A NEET’s Guide to the Parallel World: Healer, the Strongest Cheat?

Chapter 61: Patrick Razhousen

Chapter 61: Patrick Razhousen

They arrived at the school a few days after leaving Artemias.

The campus was huge, filled with all kinds of buildings and an assortment of colors.

Is this really a school?

Yes, this is Halekuwait. Sierra seemed to know.

This looks fun. Nem cried.

It looks kind of scary.

The gate opened in its own and a blonde woman wearing a purple dress and a purple witches hat appeared.

Welcome to Halekuwait, you all are the adventurers Arnold was talking about right? I am Sabrina, the headmaster.

The headmaster?

It was an unintentional question as she appeared to only be in her 20s.

Although I may look like this Ive lived 10 times longer than you have.

So shes at least 100, she really is a witch.

You just thought something surprisingly rude didnt you?

Was that magic? I was a little scared.

Just a guess. Follow me and Ill lead you to the dormitory.

It was as if she could see inside me, Im glad shes a nice person.


From today, this will be your home.

Rather than a dorm it looked like a hotel suite and was flashy enough to hurt the eyes.

Arnold didnt say the number of people that would be coming so I only have the one room. If you want I can prepare others.

I dont care. Toa said.


Being in the same room isnt a problem for me either.

Nems OK too.

Even Sierra?

Huh? Is that ok?

My sister said that since were traveling together its better to stay in the same room

It was Hilda!

I only heard that you were adventurers so I took the liberty of choosing your classes. Is that alright?

Not a problem

Thats OK.

Theres no problem as long as we can learn magic.

A large classroom.

Am amphitheater style classroom with rows of seats leading down to a podium.

These are transfer students that will be learning Magic with us from today onwards. Now lets start with Sierra, please introduce yourself.

Im Sierra, I came from Razhousen.

The man who looked to be the teacher asked. What is your job?

My job is advanced knight.

The room burst into applause with shouts of amazing and beautiful. Sierra was welcomed.

This is bad, I can already see whats going to happen when I say Im a healer.

Nem is Nem! Nem is a Cat Wizard!

Huh, cat wizard? A student in the front jumped to his feet.

A cat wizard is

Even the teacher was at a loss for words at such an amazing profession.

But the higher the expectations got the worse it was going to be for me.

You can call me Toa, Im a Paladin.

A great cheer rang out, I cant to this anymore the expectation is too high now.

And lastly.

Everyone looked at me expectantly but not everyone can be blessed.

Nito. Im a healer.

The classroom was dead silent, everyone seemed to still have their smiled frozen on their face.

Youre being rude to master! Master is awesome! There was this monster hoardmphfff.

I covered Nems mouth with my hand and whispered.

Thats a secret.

Nem nodded.

This is the reality.

Well then everyone, these will be your classmates from today so everyone get along.

We arrived at our seats together. I assume the three of them will do well here as people will probably want to make friends with them.


I felt nostalgic at the sound of the chime ending class, it used to signal the start of bullying.

Nem, what kind of magic can you use.

Its started.

Nem cant use magic yet, can you teach me?

Ill teach you.

There didnt seem to be any discrimination against beast people here, Nem was popular.

Sierra youre good with a sword right? Can you teach me later,

If you want.

Young Girls were gathered around Sierra.

Toa what kind of magic can you use?

Various kinds

Why is a healer here?

The classroom quieted when someone spoke.

This is a school for mages, a healer cant think theyre going to be a mage right?

What are you talking about!?

Toa its fine. I smiled and Toa sat back down.

I didnt ask you, I was talking to him!

Theres always one or two people like this.

Youre ignoring me? After that kid called you master.

Nem does that on her own though.

He came all the way over to where I sat.

You called yourself Nito huh? Strange name, what kind of joke country are you from?

I really should have hid the fact that Im a healer.

Let me give you some advice, leave this school. Its not a place for someone weak like you.

Thanks for the advice. Anything else?

I grinned.

What? Im not some commoner or a healer you know.

An aristocrat huh? Yeah good position.

Youre mistaken, Im not an aristocrat.

This guys annoying.

My name is Patrick Razhousen, Im royalty.

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