A Pawn's Passage

Chapter 143: Cousin-In-Law

Chapter 143: Cousin-In-Law

Qi Xuansu did not hide his actions from Zhang Yuelu, so she cast a sidelong glance at him and asked, “Why do you keep touching your neck?”

He coughed lightly. “I just suddenly felt a chill on my neck.”

Zhang Yuelu questioned, “You didn’t do anything wrong, so why would you feel a chill on your neck?”

Qi Xuansu retorted, “Can’t a man feel threatened?”

Zhang Yuelu cleared her throat and stopped teasing him. “Anyway, that’s the story. Since then, my cousin has been somewhat prejudiced against men, so please be patient with her.”

Qi Xuansu hesitantly asked, “You mentioned your cousin is married, so is her husband—?”

Zhang Yuelu interjected. “My cousin-in-law is a good man.”

“Oh...” Qi Xuansu finally understood. “I see. No wonder Madam Qi said that good people deserve to be held at gunpoint.”

“Who’s Madam Qi?” This was the first time Zhang Yuelu had heard of this name.

Qi Xuansu hesitated for a moment before he replied, “My savior. I have always treated her as an elder, like my master.”

“Did Madam Qi teach you those bad habits and weird ideas too?” Zhang Yuelu raised an eyebrow.

Qi Xuansu’s expression turned serious, and he did not respond to show his stance.

Zhang Yuelu glanced at him and said nothing more. For a moment, there was only silence between them.

Finally, Zhang Yuelu suggested. “Let’s go into the city.”

Qi Xuansu nodded. “Alright.”

There were some Black Robes at the city gate checking for travel permits. Since they showed their credentials, they were not stopped.

The two of them entered the township, which was not too small, but there was nothing special about it.

One thing that Zhang Yuelu did not mention was that she did not know her cousin’s address. After all, her cousin was single and heartbroken when she left Jade Capital. Later, she got married in a low-profile ceremony, which Zhang Yuelu only found out about through letters. During their occasional correspondence, Zhang Yuelu would send the letters back to Shangqing County, which would then be forwarded to the recipient's respective address.

That was why Zhang Yuelu only knew that her cousin had settled down in Fenning County, but not a specific address.

Zhang Yuelu and Qi Xuansu had no choice but to ask around for directions. They guessed that her cousin's house would not be difficult to find. After all, the precious and pampered daughter of the Zhang family would not ill-treat herself by staying in a small house.


Zhang Yuyue was leaning on the couch, reading a novel. It was a truly excellent book, something the Legend of Taiping Inn could not compare to. Although it was a fantasy novel, it discussed themes involving the real world and human nature. Thus, it was well received from the Jade Capital to the Imperial Capital.

However, Zhang Yuyue’s focus was not on the novel. She read a few pages but could not digest a single word. Finally, she simply chucked the book aside, propped her head on her hands, and got lost in thought.

She had left Jade Capital for more than three years. Although she still retained the fourth rank, she no longer had an official position or decision-making power in the Daoist Order.

All she had was her family’s name. Her great-granduncle was the incumbent Heavenly Preceptor. Since he had no children, he always regarded his nieces and nephews as his own.

Her father and brother were not ordinary people either. Even if she did nothing, she could still maintain a good life and travel freely. Otherwise, she would not have been able to give a house in Taishang Place to Zhang Yuelu.

Zhang Yuyue’s father was mad at her for leaving Jade Capital without authorization. He was even more dissatisfied with Zhang Yuyue’s relationship with that man, thinking that she was a disgrace to the family. He even tried to disown her several times. However, her elder brother, who had a say in family matters, stood up for her and took care of her.

Her husband was also very kind to her. Although he was not a big shot in Jade Capital, he was an influential figure in the local Daoist mansion.

What else was she dissatisfied with? What could she not let go of? This was the path she chose after all. Thinking of this, Zhang Yuyue could not help but sigh.

Somehow, Zhang Yuyue suddenly thought of her cousin, Zhang Yuelu, who was born into a small branch of the Zhang family. Zhang Yuelu did not have an extraordinary family background, but she was named by the Heavenly Preceptor. When Zhang Yuelu went to Jade Capital, she was still a seventh-rank priest. But by the time Zhang Yuyue left Jade Capital, Zhang Yuelu was already a fifth-rank priest.

Zhang Yuyue had also recently heard news that her cousin had been promoted to the fourth rank and was now a Deputy Hall Master of Tiangang Hall. If everything went smoothly, Zhang Yuelu would most likely be a Sage. Her future was truly promising.

She could not help but wonder, What if I didn’t leave Jade Capital back then? Would I have been promoted to the third rank by now? Was it worth it to give everything up for a man?


Zhang Yuelu rolled her eyes. “Of course, it’s not worth it. If it were me, I would definitely kill that man. But I’m not the kind to misjudge people.”

Qi Xuansu touched his neck again and asked, “You keep saying ‘that man,’ so who exactly are you referring to?”

At this time, Zhang Yuelu and Qi Xuansu had already inquired about Zhang Yuyue’s residence, which was located in the north of the city. On the way there, they continued talking about Zhang Yuyue.

Qi Xuansu asked Zhang Yuelu what she thought about her cousin’s situation, hence the violent answer. He had a feeling that Zhang Yuelu was hinting at something.

Zhang Yuelu replied, “That man’s name is Li Minghuang. He’s also in Tiangang Hall now, ranking third among the nine Deputy Hall Masters. That’s his new name after he became the godson of the Li family.”

Qi Xuansu finally understood. “No wonder he dared to part ways with the Zhang family’s princess. It turns out that he has a new backer.”

“Li Minghuang is not in Jade Capital now. He has gone to the Western Region Daoist Mansion to lead the Spirit Guards and fight against the Shamanistic Sect. Since you’re in Tiangang Hall, you’ll get to see him sooner or later.” Zhang Yuelu added.

Qi Xuansu inquired, “What about your cousin-in-law?”

Zhang Yuelu thought about it for a while before saying, “If we put aside his family background, my cousin-in-law is actually on par with my cousin. He’s also a fourth-rank Jijiu Daoist master, but he works in the local Daoist mansion. But of course, if we talk about family background, there’s a huge gap between them.”

Qi Xuansu blurted, “I guess a man with a similar family background as your cousin won’t accept someone bossing him around.”

Zhang Yuelu glared at him. “You can say this in front of me, but don’t mention it in front of others.”

“Of course! I’m not an ignorant child.” Qi Xuansu quipped.

While they were talking, they had arrived in front of a rather luxurious mansion. Zhang Yuelu went up and knocked on the door.

An elderly doorman came out. Seeing an unfamiliar man and woman at the door, the doorman was unsure of their purpose. However, after Zhang Yuelu reported her identity, the doorman quickly ushered them to the gatehouse while he went in to inform the masters.

Not long after, a butler came out and led Zhang Yuelu and Qi Xuansu to the main hall. He was respectful and offered them tea while they waited for the Madam to get dressed.

Qi Xuansu looked around, judging the decor and furnishings. It was not extravagant, but it was definitely not shabby. Instead, one could tell from the furnishings that this family had been scholars for generations.

After about 20 minutes, a pleasant female voice came from outside the hall. “Is Qing Xiao here?”

Then, a well-dressed woman walked into the main hall. Her skirt swayed, and her jade pendant jingled when she moved. She was beautiful and graceful, just like those beauties in a painting.

“Sister!” Zhang Yuelu stood up and beamed at her.

Qi Xuansu also stood up and secretly sized up the woman.

Zhang Yuyue was mature, charming, and elegant. It was obvious that she was much older than Zhang Yuelu, as Zhang Yuelu was full of energy, while this woman looked lethargic.

“Qing Xiao, it’s really you! Why did you come over all of a sudden?” Zhang Yuyue was still surprised by Zhang Yuelu’s visit.

Zhang Yuelu answered truthfully, “My mother gave me an ultimatum and insisted that I go home for the New Year, so I thought I’d stopped by to visit you on the way. The last time I saw you was in Jade Capital three years ago. You’ve lost a lot of weight!”

“We haven’t seen each other for three years, huh?” Zhang Yuyue sighed. “Those times feel like a completely different life. I am now a landlord in Fenning County, and you are a Deputy Hall Master in Jade Capital. We’re from completely different worlds.”

Zhang Yuelu consoled her. “Sister, it won’t be difficult for you to return to Jade Capital if you want to.”

Zhang Yuyue chuckled and did not deny it. She turned to look at Qi Xuansu and asked, “Who is this?”

Qi Xuansu took a step forward and saluted her. “My name is Qi Xuansu. Nice to meet you, Mage Zhang.”

Zhang Yuelu smiled and added, “Sister, he’s my friend. You can call him Tian Yuan.”

Zhang Yuyue’s expression changed slightly. Although she was smiling, her attitude was a bit colder. It was obvious that she did not welcome him.

Qi Xuansu thought to himself, She really views all men as Li Minghuang.

Zhang Yuelu urged softly, “Sister.”

Zhang Yuyue sized Qi Xuansu up and scowled. “Greetings, Daoist Qi.”

Qi Xuansu straightened up and cast a sidelong glance at Zhang Yuelu, silently asking her what he should do next.

However, Zhang Yuelu pretended not to see his call for help and started reminiscing with Zhang Yuyue.

Seeing this, Qi Xuansu was helpless and feeling a little frustrated. After the incident in Baidi City, Zhang Yuelu had told him not to follow her back to Shangqing Prefecture, but he was the one who had insisted not to give up halfway. So he had no one but himself to blame for being in this situation.

Since the two women were chatting, Qi Xuansu had no choice but to sit awkwardly on the side and listen to their conversation, which was mainly about the past.

About an hour later, a man in formal Daoist attire hurried over. Zhang Yuelu and Zhang Yuyue stood up to greet him, so Qi Xuansu presumed that the man was Zhang Yuyue’s husband.

The man was much older than him, but unlike Qi Xuansu, who had an intense killing aura, this man had a gentle, elegant, and scholarly air about him. At first glance, this man looked like someone who spent most of his life burying his head in books.

Zhang Yuelu was friendly as she greeted the man. “Cousin-in-law.”

Somehow, Qi Xuansu unconsciously followed her greeting. “Nice to meet you, Cousin-in-law.”

In an instant, the atmosphere in the hall became awkward.

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