A Nascent Kaleidoscope.

Chapter 349 - 316

Chapter 349: Chapter 316

The fiery air immediately touched my throat as I took my first breath. The smoke and ash almost made my eyes water before I quickly pushed it all away.

Everything was burning.

I noticed that from what I saw when the others managed to make contact with Chaldea, but I couldn't understand the scope of it until I laid my eyes on the city itself.

Everything was literally burning. Fires ravaged across the city horizon to the point where the sky was completely blocked off and I couldn't see past the flames towards the ocean.

I could feel a pit form in my stomach as I took in my surroundings. I've been to this city on numerous occasions. The city where Rin was born, where she lived and went to school. A place that's not just special to her either, but to Medea and Artoria.

This was their home, and it was up in flames.

I liked this city, it was beautiful.

However, couldn't wallow in sentimentality for much longer.

I took a deep breath and jumped off the small building I had appeared on. I just needed to get my bearings and figure out where in the city I was.

A thought crossed my mind as I looked at a small fire covering what used to be a garden to the side. This place felt unpleasant to the extreme. Not specifically this location, but this Singularity, and I had an inkling of the cause.

A small Spell Circle lit up on my hand as I tried to douse the fire. It simmered, started to die out, only for it flare back up back to its original state.

I frowned, basically confirming my suspicions. Instead, opted to throw a Talisman at it, holding my hand up and saying a small prayer. The Fire glowed and jerked about, almost like it was fighting against the effects before it turned to wisps of smoke and dissipated.

"Cursed." I muttered, sweeping my gaze across the horizon again. "This whole damn city is covered in curses."

And if the Fuyuki Grail War is involved, there is one probable cause.

Caster mentioned Black Mud, so I no longer had any doubt in my mind. The entity that corrupted the Grail from the Time-Line I consider my home, it seemed to have made another debut here. Angra Mainyu, the entity known as the God of Evil in the Zoroastrian Cosmology. The one who bears all the curses in the world, his Black Mud most likely spilled out from the Grail due to the Einzbern's failed attempt to summon an Avenger Class Extra Servant during a previous Grail War.

This was just going from bad to worse.

Now, where would they go? They were obviously in the middle of the city, but they weren't exactly familiar with the surroundings.

The Director was present, and most likely in charge, so where would she try to set up camp?

A leyline would be my first bet. Although that didn't narrow it down too much, it gave me a good point of reference to begin.

I could see the Bridge that separated the two halves of the city not far away. I suppose that would be the best place to start.


Olga Marie Animusphere POV

Great, just great!

I fired off another Gandr shot, blowing up a couple of those Skeleton things.

How many of these damn things were there! I couldn't keep this up forever, and the others here were completely useless.

A few members of B-Team, a Servant that doesn't know how to use her Noble Phantasm, and Caster who for some reason wasn't summoned as a Lancer even though that was his most popular legend!

Atleast most of the B-Team members had some experience under their belts already. Yet, this random Asian managed to form a contract with Mash, who wasn't even able to use her Servant abilities beforehand!

I....don't even know anymore.

The only saving grace was that Samuel from B-Team was able to form a contract with Caster. He seemed the most sensible of the lot that Shimoda managed to train for what little time they had available.

And they were sensible enough to actually grab something to fend off these skeletons with. That – what was his name – Ritsuka Fujimaru just stood there like an idiot!

"Gandr, Gandr, Gandr!" I growled as the Cursed shots of Magical Energy slammed into oncoming Skeletons. "Hurry up, there's too many of these things!" I shouted.

"Little busy here lass, but I'm willing to trade!" Caster shouted back.

"Don't ignore me, Caster!" Another servant hissed, swinging around a Scythe of all things as Caster tried to engage with her in melee combat for some reason I can't fathom. Purple hair with some sort of Mystic Eyes that he was complaining about, I could probably make a couple guesses about her true name, but I was understandably occupied keeping the others alive.

I huffed, turning towards Mash but I couldn't find the enemy Servant she was fighting anywhere.

"Director, watch out!" She shouted as I turned around, feeling a presence at my back.

My eyes widened as a weapon was about to piece me, only for Mash's shield to knock it away when she threw it as she came running towards me to kick the Servant away.

"Are you alright, Director?"

She did that on purpose.

I know she did.

"I'm fine." I grit my teeth. "Stop playing around and finish off that Servant!" I demanded as she nodded and reengaged with him.

Why did I allow this ridiculous plan? Caster suggested we go for the purple haired Servant now that we had two. Saying it would have been annoying by himself before, with the lack of Magical Energy he had and the fact that she had powerful Mystic Eyes.

I didn't see a problem with it at the time, and we needed to clear this Singularity as soon as possible to get back to Chaldea to assess the damage and figure out what happened.

No, with every plan having gone up in literal flames, was it any wonder that it happened again right now?

Not to mention I agreed with taking along everyone. As Director, I very well couldn't just leave the unexperienced B-Team members by themselves, even if they added nothing to being here. Two without a Servant contract, one missing an arm, and none of them knew basic Magecraft beyond a botched form of Reinforcement, which....was somehow working right now.

.....what I wouldn't give for any A-Team member to be here with us, or even Shimoda. The Systems were too damaged to attempt a proper summoning, so the others were utterly useless right now.

And of course the Assassin Servant would try to ambush us. And he seemed to have a penchant for targeting Masters when given an opening.

"Uh, Director!" Samuel panicked and I turned back to look at him to see what made him worry.

My eyes widened again as I saw another hundred or so of those Skeletons pour out from the street, coming right at us.

I already had to overpower one Gandr to do any meaningful damage to them, I didn't have the Magical Energy to deal with that many.

"Caster!" I shouted again.

"Shit, on it!" He returned, waving his hand through the air, a string of Runes appeared as they ignited into a dozen different spells, flying towards the onslaught of skeletons coming this way.

I was about to offer my thanks but I noticed the look he had, a little bit of blood dripped from his chest as he held a hand over it, staring at the Scythe-wielding servant. She grinned maniacally, blood dripping from her weapon as she brought it up to her mouth, giving it a lick.

"Samuel, heal your Servant." I said just lough enough for him to hear. Even If I couldn't personally command the Servant, I could still give him Orders.

"Oh it, Director." The Texan followed orders without any back talk. And I was thankful to Shimoda for stressing such a thing in situations like this. His Circuits were already activated, funneling Magical Energy to Caster, and he was wearing his Uniform Mystic Code, thankfully. "Heal." He held his hand up, focusing on Caster. An ethereal, light covered the Servant, but something was wrong.

"...should I do it again?" Samuel asked me, making me scowl deeper.

"Was the Mystic Code damaged?" I grit my teeth.

"Don't bother, Master." Caster called out, taking a stance again. "I know a curse when I see one. Her weapon stops healing somehow, don't really have the time to inspect it any more."

Just wonderful!

That's a danger we can't afford right now.

We need to finish this quickly. There's no point in saving Magical Energy reserves if that Servant just needs to get lucky once or twice and Caster has wounds he can't heal.

"Samuel, get ready to have Caster use his Noble Phantasm." I eyed the Skeletons that remained. There were still a lot, but it was more manageable. They weren't really intelligent, so even if hitting them with a pipe or plank of wood didn't destroy them, it was enough to keep them at bay.

How ridiculous, this is what it's come to.

....It's not the end of the world, I reminded myself. We can take some time to recuperate afterwards. Caster and Mash can either chase away Assassin or defeat him together. With a few hours rest, Samuel should be able to recover enough after Caster uses his Noble Phantasm.

I rationalized it in my head, but I couldn't help but bite my thumb in annoyance. It was just time we couldn't really afford to waste.

"What's that!?" That useless Asian held his hand up to the distance, exclaiming in shot.

I was about to scold him for interrupting my train of thought, but I also looked to see. There was a red streak of light coming right towards them. It was only a bright light in the distance, coming down from a building far away, but its form became clearer and clearer with the help of Reinforcement as it got closer.

It was fast, too fast to properly defend against or run away. Was it a Noble Phantasm of another Servant?

I felt the hairs of my scalp tingle as it got closer, an object wreathed in Magical Energy that made me shiver from the sheer bloodlust it exhibited.

There was the expectance of what would happen once it reached us. Would it just pierce right through one of us, explode on impact, or did it have some other effect that I couldn't guess?

I wanted to call out to Mash, but the words died in my throat. No, she would probably only save her Master and let me die, it would be a fitting revenge. No one would question her, and she could get away with it easily.

I wanted to close my eyes and just wait for the inevitable, but to my surprise, the wind around us whipped, and I was forced to hold my skirt down as it flew by. It didn't hit any of us, no, it wasn't intended for us from the beginning.

My eyes followed the direct of where it went, the immense pressure of the object seemed to completely abate, and more questions filled my head once I saw what happened.

It was a spear.

A red spear that gave off a bloodthirsty feeling, even if it was not nearly as exuberant as it was a moment ago. However, it was plain to see because it was snatched right out of the air by Caster, almost subconsciously had his hand reached out to grab it before he stared at it with utter confusion.

It was enough of a shock to everyone that everything seemed to silence themselves as well. Even the enemy Servant he was facing stopped to look at the scene curiously.

In his opposite hand, Caster let his staff dissipate back into motes of light as he twirled the spear with a.....familiarity. "Well, aint this something?" He chuckled flicking it from side to side.

"Caster, do you think –"

"Nope." Caster cut her off. "Call me Lancer." A feral grin appeared on his face as he took a much different stance than he had previously.

He kicked off the ground, much more aggressively than before. He wielded the spear with expert ability to the point where I was starting to guess the spear's name, even as impossible as it was in this situation.

No, I couldn't stop and stare any longer. Let the Servants battle the Servants, we had to take care of these lowly things first.

....even if there were still dozens upon dozen of them.

Maybe we could lure them back a ways to the bridge, push them over the edge, get them stuck in the river?

What about –


A bolt of lightning fell from the sky, landing right onto of one of those Skeletons.

And another fell a moment later.

More and more began to fall like rain drops. The sky filled with nothing by ash and smoke seemed to turn into a torrential downpour of Lightning until all the Skeletons were turned to not but ash.

"What....?" I wasn't the only one as the others seemed stupefied as well.

"Sorry, I'm late, Director." My body immediately jerked, turning around towards the familiar voice. "B-Team leader, reporting for duty."


Wilhelm POV

Perhaps not the best way to appear, but.....I didn't really put much thought into this.

"Y-you, Shimoda!" Olga quickly recovered from the shock and confusion. "Why are you here, how did you get here!?" She shakily held up her finger, jabbing it at me, mostly to see if I was actually here.

I think I saw a hint of relief in addition to everything else.

"Boss?" Samuel looked at me.

"You guys did good, let me take it from here." I smiled towards him. My eyes briefly landed on a face I didn't recognize, was it another member of B-Team that I hadn't met yet? He was wearing the Chaldean uniform, albeit not the Mystic Code variant, so that was my first assumption.

"Shimoda, I demand an explanation!" Olga glowered. "You were just with Roman! How are you here, don't you dare ignore me!'

"Would you believe me if I said I Rayshifted?" I smiled awkwardly.

"Absolutely not!"

She was actually pretty cute when she got flustered like this. I patted her head, making her give a really strange noise in response. A mixture of surprise and confusion once more before she again had to regain her composure. "W-what are you doing!?"

"Hold that thought, let's settle things here first."

She squawked in protest, but honestly, there was a more important matter to handle. I glanced at Caster – or rather Cu Chulainn. He also noticed my appearance out of the corner of his eye. It wouldn't be difficult for him to put two and two together in regards to spear.

"I'll be expecting that back later."

"You can try prying it from my hands." He chuckled, turning his attention fully back towards the Servant he was fighting.

I quirked a small grin myself, but looked at the other Servant. I recognized the young woman, Mash, fighting some sort of Assassin.

A Demi-Servant she said.

It was something I hadn't heard of before and the idea was honestly very intriguing, but I refused to allow myself to get lost in my own thoughts on the matter. The main point was, she was obviously a novice when it came to this kind of fighting. She was swinging that massive shield around without much prowess, but it also seemed like her physical attributes were far above the Assassin that she was able to keep him at bay with just that.

Mirage was already in my hand as I approached the little fight they were having.

"Senpai, stay back, this Servant is strong!" Mash warned me, a genuine look of alarm on her face as she saw me coming over.

Though, the Assassin took that moment of distraction, to push away from Mash's massive shield, instead opting to go for me. Did it consider me an easier target? Something was definitely wrong with this Servant, as with the one that Caster was fighting.

Cursed, they were definitely cursed by that damnable Avenger.

That Black Mud must have gotten to them as well.

They seemed much more hollow than a real Servant. It was no wonder that Mash was overpowering him and able to hold her ground as awkwardly as she was.

"Zun Haal Viik." The words were not very loud, but they were audible from far away. The weapon in the Assassin's hand was ripped away, flinging off to the side. Credit where it was due, the Servant didn't get thrown off for long, he immediately reached towards his back where he carried a plethora of other weapons.

Mash took the opportunity to attack him again, the bottom of her shield swinging down towards the Servant.

The nameless Servant brought his new weapon up to block her, and I took that chance to move. I didn't want to waste any time on this more than I have already. Magical Energy swirled around me and my sword glowed with a myriad of colors.

Myriad Slash.

The Technique I had created so long ago.

He reached behind him to grab another weapon with his free hand, but my blade didn't even register it before cutting right through his body and he slumped down. I was absolutely not in the mood right now to play around with this Servant.

Maybe in another place, and another time, I would want to take time to experiment with this thing and figure more about its capabilities. But it seemed to lack any kind of proper intellgience anymore, probably running more on instinct than anything.

Mash disengaged right before, letting the Assassin Servant fall to the ground, dissipating into motes of light and disappearing.

She had pretty good instincts. She called herself a Demi-Servant, did she inherent things from her Servant half?

Really need to know what that's about.

"Gaaah!?" A pained shriek sounded out that drew my attention.

Caster held up the other Servant, spear pierced through her heart as her body slid to the ground. She barely had time to utter words of disdain before also dissipating away.

Considering how hollow these Servants felt, I'm not surprised he was able to end it so quickly. He twirled my spear, showing off a rather cocky grin. Probably because he noticed my gaze as well.

"Senpai, that was incredible!" Mash looked at me, eyes practically sparkling.


"You didn't do bad yourself." I think she deserved some praise after fighting a Servant for the first time. Though, she kind of slumped her shoulders in response.

Did I touch on a sore spot?

"Shimoda!" Olga shouted. "What's going on." She fumed, stomping up to me. ".....And don't you dare lie." She let out a huff that seemed.....sad. "Is that even your name? What else have you been hiding?" She was no longer shouting, her voice quieted down, but I could easily hear the undertone of hurt in her words.

In for a penny in for a pound.

There was no point in hiding anymore, and I felt like I owed it to her at this point.

I let out a sigh but acquiesced. I was really not at my best right now, and even any kind of joke died in my throat that I would try in a normal circumstance. "Allow me to reintroduce myself." I gave the most gentle smile I was capable of. "Wilhelm Henry Schweinorg, at your service."


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