A NEET’s Guide to the Parallel World: Healer, the Strongest Cheat?

Chapter 68: Carotid artery

Chapter 68: Carotid artery

A dungeon appeared.

Everyone was talking about the rumor and no one could concentrate, eventually principal Sabrina held a school assembly confirming the rumor.

Our school strictly prohibits entrance into the dungeon without a magical contract signed by a parent or guardian. If you decide to enter the dungeon the school accepts no responsibility for what happens.

The principals tone was abnormally harsh causing the hall where everyone was gathered to grow impossibly quiet. I needed some air, I left the hall and stepped outside, I sucked in a fresh lung full of air just as two people called out to me.

Could we have a moment of your time?

It was the reporters that Id seen not that long ago.

You dont have to be so onguard, we have information suggesting that you are the hero Nito. We just want to talk with you.

Im in a hurry.

Im glad I got the mask, behind the woman the photographer was holding his camera like magic tool at the ready.

[The {dragon crystal ring} is reacting to something.]

The announcement went off in my head, those guys again, fortunately only I can hear his voice but what timing.

Nito.can you hear me?

How annoying, what do you need?

Im sorry to be an announcement but its me, Alford.

Oh? Can I talk without actually using my voice? As expected of a telepathic device, theres no need to actually speak.

Can I ask you something?

Francesca was standing in front of me and had yet to shut up.

Do you know someone by the name of Ichijo?


I thought you probably knew this guy, what I wrong?

Why do you know that name?

Oh thats easy, hes our new member.


I shouted without thinking.

S, sorry, was one of my questions rude?

Huh? Oh, no.

Questions? I wasnt even listening.

I know what you want to say. I heard what you said to Aries and thought he may be a target of your revenge. But I want you to listen to what I have to say.

What you have to say?

When we met Ichijo he was being chased by another summoned hero. He was attempting to leave Greyberg, searching for Hidaka Masamune.


You know what that means right?

Why is Ichijo looking for me, I should be dead? What is this for?

I havent said anything about you yet, what should we do?

Do not tell him who I am, if you do, youll never see me again.

Got it, then well keep it quiet. Now onto the real reason why we called.

Theres more?

Do you know the country Artemias? Were going to attack that country now.

More troublesome talk.

Dont say that, the king recently ordered the genocide of his people. We aim to assassinate both him and the princess.

The princessSufilia?

Hm? You know her? Yeah Sufilia Artemias, she is also responsible for what happened.

Sufilia is responsible? No, theres no way Sufilia would have tried to stop it.

Well tell you the details later, if you want to participate well cast the teleportation like usual.

Nito, can we take a picture?


A picture.

Francesca was smiling.

If possible could you remove your dwarf mask and show us your face?

I dont want my picture taken, also Im not Nito, Im just a student.

I cast Soul breakon the camera man.

Ah, oh no, what happened?

The lense cracked and smoke rose up from the camera.

What happened Dolly?

The camera blew up.

Francesca glared at me.

Did you do this?

Do what?

All we want is to know who the S rank adventurer that stopped the empires attack is.

S rank? I should have only been B rank.

S rank? He sounds like an amazing adventurer.

Yes, thats why were searching for him.

A picture of my real face would cause trouble for me.

What about a question?

Ill answer 1.

If I doubt answer them its unlikely that theyll just leave me alone. But the ones Im interested in are Sufilia and Ichijo, not these reporters. Its better to answer one question and get it over with.

Whats your job?


Healer! .thats, really!? Where are you from? Where do you live?

Only one question, youll have to find another opportunity.


Oh, and absolutely no pictures.


Since you know that Im Nito, you know who my friends are right? But no pictures, if you take a picture..you know whats happen right?

Francesca gulped and I teleported away.

I couldnt take my eyes off of Ichijo standing in the back, why is this happening? Why did Ichijo join Dragons heart?

I was introduced.

I look forward to working with you.

I was wearing the robe and the mask, he shouldnt be able to recognize me like this.

Please tell me why you want to kill Sufilia.

Ill explain.

Seig said that but it was hard for me to understand, he said that the Mastermind behind the killing of her people was Sufilia herself.

Theres no objection right?


But I know I cant lie, I need to confirm it with Sufilia herself.

Then we will attack Artemias, well use the same strategy as before.

Charge in through the front?

Yeah, this country might be a technological powerhouse but its inferior to Greyberg in terms of military strength. Although I have to say something before we go.

Seig said to preface what he was going to say next.

This is Ichijos first time but, as I said before we cant afford to lose.

You want me to back him up?


Sieg knows I cant refuse.

No problem, is your explanation over?

Yeah, thats everything.

Got it, then I have one last thing. Please leave the princess to me.


Sieg agreed.


What kind of magic does Nito use?

Ill show you if we get a chance, but Im incompetent so dont expect too much.


They over estimate me, by the way, I heard that Ichijo was one of the summoned heros? That youre not from here.

Yeah, I thought it would only be temporary but here I am.

I see.

By the way Nito I wanted to ask.

Do you know someone named Hidaka Masamune?

Thats a rare name, are you friends or something?

I doubt he sees it that way, we abandoned him.

There must have been some special circumstances, I dont know him but if I meet him on my travels Ill let you know.

Thank you.

The carotid artery. If I cut this blood would be unable to reach the brain and the person would bleed out. I could kill Ichijo at anytime, it doesnt have to be right now.

The two of us were walking on the Artemias wall. He was surprised when I showed him my wings but he got over it quickly. The most annoying thing about him was that he talked to me like we knew each other.

There were guards stationed at regular intervals along the wall. We used God speedto get past them without being noticed.

If I killed him now, Sieg probably wouldnt believe me if I said I couldnt save him.

Should I go?

There was a guard behind a pillar.

No wait here, this country is a technological power house and itll only get bigger from here on out. I dont want to kill any guards.

But this country

I know but, I have to confirm something about the princess. Please wait until then.

I got it.

I told Ichijo to wait then I used God Speedto approach the guard.



White arms grabbed hold of the guard.

Be quiet please Im not going to hurt you.

Mmmm! Mmmmm!

If you resist Ill kill you, so dont resist.

The guard stopped struggling when I said that.

We are dragons heart.

His eyes grew wide before looking down.

From that reaction I take it you know what the king has done?

.youve come to kill the king then?

The guard didnt look scared.

Thats correct.

.I see.

Did he know that we were coming?

I want to ask about the kings daughter.

Princess Sufilia?

Yes. We know that the king slaughtered his people, but is it true that this slaughter was directed by the Princess?

Its true.

Youre obedient arent you.

I dont intend to hide anything. It seems like most of us were waiting for you.

What so you mean?

This country is finished now, no, it may have already been over a long time ago. The king was greedy,, he monopolized advanced technology and ruled the country however he wanted. Those who opposed him were killed, even those that were part of the Artemias family. The Kings gone insane!

Thats why you were waiting for us to kill the king?


The slaughter of the people, did the king order the princess to do it?

I dont know the details but, that doesnt seem to be the case. That girl is crazy too, probably worse than the king. She was raised by the king and doesnt know the difference between good and evil. You can imagine what kind of person she is cant you?

But, I didnt get that feeling back then.

Ichijo, lets head to the throne room.

Wait, what about the other guards?

Thank you for the information. Ill tell you something in exchange for it. As you said we are here to kill the king and the princess. We wont kill you but our other companions may not be as nice, if you dont want to be killed take your friends and run.

I understand.

I let the guard escape.

Nito, youre a lot calmer than what I was told.


Ichijo said something surprising.

Sieg said that you were the one to kill Aries and the King and erase the castle. But you dont seem like someone who would do that.

Greyberg was different, they committed many atrocities. Isnt what happened to Hidaka, the person youre searching for alone of those atrocities?


Ichijo, why are you looking for Hidaka?

Ichijo looked reluctant.

When Hidaka was cast away, I prioritized myself I thought if I messed up I too would be cast away. And then he was gone, I abandoned him.

I see.

I want Hidaka to know that he can depend on someone.


Yeah, he could be socially awkward.

How can you say that without knowing the other person?

But in the end I abandoned him, I said he could rely on me and I abandoned him.

I see, by the way you said he was cast away.


So then hes probably already

Hes alive! Hidaka is alive!

He sounded emotional.

Fine, hes alive. If you see him what so you intend to do?

Before he was cast away he said that he would return and kill us all.


I remember that well.

Yes but, I dont want him to go down that road. Revenge only brings about more revenge. I dont know where Hidaka is but, theres already so much death in this world. Of course there was death in our world as well but it wasnt as prevalent as it is in this world.

Can I ask one thing?

What is it?

What do you think he will do?

I dont know what he will do. He might end up hurting someone.

Then you should kill him, you have to take action before he hurts anyone.

Hes not evil! S, sorry..

No I said too much, Im sorry.

Im searching for him so that I dont have to kill him.

It seems he really thinks Im alive.

What will you do if you find him?

Help him Ill help him. I wont abandon him again.


The corridor hasnt changed since I was here before.

I sense a strange magic power.

Nito, Im sorry, I dont have anything to disrupt their cognition.

It cant be helped.

I found it.

Youre not a citizen of this country, who are you?

I remember this guys face, he was escorting Sufilia when they ran into the red dragon. His name is Heathcliff.

Weve come to kill the princess and the king. Any objections?

I asked straightforwardly, its easier this way. Theres only two answers to the question and you can tell what theyre going to do based off their reaction.

Are you messing with me?

Heathcliff drew his sword. Well that answers that question.

Ichijo, it seems that hes an accomplice to the king.

In that case, Ill take care of him.

A golden sword appeared in his hand, is that Excalibur? The sword that only a hero can wield.

Nito, this is my first time fighting someone. Ive never killed before.

I understand, Ill support you if need be.

Thank you.

Ichijo closed the distance quickly, his sword cutting right through Heathcliffs when they touched. His attack looked decent enough. Alford might have taught him a thing or two.

Confused Heathcliff put some distance between them.


Heathcliff held his hand over the broken sword. A magic circle appeared on his hand slowly repairing the sword.

A nice sword, but its useless in your hands.

Just as Heathcliff said, while Ichijos strike was powerful, it was sloppy. There are a lot of openings in his sword work.

Wind blade!

Ichijo fired the windblade, Heathcliff retaliated by throwing multiple Magic knives back at him but Ichijo blocked them with his sword. Without missing a beat a large white magic circle appeared around Ichijos feet.

Nito, I cant see any openings. Im going to try and finish it with this.

Ill leave it to you.

Ichijos magic power swelled.


An explosion went off at Heathcliffs feet, the force was so great that it tore down the walls, pillars and ceiling around it. Debris flew everywhere and when the dust settled you could see that the entire hallway had been turned to rubble.

That was magic is unreasonable. Its only saving grace is that Saeki didnt have it.

Ill leave it to you.

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