A Professor of Magic at Hogwarts

Chapter 117: The House Elves

Chapter 117: The House Elves

Felix Harp snapped back to reality.

"Oh, I've been contemplating quite deeply," he mused. He had just connected the twins' thoughts to the future concept of mobile phones, causing his mind to delve into the intricacies within his thought chamber.

The "short message" function, akin to text messaging, was something he could easily replicate. After all, the countless alchemical books in the library weren't just for show.

However, beyond this, accomplishing more complex functions wouldn't be so straightforward.

After all, wizards from centuries and millennia past didn't possess such vast imaginations. There were numerous things that required his independent research and experimentation.

But then again… why bother? Why undertake everything on his own?

He stared at the twins. While previously he'd considered them as potentially talented young wizards, his current perspective shifted towards how to nurture them without squandering their innate gifts.

Perhaps in the future, he could witness the rise of magical smartphones?

Felix had always been a highly goal-oriented individual, yet he didn't shy away from contributing to the improvement of the magical world.

Especially when it didn't require too much effort.

He addressed the twins, "Of course, I could simply give you the answers or even execute your ideas directly. However, I'd much prefer to foster your abilities."

Felix pulled out a piece of parchment, swiftly scribbling down a list of book titles and marking the pages.

"This is a reference book list, containing everything you desire—two of them are stored in the Restricted Section, and I'll provide you with a special permission slip."

"Thank you so much, Professor Harp!" The twins exclaimed dramatically. From their excited expressions, it seemed they were on the verge of rushing forward for an embrace.

Felix quickly waved them off.

"Also, regarding materials, consider the substances used for the wand cores."

"Professor, do you have any recommendations?"

"From a personal sensory perspective, I quite fancy ebony, similar to jet. However, reason tells me that choosing chestnut is a wiser option. Its nature is very gentle, without specific biases," Felix said, showing them his own wand, which rested in his hand.

The twins left in high spirits.

After finishing his second afternoon class, Felix made his way straight to the Great Hall. On the way, he noticed a group of young wizards gathered together, and in the midst stood Professor McGonagall. Her lips were pursed tightly, her expression exceedingly serious.

Which young wizard had caused trouble this time?

As Felix approached, he realized there were three creatures in front of Professor McGonagall. They were so short that they were largely obscured by the young wizards surrounding them.

House-elves, Felix realized with great curiosity.

These creatures had deep green skin and typically stood no taller than a meter. They possessed rough, fierce faces, even when expressionless, an underlying sense of darkness emanating from them.

Seeing the house-elves, Felix was reminded of someone—Phineas Sparrow, the former Minister for Magic. He had achieved two remarkable records: first, becoming Minister for Magic at the age of 109; second, holding the office for an unprecedented 38 years.

After him, nearly a century had passed, and yet no one had broken these records.

One of his peculiar actions was delivering a tasteless joke during the "Wizards and Various Magical Beings' Friendly Convention." The joke was about a "centaur, a ghost, and a house-elf walking into a bar," which offended centaurs and led to an attempted assassination.


Felix Harp stood on the outskirts of the circle, engaged in an argument with Professor McGonagall. The most somber-faced of the house-elves seemed to be their leader, carrying a tattered bundle on his back and gesturing animatedly.

"Madam, we received an invitation, and you can't cancel it!"

Impatiently, Professor McGonagall responded, "I've said it three times already. It was Lohart who invited you, but he's about to face the Wizengamot for trial."

"But… but… we have many talents, let me show you."

The elf opened the ragged bundle behind him, taking out a pair of golden wings and affixing them to his back. He also retrieved a petite harp.

The other two house-elves maintained a dark expression, tapping out a rhythm and performing stiff dance movements.

And so, the young wizards watched in astonishment as the sullen-faced "Cupid" with golden wings and a harp burst into song:


"We are messengers of love~"

"Kicking little legs all the way, without hesitating~"

"Delivering confessions of love~"

Felix suddenly froze. He rarely felt nervous around others, but this particular house-elf managed to evoke that feeling without a doubt.

He stepped forward, wand in hand, and silently cast a spell, "Muffliato."

The elf opened his mouth, yet no sound emerged. He frantically touched his throat, unable to utter a single word.

"Professor McGonagall, what's happening?"

With an exasperated expression, McGonagall explained, "Gidley Lohart prepared a special act for Valentine's Day—an ensemble of house-elves dressed as cupids to deliver student confessions of love."

Felix remarked, "He certainly thinks ahead. It's been nearly half a month since his arrest."

McGonagall added, "In fact, he booked this event a month ago. According to them," she snorted at the house-elves, "they've been quite popular."

Clearing her throat, she turned to the elf, "Since you haven't entered into a contract with Hogwarts, I regretfully—" She trailed off.

The house-elves were now in tears, creating a peculiar scene: their stern, somber faces were now silently weeping, leaving the observing young wizards with mixed emotions—neither laughter nor sympathy could accurately capture the sentiment.

"We're willing to offer a discount…" the lead elf said. "It's just too tough; our team won't have enough to eat."

Finally, Professor McGonagall escorted them away, leaving the problem for Dumbledore to worry about.

Not long after, the latest news arrived—

Dumbledore agreed to allow the house-elf group to perform during the Valentine's Day feast, but declined their offer to help students deliver love letters and proclamations free of charge.

In the common room, an older student provided more accurate information: "Rumor has it, Dumbledore's decision is a way to welcome the newly appointed Dark Arts Defense professor on that very day."

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