A Professor of Magic at Hogwarts

Chapter 101: Ginny's Testimony

Chapter 101: Ginny's Testimony

After about half an hour, Felix Harp stood up from his chair and walked up to the young wizards.

"Alright, young wizards, let's pause for a moment," he said.

Everyone looked up, a few with nervous sweat on their brows.

Felix surveyed the group. "Now, let's hear about your experiences."

"I found it quite fascinating, except for a few odd questions in the middle," Luna said in her dreamy voice.

"Are you referring to—"

"Yes, the questions about the Forbidden Forest," Luna pondered for a moment. "Like, 'You wandered into the Forbidden Forest out of curiosity and heard a clacking sound. When you turned around, you saw a large creature with thick black fur and pincers. What happens next?'"

"Oh, and what's your answer?" Felix asked. This question was one he had added on the spur of the moment.

"I chose 'Greet it,' like, 'Hey there, Mr. Eight-Eyes the Acromantula.'"

"Why didn't you choose to run away?" Felix inquired.

"But that's the second thing to do," Luna earnestly replied. The other wizards looked at her in astonishment.

Ron's eyes were nearly popping out.

"So, you believe," Felix said somewhat awkwardly, "that when encountering an Acromantula in the Forbidden Forest, the first step is to greet it, and then turn around and run."

Luna nodded and added, "Actually, these two things can be done simultaneously, depending on how fast it's chasing you."

"Very well, thank you for your response, Miss Lovegood. But I don't recommend such actions. In fact, you shouldn't have trespassed into the Forbidden Forest at all, especially not with another young wizard."

His gaze shifted to Ginny, the young girl who seemed considerably more normal. She lowered her head sadly; it was her first detention since starting at the school.

"Does anyone else have insights to share?"

"Professor, George and I think that the parchment's feedback could be more diverse. We just tested it, and there are only around twenty different types currently," said one of the twins.

"Oh? Please continue," Felix asked with genuine interest.

Fred seemed quite excited and eagerly continued, "Professor, apart from text and simple drawings, we could also incorporate some punishments. Like spraying dark mist, or maybe even some foul-smelling liquid..."

"We could also add sound. If you answer incorrectly, you'd hear Professor Flitwick's voice: 'We are wizards, not curly-haired baboons waving sticks!'"

The last line was Fred imitating Flitwick's voice, causing a few less bright wizards, like Marcus and Ron, to shiver involuntarily.

"Anything else?"

"The textual feedback is too gentle, the tone could be stronger. Professor, George and I can help with that," Fred expressed keen interest in this matter, eagerly volunteering himself to Felix.

"Hmm..." Felix imagined the scene with those suggestions added. The young wizards' sanity might explode, wouldn't it?

"The suggestion about adding sound is quite good, it's feasible," Felix chose the most practical suggestion.

The atmosphere grew increasingly lively.

"Professor, perhaps we could add a scoring element to the content so that we can visually assess our own levels," suggested Eddie Camirche, whose grades were always excellent, although he often liked to show off his cleverness.

"That's a valid point."

"Professor Harp, can we include our names?" Ginny hesitated for a moment before speaking up.


"Like, in the beginning part, we could have something like 'Welcome Ginny Weasley to the Quiz Space'…" Her voice grew quieter, seeming a bit embarrassed, her cheeks turning as red as her hair.

"That's a good suggestion."

"Professor, could we add symbols for different houses?"

"Professor, can we have a high score leaderboard? A competition between different houses, like the House Cup?"

"Professor, can we see how others are performing in the quizzes?"

"Professor, can we categorize the questions? Like, Ancient Runes, History of Magic, Potions, Herbology, General Knowledge, and so on."


The nine young wizards chimed in with their suggestions, and as things progressed, they started arguing among themselves about which feature was more important.

Felix's expression grew increasingly odd. All these features put together... weren't they reminiscent of knowledge-based gaming apps from the future?

Categories, quiz effects, leaderboards, friend options, competitive mechanics, custom skins...

But I just wanted to create a study aid for Ancient Runes class. Why do I need all these features? And they might not even be feasible...

After some thought, Felix said, "Write down your ideas and refine them as best you can. I will selectively add them in. Mr. Ron Weasley, come with me for a moment."

Ron pointed at himself, receiving a clear response. He followed Professor Harp to a corner of the office.

"Weasley, tell me in detail about Lockhart's behavior that night..."

After about fifteen minutes, Ron finished recounting his experience.

"Very well, I've conveyed the information to Headmaster Dumbledore. With the data you provided, Lockhart will receive the appropriate punishment soon."

"But before that, I must remind you, just as I told Miss Granger, not to privately interact with Lockhart. If you sense danger, immediately seek out any professor you can find."

"Is that clear enough?"

Ron looked at Professor Harp's stern expression, swallowed nervously, and nodded repeatedly.

"Good, you may go now. And while you're at it, please ask your sister to come here."

"Ginny? What happened to her?" Ron asked with concern.

"Just some minor issues," Felix brushed it off.

Soon, Ginny Weasley came hesitantly before him.

"Hello, Miss Weasley. We've met a few times before, but now we're formally introduced."

"Hello, Professor Harp."

"Let's get straight to the point. I'd like to know where you got that diary of yours."

Ginny raised her head in shock, her eyes wide. "P-Professor, what are you saying?"

Felix calmly looked into her eyes. "We've met several times before, like near Hagrid's hut and near the girls' lavatory. Do I need to explain further?"

He didn't mention the most critical evidence, which Luna had provided, to avoid affecting their friendship.

Ginny's lips quivered, as if she wanted to say something. Felix patiently waited.

After about a minute...

Tears swirled in her bright brown eyes, but she finally gathered the courage to admit, "Professor, I don't know... I just wrote in it. That diary, does it... really have to do with the Chamber?"

"You know nothing about this?"

"I'm not sure. At first, I just wrote in it, and it responded to me. It was considerate, gave me advice. Later, I started losing chunks of memory, coincidentally when the attacks happened."

"Later, professors emphasized in class not to trust Dark Magic items. Fred and George said the same. So, I... I got rid of it."

She tearfully recounted her experience.

Felix nodded and comforted Ginny, "Young wizards are often easy to deceive. In the future, when faced with similar problems, seek help from a professor you trust. It's nothing to be ashamed of."

"Believe me, the troubles that seem insurmountable to you often have simple solutions for us professors."

Ginny nodded softly, then quickly said, "Thank you, Professor Harp."

"So, let's return to the initial question. Do you remember where you got the diary from?"

"I... I'm not sure. I thought Mum gave it to me, but maybe not."

"I suspect you noticed something unusual?"

"The diary was tucked into the new book I bought. Mum wouldn't do that."

"The new book? Was it the day you went shopping in Diagon Alley?"

"Yes, that day happened to be Lockhart's book signing event. He gave Harry the whole set of new books, and Harry gave them to me. I found the diary that evening."

Lockhart and Potter... perhaps it was a coincidence.

Felix fell silent for a moment before continuing, "Do you remember what happened that day? Who might have come into contact with your bag?"

"That day, our family went shopping in Diagon Alley, oh, and Harry was with us. He was staying at the Burrow for the holidays; his relatives aren't very kind to him... We ran into the Granger family midway. We split up near the bank entrance. Mum took me to buy robes and a wand. Then we went to buy books, at Lockhart's book signing event. Dad even got into a fight with Malfoy..."

Felix stopped her, "Malfoy? Lucius Malfoy?"

"Yes, he and Dad have a terrible relationship." Ginny whispered.

"Let's delve into that part further," Felix said calmly.

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