A Professor of Magic at Hogwarts

Chapter 144: Practical Lesson?

Chapter 144: Practical Lesson?

The small elf shook his body uneasily, and his tennis-ball-sized green eyes stood out even more. "Dobby thinks that since Mr. Harry Potter is already safe... Dobby has no reason to appear again, especially for himself..."

Felix Harp continued his words, "We were just chatting. Who says house-elves can't have wizard friends?"

"Is it true? Dobby—is Dobby allowed to be friends with such a great wizard like you?" The small elf made a praying gesture, and his body leaned forward involuntarily.

"Of course, Dobby."

"This, this is truly an honor, Dobby! Dobby is Mr. Harp's friend!" The small elf bowed deeply, and his long nose touched the floor.

"Alright, Dobby, let's get to business. Please have a seat."

Dobby sat down at the edge of the couch. "Is there anything you'd like to ask?"

"Dobby, does Lucius Malfoy know about the diary being destroyed?"

Seeing Dobby's expression quickly deteriorate and a tendency to hit the wall again, Felix Harp quickly interjected, "Actually, I've known for a while. He's completely unaware of the diary being destroyed."

"How did you know?" Dobby asked curiously.

Through your reaction... but Felix answered, "I have my sources."

Dobby had no doubt about this and instead nodded in agreement.

Felix continued, "Does Malfoy have any upcoming travel plans? I'd really like to have a private chat with him."

He was preparing to corner someone.

All he needed was a Confundus Charm to make him believe Dobby wasn't performing well in his duties, leading him to punish Dobby by 'expelling' him. Simple and direct.

For other house-elves, being expelled by their masters was a pitiful matter, and they would repeatedly beg for forgiveness. But Dobby was different; he yearned for freedom.

As long as Lucius exhibited this behavior, Dobby would happily leave Malfoy Manor.

Of course, all of this had to be kept hidden from Dobby, to avoid strong resistance triggered by the ingrained obedience instinct and prevent things from spiraling out of control.

But Dobby hesitated and said, "Dobby, Dobby doesn't know Master's whereabouts, and Dobby shouldn't reveal..."

Felix felt a bit of a headache. He couldn't tail Lucius, could he? Or break into Malfoy Manor?

He used a familiar technique, speaking with a confident tone, "Dobby, I actually know. I don't need to go searching. Malfoy will come to us..."

"How does Mr. Harp know that Master will come to Hogwarts?" Dobby asked in astonishment.

So, he will come to Hogwarts? What for? To find Dumbledore?

"I do know. He must come, on that day..." Felix lowered his voice and said softly.

"Yes, the young master wrote a letter saying he would definitely win the Quidditch Cup, defeating Potter. But Dobby believes this is unlikely," the small elf said with a biased tone.

So it's the day of the Quidditch Cup, Gryffindor against Slytherin? Having obtained the information he wanted, Felix smoothly changed the topic, "I share the same belief. Potter possesses extraordinary talent in Quidditch."

"Exactly!" Dobby responded excitedly, "Mr. Potter is truly outstanding. If it weren't for Dobby enchanting the bludger..."

His mood sank.

"Nevertheless, I recall that Potter still caught the Golden Snitch," Felix Harp said calmly.

"For your own protection as well, I suggest you find a moment to apologize to Potter and clarify things."


A new week began.

Ancient Runes classroom.

With a cheerful expression, Felix Harp addressed the sixth-year students, "Congratulations to all of you for completing this year's curriculum ahead of schedule. Truly impressive achievements!"

The witches and wizards in the audience began to applaud.

Their sentiments were genuine; the pace of learning this year had indeed quickened significantly. Professor Harp introduced various novel and engaging learning methods: magical puppets, classroom competitions, parchment quizzes, runic compositions, 'forged' spell scrolls, and the latest addition, the leaderboard.

Sixth year was a special period. Having just experienced a rigorous year of study and with a wealth of knowledge, they were free from the stress of exams. This allowed Felix to experiment with various fresh approaches in the advanced class.

As it turned out, his methods were well-received. Even after the OWLs exams, many students continued with Ancient Runes. Except for a few who had no other options, most genuinely enjoyed the subject.

Felix looked at them, "We have about three and a half months left until the end of this academic year. We will be introducing a new form of class: practical lessons."

Practical lessons in Ancient Runes? That was certainly a novel concept.

Before Professor Harp arrived, the course had always been treated as theoretical. It was only under his guidance that everyone realized Ancient Runes had practical applications beyond the theoretical realm.

However, Professor Harp had also mentioned that practical Ancient Runes were meant to "enhance student interest" and wouldn't become the main focus of the curriculum.

"Professor, are you suggesting we'll be working on creating magical puppets?" a witch with long curly hair raised her hand to ask.

"Miss Crivett, have you completed repairing your magical puppet?" Felix arched an eyebrow.

"Not yet, Professor."

"And that's the point. When I speak of practicality, I'm referring to the most vivid and intriguing aspects that might appear in your future careers."

The thirty-odd students in the classroom exchanged glances, Felix's words touching upon their gaps in knowledge.

"Take your wands and satchels and follow me."

Felix led them to a closed-off classroom. His fingers touched the door handle, and several runic patterns sparkled in the air, then quickly disappeared.

"Click!" The door cracked open.

"Cleverly adding a few runes to a Locking Charm can effectively resist conventional unlocking spells," Felix shared a small tip. "Of course, brute force will still overcome it."

He pushed open the door, and the students who followed him peered inside.

The room was pitch-black, seemingly consuming all light. Just as they were about to scrutinize it, a cold wind swept out from within, causing them to shiver.

Amidst the gust of wind, faint cawing of crows could be heard.

"Professor, is this..." a male wizard asked with a touch of fear, "Could this place be...?"

Facing a dark wizard's lair across from them?

Professor Harp's calm voice explained, "In 1842, the Ministry of Magic discovered an ancient wizard's hidden dwelling in a swamp. Due to the passage of time, the enchantments had faded, and the house revealed itself."

"At that time, the Ministry sent a team to explore the secret dwelling and its surroundings, ultimately recovering numerous magical manuscripts."

The students listened quietly, and then they heard Professor Harp say with evident pride, "I conducted extensive research, and through descriptions and photographs, recreated the scene from that time."

"Our practical lessons will take place here. I hope you will enjoy it."

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