A Novel Concept - A death a day, MC will live anyway!

Chapter 181: The Legendary Primogenitor

Chapter 181: The Legendary Primogenitor

Gabrielle stared at the Necromoon, a scowl etched across her face. The bloody orb had replaced the stars she once cherished. Now, the perpetual twilight unsettled the tribesmen's circadian rhythms. Despite their vitality, many clan members were worn out.

The constant battles also induced mental fatigue, escalating the number of casualties. Gabrielle's stomach twisted at the memory of the torrents of blood she had witnessed throughout the day. Every shadow now seemed to conceal a corrupted being, lurking to kill her in her sleep.

A heavy mass collapsed into the hammock next to hers, causing Gabrielle to jump in terror.

"Who's there?!"

"It's just me," groaned a weary voice.

Placing a hand over her chest, Gabrielle waited for her heartbeat to steady before responding.

"You scared me half to death," she whispered, careful not to wake the sleeping children nearby. "Weren't you supposed to assist a scout today?"

"I just got back. Eleha had me running for kilometers carrying Ophis's son."

"Eleha the Smiling Blades?!"

"The very same."

"How is she?" Eleha might not be a Gaesert, but Gabrielle still admired the huntress. Some whispered that she had a chance of reaching Tier 4.

"Strong, skilled, and impatient."

"That's the definition of a Tier 3. And Vyphers?" Ophis's son, the chief of the Snaherts, was known for being an insufferable fool.

"He was an insufferable fool."


"... He fought one of the Champions."

"Did he win?"

Broli burst into laughter.

"Quiet, you'll wake everyone," Gabrielle hushed.

"Sorry," Broli apologized, calming down. "Vyphers was on the brink of death when they found him. The Champion spared him, but took his draconic essence."

"Ophis gonna be furious."

"Hard to tell with that cold-hearted monster. He was mostly annoyed that Eleha left his son alone."

Elysium had never been a peaceful place, especially during the Necro event. "Why did she do that?"

Broli grimaced. "Officially, so that danger can help him grow. Unofficially, the Snaherts young master was insufferable. I don't know if the explanation will convince Ophis, but he can't do much to her anyway."

"... Do you think he'll go after the Champion?" Gabrielle asked with a worried tone. The tales of the Champions had shaped the childhood of every tribe member. After all, their ancestors were also Champions.

"... I don't know. Eleha said it's a complicated matter. We'll have answers soon."


"The tribes break camp in three days. In a week, we'll be neighbors..."

The passage closed on Priam, isolating him from the outside world. Taking a deep breath, he surveyed the room. Approximately thirty square meters, illuminated by the golden and crimson veins of the tree. A powerful vitality aura enveloped the High Human, penetrating his cells and recharging his batteries.

Coddled and protected, Priam felt good.

Smiling, he turned to the only metallic component in the room. The hoplite mech contrasted with Log-a-rhythm's sylvan architecture. Priam would have preferred not to use the device, but his quantum processor would be necessary.

A glance at his HUD informed Priam that a new objective was fulfilled.

[Royal Empyrean Genome Analyzed: 100%]

POT -396

[MKX Arkanian Genome Analyzed: 100%]

POT -198

[High Duatian Genome Analyzed: 2%]

POT -6


The evolution of his race was near. Thanks to hoplite technology, Priam had sequenced the blood of Osiris and Vyphers. Now, Priam possessed the genetic heritage of five humanoid alien species. Titan Hoplite and Snahert were too genetically distant from High Human, but the other three genomes would suffice.

Royal Empyrean, MKX Arkanian, and High Duatian had the same number of chromosomes as a High Human. Analyzing their genomes revealed many close sequences. Coincidences or Concepts machinations, Priam didnt care for now.

"Time to choose the characteristics that interest me from the different races," he murmured.

As his system compiled genomes, Priam sat cross-legged, activating [Focus] and [Frozen Meditation]. His mind sharpened as unnecessary thoughts faded away.

Lets start.

Connecting to [Eidetic Memory], Priam felt the results of his add-on's analyses downloading into his memory. The volume of data was so significant that he winced in pain. Massaging his temples, Priam spent several minutes checking all the knowledge related to his genes and those of Jasmine and Myuri.

Lvl Up: [Humanoid Anatomy] lvl 2,...,6

MEM +15

Witnessing the complexity upon which life thrived, Priam marveled. The next moment, [Frozen Meditation] neutralized the unnecessary emotion. Without wasting time, he created a mental model of DNA intended to be the foundation of his future race. It was time to choose the most interesting elements from each genome.

Eyes closed, Priam envisioned the structure upon which to build his future race: the DNA of a High Human. A double helix-shaped macromolecule appeared in his mind. Encoded inside was Priam's entire genome. The System had done a fantastic job, and High Human was close to Tier 2. His racial talent, [High Human adaptation], was exceptional, and Priam intended to build on it rather than replace it.

There was a second reason for Priam to choose High Human as the foundation of his future race: to retain his identity. Cosmetic changes, even significant ones, posed him no problem, but the structure of his brain was a sensitive point. [Tenacious Spirit] had awakened his intellect, but the cerebral organ still had the potential to influence his ego.

Using the High Human blueprint, Priam began mentally removing all non-functional genes. About twenty percent of the sequences disappeared, optimizing his genome.

Observing his DNA, Priam began choosing the sequences to replace with alien sequences. Like an enthusiast assembling his computer or car piece by piece, Priam added better genes.

Quickly, he realized that, despite his Vivacity, he couldn't calculate all the consequences off the top of his head. Like a complex algorithm, the slightest alteration of his genome led to cascading errors.

Aware of his limitations, Priam had borrowed the hoplite mech lying in a corner of the room. He shared the necessary data with the AI, letting the quantum processor calculate the consequences of his modifications.

Sequence after sequence, Priam began modifying his DNA, testing different combinations, and trying to perfect his new race. His system and the mecha's AGI help him predict the ideal changes.

Most changes were subtle. Some muscles shifted, while some proteins and biochemical reactions changed. Borrowing some genes from Jasmine, Priam improved the structure of his bones and lymphatic system. Myuri's race, Royal Empyrean, allowed him to slightly modify his brain and nervous system. The organ being plastic, Priam knew that some modifications could be dangerous, but he relied on [Tenacious Spirit] and his Potential to smooth out the edges.

Some characteristics remained unchanged, starting with his two hearts. Priam discovered that his Titles had modified his DNA. His descendants would have a non-zero chance of being born with two hearts. Some of his resistances and his phoenix bloodline had also changed his genome. Priam incorporated the changes brought by Jasmine's resistances, such as Shadow Resistance, adding certain qualities to his skin.

On the other hand, he was surprised to find that his draconic bloodline and Hecate New Moon were invisible on the genetic level. It raised interesting questions.

Time passed as Priam continued his calculations. Despite his mental abilities and the help of a quantum computer, creating a race was a lengthy process.

[High Duatian Genome Analyzed: 100%]

POT -182

The notification briefly caught Priam's attention. Osiris's genome meant new possibilities and the need to tweak his model. Priam would accept nothing less than perfection.

Seated cross-legged, periodically nourished by Log-a-rhythm, the First continued his research.

Lvl Up: [Geometry] lvl 2,..., 11

VIVA +10

MEM +20

Lvl Up: [Comparison] lvl 13,..., 20

MEM +7

Possibility of integrating [Comparison] with [Priams System].


Lvl Up: [Priams System] lvl 40

MEM +2


[Priams System - Rare] has reached level 40, its maximum level as a rare skill.

Prerequisites met:

- Soul bonded

- Artificial general intelligence

- Divine Deception

- Merged with a High potential Epic skill.

- Self-made Skill.

Ideal Upgrade unlocked:

[Priams System - Epic] - Reliable, adaptable, autonomous, and efficient, your system is the ideal Assistant. Ideal upgrade potential. Potential Cost: 320

You have selected the skill [Priams System - Epic].

POT -320

[Priams System - Epic] - Your Assistant improves its models and algorithms. This AGI excels in data comparison and calculations. Merged with [Mask], it can mask both its presence and yours. Existing in symbiosis with your soul, it now incorporates your racial Talent. Adaptable, its only limits are yours.

A glitch in the matrix.


MEM +3

META(Authority) + 3

Lvl Up: [Humanoid Anatomy] lvl 7, 8, 9

MEM +9

Unauthorized use: this story is on Amazon without permission from the author. Report any sightings.

Lvl Up: [Frozen Meditation] lvl 18, 19, 20



[Frozen Meditation] has reached level 20. As a rare skill, a bonus is available. Choose one of these three options:

[Greater Meditation] - External stimuli have little chance of disturbing your Meditation. POT -30

[Frozen Heart] - The emotions that stir within you calm down when you meditate. POT -30

[The World] - Your thoughts accelerate as the world seems to slow down. POT -30

[The World] - ACQUIRED.

POT -30

Sporting a brilliant smile, Priam opened his eyes. Suppressing a yawn, he stood up and began a few stretches to wake up his body and mind. He had reasons to be satisfied: in addition to his system's ideal upgrade, the blueprint for his next race was ready.

His new race would surpass a High Human on all fronts. Thanks to an optimized genetic code, an adult would naturally possess over a hundred points in each attribute. It was the threshold for the System to recognize his species as Tier 2.

But the best was still to come as with the Tier up came a second racial Talent.

According to Osiris's research, the racial Talent was a natural rune located at the core of each cell in an individual. This had been confirmed by the Guardian, who had added that these runes were a manifestation of the races Concept. The history and mentality of individuals contributed to the creation of this Talent.

As the Primogenitor, its Concept would be decided by Priam, creating a racial Talent perfectly tailored to his needs.

Imagining his future Talents, Priam put an end to his stretches and promptly began the ritual. Time was precious. The serene atmosphere created by Log-a-rhythm was an illusion; outside, the event raged on.

Turning his eyes to the ground, Priam instructed Log-a-rhythm to cover the floor with a vast network of complex runes. Osiris had done a remarkable job, using his Potential to create a ritual that would help Priam temporarily weaken his cells. Thanks to this, he could surpass his constitution and modify his DNA. Better yet, the young High Duatian had integrated the possibility of generalizing the modifications to all his cells.

A few minutes later, the ritual was ready. Seated at the center, surrounded by a multitude of sigils, Priam took a deep breath. Here we go!

Opening determined eyes, he directed his aether into the runes, creating a resonance with the ritual. Silvery energy began to fill half of the sigils. In a few moments, a void of aether appeared around Priam. The difference in energy density created a suction effect. Priam felt his aether reserves slowly drained into his ritual. I should have known.

Using [Aether Manipulation], he blocked his own reservoir. The transfer ceased as the ritual expanded the size of the vacuum. The growing pressure difference led to an increase in suction force until something gave way. The runes inside his cells began to lose their aether. Priam grimaced as he felt his attributes decrease. Although temporary, the phenomenon was particularly unpleasant. I feel like I've just had chemotherapy...

Enduring the feeling of extreme weakness, Priam gritted his teeth and waited.

As soon as his system announced that his physical attributes were below the first threshold, Priam grabbed a metallic cube at his feet. Of hoplite origin, it contained molecular scissors and sensors necessary for modifying a genome. Using his Domain, Priam retrieved an attribute-weakened cell from his saliva, guiding it into the cube.

The hoplite tool began to modify Priams DNA, using three drops of blood from Jasmine, Myuri, and Osiris for the genetic material needed. For thirty seconds, Priam and his updated system watched the miracle of alien technology. Thanks to his Domain, they could check that the changes made were the ones desired.

When the cube opened, revealing a cell a few micrometers in size, Priam smiled. The biological unit was so small that only his Domain allowed him to detect it. Nevertheless, it contained the sum of his efforts from the past few days. A colossal amount of time and Potential had been invested in this simple cell. Let's finish this.

Priam directed his aether to a second nexus, which distributed it into a network of still inactive runes. The powered sigils created a halo around Priam's naked body as he began to levitate. The modified cell entered the ritual, which analyzed it. Priam felt pressure descend upon him as his runes compared each of his cells with his future genome.

Finding no match, the final part of the ritual activated to modify Priam's entire cell structure. The ambient aether was siphoned into the High Human's body to transform every strand of DNA present in his body. The ritual hummed as the energy storm metamorphosed its creator at a microscopic level.

Priam lost track of time until his system informed him of the end of the ritual. Descending slowly to the ground, he grimaced in pain. His genetic code no longer matched his body, and cell division began, leading to errors. Before damage appeared due to the divergence between his genome and his body, Priam activated the integration of his second heart.

His instinct whispered that the awakening of his bloodline would facilitate his transcendence.

A draconic roar capable of shaking the gods echoed in Priam's ears as he lost consciousness.

A vine as thick as a hoplite's thigh snatched the last revenant, crushing it. The bones disappeared beneath the earth, clearing the battlefield. Not a trace remained of the corrupted horde that had stood there moments before.

Kazuki grinned, watching his latest acquisition in action. The Bio Trap III had set them back twenty-five thousand Sun points, nearly half of what they had earned since the beginning of the event. From his perspective, it was a savvy investment.

The Bio Trap was an organic structure with dozens of vines, each capable of overcoming a Tier 1. Although less powerful than other traps, it had the advantage of obeying Log-a-rhythm and being reusable. It drew energy from the digestion of its victims, converting surplus into fertilizer useful for enhancing the growth of trees in Log-a-rhythm's domain.

With this economic strategy, the base expanded, and Sun points flowed. This virtuous circle provided Kazuki a glimmer of hope about the hoplites' survival in Elysium during the Necro event.

"Champion Kazuki, Lord Priam is undergoing evolution."

Interrupted in his thoughts, Kazuki turned to the soldier saluting him. The guy had loaned his mecha to Priam two days ago and must have used sensors to monitor his condition.

"Excellent news, Titan Clark."

The soldier opened his mouth, then closed it.

"Is there anything else?"

"No, Champion."

"Then you can return to your post."

"Yes, Champion."

As the hoplite walked away, Kazuki sighed before opening the communication channel he shared with Hyshana.

[We need to keep an eye on Clark.]

Priam opened his eyes to an incomprehensible spectacle. Immersed in an ocean of colors, shapes, scents, memories, thoughts, past, and future, his mind calmed. His soul, still unable to fully grasp aether, chose to be lulled by universal energy.

After surveying the surroundings, Priam turned his attention to himself. His body resembled a wisp, a floating flame in the primordial fluid. In his center, a draconic heart pulsated Tribulation affinity throughout his being. The affinity was soothing his soul and aiding his development.

As a wave of aether penetrated him, Priam felt immense joy. He knew the Concepts had accepted his new race and initiated a baptism process.

While waiting for the end of the primordial ceremony, Priam's mind summoned the System.

Successfully created Tier 2 race.


Would you like to choose a name?

Homo Elysian.

He had chosen this name long ago. A name representing what he was and what he aspired to be. A name embracing the past and dreaming of the future.

[Homo Elysian - Tier 2] - As the optimized fusion of four rival races, Homo Elysian transcends the simple sum of its parts. Its virgin history confers it a pure aetheric code.

Characterized by fantastical adaptation, Homo Elysian benefits from the abilities of the races it integrates.

Primogenitor, choose a racial Talent to merge with [High Human Adaptation].

The other two Talents will merge to create a second racial Talent.

[Royal Path - Gold] - Royal Empyrean's racial talent. Your will passively guides aether, manipulating probabilities to achieve your goals.

[MKX Flair - Gold] - MKX Arkanian's racial talent. Your animal instinct is highly developed.

[Soul Duality - Gold] - High Duatian's racial talent. Your soul is linked to your body. The degeneration of your physical envelope leads to that of your soul.

PHY +10

MEM +10

Dexterity exceeds 500 points. First milestone reached. Congratulations!

System note:

For the moment, there is no known superior race for Homo Elysian.

The only Tier up possibilities are:

  • Absorption of alien codes.
  • Catalyzing new spontaneous developments with Racial Talent.

Modification of Tribulation thresholds: To avoid unnecessarily restricting users whose race has the potential for rapid development, the System grants different Tribulation thresholds according to the races Tier.

Homo Elysian is a Tier 2 race. The new thresholds are now every 1(+2) hundred.

Tribulation Thresholds:

One attribute above 300 was detected at Tier 0.

Three attributes above 300 were detected at Tier 0.

Six attributes above 300 were detected at Tier 0.

Twelve attributes above 300 were detected at Tier 0.

One attribute above 600 was detected at Tier 0.

Three attributes above 600 were detected at Tier 0.

For a total of six Tribulations.

The user has already withstood four Tribulations at Tier 0.

[Tribulation]: Two Tribulations pending.

Future Tribulations delayed until:

Time: 166 days 18 hours 42 minutes 17 seconds.

Next thresholds: 6 attributes > 600 / 1 attribute > 900

Titles upgrade!

[Primogenitor - Gold] becomes [Primogenitor - Legendary]

[Primogenitor - Legendary] - You pioneered a new Tier 2 race. It's your job to keep improving it.

Your charisma doubles when you talk to a member of your own or your original races.

You can convert some similar lifeforms to your race.

CHAR +30% > CHAR +40%

[Tribulation Wyvern Heart - Silver(Gold)] becomes [Tribulation Wyvern Heart - Gold]

[Tribulation Wyvern Heart - Gold] - Your draconic heart holds the power of a Tribulation.

Your bloodline is now awake.

The Dragons' first gift is an innate instinct for destruction and creation.

The Dragons second gift is an exceptional affinity for their element. (Select)

Choose an attribute to evolve.

VIT +20% > VIT +30%


Phoenix - 1% - awakened (T1)

Dragon - NEW.

Reading his notifications, Priam thought of rivals, enemies, and the incomprehensible powers of the Necromoon or the System. The trials awaiting him were terrifying, but Priam had taken a new step on the Zenith Path.

Wait for me Sphinx, I'm coming!



Strength 464 (+15)

Constitution 827 (+12)

Agility 470 (+15)

Vitality 749 (+62)

Perception 683 (+20)


Vivacity 416 (+24)

Dexterity 508 (+10)

Memory 313 (+83)

Willpower 858 (+22)

Charisma 554 (+48)


Meta-affinity 415

Meta-focus 342

Meta-endurance 262

Meta-perception 201

Meta-chance 230

Meta-authority 24 (+3)

Potential: 2246 (-1078)

Tier 0

Sun points: 4010

[He Who Eludes Death] charge: PRIMED.

[Tribulation]: Two Tribulations pending.

Future Tribulations delayed until:

Time: 166 days 18 hours 42 minutes 17 seconds.

Next thresholds: 6 attributes > 600 / 1 attribute > 900

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