A Pawn's Passage

Chapter 62: Daxue Mountain Palace

Chapter 62: Daxue Mountain Palace

The Daoist priests from Tiangang Hall rested for three days in Juandu County. Qi Xuansu had a very fulfilling time and spent most of the time playing cards and drinking with Zhang Yuelu.

In fact, Zhang Yuelu did not use her status to force Qi Xuansu. It was just that Qi Xuansu did not want to reject her because he liked her.

Although, judging from their status, the possibility of them ending up together was slim, Qi Xuansu still had his dreams, just like how he dreamed about wielding the Sword of Wisdom one day. On the chessboard, even if the pawn was the least valuable chess piece, it could still have a chance to face off with the general from the opposite side.

In his spare time, Qi Xuansu asked Lingquanzi, an experienced superintendent, for advice on how to write official documents. Unfortunately, Lingquanzi was mainly responsible for external affairs. Zhou Bai, who was also in external affairs, was not good at paperwork either. Only Sun Yongfeng, who was responsible for internal affairs, was more proficient in writing official documents.

Three days later, the well-rested group left Juandu County and continued their journey to the Daxue Mountain Palace.

Daxue Mountain and Kunlun Mountain formed an irregular circle around the desert basin known as the Death Sea. Kunlun was on the left, while Daxue Mountain was on the right and Juandu County was at the top.

Their journey started from the east, then they traveled west and circled the vast Western Region. On the way back, they traveled horizontally through Juandu County back to Daxue Mountain before finally taking a flying ship across the desert and back to their starting point.

They were traveling along the edge of the desert at a steady pace. The Daxue Mountains also blocked the cold current from the north. Finally, it stopped snowing, which was undoubtedly a good thing.

After traveling for more than ten days, they finally caught a glimpse of the Daxue Mountain Palace.

The Daxue Mountain Palace was originally the palace of the Golden Horde Khan. Back then, Sage Changchun, who was in his seventies, once went beyond the Great Wall to the Daxue Mountain Palace. He met with the Golden Horde Khan and advised the latter to respect the heavens, love the people, reduce massacres, and be pure-hearted.

As such, he was revered as an immortal by the Golden Horde Khan, and some people in the Golden Horde changed their religion and worshiped the Primordial Daoist Ancestor. Since Jade Pond was also located on Daxue Mountain, this mountain was regarded as one of the Daoist sacred places.

Later, the Golden Horde Khan gifted the Daxue Mountain Palace to his advisor. The advisor occupied the Daxue Mountain Palace and gradually made it a sacred site for the Shamanistic Sect.

Therefore, the Daxue Mountain Palace was of great significance to both the Daoist Order and the Shamanistic Sect. The two powers had fought several battles because of this place, and the Daoist Order had regained control over Daxue Mountain.

Zhang Yuelu’s group climbed over the last snow-capped mountain and finally saw the full grandeur of the Daxue Mountain Palace, which was located on the sunny side of the peak.

The palace was built with the mountain as its backdrop. It was all white and camouflaged with the mountain, like a snow palace. Its architectural style was very different from that of the Central Plains or even the Golden Horde. Instead, it had the influence of the Western Continent and the Samudra Kingdom, as shown in the towering spires, layers of pavilions, and the arched dome.

The buildings were stacked together, but they did not look compact or cluttered. At this time, the rays of light shining on the palace made it glow with a holy light. Everyone stopped on the snowy slope and stared in awe at the magnificent Daxue Mountain Palace.

This was the first time Qi Xuansu saw the famous Daxue Mountain Palace, and he could not help but feel amazed. “Is this the Daxue Mountain Palace?”

“Yes.” Zhang Yuelu pointed at the mountain below the Daxue Mountain Palace with her riding whip.

“As far as I know, there is a huge corpse-cultivation area below the Daxue Mountain Palace, left by the Shamanistic Sect in the past. There are hundreds of thousands of corpses there, so it’s always filled with intense corpse energy that muddles the boundaries between yin and yang energy. In a way, the Daxue Mountain Palace also acts as a suppressive formation.”

Qi Xuansu was shocked. “I didn’t know that such a thing existed.”

Zhang Yuelu waved her hand. “Let’s go up the mountain.”

The mountain road was fairly flat. After walking for about two hours, they finally came to a huge stone bridge. This bridge stood majestically over an abyss and connected two peaks. It was about 300 meters long and could accommodate six horses walking side by side.

The abyss below was like a moat that surrounded the Daxue Mountain Palace, and this bridge led to the palace gates. It was tightly guarded, with more than ten armored Spirit Guards on duty.

Zhang Yuelu stepped forward and showed her insignia and the documents from Tiangang Hall. The leading Spirit Guard immediately put on a smile. “Greetings, Deputy Hall Master Zhang. Deputy Mansion Master Zhao and several deacons from Tiangang Hall have been waiting for your arrival.”

Deputy Mansion Master Zhao was the third-rank Youyi Daoist master, Zhao Jiaowu, who assisted Sage Feiling in managing the Western Region Daoist Mansion. Zhao Jiaowu was a seventh-generation Quanzhen Sect disciple. Although he was still one step away from being a second-rank Taiyi Daoist master, he was not yet in his fifties and was still in his prime. He was expected to be promoted to the second rank before reaching 60, so he had a considerably bright future.

Zhang Yuelu nodded slightly and said, “Please lead the way.”

The Spirit Guard led Zhang Yuelu and her entourage across the long stone bridge and into a special tunnel that bored into the rocky mountains. It was about 500 meters long, seven meters high, and about ten meters wide.

After passing through this long tunnel, they entered the outskirts of the Daxue Mountain Palace, which resembled a barbican. From a distance, they could see Zhao Jiaowu coming over to greet them.

Before he arrived, they could hear him saying, “Well done! You have chased the killers for more than fifty days over thousands of miles. It’s truly an impressive feat!”

Zhang Yuelu dismounted and stepped forward to greet him. Her group followed suit.

After the two leaders greeted each other, Zhao Jiaowu said, “It has been three months since we last met in Chiming Palace. Deputy Hall Master Zhang, how are you doing lately?”

Zhang Yuelu replied, “Thank you for thinking of me, Deputy Mansion Master Zhao. I’m fine.”

Everyone saluted Zhao Jiaowu again. Accompanying Zhao Jiaowu were Mu Jin, Xu Zhen, Zheng Ding, and a few others.

Mu Jin and Xu Zhen stepped forward to salute Zhang Yuelu. Then, they joined Zhang Yuelu’s group. Zheng Ding saluted the deputy hall master and said, “Thank you for saving my life, Deputy Hall Master Zhang.”

Zhang Yuelu’s expression was indifferent. “Deacon Qi and I discovered you, and Superintendent Lingquan summoned your soul. I wasn’t the only one who saved you that day.”

Zheng Ding’s expression changed slightly. Then he saluted Qi Xuansu and Lingquanzi.

Lingquanzi nodded slightly and said nothing. On the other hand, Qi Xuansu, who was back to his flowerbed Daoist priest act in front of others, quickly helped Zheng Ding up and said, “Brother, there is no need to be polite.”

Zheng Ding’s face was a little stiff, while Mu Jin rolled her eyes.

Zhao Jiaowu turned a blind eye to all this and changed the topic. “You all have worked hard, and I’m sure you’re tired from the journey. I have already prepared a banquet to welcome Deputy Hall Master Zhang and her group.”

Zhang Yuelu politely declined. “Deputy Mansion Master Zhao, I appreciate your kindness, but we have been resting in Juandu County for three days, and Tiangang Hall Master is waiting for my report. I must return to Jade Capital as soon as possible to report on this important matter, which has even alarmed the Great Sage Lunzhi. I really can’t stay this time, and I hope you will forgive me.”

Zhao Jiaowu would have felt upset if anyone else rejected his welcoming banquet, but Zhang Yuelu had a notorious reputation for being aloof. Even Li Tianzhen had gotten in trouble with her. This showed how much of a loner she was.

He did not insist and merely nodded. “In that case, I won’t keep you around. The flying ship is ready for departure at any time.”

“Thank you, Deputy Mansion Master Zhao.” Zhang Yuelu cupped her fists in thanks.

Zhao Jiaowu stretched out his hand to summon a Spirit Guard and ordered, “Take Deputy Hall Master Zhang and her group to Jade Pond.”

He then turned to Zhang Yuelu and said, “I still have official duties to tend to, so I won’t be sending you off.”

Jade Pond and the Daxue Mountain Palace were not on the same peak, so Zhang Yuelu and her group did not stop at the palace. Under the guidance of the Spirit Guard, they passed through the barbican, entered another tunnel, and passed through another stone bridge, which was about several kilometers long, to the peak where Jade Pond was located.

The Jade Pond of Daxue Mountain was as famous as the Heaven Pond of Taibai Mountain. It was a semicircle, about 3.5 kilometers long and 1.5 kilometers in radius. It was located at the top of the mountain, where clouds and mist covered the place.

More than 2,000 years ago, Emperor Mu had a feast with the Queen Mother of the West here. This left a lasting legacy as the public mistook the Jade Pond as the residence of immortals.

To get to the Jade Pond, they had to first pass through a natural mountain pass, which was about 30 meters wide and about 10 meters wide at the narrowest point. It was flanked by two peaks, forming a passage called the Stone Gorge.

The marvelous stone walls were shaped by nature, like two opened door panels. The color of the stone was ocher. A poem once described, “The majestic Stone Gorge is the gate to the Jade Pond. The cliff hangs over the sky, making one’s soul tremble. Crafted by unearthly hands, it is a straight line leading to the blue sky.”

After passing the Stone Gorge and climbing to the top of the mountain, they could see the Jade Pond. It was a lake that was as clear as jade, surrounded by snow-capped mountains, and covered in mist. The sky, water, and mountains were all the same color.

To the southeast of Jade Pond was the peak where Daxue Mountain Palace was located. These two peaks were connected. Looking up into the distance, one would see three peaks side by side, breaking through the clouds.

At this time, a majestic flying ship was floating on the surface of Jade Pond.

Since this was a business trip, they did not need to buy a ticket and could board the ship directly.

This was Qi Xuansu’s second time riding a flying ship. Last time, he could only afford a regular single bedroom on the first floor, which was the most basic accommodation on the ship.

Since there were no other guests on the flying ship this time, and his deacon status was only below that of Zhang Yuelu and Lingquanzi, he could stay in the suite on the second floor.

The suite had a bedroom and a small study. Normally, this was exclusively reserved for fourth-rank Daoist masters and above. But since this was a business trip, Qi Xuansu got to enjoy these perks.

After everyone boarded, the flying ship slowly took off.

The flying ship used the Dragon Pearl as its core, so it had some magical properties of dragons and was surrounded by vapor. After the flying ship left the Daxue Mountains and entered the ??Death Sea, the water vapor surrounding the ship turned into snowflakes due to the cold weather. It condensed and left a trail of snow wherever it passed.

This snowy scenery continued for half a day until the magnificent Kunlun and Jade Capital could be seen in the distance.

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