A Novel Concept - A death a day, MC will live anyway!

Chapter 178: Chaos Princess' Wrath

Chapter 178: Chaos Princess' Wrath

"Hey, kid, finally decided to sell me your other films?"

"Hasn't anyone sold them to another Guardian yet? I suppose humans with [Eidetic Memory] are rare," Priam smiled within the mental space surrounding his soul. Communicating with Tier 6 in this place reduced the chances of espionage to zero.

"Some have already sold ideas, scripts, and even dialogues," sighed the Guardian. "But I'm a cinephile; I need to see the director's creative hand and the actor's genius."

"You're a dwarf of culture. However, luxury comes at a price," Priam winked.

The Guardian burst into laughter. "Make me an offer."

"One gold coin for my entire collection. A good deal," Priam smiled, sending a list of the movies he possessed.

"Almost three thousand movies... Not bad. But some had a limited budget. Are you trying to rip me off?"

"A limited budget?"

"The dialogues are terrible, and the actors don't even have clothes."

"Oh... That's on purpose. It's a type of film very popular on Earth."

"Weird. Nevertheless, it's way too expensive. Art not imbued with Concepts rarely goes beyond one silver coin. Here's my counteroffer: a hundred and twenty bronze Coins."

Priam shot a stern look at the Guardian. "That's miserable for a significant part of human culture."

"It's not like you produced these works."

"People have poured their souls into these projects."

"I understand, but I won't go any higher. It's already a generous offer from me; half of that sum comes from my own pocket."

Priam tried to bargain for a few minutes, adding the rest of the works he had seen, read, or heard. In the end, he received a hundred and thirty-two bronze coins for his trouble. Most of the other works had already been sold. Except for video games and movies, art was easily reproducible for a human with a lot of Memory.

"If it consoles you, you earned twice as much as the hoplite for almost a hundred times fewer works."

That didn't surprise Priam. Hoplite culture was mainly limited to action movies. Keanu Reeves might have hoplite blood...

"Lets start," declared Priam, trying to forget that he had just sold human culture. "Is it possible for me to present theories to you? Only stop me if they're incorrect."

"It aint what you dont know that gets you into trouble. Its what you know for sure that just aint so," Mark Twain had said. If Priam managed to escape Sumstreh, it would be precisely because of that. He wanted to make sure it wouldn't happen to him.

The dwarf burst into laughter. "Of course not. You would just have to adjust your theories until I validate them. If you want answers, you'll have to pay."

Priam didn't even flinch; he expected this response.

"Too bad. First question. Can you hear a lot of things with your senses? If someone tried to buy information about me, how much would it cost?"

Tier 6 had to suspect that Priam was no longer mind-controlled. If Sumstreh found out, it would be terrible.

"That one's free. I can't betray the secrets I've discovered myself as long as you welcome me into your territory."

"To encourage people not to get rid of you," Priam understood.

"If every Guardian were a spy ready to sell the secrets they detected, no Noble would want us on their territory," the dwarf confirmed. "Other Guardians are also unable to speak... unless they discover your secrets in another way. Of course, I can still sell your secrets if one of your friends sells them to me."

"Seems fair. Next, how to unlock the Auctions in the Sun Shop?"

"Twelve iron coins. To unlock the Auctions, you need infrastructure capable of hosting them, a means of transporting goods, and a Tier 2 specialized Merchant. For example, a Forum, our Secret Channel, and a Tier 2 specialized Merchant."

Priam's heart rate accelerated.

"I suppose you can take care of the Secret Channel... for a fee?"

"We take a ten percent commission." The Guardian and Priam exchanged a smile.

All that was left was to select a Merchant in the Sun Shop. For fifteen thousand points, the base would be connected to the outside world. Access to Auctions was a boon for exchanging information and resources without the risk of encountering hostile locals.

"When will Necromoon end?" Priam asked.

"Seven bronze coins. When Concepts push it back."

Seven bronze coins for that?

The dwarf noticed Priam's annoyed look and grimaced. "Everything related to Tier 9s is surrounded by mystery. If you're worried about the Sun Shop, the last Necro event lasted fifty thousand years. These floating islands should leave the event zone before then, but you have time to enjoy the Shop."

Priam just stared at the dwarf, stunned. How was he supposed to react to such enormous numbers? The System woke him up.

Announcement to Wandering Islands:

Arnold NetSky shot down a Necro Envoy (Tier 3) at Tier 0.

Congratulations on this Mythic feat!


For several seconds, Priam reread the notification, shocked. He found it hard to accept. Even with luck and an excellent matchup, he knew he had no chance against a Tier 3.

"How?" Priam asked.

"One hundred bronze Coins. Your rival paid to protect his information."

"Forget it." It had no interest anyway. Var Elegis had won because he was stronger than Priam.

Priam reread the announcement one last time before smiling. We both have come a long way... Probing his hearts, he was surprised to find himself excited. If Arnold could defeat a Tier 3, then anything was possible. His rival was ahead for now, but Priam intended to catch up. He would surpass him.


To save Sphinx, Priam had to survive and progress. He turned to the Guardian, his misty eyes sparkling in the crimson night.

"Except for improving my race, how do I succeed in my next Tribulations?"

The dwarf, with a thin smile on his lips, replied.

"Eight bronze coins. You have no way to avoid your Tribulations. However, you can take advantage of the war between the Concepts and the Necromoon: Sun points and the Sun Shop are not taken into account in the calculation of Tribulations. For example, you could buy a drop of draconic blood to enhance your bloodline a second after the start of your Tribulations."

"I haven't seen that kind of item... Oh."

The Guardian had just given him a clue. Some items might be revealed only under certain conditions. Priam would have liked to test his theory by comparing his list with Jasmine's, but the young woman was unreachable.

"Thanks for the info."

"I don't know what you're talking about," the dwarf replied.

"Would I survive if I triggered my six Tribulations right now?" Priam forced himself to remain calm, but failed. The answer to this question was too important.

The dwarf sighed. "One iron coin. Currently and with luck, you could resist a triple Tribulation. It's already exceptional. But I have good news for you."

"... How much does it cost?"

"That's the best part: it's free!" Something in the Guardian's smile made Priam suspicious. Nothing was free, especially not information. For a moment, Priam almost turned a blind eye to the gift before succumbing to curiosity.

"How is that free?" he sighed.

"It's a gift from a third party. I know you've been trying to improve your race and that you have a constitution problem. To solve it, you'd need to use a drug or a ritual to temporarily lower your attributes. You can find this kind of product at the Auctions for about two hundred and fifty thousand points."

The Guardian had just confirmed to Priam that Auctions allowed the purchase of items not present in the Sun Shop. Pleased to have obtained this information without paying, he replied.

"But fortunately, you have another miraculous solution," Priam predicted with all the irony he could muster.

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"Bingo! You just have to ask a biomancy expert to help you during the race upgrade."

"Where is this mage?"

"That information will cost you money. All I can tell you is that his name is Osiris. He's Seth's brother."

Priam narrowed his eyes.

"And who wants to see me face Seth? How do they know I need this?"

"They only bought information that could be useful to you while being unfavorable to Seth. It's signed: Sincerely yours, Esme. Trying to climb the social ladder?" the dwarf winked.

"I would rather bring down a god."

A few minutes later, Kazuki, Hyshana, Alain, and Priam were back on top of Log-a-rhythm to discuss the Guardian's responses.

"Auctions are an excellent goal, but we have nothing to sell for now," summarized Priam. "However, we learned something crucial: Necromoon will stay for a long time, and so will the Sun Shop."

"It seems to please you," noted his father.

"Because it's excellent news," Kazuki understood. "We have a colossal advantage over our rivals in this event: a base."

Hyshana sharpened her blade. "If we set up an economic strategy, our defenses will kill corrupted, and we will reinvest those points in better defenses."

"Industrializing the death of our enemies through our territory," Priam summarized. "Other rivals will have to wander to find a few skeletons, while hordes will rush into our traps."

"That's an excellent idea. Infrastructures become a priority again," said Kazuki. "But the beginning will cost a lot. We'll have to buy each trap, each turret, each destructive ritual and compare their efficiency to deduce the best farming method."

"Dont forget the Holy Guardians. But in the long run, our defenses will become truly terrifying. Possibly enough to fight..." Priam coughed, avoiding his father's gaze. "To fight some Tier 4s."

Hyshana nodded. "By terraforming the forest a bit, we can create a path strewn with obstacles and line it with defenses to grind the hordes gradually."

"Every tree is an extension of Log-a-rhythm," Priam reminded. "Let's try to transplant as much as possible."

Everyone nodded.

"A death path is an excellent idea. With the barrier, we could control the flow of revenants into our base. If we guide them into traps, bottlenecks, and unfavorable positions... I will plan a maze," Alain proposed.

"... Are you sure, Dad?"

"I've never been a killer, but I'm pragmatic, son. This world kills those who aren't. I don't have the talent or the nature required to wield a sword, but I loved my job as an architect. Let me handle it."

"I can't wait to see the plans," Priam smiled. A part of him, the one that had hesitated to bring his father to Elysium, was relieved. Humans, young or old, would adapt.

Hyshana accompanied Alain inside Log-a-rhythm to assist him with her military knowledge and AI. She cast a piercing look at her husband as she left the platform.

"She thinks I'm going to try to find Arnold and challenge him to a duel," Kazuki explained to Priam once alone.

"Is she right?"

"Dying and leaving my wife alone to save my race would be cowardly."

Despite his weapon, Kazuki was more the Heart of the Hoplites than their Spear.

"I don't understand how he could defeat a Tier 3," Priam admitted.

"He did it; that's all that matters," replied the hoplite Champion, shaking his head. "Now, it's up to us to catch up with him."

The two rivals looked at each other, finding a fiery combat spirit in each other's eyes.

"I have a lead, but I need Seth's location. You left nanobots in his flesh, right?"

This had happened just after the battle against the necromancer. The latter was certainly capable of detecting a biological or spiritual tracker, but technology didn't seem to be his strong suit.

"I destroyed them remotely after retrieving the position of his base. When are you leaving?" Kazuki asked, giving Priam the coordinates.


Around Priam, the forest was devastated but alive. Plants bent under the influence of the Necromoon. The tree trunks bowed, as if refusing to reach for the bloody celestial body. The brightness was low, barely revealing the silent crowd of corrupted haunting the undergrowth.

Log-a-rhythm will have work to do... Everywhere, flora fought against the curse. Vegetation seemed less inclined to transform than animals. Perhaps its harder to instill a destructive instinct in a plant. Corrupted trees were as rare as living animals.

The eerie spectacle and lugubrious atmosphere sent shivers down Priam's spine. As he was running, a branch snapped under his foot. Two corrupted wolves lifted their heads, observing the top of the tree, a summit lost in thick fog.

A moment later, the two revenants were engulfed by the mist.

Priam moved swiftly, dragging behind him a colossal net of conquering mist. Leaping from branch to branch, he didn't hesitate to use his new ability to harvest all the corrupted within his reach.

Leaving a trail of permanent death behind him, Priam slowed upon seeing a light. He stopped to summon the undetectable mist he had used to kill the skulcs. Merging with it, he continued his journey as a white ghost.

The devastated forest suddenly gave way to a magical environment. Magnificent trees housed a bioluminescent ecosystem. Spectral white mushrooms trembled with energy. The ambient aether showed no traces of the Necromoon's influence.

A hundred meters away, a dilapidated structure lay amidst colossal trees with deep roots. Large blocks of stone, their mortar yielding, covered the ground. Small columns surviving time and bas-reliefs covered in fractals gave Priam pause. Any civilization that survived in Elysium couldn't be simple.

I bet anything these ruins are trapped

Prudent, Priam headed towards the main entrance before stopping. Esme was angry with Seth. She must have manipulated the probabilities against him.

Priam observed the sky, the earth, the stones, and the insects. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary. A bee the size of his fist buzzed around a flower, and a two-headed lizard ran along a wall to hide behind some vines.

His Fire Concept detected a fire. The next second, it disappeared. There. Priam, in mist form, approached the vines. It took him only a second to find a way through.

A tunnel lay behind, leading to a partially destroyed room. In the center, a campfire burned, illuminating a little boy who stared fixedly at some kind of red vine in his hand. When the object contracted, Priam understood he was looking at a muscle.

Osiris was alone.

A few minutes earlier.

Seth raised his eyes, sharing the view of one of the specters he controlled. A red dot, trailing a flaming tail, crossed the sky towards the temple. It was unlikely to get hit by an asteroid in Elysium, yet the Princess defied statistics.

[Are you sure you want to stay here, Seth? You're endangering your dear brother.]

The necromancer grimaced upon hearing the voice. Osiris's presence usually reduced his schizophrenic episodes, but the situation stressed him. Worse, his second personality was right. He was currently a magnet for disasters. The campfire crackled, and a spark flew before landing on the rival's leaf mattress. With a wave of his hand, Seth stopped the fire from starting. The third one in a minute.

"I've got something to do," Seth said, standing up.

Osiris didn't take his eyes off the artificial muscle. "Have fun," he replied, distracted. Seth smiled, seeing his brother working to help him. If he succeeded, Seth would have a much more powerful replacement body.

Leaving the temple, Seth crossed the spectral forest before moving away. He chose a direction opposite the clearing that housed the Tutorial portal. Esme knew the place too well and could cause terrifying accidents. Despite his progress, Seth had no desire to encounter the Judge, the First, or the Var Elegis.

After dodging the asteroid fallwhose trajectory had deviated for an unknown reasonSeth approached the border of the floating island. Riding the rays of the Necromoon, Princess's powers didn't apply when he traveled this way, but the malevolent influence corrupted him quickly. Seth used this means of transport as a last resort.

A hundred kilometers later, he stopped at the border of the floating island. An agitated and terrifying ocean stretched beneath him. At this distance, she shouldn't be able to.

"A corrupted Champion? What a shame" echoed in his head.

Seth widened his eyes. None of the invisible specters patrolling the surroundings had detected the stranger. He looked up. A female biped looked at him, a bone dagger in hand. The tattoos on her face vibrated with power. It wasn't one of his rivals; it was a local. A powerful one.

His skeleton shook. Seth had carried it long enough to recognize the properties of a Tier 3. Where did she find a local Tier 3? Screw you, Princess!

[You're the one who's gonna get screwed.]

A moment later, as a mad laugh echoed in Seth's head, a second asteroid struck the ground.



Strength 449

Constitution 794

Agility 455

Vitality 684

Perception 667


Vivacity 390

Dexterity 495

Memory 218

Willpower 836

Charisma 506


Meta-affinity 415

Meta-focus 338

Meta-endurance 260

Meta-perception 201

Meta-chance 230

Meta-authority 15

Potential: 3321

Tier 0

Sun points : 3693 (+464)

[He Who Eludes Death] charge: PRIMED.

[Tribulation]: Six Tribulations pending.

Future Tribulations delayed until:

Time: 169 days 23 hours 47 minutes 12 seconds.

Next thresholds: 12 attributes > 400 / 6 attribute > 600 / 3 attributes > 800

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