A NEET’s Guide to the Parallel World: Healer, the Strongest Cheat?

Chapter 40p1 - Large black wand

Chapter 40p1 - Large black wand

After exiting the throne room they continued down the corridor. Butler and Glock chatted as they walked down the corridor to meet Dragons heart.

How long.

What are you talking about?

Butler was suspicious of Glocks sudden question.

How long have you been in love with the princess?

Butler smiled bitterly.

..Since I was a student.

Longer than I thought.

On the very first day Princess Aries sat next to me.

I see, was it love at first sight?

Yes, although its embarrassing to put it that way.

You have strange tastes. But still, to fall for the princess! Why didnt you tell her?

Glock looked at Butler out of the corner of his eye.

How could I? Im a commoner born to an ordinary family.

Would it be strange for a commoner to date the princess? Well, I guess it would be huh.

Glock laughed as he said this but Butlers face took on a gloomy expression.

But Ive heard a similar story. I forgot her name, but it seems that the princess of another country married a commoner. When she was little, she often escaped from the castle and played with the commoner children. They say she confessed to a commoner man once she was an adult.

Although for Butler such a thing was impossible.

..Just because one princess did so doesnt mean it could happen for me. Princesses are expected to marry nobleman, and thats normal.

Glock said nothing as he listened to Butler.

Although I have to thank you Glock sensei, youve helped me calm down, if I manage to live through this, I will tell the princess how I feel.

Hey! Hey! Quit talking like a dead man if I survive this, first draw your sword and believe in yourself. Although better yet you have me here with you so, theres no chance we will lose, just relax. Dont go kicking the bucket on me.

However a trickle of sweat runs down Glocks forehead.

It would seemthat theyre here.

Glocks expression grew tight as Butler drew his sword.

Ill leave the small fry to you, although I guess I was the one doing all the work up until now.

Four people appeared before them, the one was hidden underneath a hood.

Hey Butler, it appears that were small fry. Dont look down on us!

Butler applied the fire attribute to his sword.

Ill take care of this.

Alford stepped forward.

Were almost to the hall, the king will probably be there so this sounds like a good place for a warm up.

A gold sword appeared in his hand, it wasnt drawn from a scabbard but instead appeared from nowhere.

Glock sensei! Thats prince Alford!

Just as the messenger said.

Everyone keeps calling me prince.. stop using titles like you respect me.

Alford turned the blade so that the edge faces them.

Prince Alford, why are you with people like them? Butler asked.

In an instant, Alford appeared directly in front of Glock.

Ive grown tired of that question.

Fresh blood splashed through the air as Glock died, cut diagonally from the left. Butler was unable to react and by the time he notice Glock laid in two pieces next to him. Falling onto his backside Butler crawled away trying to put distance between them.

Thats a strange sword, so flashy.

The hooded man- Masamune spoke.

Its Excalibur, only those with the class of hero can weird it.


And with that Butler attacked Alford. However Alford easily sidestepped the attack with a languid expression on his face. Thrown off balance Butler dropped to the floor.

Why is someone like you protecting this place?

Damn it!

Butler felt angry at his own body for not moving how he wanted it too.

Apparently they havent even been able to train soldiers without me here. To trust the security to such a person.

Butler began swinging his sword as though he did not hear Alfords words. However Alford did not use his sword to block the strikes but instead simply moved out of their way.

For the princess! For the princess!

Huh? Do you seriously intend to die for that woman?

If its for the Princess then I dont care!

Alforda fist connected with Butlers right cheek, sending him flying backward into a wall.

That isnt loyalty, you feel something else for her.

Leaning on the wall Butler slowly got to his feet.

Now I know why someone like you is in this place. It would appear that you havent noticed so let me tell you, that woman is deceiving you!

Butler glared at Alford with bloodshot eyes.

Shes ruthless and uses people for her own gain. Shes cunning, let me put in in a way that youll understand.. Has she even taken notice of you?


Think about it. A girl like that wouldnt even be aware of the men around her. Shes just using you. And not just you there are tons of men whos emotions she just plays around with.

Shut up!

Butler charged, but Alford simply side stepped and cut off his left arm.


Butler collapsed to the floor in agony.

Her title isnt just for show. A noble man who fancied her had the same knife stuck into his neck. By the time shed graduated shed already started her career as an assassin. Shes the princess of this country so, why is such a career necessary?

Excalibur disappeared from Alfords left hand.

I asked her once. Why does she do such things, why she doesnt just go play with her friends? She said Because this is more fun of course. Its so easy.'

Butlers expression was one of grief as he held his wound, but there was no mercy in Alfords eyes.

Thats why you are here, just like all of those who fancy the Greyberg witch. Youve been manipulated.

Alford holds his hand over Butler who is attempting to struggle to his feet.

Rest in peace. Explosion!

Butler exploded from the inside out.


Im Aries, Aries Greyberg.

On that day, I was love at first sight, I was fascinated by her.

Im Philip Butler.

She laughed lightly. Thats right, yeah. Theres no way that smile was a lie.

Philip, youre aiming to be a teacher?

Everyone laughed at me, not a knight but I chose to be a teacher. But not her, she didnt laugh.

Do your best! Ill be cheering you on.

She acknowledged me, and my future career. I decided then that I would continue to watch over her for the rest of my life. It didnt matter that she didnt notice. As long as she was alive.

In the end Im sorry that I couldnt protect you, Princess Aries. Please be ok.

If I am to be reborn, I hope to once again serve beneath you.


What is this shaking?

This magic, its Prince Alford.

His explosion magic?

The king asked Aries this.

Correct, a hero can manipulate magic of every element. Explosion magic is a synthetic magic that activates all of these at the same time, and is a heros unique magic.

Then those two teachers that left, theres no way they would be alive, is there.

With a small smile Aries replied.

Dont worry about them.

I see.

The king looked away from Aries.

There are plenty of others who can replace Glock and Butler.

Aries grinned as she said this.


Translation has scrambled my brain and Im fighting sleep. but I felt like you guys have waited long enough for content and its already been about 24hrs since I posted the last chapter so, heres this for now. Ill hopefully be back after a few ours rest. But its quite a long chapter, so its taking a bit of time to get this translated. It will at the very least take a few more hours.

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