A NEET’s Guide to the Parallel World: Healer, the Strongest Cheat?

Chapter 93: Journey

Chapter 93: Journey

Francesca left with her photographer Dolly. 2 missing students huh, Ichijo and Hidaka, I wonder if she decided that I was one of the two? Shes a scary woman but Im pretty sure she wont make an enemy out of me. Besides she brings me credible information faster than anyone else so Id like to continue this odd relationship, unless it becomes disadvantageous for me.

After that we were swarmed by the crowd asking to shake our hands and for autographs. Nem was scared and tightened her hold on my hand, while Sufilia and Toa had other ideas. While Toa was barely suppressing her rage and want to start blasting people, Sufilia was smiling ear to ear. She came closer and whispered in my ear.

Let me do what I couldnt do in Artemias, let me burn them all!

She looked pretty excited but that would have been the fastest fall from hero to villain that Id ever heard of. I decided that I had no choice but to carry the three of then using God speedand flee to the inn.

We arrived at the room quickly.

That was more annoying than the dungeon wasnt it?

Toa was holding juice as she said this and I had to agree. While Im sure its a huge honor, I dont like being surrounded.


But she didnt actually do anything in the dungeon though did she? Of course Im smart enough to not say this.

Well we should be ok here, as long as the guy at the front desk doesnt know that were back.

Oh good, we can relax.

Sufilia was smiling with a full glass of wine in her hand.

Hey if you like wine, why not drink this?

I pulled out some Old Gert from storage for Sufilia.

Thi- this is!

Old Gert, its rare isnt it?

Sufilia poured the wine into the glass and took a sip. She seemed to be so impressed that tears were running down her cheeks.

Arent you exaggerating a little too much? I have more so you can go ahead and drink all of it.

All of it!? What!? Lord Nito do you know the value of this wine!?

Hmm? I mean yeah. Its not made anymore right?

Correct! This wine is said to not even exist anymore let alone be sold anywhere!

Then, dont drink it all? And Ill save whats left?

I didnt expect Sufilia to get so emotional about it.

Speaking of which, I actually just remembered but I found that wine in the dungeon that I was in when I first got to this world.

Oh yeah, you did say something about that huh.

Toa seemed to remember me saying that as well.

Speaking of, didnt Khalifa mention something about Zephyr buying a large amount of old gert?

Did she say that? How do you even remember something like that?

I dont know?

Ive always been able to easily remember things that I found interesting.

Well anyway she never said what happened to all that wine so, Im pretty sure that this is it.

Toa looked lost.

Also since the conversation with Bell Ive actually been wondering whos dungeon Aries sent me into?

Although it was just a coincidence that I was teleported into a dungeon.

What are you talking about?

Toa doesnt seem to understand what I mean.

Well Khalifa seemed to avoid saying some things while she was talking and that made me think. Its just a hypothesis but I think that was Zephyrs dungeon.

Zephyr? The same Zephyr who gave Nito a skill?

Yeah that line of thinking would be consistent with the story.


Yeah, even if it was Shawns dungeon.

My adventure truly began after my encounter with Shawn, but the real question is, why was Shawn in that dungeon?

Bell said that the owner can enter and exit the dungeon freely. It seems to also depend on the owner as to whether or not his companions can enter, the method for doing so seems to be teleportation.

So youre saying that Zephyr brought Shawn into the dungeon?


Toa was understanding surprisingly well, but for some reason I found myself yawning. Maybe I was more tired than I thought?

Ill have to think about it again after talking with Khalifa again. Im tired today.

Yeah, lets do that.

In that case, Im going to sleep first.

Its probably more of a mental tiredness than anything, after all thats what kind of place the dungeon is. However even after talking to Bell I was still worried about the tale Adams left behind. Losing those three things, and about Zephyr. He was alive but dead? Somehow he was alive without a body, maybe I should ask Khalifa about it tomorrow? I could ask Zephyr but he never tells me anything.

And like that I fell asleep.

The next day the four of us ate a light breakfast and left the inn, by that time some of the stalls and merchants had already cleared out.

As we walked out of town a man was there and called out to us.

I was waiting, Nito.

Oh its youuhLemonade or something right?


I was fully aware, I made the mistake on purpose.

Youre the one that talked to us before we challenged the dungeon right?

Toa didnt mean anything by it but Leonardo looked apologetic.

Im sorry for anything rude I may have said.

Thats fine, are you alone? Last time we met you were carrying someone.

The girl didnt make it she was barely breathing when we got out of the dungeon. We were too late.

I see, so she died.

Im sorry for your loss. Anyway, what is it you want? I assume you have a reason to be waiting for me?

Ill be straight forward, I would like Nito to come to Dams Ardan.

Me? Why?

While Im sure youve heard of Dams Ardan

Nope, no idea what that place is. First time Ive heard of the country.

Lord Nito, Dams Ardan is

Sufilia tried to explain but Leonardo interrupted her.

I will explain. Dams Arden was originally part of the Dams Kale empire, when the empire was reconstructed those that were left out formed the country of Dams Arden.

Ok? Got it.and?

Dams Arden has decided to destroy the Dams Kale empire.

Yeah ok..what?

As such, I would like Nito to assist us.

Wait a minute, you want to destroy the empire? Are you serious.


There was no evidence of a lie in Leonards eyes.

Then should you even be talking about something this serious to an adventurer like me?

We cant afford to be picky about how this gets done. Even if the fact that were trying to eradicate the empire reaches the emporer the empire wont do anything. In their eyes we a far beneath them, not even worth their time.

Then why not help out Razhousen?

I did of course send a letter to Razhousen but, the contents said that we could not help unless the conditions were perfect.

You talk to much, kind of like Sierra.


Yeah, one of my companions. Although shes not here right now, I havent decided if thats good or bad yet. Anyway I havent been to either Dams Arden or Dams kale yet. So while I dont necessarily mind destroying the empire Id like to do some sightseeing first.


Leonardo seemed at a loss for words.

You want to go sight seeing in that place?

Yeah, Ive never seen it before. Its easy enough to destroy the country but after I do I wont be able to do any sightseeing so..


Apparently we have different ideas of whats common sense.

Well for now were going to Beyoment.

In that case allow me to accompany you! Since it looks as though you do not have a carriage.

As he said this Leonardo pointed to his own carriage.

Well them shall we ride in Leonards carriage?

I checked with the other three just incase but they didnt seem to mind.

In that case, everyone please climb into the carriage.

Leonardo led us over to his carriage.

Thanks, uu~h Leonardo?

No problem.

Toa thanked him awkwardly.


Nem hopped in before waiting for Leonardo to reply.

Thank you Leonardo.

Of cour- wait, arent you princess Sufilia?

It seems like he noticed.

Youre the Princess of Artemias, Sufilia!

Whats a Sufilia? I dont know any Artemias either.

She seemed to be pressuring him with her eyes because Leonardo apologized for making a mistake. Maybe her face is a little to well known?

After you Nito.

Thanks, and Id appreciate it if you didnt tell anyone about us.

Of course, I will happily forget that we met here as well.

You understand quickly, thank you.

Leonardo smiled bitterly, then with everyone on board we headed to Beyoment.

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