A NEET’s Guide to the Parallel World: Healer, the Strongest Cheat?

Chapter 31: part 1 - Old Gert part 1

Chapter 31: part 1 - Old Gert part 1

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Toa ignored the market as she stared into the material bag at the yowastein meat.

Can you stop? Youre scaring Nem.

I-its fine though isnt it? Besides Nem isnt even scared, look.

Its beautiful

Nem had stopped moving as she said this.

What is it Nem?

Nem was admiring a necklace adorned with a transparent blue rock.

Excuse me, how much is this?

I had to ask.

3000 Rion, do you like it little girl?

The shopkeeper ignored me and was talking to Nem.

Yes! Its very pretty.

You have expensive taste, this is a crystal taken from Pulse Terra.

Pulse Terra?

Yeah, but unfortunately the country has disappeared. I dont know how long it could be before I had another in stocks. If you want to buy it you should do so now.

Crystals taken from the Pulse Terra canyon are very famous. Its a transparent blue now but over several years the color of the stone will change to match the color of the owners magic power.

Youll have fun as you wait to see what color it will become. Depending on the quality of the magic power the purity will change. In the past all the great mages had one.

Alright Ill take three.

This much is fine right? Its an interesting stone and Nem looked like she wanted one. It should make for a good souvenir.

Thank you master! Ill be extra careful with it!

As I put the necklace around her neck Nems cheeks turned red, she seemed happy.

You even bought me one thank you.

Sierra spoke as if trying to hide her shyness.

Masamune, do me too.

Toas head was tilted down in an attempt to hide her blushing cheeks, with her eyes turned up to look at me.

Uuuh, sure.

I had a feeling that Toa was doing this on purpose which caused my face to turn red as well. While thinking this I put my arms around Toas neck and gave an embarrassed smile as our eyes met.


Y-yeah uh. Should I do yours for you as well Sierra?

Wha- No! Im OK!

It seems I blindsided Sierra and ended up embarrassing her. After that we continued sightseeing on down the road.

Further down was a building that had a sign with a wine glass painted on it. Looking through the window it appeared to be a liquor store.

Masamune-dono, this is a liquor store; did you want to go in?

Sierra guessed correctly and with her in the lead we went inside.


As we entered the owners voice floated over.

Why does it stink like alcohol in here?

Nem, this is a liquor store.

Are you adventurers? Something youre looking for?

We arent looking for anything in particular but is there something you can recommend?

Hmm, what about something like this or this here?

The owner showed us various wines and whiskeys but it was hard to afford anything on a budget. I turned my eyes toward the wall as a bitter smile floated across my face, there I found a poster.

On the poster was a colorized old man and a wine logo.

Were out of Old Gert, we had some yesterday but.

As the owner said that for some reason a grin floated up onto my face.

Old Gert, is that what this wine is called?

At the question a bitter smile floated onto the shop owners face.

Well Yes Have you by chance not heard of Old Gert?

First time Ive heard of it.

Thats quite rare. Its now called the phantom wine as its no longer in production. The stuff about having some only yesterday is just a joke. When I was a kid my father would secretly drink it I his study.

At that I remembered something. Since before I had a feeling that I had seen this logo from somewhere. I unexpectedly remembered where from.

Ah! Its this!

I opened my storage space and pulled out a bottle of the wine Id brought with me.

N-N-no way! You, that, can I see it!?

It the excited shopkeep I replied sure and handed the bottle over.

Thats, the stuff you gave me before right?

Yeah, I found it in the dungeon.

The shopkeep pulled out a magnifying glass like object and inspected the sides and bottom of the bottle. After that he confirmed the cork and logo.

You. This isnt fake is it?

I dont know, you want to taste it?

Taste? Can I?!

He grabbed a glass and poured. While rotating the class over a lamp he checked the taste and the smell of the wine.

You joking. Its real. Theres no mistake, this is Old Gert, where did you get this!?


.. I see.. A dungeon huh.

At the mention of a dungeon the shopkeeper got a mysterious air about him as if he was thinking about something.

Hey I have a favor to ask. Will you give this to me?


Im not saying for free, if you want money Ill give you as much as you want. Thats right. How does 10 million Rion sound? If thats not enough you can take all the wine in this shop.

10 million Rion!?

Beside me Sierra was astonished.

W-wait a minute. I understand wanting to thank me for the wine but isnt taking everything kind of bad?

Im a small business. So Ill be honest with you, as I said before this wine doesnt exist anymore. You cant put a price on this. If you like wine this is the one you want, aristocrats will pay a lot for this. 100million or even a billion Rion its worth enough that you could play for the rest of your life.

No way. I drank such a high quality wine straight from the bottle? Although I still have over 100 bottles not to mention the barrels.

I have a problem though. I told you I would give you as much as you wanted but, I dont have enough to properly buy it from you. The most I have is 30million Rion, thats my limit.

He really must want this. He even offered to take all the money out of the bank to buy it.

But I have a messenger. I could sell this wine directly to the aristocracy, I can promise at least a billion in profit. I dont know anything concrete but Ill split the profits with you. Hows that?

A billion Rion Masamune-dono actually had Old Gert

Sierra you knew about it too?

Of course. My father runs a vineyard, theres no way I wouldnt know about it.

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