A NEET’s Guide to the Parallel World: Healer, the Strongest Cheat?

Chapter 71: The abyss' fool

Chapter 71: The abyss' fool

In front of me was a black dragon, its massive wings were folded and ita giant body laid cross-legged like a dog. After finishing things at Artemias Sufilia and I were teleported back to headquarters and were now locked inside a hall with the dragon.

So youre Nito..

The dragon looked at me with its large eyes.

I am Carpent Ze Bach, there is no need to be scared.

The dragon laughed lightly.

I ask you. What happened to Ichijo, was that you?

It was an accident, Im sorry for mishandling my magic.

Kukuku, yes otherwise Sieg would not have brought you here. But that is not what I ask, why did you make a mistake? I can tell by Alford and Elizas pulse and body temperature, theyre suspicious of you. In other words, you have not given us enough of an explanation.

I made a mistake. I dont have any other answer.

I see, you are not lying. But when you said mistake, your pulse quickened. You are upset. What is it youre hiding?

If I deny it, the dragon will know. How troublesome.

Suddenly the dragon swung its claws at me and I Reflexively guarded with one hand. A shock wave shook the room surprising Sufilia to direct bloodlust towards the dragon. But I shook my head and instantly that bloodlust disappeared.

What is this?

I see, I understand what Sieg was saying now.

The dragon withdrew its arm.

I got to see a little of your power. I have lived a long time. Seen a lot of people, some of them were like you.

Apparently it was rare for a human to be able to stop his arm.

You are not upset this is fear. What is it that you are afraid of? If you can give me an answer, I will give you one.

What are you going to do?

There is no need to be so on guard. I do not intend to punish you. I just want to understand what happened. Although, maybe not even you understand.

I want to know about magic. Is it influenced by emotions?

Yes. Although more accurately it depends on your magic power. Its not completely accurate to say it depends on emotions.

So did Ichijo lose his arm to my magic power? That doesnt make sense, my magic has touched my friends before and never hurt them.

However, there are exceptions.


The existence called the abyss.

When the dragon said that it stared into my eyes.

I see. So thats what it is..

Are you the abyss fool?

What so you mean? Isnt the abyss a fairytale?

The abyss is very real. Although few know of it anymore. It is as you say most people think of it only as a fairytale.

But you know?

I do not know everything. But I know the legend.

The legend?

The wizard of genesis. A legend left behind by Adams Rad Polifia.

Those who are dyed in the abyss lose their lifespan.

Those who are swallowed by the abyss lose their beloved.

Those who have fallen into the abyss lose their freedom.

I dont understand.

It is a warning passed down in folklore. Those who touch the abyss lose no small measure of themselves. Those who ignore the warning, are called fools of the abyss.

.I see.

Life, love, freedom. If you still seek power knowing you will lose this much you are a fool. Although I have never actually seen the abyss.

I came up with a hypothesis.

Life, love and freedom right?

Yes. It is said that those would be lost.

Meaning, my magic is probably not the abyss?

What so you mean?

I used to think that my magic was the abyss. Mostly because of what Sieg said, but Im not dead, I havent lost anyone I love, and above all Im free. So doesnt that mean that Im not a fool of the abyss?

The dragon frowned.

It certainly seems that way.

By the way, what was the exception that you mentioned?

Its was a long time ago, but I once asked the dragon king about the abyss.

Dragon king?

The king of the dragons.

So what about him?

I asked him about the abyss. And he told me to not get involved with it. He said getting swallowed by the abyss would mean the end of my freedom. But I couldnt resist and asked what it meant to be swallowed by the abyss. He told me it would mean the collapse of my personality, but the abyss is different, it can be freely manipulated by the will of the host.

Bell said the same thing.

However in exchange for that power the spirit is effected, it corrupts the personality, the will, and the ego making the person will unstable.

Your will becomes unstable?

Once again I remembered Bells words. If you doubt yourself, youll be swallowed by the abyss.

Its true, I had begun to doubt myself. But when, where did I doubt myself? I always acted in a way that I wouldnt have any regrets.

Although, there are many points that do not apply to you, it may just be a misunderstanding as you said.

In the end I dont know what happened to Ichijo, if I was swallowed by the abyss then it would mean thst my will is unstable. So theres nothing I can do after all. The dragon glanced at Sufilia but didnt say anything.


I opened the door to find Eliza, Alford and Ichijo who gave me a carefree smile.

I have something I want to talk about with Nito so, can you guys leave us for a moment?

The two of them agreed, glancing at me before leaving the room.

Sorry to make such a big fuss.

Dont worry about it.

And Im sorry, for what I did.

Please dont worry about it, thanks to your magic theres already no pain and my body is fine. No matter how much you regret it my arm isnt coming back.


Thats not what I meant. I mean, I know what youre going through, I feel it as well.


Yes, I still regret what happened but no matter how much I regret it nothing changes. I regret what happened then so I would find something to comfort me, then later I would regret it more. It was a repetitive cycle.

I didnt know, I thought everyone had forgotten. I wanted them to forget me. But Ichijo is different.

Are any of the other summoned heros looking for Hidaka?

I wonder. Since I decided to leave there I was watching everyone to see if anyone would be willing to come with me. But it seemed like everyone thought that Hidaka was dead. Although there was one student who called themselves Hidakas childhood friend. Oh all the heros were high-school students. Uhm, a high-school student is like

Childhood friend? How nostalgic, it was probably Kotori then, was she there?

I see, so he was persecuted.

You said the same thing that time as well.

Dont worry about it. More importantly your arm, Ill find a way to bring it back, until then Im sorry but, please wait for me.

Ok, and Hidaka, if you find anything out about him please let me know.

Why doesnt Ichijo blame me for his arm? He might have been a virtuous person after all.


I saw Alford in the hall.

Did you tell him who you were?

I stopped and Sufilia stopped beside me.

Its not possible right now.

I see, then I wont say anything if Ichijo is OK with it. Eliza wont either. And although he used to be a target for your revenge it doesnt seem like you consider Ichijo an enemy now.

I dont like being looked at objectively.

But to think that youd be so upset. It makes me laugh when I think back on it.

Let me know if you find anything to help with Ichijos arm, Ill be looking as well.

You shouldnt worry about it too much, everyone makes mistakes.

Its the degree of the mistake that worries me.

We left, Sieg was in front if the large doors at the end of the hallway.

You leaving?

Yeah, can you send me back?

A lot of things happened butwell leave the princess in your care for now.


But I want to say one thing to you.

Siegs expression hardened.

I handled all of the guards.

I understood what he meant.

We arent a charity. If we let them go it poses a danger to our organization. I dont know what you were thinking but, be careful next time.

I didnt do it out of charity, I just did what I felt would lead me down a road of no regrets. And I will continue to do that. After that you can do what ever you like, you killed them but their lives had nothing to do with me.

Sieg stared into my eyes for a while before his expression softened.

Ok, I wont say anything more then.

A magic circle appeared around Sufilia and my own feet.

By the way, where are we?

For now Ill send you back to the same place you were before.

Oh a secret huh? I see.

The corner of Siegs mouth lifted into a small smirk.


My vision went white.

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