A NEET’s Guide to the Parallel World: Healer, the Strongest Cheat?

Chapter 41p1 - Personality

Chapter 41p1 - Personality

Hey, master. Introduce yourself, youre depressing me here.

What even is this unpleasant thing?

Are you..no way are you a mimic?

Do I look like a mimic to you! No! Not even a little, no! Do not lump me together with those lower lifeforms!

So not a mimic. Well even if it was a mimic it wouldnt explain why it could talk..

Then what are you?!

If felt strange talking to a wand but I asked anyway.

My name is Belphegor! You can call me Bell.

And the whole master thing? Whats with that?

Are you not my master? I mean you are the ome holding me so..

I dont understand this thing, just because Im holding something doesnt make me its master. Looks like all I can do is ask someone who looks like they know something about it.

Hey, what is this?

I asked but the other three appeared to be in shock. Although it seemed like Eliza was a bit curious and drew closer to the wand.

Hey pretty lady, you can be my master if you give me a little kiss. Bell made a little kiss fave ad he said this.

Elizas face distorted as though she was looking at something dirty and quickly distanced herself from it.

Tsk, whats with that cold stare? It was just a joke, whats wrong with women now a days can they not take a joke anymore? Oh how the world has changed.

What are you some kind of monster?

Even the normally calm Sieg appeared fearful as he asked.

I told you no! Im masters other half! Call me Sieg.

Sieg do you know what this thing is?

I dont know, Ive never seen a talking want before.

Although when I was small I did read a book that had a want like that in it.

Alford had started mumbling to himself.

Wasnt that the tale of the anonymous adventurer? Ive read that as well.

I stopped listening as soon as they began discussing a fairy-tale.

Well, whatever Ill look it up later. Anyway look, theyre waiting.

I could see Aries glaring this direction from the hall. She confirmed the other three faces, but her eyes squinted as she looked towards me. Although she was still smiling as though shed seen through me. My intuition told me so, it felt as if she wanted to ask who are you?.

You look like you have something to say.

I took her expression as proof that the hoods cognitive disruption ability was working. Its been a while but today Im going to kill her. But, not just kill her, no Im going to take my time killing her. The king sat cross legged behind her.

Bell, what can you actually do? Youre calling me master but, will you lend me your power?

Its not good to answer a question with another question but, what is it you want to do?

Due to the earlier magic the entrance had turned into a pile of rubble.

Can you clear this out of the way? Theres fire and stuff everywhere so its kind of difficult to get inside right now.

Would it be ok if I just erased it?


Understood, well then Master, please hold out the wand.

What a polite guy, as instructed I held the wand out.

Black Hole!!

At Bells chant, a large black sphere appeared near the door and sucked all the rubble and fire scattered around into itself.

Huh did a person get sucked in?

A total of 17 announcements went off in my head announcing deaths and the loot that came with them.

Oh, it seems like some people did die, but its influenced by masters will so, not my fault..

My will? What do you mean?

More importantly master, you have a ridiculous amount of mana.

As Bell was talking the sphere finished sucking up the rubble and began to collapse in on itself disappearing.

How was that master? I did good right?

Yeah, it was horrifying. I dont have words.

In the now open hall there were about a dozen robed figures standing in front of Aries and the king. The small amount of remaining guards looked as though they were determined to guard the doors.

Should I do it again?

No, thats fine.

Tsk, youre so boring~. Fine, but seriously what is up with this magic power!? Master in ridiculous.

Bell is quite talkative It also appears that my amount of mana is ridiculous.

Nito, once this is over please join us as an official member.

Throwing out a line like a death flag, Alford followed Sieg into the hall.

Uhm..lets do our best.

Eliza said out of politeness with a sort of fake enthusiasm. I had nothing to say back to her so I remained quiet, besides with what comes next theres nothing to be enthusiastic about.

Moonlight shone through the collapsed ceiling, illuminating Elizas golden hair as she walked through. But in this situation is there a man that would be fascinated by it? The current silence was like the calm before the storm.

Theres no point in introducing ourselves.

Sieg said as he approached the vanguard.

Johannes Greyberg, Aries Greyberg, and everyone else here is sentenced to death for the crime of performing a hero summoning.

Aries expression turned ugly as sieg spoke.

What kind of joke is this? Sentenced to death? We dont even know what a hero summoning is.

That face, the expression when I was cast away. Disgust, humiliation, abuse, insults, she finds joy in taking her irritation out on others. But Id be troubled if that wasnt the case.

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