A NEET’s Guide to the Parallel World: Healer, the Strongest Cheat?

Chapter 45: A few hours before

Chapter 45: A few hours before

A few hours before Masamunes return.

Three people stood on a hill outside the wall that surrounded Razhousen.

Todays the day, its a small step for us but it will be a giant leap for the empire.

Gido smiled in the direction of the royal capital while Yun looked at him as though he was a pile of dung shed just stepped in.

Madam Fran, do you have what I asked for?

Of course, Mr. Gido. Here you are.

Fran took out a large bottle and handed it to Gido.

A dozen or so Nootkerane, that was my limit.

That will do. Actually you did better than I expected, thank you.

Im thrilled to hear that.

Yun investigated and it seems that the last of the crazy adventurers has left the city. So to start this off why dont we send in a few A rank monsters first.

Today is the opportune moment then.

Yes and its such nice weather today, a perfect day to raid. Its almost as if the heavens are on our side.

Gido opens the bottle he received from Fran and poured a black liquid onto the ground. The liquid begins to form up and wiggle separating and growing until it formed various monsters.

What amazing magic.

Large brown bears known as Grizzlies and hunting wolves appeared in mass but their eyes were lifeless and they didnt move.

The problem is those White Knights. So well have these attack first, if they arent stupid they should come out rather quickly. After that, Yun.


Stay vigilant just in case those adventurers I mentioned do in fact turn up. The lines around Gidos eyes tightened as he glared. Now, Madam Fran, lets begin.

She smiled as if waiting for those words and held her hand out towards the monsters.

In that case, death magic Necromancy

The stiff bodies began to shake and tremble as it started to move, they eyes that saw nothing just a moment ago began checking its surroundings.

Amazing, Fran your magic really is amazing.

The monsters convulsed violently but they slowly died down and ended with a roar that echoed across the plains.

The next step if you would please Gido.

Fran bowed deeply to Gido who with an evil smiled stretched out his own right hand.

Animal training Magic Puppet master

A spiderweb like line came out from his fingertips and connected to the monsters, as soon as they were connected the still echoing roar stopped abruptly.

Well then, kill them.

At Gidos direction the monsters took of towards the royal capital.


In front of the gates.

In a guard tower on top of the wall a guard by the name of John was holding a spear in his head as he stood there looking over the plains. He yawned, bored.

Hey John, shift change.

Oh, its already that time huh?

John stretched and another yawn slipped out, hed been on watch all night.

Oh I heard you just had a kid John.

Hm? Yeah, I guess.

Arent you being a little stand off-ish? You could have told me you know.

Well, I never thought I would be a father so, I was a little embarrassed to tell you about it My bad.

John scratched his head to hide his embarrassment from his replacement Tony, as he descended the ladder.


Tony climbed up, but when he reached the top he suddenly called out Johns name.

Hm? What, did another Kerane appear?

John, sound the warning bell! Tony shouted suddenly.



Seeing Tonys expression John didnt argue and quickly sounded the alarm. It rang through the capital causing everyone to stop and look up as they recognized the sound.

Alert the White knights that a horde of Grizzlies has appeared. There appears to be Hunting wolves mixed in as well.

Grizzlies!? Those sort of monsters shouldnt act in groups!?

John doubted what Tony was saying at first.

Thats why Reinhardt has to be alerted immediately!

Since the nootkerane had appeared the guards had been more vigilant. They were told that if any issue were to arise that couldnt be handled easily they were to ring the alarm bell and request the aid of the knights.


The white knight headquarters

Reinhardt was alone in his study looking over documents.


A messenger with an urgent expression on his face appeared in front of him.

A horde of Grizzlies has appeared!


Hunting wolves as well, there appears to be at least ten but probably more.

Alert the Ash squad and the rest of the white knights, then make an urgent request to the guild.

Yes sir!

The messenger left the room and Reinhardt went to quickly meet up with the white knights.


Ecarlate estate

The garden appeared as tranquil as ever but a certain room in the estate was burdened with a sad atmosphere. Nem sat on Masamunes bed hugging her legs.

Nem, so this is where you were.

Master isnt coming home.

Hell come back.

Toa tried smile at her as she said that and Sierra appeared behind her.

So this is where you two were?

Its already noon. Nem said downcast.

Nem, why dont we go down and have lunch together? Theres some left over Walstein from yesterday.

I want to eat with master.


Toa and Sierra looked at each other, lost on what to do. When suddenly Sierras expression changed and she spoke down to the ring on her left hand.


Sierra, whats wrong?

Im sorry, Annette just contacted me. The White King Knights have been summoned. It seems like something has happened.

What happened?

I dont know but Ill be heading out. Take care of Nem.

OK, take care.

Sierra sprinted from the room.

Sierra is leaving too.

I know youre feeling lonely so, why dont the two of us go get something to eat downstairs while we wait for them to come back?

When will they come back?

Thats uhm.

Are they going to come back?

Masamune said he would.


Lets go Nem.

Toa grabbed hold of Nem and although her expression didnt change, she had no choice but to follow along as she was pulled from the room.


The adventurers guild

The guild was flooded with adventurers due to the sudden urgent request.

Adventurers this is about the urgent request, it appears like a hoard of grizzlies and hunting wolves has appeared on the planes outside the walls.

A grizzly hoard!? They dont act in groups! Do you think us adventurers are stupid?

The gathered adventurers shouted in agreement.

The other day a nootkerane appeared in the forest near here.

A nootkerane!?

Thats the first Ive heard of it!

The gage order on this has just been lifted.

The adventurers eventually became confused and stopped heckling as they talked amongst themselves.

We were forbidden to talk about it so as not to endure panic, but now a grizzly hoard is on its way here!

Amongst the adventurers the chatter died down as they listened.

This is a direct request from the country, the reward will be doubled and any injuries or medical expenses will be covered.


Yes, the reward will be paid by the country.

A greedy light appeared in the eyes of the adventurers when they heard that.

There is no need to directly accept this request, please head to the location immediately!

The guild doors were thrown open.

Alright boys!! Lets head to the plains!

Adventurers rushed from the hall together, their feet shaking the earth as they went.

Yogi lets go too, this is our chance to earn back the money we spent drinking. Tonight well have a feast!

Well since Im almost out of money anyway I guess we should go. Alright! Ill show you the great Yogis power!

Yogi jumped up and followed behind everyone, exiting the guild. As he stepped out he ran into someone he knew.

Well if it isnt Yogi. I heard you were still up to no good.

Oh, its old lady Sharon.

Who are you calling Old lady! Im only 50! But more importantly whats going on? Everyones all fired up and running towards the gate.

Yogi grinned.

Well theyre all desperate to get there, apparently a grizzly hoard has appeared on the plains.

A hoard? Dont those monsters usually act alone?

Yeah, thats why. The country will be paying out the reward and its been doubled.

Are you going too?

Yeah, its a good opportunity to get some beer money.

Youre an idiot.

Haha, hey I wanted to ask, have you heard anything about a nootkerane appearing in the forest near here?

Cant say I have.

Yeah, I thought so. First they tell us that and then that theyll be paying double for this.

I see, it certainly sounds strange.

Oh well.

Yogi turned his back on Sharon and headed towards the gate.

Were gonna go have some fun.

Dont over do it! And take care of yourself, dont drink so much alcohol.

Thanks for worrying about me.

Yogi waved as he chased after the other adventurers.

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