A Professor of Magic at Hogwarts

Chapter 103: The Curtain Falls on Lockhart

Chapter 103: The Curtain Falls on Lockhart

Lockhart appeared extremely nervous, his delicate and elegant blonde hair sticking tightly to his head.

"Professor Harp, I have a rather urgent matter that has come up suddenly, it's about my new book... I must attend to it immediately."

"Is that so? Oh, I believe your office isn't connected to the Floo Network. Shall I call Professor McGonagall, or perhaps... Dumbledore?"

Lockhart beamed a brilliant smile, "If that's the case, it would be quite splendid, oh, Headmaster Dumbledore, what brings you here?"

A dazzling green light shot forth from Lockhart's hand, moving at incredible speed. Just as Lockhart's victorious smile emerged, his spell came to a halt before Felix Harp.

An invisible barrier stood before Felix, and the radiant beam of light seemed to be intercepted by the air itself.

"Hmm, is this your most powerful magic? Seriously, Lockhart, you've certainly changed my perception of you," Felix even had the spare energy to comment.

"Felix Harp! Let me through!"


"You know about it, don't you? The Weasley's secret? Are you trying to uphold justice? Spare me, Felix Harp. I've learned about your history from others; you're not one to meddle in others' affairs."

"I indeed have no interest in your matters, but who let you bounce around under my nose?" Felix said, if Lockhart had been hopping around outside of Hogwarts, he wouldn't have gotten involved.

"Then let me leave this place! I swear I'll never appear before you again."

"Let you leave? After knowing you're a skilled duelist with expertise in Memory Charms?" Felix shook his head.

The incantations of the two clashed continuously. Felix intensified the output of his magical power; the previously invisible Shield Charm started to manifest in simple lines, outlining an armor seemingly out of thin air.

Facing him, Lockhart surprisingly held his ground, emanating the demeanor of a powerful wizard. His spells were incredibly potent and were growing stronger by the moment.

His incantation illuminated the entire corridor, casting an eerie and terrifying green glow on Lockhart's face.

"Felix Harp, my magic is mightier than you could imagine. I've inherited hidden legacies! I'm far from my limits now!"

In this brief minute, his spell had rapidly escalated from its initial state, even hinting at the formidable Disarming Charm that Felix had demonstrated in their second Dueling class.

Yet, Felix laughed, "Lockhart, you're only strong in this particular magic. It appears to be some form of ancient sorcery—a truly admirable skill..."

"But I must say, Lockhart, you're not skilled in dueling."

Felix Harp's other hand made a slight gesture, and the broken stones in the corner of the wall transformed into sleek, oily rats.

These rats emitted soft, rustling sounds as they scurried toward Lockhart.

"What in Merlin's name! Rats, so many rats!"

Lockhart maintained his spell while shaking his body, but it was in vain. One of the rats bit into his arm, and in the throes of agony, his wand slipped from his hand.

Under Lockhart's horrified gaze and Felix Harp's composed stare, the wand fell to the ground, bounced a few times, and came to a halt.

Felix cast a silent Summoning Charm, and Lockhart's wand flew into his grasp.

The corridor grew dim once again.

Lockhart's face turned ashen. He pleaded, "Felix, I had no choice... I can give you all the money I have."

Felix sighed, "Headmaster, I leave it to you to handle."

Amid Lockhart's terror-stricken expression, Dumbledore's figure appeared slowly. Half his face was concealed in the darkness, his eyes reflecting a mixture of anger and sadness.

"Dumbledore... Headmaster! I..."

"Lockhart, I've watched you grow up."

Dumbledore said calmly, restraining his emotions. A red light flashed, and Lockhart fell unconscious.

The Dark Arts Defense professor floated in midair, a golden thread winding around him.

As Dumbledore departed, he told Felix, "Thank you, Felix."

"I haven't done much. With you watching, he couldn't escape."

All the portraits in the castle were the eyes of Hogwarts' headmaster. Coupled with Dumbledore's own magical expertise, no one could evade him.

Felix even felt that this old man held too many secrets within, yet had never revealed them.

This was also why he hadn't employed stronger magic. If it had been a chance encounter outside of the school, he would have surely unleashed his full magical arsenal against Lockhart.

"No, Felix, I must thank you. You spared me from clashing with one of my students."

Dumbledore departed.

Felix stood in place, pondered for a moment, then entered Lockhart's office.


During the day, the young wizards noticed Lockhart's absence from class and couldn't help but discuss it. Soon, they realized that the other professors were equally vague.

And so, a rumor began to spread—

"It must be Fudge's doing! I knew it, he wouldn't let Lockhart off the hook." Dean Thomas confidently declared to his fellow Gryffindors, who looked at him with a mixture of belief and doubt.

"It's true, Fudge is very petty. I read about it in the newspaper."

That night, Felix announced the 'Enhancement of Teaching Tools Program' as a resounding success. Everyone could return to their respective homes.

In truth, the confinement of the others had already ended, except for Ron.

Felix's initial intention had actually been to free Ron from Lockhart's control in a reasonable manner. However, as things developed, the young wizards' enthusiasm had become uncontrollable, slipping from his grasp.

But this was also the first time Felix had witnessed young wizards from all four houses working together for a common goal. He let things take their course, even participating and offering guidance.

With the danger averted, the Teaching Tools Upgrade Program had reached its fourth version; it was time to conclude.

But some rewards were still due.

"Given that some of you have fulfilled your duties even after the confinement, excellently completing the tasks, each of you will receive extra points."

Amid a chorus of cheers, Ron, summoning courage, asked, "What about me, Professor Harp?"

"Weasley, your confinement was rather lengthy, and I can't award you points for that. However, hmm..." Felix said, "I can discuss with Professor McGonagall and suggest reducing the number of times you were confined."

Ron left the office with a contented heart.

Felix's mood was also quite pleasant. All the miscellaneous matters were resolved, and he didn't need to calculate this and that.

That night, he indulged in watching two episodes of an animated disk—The clumsy cat's war against the clever mouse. It was simple and unburdened, a pure and carefree spectacle.

Felix skimmed through his supplies. "Perhaps I should buy a few more?" he thought and drifted into a peaceful sleep.

The next day in the Great Hall, Snape cornered Felix.

"Did you have me help you secure the Defense Against the Dark Arts position?" he asked in surprise.

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