rubbing his hands together, completely enchanted. "That's your child, isn't it, Ruby?"

The unicorn named "Ruby" affectionately nuzzled Hagrid's hand.

Soon, with a few bounds, Ruby and its family ascended the slope and disappeared into the distance.

The mottled silver-white light followed their figures until they were completely gone.

"I'll show you around," Hagrid said. "I don't really have much else to do."

He looked at the black dog. "Fang, you can head back home."

Fang bared his teeth, emitting a soft growl.

"Go on, don't worry, I'll be back later." Hagrid's large hand patted Fang's head.

Only after Fang's form vanished did Hagrid realize he was still holding a bucket.

"I should have had Fang take the bucket back," he muttered in frustration.

Felix tapped his wand on it, transforming it into a silver staff.

Hagrid waved it excitedly a couple of times, and the staff produced an impenetrable silver light, emitting a "whoosh" sound that nearly hit Belby's head.

"Careful, Hagrid!"

"Uh, sorry, got a bit carried away there. Did I hear right, your name is Belby?"

"Belby, Damocles Belby."

"Oh, um, alright then, Professor Belby."

In the dense jungle, Hagrid led the way while Felix Harp and Professor Belby followed behind him.

As they walked, they engaged in conversation.

"Hagrid, I've heard there are werewolves and giants in the Forbidden Forest, is that true?" Felix asked with interest. He was skeptical, as he had never encountered them during his night wanderings using the Disillusionment Charm last semester.

"You're talking about that, huh?" Hagrid grumbled. "It's true, but they're on the other side of the forest, far from us."

Due to his involvement in brewing wolfsbane potion, Professor Belby had delved into the subject of werewolves. He couldn't help but ask, "Why would werewolves live in the Forbidden Forest?"

Hagrid widened his eyes, paused for a moment, and then waved his hand, saying, "Don't ask me, I'm not sure either. Most werewolves prefer to live apart from others. I even know of some living with wolf packs. I reckon they might be feeling quite heartbroken..."

They quickly moved on from this topic, and Felix asked, "Hagrid, are there any interesting magical creatures in the Forbidden Forest?"

This question played right into Hagrid's hands. He listed off a string of names, each one familiar to Felix: "Acromantula, Hippogriffs, Billywig, Thestrals, Cerberus, Flobberworm, Bowtruckle, Knarl, Sphinx..."

Professor Belby quickly took note, realizing that some of the names sounded quite dangerous.

"There are quite a few humanoid creatures too. Apart from Centaurs, Giants, and Werewolves, I remember coming across a group of Flower Fairies." Hagrid said, "Of course, they just look human-like with wings, you know."

Felix was familiar with these creatures, also known as flower fairies. They were generally 1 to 5 inches in height and closely resembled humans—except for the pair of insect-like wings on their backs.

They were divided into different tribes based on their wing types, ranging from transparent to vividly colored.

Unlike the wise and intelligent fairy depicted in Muggle tales, these creatures generally had low intelligence, liked to argue, and couldn't speak human languages.

But Felix's focus wasn't on this part—

"Fluffy, the three-headed dog? I feel like I've heard that name somewhere."

Cough, cough! Hagrid coughed suddenly, scrambling to explain, "Must have misheard, have I ever mentioned that to you?"

Felix Harp gazed at him with a calm expression. Somehow, Hagrid felt his gaze was reminiscent of Dumbledore's. He nervously scratched his cheek, "Alright, I admit it. I did keep Fluffy in the Forbidden Forest. It's a three-headed dog I raised, the situation is quite complicated..."

"Hagrid," Felix spoke softly, "As far as I know, a three-headed dog is more dangerous than a lone giant."

"Oh, uh, well..." Hagrid stammered for a while before finally drooping his head, disheartened. "You're right, Felix. So I moved it deep into the Forbidden Forest, even farther from the school. I visit it once a month, poor Fluffy, it's still so small..."

He sniffled sadly, tears glistening in his eyes.

Felix and Belby remained silent, unspoken. Adult three-headed dogs were at least three to four meters tall, highly dangerous magical creatures capable of taking on giants one-on-one without a disadvantage.


With Hagrid's guidance, Professor Belby completed his objective swiftly, and Felix Harp also collected various odds and ends.

They encountered the Bowtruckle, small creatures covered in bumps that resembled brown twigs. These little ones clung to wand trees, peering down with curiosity;

They saw the eagle-headed, horse-bodied, winged creatures that matched their own name perfectly: Hippogriffs. Their bright orange eyes were especially striking;

They even stumbled upon the Jobberknoll, a blue bird-like creature near a body of water, occupying an area with its presence...

Felix even found one of the giant spider's large pincers in a rocky, winding path.

As the sky gradually darkened, the dwindling light within the Forbidden Forest quickly faded, and the trees seemed to turn black. They prepared to return to the castle.

"The way is long; we might not make it back in time for dinner," Hagrid raised his arm, using his silver staff and the other arm to part the dense branches above. He looked at the sky tinged with hues of sunset.

With his gesture, golden light spilled, forming a radiant circle near the trio.

Felix squinted, adjusting to the sudden brightness.

"I have a better way, Hagrid."

He extended his hands, placing one on Professor Belby's shoulder and the other on Hagrid's waist.

"What?" Hagrid asked, somewhat astonished.

The next moment, their bodies twisted rapidly and vanished from their original spots.

The branches, now unsupported, snapped back suddenly, and a few leaves fluttered down.

At the edge of the Forbidden Forest, not far from Hagrid's hut, the three figures reappeared abruptly.

Hagrid surveyed the surroundings. After spotting his hut, he exclaimed with excitement, "This is Apparition! Truly convenient! Honestly, I've never experienced this magic before..."

"I've heard former wizards at the pub talk about it. They thought using a Portkey or Apparating for travel were the acts of fools—you'd at least take half a day to get used to that nauseating feeling, but it's not as bad as they make it sound."

Felix shook his head. Apparating with Hagrid was much more challenging than doing it alone.

After dinner in the Great Hall, Felix returned to his office.

He took out today's haul from his ring: a pile of magical plants stacked in the corner. He planned to visit Professor Sprout to inquire about transplanting and cultivating. They didn't need meticulous care, just enough to sustain them until he was ready to use them.

There were also materials from magical creatures, such as the giant pincer of the Acromantula, feathers from the Hippogriffs, and stingers from the Billywig. He intended to experiment with their magical properties one by one.

Just past eight o'clock, he heard a knock on the door. Opening it, he found his assistant standing outside.

"Professor, I have some questions I'd like to consult you about, regarding course selection."

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