A Nascent Kaleidoscope.

Chapter 333 - 300

Chapter 333: Chapter 300

I stretched my arms as I walked out of my portal once more. While I've been bouncing around a lot the past few days, it was rather relaxing.

I saw Salem which was always nice. Pyrrha was doing well, which was also good and I planned on checking in again when her semester of Beacon started. And everything with Roman...still was processing that.

There's no way I can let anyone else ever come to Remnant. I would never be able to live this down.

Yup, just going to break the bad news to Jinn – Sorry, a stray meteor hit Remnant it doesn't exist anymore. Don't pay attention to me going back there, trust me, it's gone for good.

The perfect plan.

[Whatever you say, Watermelon.]

"Fuck you, Ddraig."

God dammit.

It's not that I forgot he was there, but....well, I guess I forgot he was there. I had been forgivingly preoccupied with the shenanigans that Roman was up to.

And other things.

Still remembered the softness of Salem's lips.

Going to have a pep in my step after that for quite awhile.

[Imagine how I feel. My user's name is Watermelon.] Ddraig complained. [Might as well be called the Oppai Dragon.]

"Don't you dare compare that to me!"

....usually I'm the one who gave him shit about that.

They must never know.

[I'm gonna tell them.]

"I will paint you white you stupid lizard!"

[Just paint me a little green so we match.]

Dammit Roman.

Happy thoughts.

[So we're back here, huh?] Ddraig's teasing stopped as we both took in the surroundings. [Coming back a second time, I can definitely say this place feels different than the other worlds we've been to. It's like.....I'm not supposed to exist as I am, if that makes sense.]

"Phantasmal Creatures, Gods, Dragons, and everything more supernaturally inclined, their existance is much more....ethereal there, fleeting existences based on humanities' collective unconscious. Even compared to back home where perception can alter a Heroic Spirit's existence to an extent, this place can drastically alter a being of myth to completely twist their origins, turning them into something utterly foreign in comparison."

Strangely, though, I felt.....good to be here. Like my inner Campione was ecstatic to be back.

I also felt that strange focus, like the tension before a lightning storm, when you know that Thunder is about to crack in the distance once you see a Lighting Bolt and your body heralds it with the slight tingle up your back.

"I should be careful about coming back here in the future. I think some of my more aggressive traits might be brought out due to the nature of how Campione interact with the world's laws." I muttered.

Well, there was a reason I came here, specifically here that is. I came to visit a certain someone whom I promised awhile ago. However, she lived in a very peculiar realm, and I was....hesitant to just straight portal there from Remnant.

It rarely hurt to be cautious.

Well, time to make good on my promise.

Withdrawing Mirage from my ring, I couldn't just do this one by remembrance alone. This was a somewhat difficult link to establish, and I needed the calculative ability of my Mystic Code. However, it only took a moment as I had been there once before. Nothing major changed in the meantime, so with a swipe of my blade, I opened a new portal and stepped inside.


It was the same.

And I was briefly wondering if Goddesses liked to model their 'realms' with modern amenities. I mean....this place, and Izzy....it's a little bit of a pattern.

Well, I suppose it's not like I've met many other Goddesses beyond them and Meridia. Amaterasu, didn't really count, it was more she flashed me and then pretended I didn't exist.

And now I'm remembering that thong between those wonderful cheeks.

It may have been a random thought in any other situation, but at this particular moment, it felt appropriate to recall.

Because, across the room, a petite Goddesses was hanging off her couch, up-side-down, legs up in the air and over the back of it as she was apparently watching her T.V. and eating snacks. I could tell because of the crumps all around her on the floor.

Though, one particular detail really drew my attention.

Her dress had fallen down to her stomach.

There was an awkward silence as she stared at me and I at her.

"....bold choice in panties." I finally blurted out.

Black Lace, nice.

"Kyah!" The Goddess threw herself off the couch, and in the same motion that familiar Shoe came sailing for my face, and I realized that even as powerful as I was, I had no means to prevent it at this moment.

It literally knocked me off my feet.

"Y-y-you...!?" Pandora was sporting a very bright red hue on her cheeks. "You can't just drop in here like that!" She wailed.

"How else am I supposed to come? It's not like you have a doorbell for me to ring. I can just.....not come anymore." I tossed her shoe back towards her.

"No!" She quickly changed tunes. "Waah, don't bully your mother!" She pouted, running towards me with her arms up in the air. Her hands balled into cute little fists as they lightly pounded on me. "Where have you been, mister!? I couldn't find you anywhere, and I checked!"

"Around." I grinned, patting her head.

She puffed up adorably. "Don't be coy." She somehow managed to snake her hand up to pinch my cheek. "I really checked because you were gone for awhile....."

My urge to tease her sort of deflated once she sounded genuinely sad. "I'm sorry, I was taking care of some personal stuff. And it's easy to make sure I don't have prying eyes from Gods and such entities."

"You're my only child that can visit....please don't forget to check in every once in awhile."

"I promise to keep checking in and spend time with you." I smiled towards her.

"Good." She beamed happily. "You can apologize by telling your mother how you're able to come here in the first place."

"Magic." I poked her forehead.

"Hmph." She made a cute noise, stomping her foot. "I'll figure it out eventually." She followed up with a huff and crossed her arms.

"Oh, does that mean you'll be able to come and go as you want?" I quirked an eyebrow.

".....even then, I'm a True Goddess, not one of those Heretic Gods. I can't just...." She didn't follow up, but I could fill in the gap.

"I got it, rules and stuff you have to follow."

"Mmm." She nodded as her hand cupped my cheek. "Look at you. You seem different again, did something else change since the last time you were here? I sense the presence of another God on you."

"Presence of another God?" I repeated the words. Was she talking about Big G? So far, not many were able to notice his 'presence'.

"Don't hide it from your mother." She pouted. "Did you bring another God here, hmm?" A petite finger poked my chest.


"Don't lie to your mother." Pandora puffed up again.

"I didn't! I just have something that's sorta like that Gorgonian. A piece of a God's Authority, not an actual God." I quickly denied

Which was an oddly accurate comparison now that I blurted it out.

"You're hiding something." She hummed, but didn't really push me on it. "All of my children are so naughty. They don't call, they don't write, and they even keep secrets from me." She sounded pitiful. "They don't remember their poor mother."

"Have you tried flashing the others too? Can't say I'll ever be able to forget you after that."

"D-don't bring that up!"

"Burned into my memory nice and good." I nodded to myself.


"Funnily enough, it isn't the first time a Goddess wanted to flash me. Though, oddly enough, it was a daughter flashing her mother last time. Amaterasu flashed Izanami. I guess this time, it was my mother who wanted to flash her son."

I wonder of this was going to become a thing?

Can't say I'll hate it.

"Don't compare me to that – that Hikikomori neet!" Pandora whined indignantly.

Ouch, sorry Izzy. Wait, even here Izzy was a shut in?

But even so...

"Cute." This time, I pinched her cheeks.

"You're bulling your mother." Her voice was sorta distorted through my teasing.

It's weird.....I didn't feel uncomfortable when she referred to herself as my mother. With Raikou, it felt like something else, and I also didn't care that she did so. But Pandora – we didn't have that kind of relationship, and even still....it was pleasant.

".....can I have a hug?" I asked quietly, stopping my teasing.

"You poor child." Pandora whispered, and her arms wrapped around me. "Come here, let your mother ease any worries."

Hugs are nice.

Maybe it was because she felt completely genuine?

I didn't feel an ounce of malicious intent, nor hidden motivations. She was doing this simply because she wanted to do this.

"It's rare that I get a visitor, much less one of my Children coming to see me." Pandora smiled brightly as she released me. "Come, tell me what ails you, my child." She took me by the hand, practically forcing me down into a seat on the couch.

"Nothing really ails me." I furrowed my brow. "Just the normal crap I've dealt with. I guess I've been under some amount of stress recently, but I do have another people to share that kind of thing with."

"You naughty children are always getting into trouble. You can't help it, it's in your nature." Pandora giggled. "Those foolish few who decided to fight Gods."

"Technically, Susanoo fought me." I pointed out.

"And you didn't run away when you clearly could." She tweaked my nose.


"Fufufu, nothing escapes your mothers eyes!" she proudly declared.

"Except me, apparently."

"B-because you're the most illusive of my children!" She quickly countered. "I can see all the others, every thing they get up to!"

"Oh, you watch them intently, huh?"

"D-don't make it sound weird!" She pouted.

Jeez, why was it so much fun to bully her?

"What have my apparent 'siblings' been up to then? Anything I should be aware of"

"I'm...not actually allowed to tell you too much." Pandora frowned. "Even if you can come here, my interference allowed is minimal." She tapped her chin. "Though, since you're technically a King of Japan, along with Godou...I suppose there's some wiggle room. Your older brother Sasha Dejanstahl Voban. He has his sights set on Japan right now."

Ah, I recognized the name. I did receive some information on my 'siblings' after making contact with that magical association in Japan. They were convenient to fill in a lot of gaps in my knowledge about this world.

"Do you think Godou can handle it?" I asked.

Pandora bit her lip. "That child of mine, he's so stubborn. Does he not realize how many others envy his position? And yet, he just always drones on about not wanting to be 'abnormal'!" Pandora threw her arms up.

Ugh, was he still going on about that. "Is he atleast....trying?"

"Mmm, he's still training and making sure to learn what he can. I think your talk with him put things into perspective." Pandora leaned it, putting a kiss on my cheek. "Thank you, for taking care of your younger brother. Rarely do my children help another like that."

It felt warm.

There was absolutely no lust or attraction that way felt in the slightest, there was only.....affection.

"He's a good kid put in an awkward situation. It's how he's coping with his entire world-view being turned upside down. Give him a few more months to acclimate."

"So sweet." Pandora giggled. "He's already turned into a bad boy, that one. Gaining the attention of several maidens without even trying."

"Oh? That embarrassed and awkward Godou, is he working on his own harem?" That would be fun to tease him about.

"Yup! And he needs more, momma wants grandbabies!" Pandora proudly declared. "Unfortunately, one of the girls around him is the target of your eldest. She's a powerful....well....as obvious as it may be, I really shouldn't say. Nor is it appropriate to reveal his plans."

"If he wants to go cause problems, I'll give Godou a chance to deal with it. If he can't....I'll step in." I can't always be there to hold his hand.

Pandora let out a sigh. "All of my children, so troublesome. Why can't they just get along? I suppose it can't be helped. They wouldn't be my children if they didn't get into trouble all the time."

"You know." I nudged her a little bit, not liking to see her with that depressed look about her. "You were talking about grandchildren a moment ago. Wanna take a look at my adorable daughter!?"

"Uwuhh!?" She made a surprised noise, eyes widened. "Show me, show me, show me!" She grabbed onto my sleeve.

I withdrew my phone. "Behold my fluffy little fox!" I declared showing her the first of many pictures of my cute Kunou.

"Soooooooo Cute!" She squealed.

I didn't mind showing her my family. Because at the rate things were going, I had a feeling she would be meeting them all in person at some point.

It really did make me wonder....was this how it would feel if mom was still around?

It was a nice feeling.


"I'm back." I stepped into my home, hearing the greetings of several of my girls.

Actually, everyone was here but Meridia.

And by everyone, that included Venelana.

I was overjoyed that she was finally being included.

They all sat around the living room, chatting about something I had no idea about. I walked up, putting my chin on Raikou's head as my arms wrapped around her.

"We were just discussing you, my student." Scáthach spoke up.

"It wasn't me, I didn't do it." I quickly denied the broadest spectrum of things I could have done.

"Oh my, how quick he is to try and weasel out of any perceived trouble." Venelana giggled. "You really did a number on him, didn't you?"

"Clearly, not well enough." Scáthach pursed her lips. "He often requires remedial lessons."

Even though those usually ended with me between her legs, one way or another.

Hell, there was one time she just knocked me on my ass then literally sat on my face and we went from there.

I do so love how direct she is with what she wants.

"So, what thing do I have to deny being responsible for?" I ran my hand down Raikou's side, giving her thigh a nice squeeze.

One of the absolute best things about having a Harem? I can pretty much do something like this whenever I want. Raikou not only allowed me, but there was a twitch of enjoyment when I started touching her.

And the others didn't even call me out, nor look uncomfortable, as if it was something expected. Well, I'm sure if I ripped off her clothes at this point, at a minimum, Artoria would shift into that territory. She was still very conservative with some things.

But overall, I had an amazing group of girls.

"We're all pregnant." Jinn suddenly blurted out. "Triplets, all of us."

"Damn, who's the father?"

The Genie giggled.

"I couldn't imagine a trio of Kunou's running around." Yasaka playfully flicked at Jinn's shoulder. "You silly girl, you can have triplets, I'm fine with one toddler at a time."

"In truth, we were merely discussing what things would need to be taken care of with your absence." Artoria spoked up with a small smile on her face. "We wished for your heart to be at ease if you went away for a little while."

"Do not worry, my Student." Scáthach shared her soft – and gentle – smile. A rare thing for her to look so unwavering affectionate in her gaze openly like this. "You have done well in how you have handled yourself in recent times. We share no dissatisfaction about you wandering off for a time."

"You could use break." Yasaka smiled. "And I know that doesn't necessarily mean sitting around and doing nothing. You like to run off and have adventures, so go ahead. As your woman – as all of us are your women, and we are more than happy to support you."

"You all really don't mind if I disappear for a little bit?" I asked, looking around the room. "I.....don't like being away for too long as is."

"Master." Raikou looked up. "We wish for you to be happy just as you try hard for us to be as well."

This warm feeling in my chest was really hard to describe

I leaned forward, claiming Raikou's lips for my own. I didn't quite know how to put my appreciation into words, so I would let this fill in the gaps. It wasn't an overly long kiss, I didn't want to make it awkward for anyone else, but....Raikou was flushed, a look of complete longing followed as our lips separated.

She wanted more and I wanted to do more.

"I'm still new, so I can't speak about everyone elses's opinions right now, but it seems they align. I'm a Devil, a few days, a few weeks, a few months. That small amount of time doesn't really mean much, and it appears as though all of my new sisters are long lived as well." Venelana also chimed in. "However, I do expect a certain amount of...attention when you return."

"I believe Wilhelm would give you all the attention you wanted." Yasaka grinned coyly. "With as much vigor as he could."

"A Devil does have needs~" Venelana giggled.

My hand slipped into Raikou's without even realizing it as she leaned into me. "So everything is really okay? You're not just telling me that to set me at ease?" I looked around.

I was very happy that Venelana slid right into the group dynamic without it being awkward. It didn't seem like anyone was against her presence.

"Yes, we had discussed everything at length." Artoria nodded. "There were not many things that needed overseeing beyond our personal responsibilities which we were fulfilling thus far. There is no pressing matter that requires your direct oversight, and you are quite easily accessible if an emergency comes up."

"Fine." I relented. "I'll not ask about it anymore, you all clearly put enough thought into it. However, if anything happens, promise me you won't wait to contact me."

"I give you my word, Wilhelm." Artoria said firmly. "I am aware you are like me in this regard. You wish to be immediately alerted to such things."

Good, since Artoria promised me, she wouldn't hold back.

"Oh, and I have a large amount of Dust. Like A really large amount of dust that I managed to get my hands on."

Artoria blinked. "....Please tell me you acquired it through moral means. I do not like you partaking in criminal activity, Wilhelm. I have let some things slide in the past, but I will be adamant that in our continued relations that you do not overstep certain lines so blatantly."

"It was a mine that was using literal slave labor. Some of which were children. I helped them out, removed the ones involved, and claimed the Dust in the aftermath." I gave a brief explanation.

Artoria smiled brightly. "Yes, that is the man I know you to be."

Getting praised by Artoria, why did it always feel good?

So damn charismatic, it was absurd.

"If you have as much as I think you do, then I can do some fun things." Jinn grinned.

"Just leave enough for Medea to play around with, and some for possible use in her own projects." I stated.

"Don't worry, I'll bring her in so we can play together."

Funnily enough, while she was being half cute with her wording, I'm sure she really saw it as an opportunity to play with someone she was friendly with.

"When do you plan on leaving?" Venelana asked. "I know it's something you don't want to share the details about, but will it be dangerous?"

"Probably in the morning." I scratched the back of my head. "As for danger.....maybe? Gramps asked me to investigate this before. He was...unwilling to have Artoria and Rin do it instead, said it was probably a little beyond them. Well at least Rin, no offense to her but she isn't ready for some of the stuff Gramps wants me to do, even with Artoria."

Artoria furrowed her brow. "The Wizard Marshall's expertise is not something to overlook."

"Agreed." Scáthach added. "You will make adequate preparations before you depart." Which was her way of saying she was concerned and wanted me to be safe. "You may take the time to properly lay with your Servant beforehand."

"W-what?" I stuttered out.

".....Tis obvious that you find each other....wanting in this moment." Artoria was the one who answered. "It is an expected occurrence in this strange relationship you have gathered us all into. If we were not pleased with such outcomes, we would not be here at this moment." Her face turned a red hue as she turned away.

I blinked as Artoria of all people told me to stop being a prude and go fuck Raikou. Granted, it was not exactly in that wording. I admit I was the most.....hesitant with Raikou out of everyone, even Artoria. I was scared I would be taking advantage of her. But if even Artoria was being so candid about it, maybe I really am just being silly and should stop over thinking things.

"Also, don't put up sound barriers." Jinn added. "Artoria likes to hear while she– "

"J-Jinn!" Artoria squeaked out.

I looked around and realized I was being silly. I wanted Raikou, and it wasn't a situation where It wasn't appropriate.

With her hand still in mine, I lightly pulled her up, getting her to rise from her seat.

"Masterrrr." She let out a surprised noise as I swept her up into my arms, lifting her up off her feet.

[Raikou.] I sent to her through our link. [I need my Servant.]

The affectionate gaze she held towards me was clear. [Master, your Servant shall take care of all your needs~]

I carried her upstairs into my bedroom.


Raikou lewd insert here. Shouldn't take too long.


Saying goodbye to the Girls, and Kunou, it was time to say my farewells to one last person.

I stared into her warm eyes, that look reserved for me and me alone.

"I have heard what you are doing. You will embark on a seemingly dangerous endeavor." Meridia greeted me with a slight displeased tone.

"That's debatable. I'm just investigating something for Gramps. He only mentioned some interesting facilities involved that I would enjoy researching at. Thought it would be a good break from the normal nonsense that's been popping up."

She pursed her lips as if not believing me. "I do not enjoy this feeling of uncertainty."

"For someone like you, it's just a single blink of an eye, and i'll be right back like nothing happened." I reassured her with a little smile.

She stared at me and blinked, slowly. "It appears you are correct. Good, now you may stay until I allow you to leave."

I could not resist the amount of cuteness he was giving up as i walked forward, wrapping her up in a tight hug. "It's not like you can't contact me. I'll be sure to check in with you, give you an update, how about that?"

"Hmph. It will suffice, i suppose." She said quietly. "....I will keep an eye on your other paramours, so you need not worry."

"I know you will." I kissed her forehead. "I love you."

"And I you, my foolish man." She let out a sigh, laying her head against my chest. Her hand slowly went to mine, more specifically, she touched the Ring of my finger, reaching into it. Dawnbreaker appeared for a moment, then disappeared another.

"....Are you telling me i'm not allowed it back until I return?" I chuckled.

"Don't be ridiculous." She huffed, pouting cutely. "I.....believe it is time I enhance it. I will not have my sword fall short of your others. I never intended it to be more than a weapon to bestow upon my mortal champion, thus I never considered powering it beyond mortal limitations until now. I will make it into what you call a Divine Construct. A fitting term for the weapon I shall bestow upon you." She said rather proudly.

"Are you going to reforge it?" I questioned, interesting in the process. "And how does that work? Is it made of a tangible material, or was it crafted from your essence?"

"I used a spark of my Light originally, dulled and darkened to what the standards of mortals may consider to be excellent in comparison. Now, it accompanies my true form, incubating in my primordial light."

"....so it's inside you right now."

"...must you make everything sound lewd?" She blushed a little. "Here is my Sword. It will not lose to any other weapons you acquire from now on."

I kissed her nose as she huffed again, taking it with glee. "Thank you, really."

Just holding it, I could that the sword was significantly stronger than before. I had to be more careful when using it for now on.

"I decided to copy that Noble Phantasm of yours. Call its true name and you shall deliver a cleansing light unlike what was previously possible."

"Were you jealous of Excalibur?" I raised an eyebrow.

"I am not jealous!" She quickly tried to deny, but I saw through her charade.

"Thank you, again." I admired my new sword once more before putting it away. "I'll put it to good use."

"Good. See that you do." She sniffed. "I expect you to return without problems now that I have bestowed upon you such a wonderous merit. You may thank me by continuing to annoy me for many years to come."


It seemed like a long time since I've been back here. Well, not that long now that I thought about it. Months at most, but it felt like I've been through a lot since I've been back 'home'.

"Look who it is." A warm, feminine voice reached my ears.

"Hello, Lucretia." I greeted the women who may or may not have become my Grandmother.

"Hello, Wilhelm~" She smiled warmly. "Are you here to see Zelly?"

"Yeah, is he in?"

"Mmm, he's in his study, go on ahead." She replied.

How funny, she practically owned the place now.

Well, I'm sure Zelretch was fine with everything. He wasn't one to put up with nonsense if he wasn't on board with it.

I just walked up and pushed his door open. The same room hadn't changed after the many time's I've been here already or all the times in my memories.

"Wilhelm." He greeted warmly. "To what do I owe the pleasure? Do you require my help with anything?"

"Actually, I am here to help you." I replied, taking the same seat I always did. "I find myself with some time on my hands, and you said you wanted my help with something previously. I figured, I could do that now."

"Oh?" Zelretch perked up. "If you have some time, I would really appreciate it."

"Great." I leaned back. "So, what can you tell me about this 'Chaldea'?"


Sorry, late on the Raikou lewd. Meant to do it this past weekend, but shit just got in the way. I'll try to have it up as soon as possible.

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