A NEET’s Guide to the Parallel World: Healer, the Strongest Cheat?

Chapter 91: Talking wand

Chapter 91: Talking wand

When I came back to the living room Toa was messing with the TV remote. The school was displayed on screen but there werent any challengers. Sufilia had found wine and was pouring herself glasses while snacks littered the table.


I heard Nems voice from the washroom.

Hmm? What?

I asked slightly louder than usual but there was no response. I had no choice but to go to the washroom, clothes had been discarded and a figure could be seen in the bath, probably Nem.

What is it?

Suddenly the bathroom door opened.

Master! The hot water wont come out!

A naked Nem had appeared.


Yeah! Sorry.

I was stunned by her sudden appearance.

The hot water isnt coming.

You have to turn this one, see?

I showed her again how to turn on the hot water, although I had no idea where it could be coming from.

Wow! Its warm!

Nem looked relieved, Im seeing it for the first time but her body was no different from a humans besides cat ears and a tail.

Master, are you going to shower too?

Hmm? No, Im ok. Turn off the faucet when youre finished.


I returned to the living room.

After a while Nem came out of the bath with wet hair and Toa grabbed a towel to dry it.

Lord Nito, is the dungeon finished?

Sufilia asked with wine in one hand.

Seems like it, theres nothing else to do.

I see.

She took a sip of wine.

Are you leaving already, master?

Bell appeared in wand form.

I mean, I can come back whenever right?

Well, its your property so, you can come and go at any time.

The dungeon is really convenient, its like a base. I wonder whos dungeon I appeared in back then?

Thats a cute wand!

Nem was staring at the black wand.

Cute? This?


Whats cute about a talking wand? Personal I think its rather unpleasant.

Come to think of it, Bell.


Im not bringing you with me.

The face on the wand looked shocked.


You get it dont you? Ill be in the spotlight for capturing a dungeon. But how much more attention would I get for carrying around a talking wand right out of a fairytale? Id end up attracting the wrong kind of attention.

Hmmmm fair enough.

Bell seemed to understand and changed back into his original form.

Geh! Its the dirty old man!

Nems expression changed completely.

Im not dirty. Whats dirty is human beings.

Thats enough

I jumped between them quickly.

What, if youre a human Im one too arent I?


Bell was grinning for some reason.

Can you stop smiling like that?

Bells face grows stern and he opens another beer.

Alright, shall we go?

Sufilia stood up and asked.

So, how do we get out of here? I dont even know where the entrance is?

Toa was still drying Nems hair.

Oh, thats not a problem, Ill guide you out.

Toa nodded.

So what exactly was this dungeon. Its different from anything Ive heard about them.

Sufilia looked confused.

I said it before but its masters home.

Bell replied plainly.

Master before you go Id like to show you something, is that alright?

Hmm? Sure Im not necessarily in a hurry.

As soon as I agreed the scenery completely changed.

The other three were looking around, I wonder if Nem noticed that Bell had turned back into a wand.

Where are we?

Toa asked.

The school roof.

Yeah, this is the place I had come to die.

Yes, this is where Master died but, do you know why masters status said reincarnated?

Bell asked me but I didnt know. My body is the same? I was summoned midfall so I wonder if I actually even died.

Because your status decided so.

My status decided?

Yes, the status is in essence just a bunch of numbers, its thst kind of system.

System? What are you trying to say?

I couldnt comprehend anything from Bells round about way of speaking.

In short, immediately after summoning the numbers misunderstood master. They judged you to be reincarnated even though you didnt die.

Nito, whats all this about you dying? Youre alive now right?

Toa asked but I didnt really want to tell them. However I guess they should probably be made aware.

I jumped from here.

Sufilia smiled knowingly.

You jumped?

Suicide, I was having a hard time living and tried to run away. I was summoned here immediately after.

Master would have thought he was dead then so the numbers made it so, however your body remained. Because you didnt actually die.

So thats how I became reincarnated in the same body?


I see, I didnt really care until now but what is Bell trying to tell me?

You should know that much at least. I could be useful for something.

At least that much?

My point is theres nothing you can do about mental problems.

Mental problems?

There is magic that can affect the mind but magic can only go so far, it has a limit. Are you with me so far?

Yeah, my mind wasnt changed even if my level rose.

See, the status reacts to fluctuations in the numbers. For instance if a person likes something Abnormal does Master think that person is sick?

Well I guess it would depend on what it is but it sounds different from an illness.

Correct but the status doesnt see it that way. If there is a fluctuation in the numbers it appears in the status and affects the person.

I was trying to think why Bell would be telling me this.

Well, dont worry about it. When the time comes Ill get on well with the system, besides Master is the best candidate put there. Hahahaha!

Bell laughed as though hed shared some joke with himself.

Alright, are you ready to return to the front of the dungeon?

We all gathered together when Bell asked.

Well if something happens just call on me like usual master.


You guys take care of master.

Yeah leave it to me.

Nem will protect him!

Sufilia just smiled.

And finally, dont doubt the abyss.

Bell advised me yet again.

Yeah, I wont hesitate anymore.

Bell smiled and in the next moment all I saw was white.

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