A NEET’s Guide to the Parallel World: Healer, the Strongest Cheat?

Chapter 36: part 2 - But I'm not a hero.

Chapter 36: part 2 - But I'm not a hero.

I might not mtl the translation but the Portuguese comment I totally did lol. Its kind of cool to know that people from all over the world read this. Or not idk let me live my dream. And My phone stopped adding apostrophes on its own so. No more apostrophesever.

Is that so.

The things Sierra told me were beyond anything I could imagine.

I didnt want to know. Its something Id normally shut my eyes to but as a white knight its necessary. Its my duty.

It seems that for Sierra this was quite shocking.

It scared me, magic is

At this rate shes going to be traumatized, but I dont know what to do about it. The two who are still glancing at me are unlikely to tell me, and Hilda hasnt even looked in our direction. The only person I had to rely on for what to say, was myself.

But, isnt that just what magic is? [T/N:Smooth.]

In every world there exists ways to hurt people, just like the swords and magic that exist in this world.


Even though I dont want to admit it.

When I said that Sierra looked surprised.

But doesnt that suck? I wanted Magic to just be that, magical, forever. Something suitable to fantasies and to help people realize their dreams.

For someone like me who knows of a world without magic this world is like a dream. Magical in and of itself.

Me too!.. Me too! I want to believe that magic isnt something created to hurt people! But.. its not like I havent used magic against someone before.

Well, isnt it fine that way? You being able to think like that?

I dont know.

There are good people and bad people. Thats not something thats strictly limited to magic.

But if it ever gets hard for you, Ill be here to listen.

Youve also got Toa, Nem, and even Hilda. Well all stay by your side and listen until the trouble passes.

Ive received many things since coming to a new world, but I feel Ive also gotten something of great importance. And thats, [Epic pause for effect from your favorite translator. ] an immunity to women. I never thought the day would come when I would be able to talk to women like this.

And it was while I was thinking all this, that Sierra hugged me.

Huh? Sierra!?

What do I do? I sat wondering if there was a way to get out of the current situation but eventually decided to just sit still. Although not moving i was aware of something soft pressed up against my body.

Call me Sierra.

Suddenly Sierra something odd.


Theres no need to speak formally to me, it felt weird before as well so, lets just stop.

But, Sierra

Her hug tightened.


[T/N: this chapter has annoyed me. He used to add the honorific San to the end of her name, and she dono to his. This is a conversation to just remove the honorific. Its really not a big deal, people will drop san in like a couple hours at an izakaya. Or will automatically just not use it. Dono is like, not used anymore. Anyway yeah its a conversation saying we should act more like friends. It really doesnt require a conversation to decide this. hence why I didnt add san to anyones name, cuz its the equivalent of saying the name in English. ]

Nem came dashing towards me.


Sierra moved away in time to see Nem careen into my chest.

Sierrawhat are you doing to master?

Nem clings to me and looks sharply at Sierra.

N-no, that..

Foul! Thats breaking the rules! You were sticking onto Master too much!


You were hugging him! Nem saw you! Toa saw you too!

Toa soon rushed over too but when she saw what was going on she seemed to relax.

Nem I was just helping Sierra calm down, there was nothing weird about the hug.


Once that was settled Sierra explained to them about the summoning ritual.


As she listened, Toas face fell.

Nem doesnt know magic, but Nem knows not everyone is kind to Nem. Thats why Nem sticks close to master.

It seems Nem already knew that there were people in the world that could hurt others with a calm face.

I patted her on the head as she sat in my lap.

Why did we suddenly start talking about the summoning?

Itll probably be public knowledge soon but it seems that Greyberg actually performed one.

Yeah they did.

It was already too late by the time I realized that Id slipped up.

Toa and Sierra turned towards me instantly while Nem sat quietly on my lap.

Masamune, what exactly do you mean by yeah they did.?

Of course, it seemed I wasnt exactly fluent at talking with others.

I told you before that I met dragons heart didnt I? When they left they said that Greyberg performed a summoning and that they were off to investigate.

Sorry, Masamune when exactly did you have this conversation?

Oh, yeah it would have been before we met huh, you remember back when you were suspicious of me? That time you stole my hunting wolf?


Sierra called my name softly as if blaming me for something.


Is that all that youre hiding?

Toa also seemed to be waiting for me to speak at least Nem was still cute.

Well if they say there was one there was right?

What does that have to do with anything?

Well I felt like it had something to do with what I heard.

I was unable to meet their eyes, as if there was some kind of silent pressure. It seemed like i could no longer hid it from them, Sierra wasnt stupid and probably already figured it out.

Thats, well you see..basicallyIm a hero.

If you have questions about certain terms or about how I translated a particular part feel free to leave a question in the comments. Between chapter posts I do look at the comments from time to time. Patreon

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