A Nascent Kaleidoscope.

Chapter 323 - 292 Part 3

Chapter 323: Chapter 292 Part 3

"You are amazing." I wrapped my fluffy fox up in a big hug.

"Praise me more~" Yasaka giggled as I let go.

"You did very well." Artoria praised as well. "I do not believe I could have managed as well as you have."

"Oh, you sell yourself short." One of Yasaka's tails brushed against Artoria. "I'm just lucky we had so much information that they were in the dark about."

"I almost peed myself when everyone stared at me." Rin shuddered. "Angels, Angels were looking right at me!" Rin let out a long breath.

"Yes, it is strange to actually be in the presence of real Angels...." Artoria shared a similar sentiment.

I never questioned it, but Rin was a Christian due to her upbringing, only distancing herself from the Church due to a certain priest that soured her towards the Church. Both being a Magus and living in Japan, it was certainly odd but I never thought about it too much until now.

It must have been very strange for her to be in the presence of figures important to her beliefs, though not the same as those in her home world.

"And seeing the Great God Odin in such a state.....it is very strange." Scáthach added.

Yeah, the Odin here was strange indeed. I knew he took many different personas when he disguised himself in his travels amongst humans, but this felt different. I didn't know how to describe it, it felt like.....he was tired.

"The Monkey King was staring at me." Raikou commented. "I fear I may bring some undesirable outcomes if I stay..."

"His addition was undoubtedly a last minute occurrence. I don't know what it's like in your world, but here, He works under Indra. And considering what I know about you.....that could perhaps be the reason for his presence?" Yasaka explained her thoughts.

"...I see." Raikou muttered.

Raikou always got uncomfortable when her other half was mentioned, even by association of her parentage.

"The Gods here are so different than the brothers." Jinn walked up, pushing herself against Raikou. The affectionate Genie earned a warm smile from my Servant. "Even that Lugh, a God of Light, he's so different than the God of Light from Remnant."

"It is not surprising. Even with similar domains, Gods are very different." Scáthach replied. "The Abrahamic God, for instance, is very different even if Lugh and him share similar domains of Light."

"So....what's the plan once the recess ends?" Rin asked. "I hope I'm not needed for anything except for standing to the side, cause I'm not confident being the focus of Gods at this point."

I could see how intimidating it was for her. She had made substantial progress since I first met her, but she's still not on the same level as us. "Any plans we have, I promise we won't put you in an uncomfortable position."

"As Wilhelm says. You being here as you are is perfect and I would ask nothing else. You are one more mystery to help us obscure the truths." Yasaka also added with a smile. "As for our next step, well, I don't think I can hold them off any longer. They're going to come at you all like sharks smelling blood. But we should be able to act as a buffer for you Rin."

"True, we played a bunch of cards already, next is to figure out what we can gain, which will involve answering some questions no doubt." As annoying as it would be.

I joked about being shameless, but I did have things I don't want to flaunt in public. I supposed I'm very personal about my own stuff and I don't like revealing too much. Maybe a hold out from being on my own for so long? I don't like other people having their noses in my business unless they're close to me.

"We merely must keep up our unassailable position." Artoria stated. "Our initial plan has succeeded, they will come to us and that gives us the advantage."

"It worked wonderfully. They did not expect us to warp the talks around ourselves and make us invaluable with everything new we added." Yasaka giggled.

"Is that why we're hiding under this.....dimension?" Rin poked her servant.

"Gotta keep up the 'mysterious' act that we have going on. They got no idea how we know what we know, and this just makes them more anxious." I replied.

The small Youkai faction that no one cared about wasnow the center of attention.

"This space is actually very strong as well." Jinn sort of....poked at the misty barrier that surrounded us. "I want to play with it later."

"I'm sure Soma wouldn't mind if you helped him experiment with his new power later." Yasaka responded. "And you're right, it's a Longinus Class Sacred Gear for a reason."

"It is impressive." Even Scáthach acknowledged. "I do not believe any God here is capable of assailing us here or spying without our knowledge."

That is to say, it couldn't stop a God from forcing entry, but we would notice the instant they tried, and that isn't exactly subtle. So...the perfect place to have a private conversation.

"So....what's the next part of the plan?" Rin asked.

A mischievous grin appeared on Yasaka's face. "We get them to pay us, then we give them the privilege of dealing with the Khaos Brigade lurking in the shadows."


I stretched my arms as I exited the mist that made up the temporary sub dimension everyone else was staying inside.

I nodded towards Soma and Aotabō who were 'standing guard' outside. Gotta keep appearances up and all that business.

The surroundings were relatively...deserted. The factions still had representatives standing around though most had scattered for the break. Some familiar Devils were off to the side who I cast a sideways glance at.

Venelana smiled warmly as I met her gaze from where she was still sitting.

Had to resist the urge to go over there. And it made me want this to be over sooner so I could start introducing her to my other girls more. Because at the moment, it felt like we were leaving her out.

I knew it was unavoidable due to extenuating circumstances, but it still made me feel like crap. I would definitely make it up to her later.

I pulled my eyes away to look at everyone else. Odin was off to the side, out of ear shot, and appeared to be in a heated discussion with the Valkyrie he brought along. I expected more of an appearance from the Norse representation, but then again, the All-Father himself showed up.

Wasn't going to touch that with a ten foot pole though.

After my last experience with an Odin, I wasn't too keen on getting close to this one.

The Fallen Angels were off on another end, taking some privacy as well. I could see the amount of warding that went up as they made a little 'camp'.

And it wasn't just them either, the Angels were somewhat visible from where I was standing, they had taken cover behind a partly destroyed wall so you could see flashes of them whenever they stood behind a hole or where the wall had collapsed. the taste of their Holy Power also hung in the air.

I admited that I was a little....confused with how to treat Heaven. Normally, I would be rathe neutral towards them as a whole, perhaps leaning towards dislike just out of habit. However, with a certain entity residing within my spear, I guessed I had to spare some good will towards them.

Well, more like towards the Big Man himself, and what he left behind.

Strangely, the presence within the spear had been silent. I would have thought he would have spoken or relayed something to me, but it remained silent. And I knew for a fact that he was capable of reaching out if he desired. I had the faintest feeling like he was simply watching for now, and didn't want to interfere. So, far be it for me to bring attention to him.

Maybe he thought he had a better chance in my hands with the deal I made with Hades?

Not to mention, suddenly revealing that he might revive would have a drastic effect on this attempt at peace. I genuinely did want them to come to a peaceful resolution, if for selfish reasons. Mainly that it would be helpful that they weren't hostile to one another and another conflict wouldn't suddenly spark into a full blown war and harm the people I actually cared about.

Don't know where Sun Wukong or Lugh went, but I'm not their keepers so I decided not to dwell on it. Instead, I found my target over by where the Heaven and Church Delegation hung about.

I decided to take this opportunity to socialize.

The few members of the Church looked like they collectively had to change their pants as I started walking over. Don't know why they were so on edge, it's not like I was hostile/antagonistic towards them, but they cowered behind the largest member of their little routine.

I locked eyes with him.

Yasaka explained it to me, the strongest human in the world. Or so the church liked to propagate. However, that aura he continuously reeled in did not lie.

I stopped my steps with only a couple feet between us. I saw he was sizing me up, however, I didn't notice a hint of malice or disgust when he looked at me. The others around him, well, it was clear my presence was unwelcomed.

After a moment, a rather warm smile made its way to his face. It's funny, this man was massive. As in, I think our Herakles might be smaller. Yet...I didn't feel intimidated in the slightest, his presence was warm and welcoming.

"Hello, young man." His voice was just as weighty as it was when he spoke during the meeting, and again, there was a gentleness to it. "If you're looking for Lord Michael, I'm afraid you may have to wait. They are currently discussing some important matters in private."

"What important matters could they possibly be talking about?" I quirked a smile.

And he looked rather amused himself. "If you require it, I am willing to relay any message you wish to give."

"K-kick him out, Father Strada!" One of the Cardinals behind him raised his finger, stabbing it in the air at me. "Don't let him profane our presence."

I blinked, looking towards the source. The rather.....frail looking man. In his later years, maybe seventy or eighty.

"He does realize that we're technically in Devil Territory, right? There isn't any 'kicking me out'." I looked back up towards the large man. "And even then, this is Japan, if anything, I could kick them out since the Youkai has more claim to the land than anyone else."

It's not like I was forcing myself into their little secret meeting they were having while we were taking a break.

Vasco Strada let out a tired side, opting to turn to look at the Cardinal who spoke. He didn't even have to say a word for the Cardinal to stiffen and retreat back to where the congregation of Angels was gathered. And the others quickly followed after him.

Rather cowardly lot they were. I imagine they are the kind that wanted to come and attend for the 'glory' and 'attention' they would be receiving. If I had to guess, the only one of worth that the church sent was actually the big guy.

"I apologize. My fellow faithful are...uneasy due to the nature of this gathering."

"I kinda was hoping he would stick around, get into an argument with me so I could start arguing scripture with him." I admit that my devil nature was shining through just a tad.

"A losing battle isn't one my companion would have fought."

I blinked at his rather blunt and honest remark. I honestly had no witty retort for that kind of response. "Anyways, I'm not actually here to see the Angels. Yasaka is handling the negotiations and all that. I just wanted to come over and meet you."

"Oh?" He raised an eyebrow. "And what can I do for you, young man?"

You know, looking at him, I kept forgetting he's supposed to be like eighty years old. Different from Zelretch who used a method of immortality, Vasco Strada was purely human and didn't do anything of the sort to himself.

I'm wondering if he was a case similar to Scáthach where he just decided he wasn't going to age.

"Well, I'm wondering if there's a secret to getting as buff as you."

The man gave a good natured chuckle. "Lots of healthy eating, a steady training regime, and faith in our Lord and Savior."

"Ah, I see." I nodded. "So Jesus is the path to swoleness."

"All is possible through the love of God." He smiled humoredly. "And the doors are always open for those seeking."

I tilted my head at his invitation. "You do know I'm a Half-Devil, right? Not to mention, I'm a Magician and proud of it. My lover is a 'heathen demon' from the east. I think my lifestyle contradicts a few of the Church's teachings."

"As I've come to learn over the years, the rules are more of.....guidelines." He replied rather evenly.

Huh.....was that a dig at his own Church members or his own approach at following Church doctrine?

"Hmm, the Church is a human institution and all that." I muttered. "You'd think with Angels being in literal arms reach, the more....ambiguous of believers would hold to a certain standard."

"There's no need to be polite, I am more than aware of the darkness that profanes the Church from within. Unfortunately, there is little I can do to absolve the issues that permeate its foundations."

Wow.....again with the blunt admittance of his own faction's faults. Yet, at the same time, he didn't shy away from it. I had a feeling that if I truly started insulting the Church, the actual foundations of his faith, he would get upset.

I liked him.

"Have you ever considered going to like, a fitness competition? You know, where you go on stage, flex a little, show off the muscles. And while you have everyone's attention, you just drop your preaching there. I think if people were willing to do steroids, they would be more than willing to following a belief system if it meant getting some of those gains."

Vasco Strada had a bemused look on his face until he processed what I said, a rumbled escaped his throat, a genuine laugh that echoed through the surroundings. "That's a wonderful idea, I'll have to run that by the other Cardinals when I have time."

God I hope he's not joking.

I would pay to watch him go on stage and make everyone else feel insecure while being just completely wholesome about it.

"So, in all honesty, I just came over to introduce myself. Was curious about the supposed Strongest Human and all that. But, now I'm a little curious about something else. Are you not put off by my being a Half-Devil?" I questioned the man of faith.

"No." He said as bluntly and dismissively as before. "You have no influence on your heritage. By what right do I have to hold you accountable for something beyond your control?"

".....You really are a good person." I couldn't help but say under my breath.

Fuck it, just make this man the Pope and the Church would become like 100x better.

"Your kind words are appreciated, young man." The Large Cardinal smiled warmly.

"Thanks for chatting with me." I returned the smile towards him. "And if you're ever over by Kyoto, look us up. You would be more than welcome within our borders." I was speaking on Yasaka's behalf here, but I don't think she would find fault with me on this one.

The opposite in fact, I think she would appreciate it if I extended some good will towards such a strong person. Bonus that they were actually a very kind and gentle soul.

Not bad for just a whim of checking him out.

"Hoho, I'll have to take you up on that offer in the future." He chuckled again, though a hint of seriousness appeared on his face. "A warning, young man. I dare not speak for what Heaven plans to do, however, it's clear they seek the return of the Sacred Spear."

Hmm, I didn't expect this guy to come right out and say something like that. Then again, he also didn't seem to be someone to be coy or beat around the bush.

"So Heaven wants my Spear?" I raised an eyebrow. "I don't like to give up my stuff."

"I speak for no one, merely relaying news I have heard. I believe you to be a kind person, so I see no fault in relaying this to you. If possible, I would hope you accept what deal they attempt to make, but I will not speak in favor or against."

I gave it a genuine thought on what I should say in response. "Would you believe me if I said that it would more beneficial for you lot in the long run if I held onto the Spear?"

Vasco Strada looked me over for a long moment before opening his mouth again. "I feel no deceit in your words. However, It is unlikely what I have to say will sway their opinions."

I shrugged. "It's not like I would hand it over anyways."

I was just trying to be nice since he extended similar courtesies to me.

Regardless, it wasn't a conversation to only have between us. Even if the Spear was mine, it would involve the Heaven faction as a whole, and thus, Yasaka needed to be involved.

"I believe we have made someone wait long enough. I shall hold you no longer, young man. And it was an interesting talk." He smiled warmly once more before stepping back and moving towards the others of his faction.

Interesting indeed. What a strange, yet nice man.

Oh well, I hoped we got to meet afterwards under different circumstances. I didn't get the chance to ask if he wanted to spar some time.

But now, it was time to deal with someone else. And I was currently not very fond of this person for the things he said to Yasaka.

"Zekram Bael. To what do I owe the pleasure." I turned to face my apparent ancestor.

He adjusted his collar as he walked over. "I have wished to meet with you since I have learned of your existence."

I crossed my arms, already having the feeling this conversation was going to give me a headache. Literally, a few words out of his mouth, and I was loathing the fact that I didn't escape when I had the chance.

"Well, here's your chance." I said bluntly.

The Old devil gave me a scrutinizing look. "What would it take for you to become a Devil of the Bael family?"

I was.....immediately taken off guard by the question. I expected many things to come out of his mouth, but none of them were such a direct and blunt invitation. "Pardon?" Was all I managed to blurt out.

"Hmm. Was I not clear in my desire? I want you to join the Bael family and work under me."

"I heard what you asked." I regained my composure. "What I'm wondering is what the hell. Where did this come from? You went from insulting someone I clearly care about then asking me to join you?"

"I said nothing false." He grunted.

...technically, I suppose he's correct. However, that doesn't mean the implication weren't offensive for everyone involved. But then realization dawned on me. "You were probing me, not her. You wanted to see how I would react."

"Oh?" He raised an eyebrow. "It seems I've underestimated your intelligence." He didn't even try to deny it. "You are correct. I am aware of your relationship with the Youkai Leader. I needed to know to what extent you were bonded."

Should I be annoyed or impressed? I didn't even notice until now because I, like everyone else, was more focused on Yasaka. "There are simpler ways to go about it."

"Simpler ways indeed. And they would have been seen through more easily. I did not desire for the others amongst my faction to know. Perhaps under different circumstances it would have been deduced, however, your paramour has done a significantly wonderful job in leading them around and causing them no small amount of worry. I am rather impressed, all things considered." Bael offered a small amount of praise with his explanation.

"And you kept silent afterwards to make it seem like you were sulking about a 'scolding'." I'm honestly surprised such a man I perceived as being unwaveringly prideful would allow others to think he was sulking of all things.

"I didn't survive this long without being able to hold my tongue and take a step back." He said without an ounce of shame.

"You're being very candid with me."

"I believe you to be someone who does not desire useless formalities nor extended explanations. Unless I am mistaken, and considering the lack of information I am privy to, it is a possibility. Simply, I decided to be direct in my want."

"You don't strike me as someone who willingly walks into a conversation and asks for something like that without knowing more about the target." I crossed my arms. "There's more to it than simply wanting me 'back into the fold' isn't there?"

A slight smile rose on his face. "Hmm, you are correct. I desire my bloodline to be under my purview. That fool, Sirzechs, pushed you away , and I am keen on correcting that mistake. Unfortunately, my window of opportunity is small. As I mentioned before, I do not desire for the Satans to know of my plans."

"Which means you're planning something they wouldn't like. I know only the vaguest amount of Devil Politics. Basically, that you are a substantial powerhouse in that regard. Then you have the New Satan faction, led by the Satans currently. And then there's the Old Satan Faction which also has a large backing, which we just revealed some secrets. I'm guessing that you're also a little spooked by that revelation?"

The Old Devil let out a sigh. "I am annoyed that Sirzechs allowed you to walk away without a second thought."

I ignored the undertone of his that made it seem like I was some kind of object. I don't even think he meant it that way. "You said you weren't going to waste breath, get to the point."

"I want you to keep Sirzechs in check." He once more said with complete transparency. "I had underestimated the depts to which those Old Satan worshippers would sink to. I chose to support the new faction because I believed it best for our race, but the foolish ones choose the path of oblivion time and time again."

I let out a snort. "Best path for the race, or best path for you?"

"There is no need to make a distinction." The Old Devil said rather proudly. "Bael is the underworld. The other Houses can play their games, but I have already won."

.....and he completely believed that.

It wasn't just him boasting. He genuinely believed every word he just spoke.

I honestly admired him a smidgen for the audacity of that statement.

Not going to even bother touching that though.

"The Old Satan Faction will be brought to heel soon enough." Zekram Bael continued. "Their presence and power in the underworld will diminish significantly with this new information. And it will not be merely the Three Factions that march upon these fools. Gods from other pantheons are now interested in them, their days are numbered. I have always acted as the counterweight whenever one side moved in a subpar direction, shifting everything back to the correct path. Soon, the new Satans will have no 'foe' to meet them. I will have to directly challenge them instead of using the fools as my pawns. Thus, I will need to strengthen my board. I offer you the Mutated Queen Piece of my peerage, an honor I have never bestowed to anyone."


That was a lot of information to take in.

"Why me?" I was honestly curious about his whole thought process.

"You are a Bael. You have overcome hardships to reach the mountain you now stand, looming over the masses. Merely a Half-Devil and yet now the very Gods acknowledge your presence. You have become an idol to the younger generations of Devil-Kind."

"....what?" I blinked as the last words left his mouth. Ignore the stroking of my ego he was doing.....what?

"Did you not know?" He sounded rather amused. "Half-Devils are.....shunned." He grunted, almost sounding a little annoyed. "Foolish in my opinion. They carry our blood and can breed true with another full blooded of our kind. Wasteful and idiotic when our numbers are still far below what they should be. You are a Half-Devil that has defied expectations. Devils worship power and ability. You have shown that low status and low birth are not a hindrance. Reincarnated Devils as well speak very highly of you across the underworld as a model to reach towards in their own paths. Every leader we have is one of Nobility. Wining you to my side would gather a significant amount of support from the Devil Population."

I honestly didn't know how to reply to that.

I stayed away from almost all things Devil, so I was completely in the dark about this.

"I'm surprised you don't have those same 'Pure Blood' sentiments and look down on both myself and Reincarnated Devils." It was honestly difficult to guess what he was thinking, because a lot of what he just spouted out went against my initial assumptions for the man.

"I care not for where one comes from. A devil is a Devil. Be it a Half breed, a Pure blood, or a Reincarnated. They are all below a Bael so the distinction is irrelevant."

.....okay I should have guessed that.

Would you call that progressive thinking?

It didn't even sound discriminatory either. Like it was merely a fact of life and it couldn't be helped.

"So I ask once more. What do you desire?" The Old Devil asked again. "Wealth, Fame, Power....Women? I can offer any of these. I do not care if you continue your relations with the Youkai woman. She has shown competency that is admirable and I would even welcome descendants from her bloodline should they come under our banner."

I think I twitched unconsciously as he said that. It felt rude as hell, yet at the same time, I don't think it was intentionally meant to be insulting.

"I have all of those things. Women? Completely ignoring the incredibly important emotional attachments between me and my lovers and focusing on the very narrow value of their looks, they are objectively some of the most beautiful women ever to walk this world. Wealth? I have multiple Divine Weapons. I have treasures you couldn't even fathom." I mentally went over all my treasures. I had to hold back the urge of show them off. Which I think was a combination of my Devil and Dragon nature. I really like to show off all my treasures when presented the opportunity. "And Power? Well, as you said, I think people know where I stand right now." My 'fight' with Susanoo wasn't exactly a secret. "And I couldn't care less about fame."

"I will allow you to marry Venelana." He stated, keeping a rather even expression after hearing my denying his offers.

I should have guessed he would play a card involving Venelana. And the offer wasn't entirely unenticing. Granted, we're no where near that point in the relationship yet. And who knew, it could fall apart before we got there. However, the possessive part of me did flare up ever so slightly.

"My relationship with her is not something for you to meddle in." I narrowed my eyes.

Again, he didn't look perturbed in the slightest. But I don't know if I was even reading him correctly, he could just very good at not giving anything away. "I will make you the head of the Bael Family. I am even willing to offer you Venelana's daughter as well. It would not be hard to usurp the Marriage agreement she has."

I opened my mouth and closed it again.

Besides the...horny thoughts that briefly flashed through my mind. And I'm not ashamed to admit I had a couple fantasies like that, I am a healthy young man afterall. But my rational mind won out easily.

Not only would Venelana be absolutely pissed at me for even considering the idea, I have no good will towards my supposed Aunt.

As for the head of the Bael House.....I honestly didn't give a shit about the Bael Family.

"....I refuse

"A shame." Was the simple reply his gave.

"Wait, that's it?"

"Do you expect me to throw a tantrum?" He snorted. "Perhaps threaten you? If what I stated did not sway you, then I need to rethink my approach. It would be foolish to anger you when I have absolutely nothing to gain from it. And I have learned a few interesting things, so it is not a complete loss."

"Well, if you want to shower me in riches to keep my mouth shut about your schemes, I wouldn't say no." I said rather cheekily.

And surprisingly, he adopted a rather amused look on his face. "If I was concerned about my position in the case of failure, I would not have approached you. The only desire for secrecy was if I succeeded." He straightened his jacket. "It appears that our conversation ends here." He gazed into the distance out of the corner of his eye. "It is a shame you did not accept, however, if you wish to contact me, know that the Bael House will welcome you."

He didn't waste any more words and began walking away.

That.....was strange.

Regardless, I should definitely go have a talk with the others, and especially Yasaka, about what just happened.


Serafall POV

"You're going to lose all your nails if you keep biting them that hard."

I let go of my thumb as I turned to stare at Sirzechs. "I'd happily lose them if that was all we lost today."

What an absolutely clusterfudge this was.

"Gah, how much longer is he going to be!"

"He only just left, Serafall." Sirzechs replied.

I snapped my head towards him. "How are you so calm? This is terrible news if it turns out to be true."

The meeting was an absolute failure so far, and that crafty fox just kept piling up wood for the fire we had lit under ourselves.

How the hell did they know so much!?

It was infuriating how thrown off balance we were. And at no point could we even provide a proper retort, because everything they said was freakin true!

Ajuka didn't care about the Evil Pieces originally. And boy did Devils go wild with them. There's a damn good reason why my job was the hardest out of all of us. I don't even think she was being facetious when she said she had a list of kidnapped Youkai.

We're lucky she didn't push that, because I can't recall a single former Youkai amongst any known Devils.

.....I don't think any are even alive anymore. Except Rias' Rook, and wasn't that a mess in and of itself for Devil-Youkai relations. It's basically the equivalent if the Youkai took one of our Pillar Bloodlines...which I guess technically happened.

I really needed to look into this more. I couldn't, no wouldn't let myself be caught off guard like this again.

Well, she didn't have to because she just kept dropping bombs on us and we couldn't even take a second to process them!

Khaos Brigade!? We thought they were just some edgy organization the Old Satan was hiding behind so they could act out.

This makes things significantly worse if they turned out true. And honestly, I was believing her at this point. There was no good reason for her to by lying so much out of her perfectly round ass.

I couldn't help but start pacing around. And I was glad we were far enough away from Sona and the others so they didn't see us acting like this.


I was about to start pulling my hair out.

Dammit Ajuka!

Couldn't you pay a damn iota of attention on your family?! Your damn cousin was kidnapping Nuns and Holy Maidens from Church territory! And if that wasn't enough, apparently, he's part of the Khaos Brigade!

If what the damn Fox said was true, that means he' got a power up from Ophis – somehow. Which means, it should have been noticeable.

I'm going to slap that lazy green head so hard when he comes back.

I can't even spare any time to scold Sirzechs for acting like a complete idiot during the meeting too. Mr. I'm going to glare at my bastard son the entire time.

I would strangle him if I wasn't so preoccupied with the potential threat looming over our heads. And the less I thought about their nonchalant admittance taking care of the Infinite Dragon God, the better.

The hell was I supposed to say to that?

Like...why lie about it either? No one would believe you, yet, for some reason, it made it all the more believable once they revealed so many other things.

Thankfully we had a quick avenue to verify something.

Ajuka had gone for a long overdue visit with his cousin.

And if even half the crap the fox said was true, that boy would be very unhappy for now on. If he lived past sunrise.

Michael was going to be out for blood...if this whole peace meeting didn't implode on itself, even if we sorta already had the peace treaty signed between us all.

Azazel did say that Michael already agreed to it. This was originally supposed to be a publicity stunt until it all went out of control.

"What exactly does it change, Serafall?"

My own thoughts were cut off as I turned back towards the red head. "What do you mean 'what does it change'?"

"I mean, we were already investigating them. We hadn't yet committed to any plans yet, so nothing changed on our end. Now we know that we have to take them much more seriously, but we aren't exactly in a bad position." He pointed out.

WEll...he wasn't exactly wrong.

But still, this was a whole mess and a half.

"Ugh, Ajuka hurry your slow ass up!" I groaned out, kicking a piece of rubble that was still laying around. I need a distraction, or I'm going to fuss over this relentlessly until he gets back. "Sirzechs." I yanked his cape. "Who the hell is that Zelretch person they mentioned?"

".....why would I know?"

I kicked his shin, making him wince.

"Okay, fair." He breathed out. "Honestly, I have no idea. I don't think Grayfia does either." He replied.

And we couldn't ask her because she's assisting Ajuka at the moment.

"Not really his grandfather then?" I asked.

"No known living relatives other than his deceased mother." Sirzechs replied. "Unless you think its my dad, we're in the dark here."

I snorted at the thought. It would be kinda funny, but that's too absurd. Shit, how many things have we missed? For all we know, Zeltrech could actually be his biological grandfather, who was some sort of magical powerhouse that's completely unknown, yet had even Ajuka in a tizzy.

It's not like I couldn't understand the implication of what Wilhelm said. His magic being to so easily overcome the basics of spatial sealing. A thought to file away for later if it ever became important for us.

Just another thing we're in the dark about. Which was basically everything concerning the Youkai faction as it stood.

How did they not get noticed all this time?

Really made me want to have another look at all the smaller factions we've scoffed at in the past. Who knew what other factions have going on under the radar at the moment.

"Alright guys, I'm here." Azazel finally made his entrance. "Was hard to slip away without Michael noticing."

"About time." I crossed my arms with a huff.

"Hey, you guys aren't the only ones scrambling to try and figure things out. Bunch of bombs they dropped on us. By the way, saw Ol'Bael walking towards Wilhelm."

.....not my problem right now even if I thought that had the potential to go horribly wrong.

"But seriously, how fucked are we?" The Fallen Angel asked.

"I may as well just bend over and drop my panties, because that damn fox is going in anyways."

"Aw shit."


"Do you have any idea about this whole thing, Azazel?" Sirzechs asked.

"I mean.....In hindsight, I think I noticed a few things but.....it felt like just you devils being devils. No offense."

"Some taken."

"Yeah, well, deal with those Old Satan assholes and I'll stop thinking that way." The Fallen Angel rolled his eyes.

"Is Michael still wanting to continue?" The red head asked.

"As far as I know." Azazel looked a little unsure. "He's not the type to be silent about that. If he wanted to pull out, he'd be completely upfront about it."

Finally a Teleportation Circle lit up right next to us, Ajuka and Grayfia stepping out.

Though, all our eyes were drawn to a glass container that Ajuka held in his hand. A blackish purple energy in the form of a snake was wiggling around inside. And I think we all felt our hearts drop simultaneously.

"How much of it was true?" I don't know if I even wanted to hear the answer.

"All of this." Ajuka forced out.

Fucking dammit.

"Diodora is currently in custody." Grayfia stated.

"Your family not kick up a fuss? We were being very liberal with laws with you just waltzing in and doing this."

"And they've ridden on my coattails of being a Satan, using it to their advantage over the years. Technically, that's against the laws too, so if they want to say anything, I'll happily drag them down with me." Ajuka snorted.

"His peerage?" Sirzechs asked.

"...having a specialist look over them."

I was going to break his legs. Then heal them, then break them again.

"This thing was inside him, right?" I tabbed the glass container in his hand.


"Was it painful to remove?"


"Good." I nodded in satisfaction.

"We need a plan." Azazel sighed, looking over the 'snake' just as we all were. "They ran circles around us and we were completely helpless. We couldn't even find an opportunity to ask any of the questions we wanted."

None of the many questions we had.

Somehow she was able to deflect any attempt while simultaneous kicking us in the proverbial nads in the process.

"Should we hide the evidence? It would give us more time to deal with the fallout." Sirzechs suggested.

t wasn't a horrible plan, but it wouldn't work this time. "No, we're going to be completely open about it. We're going to march right in, lay that thing on the table, and act like we're doing them all a favor in proving its existence."

It would alteast makes us look a little better in everyone elses eyes because we sorely needed every scrap of goodwill right now.

Especially with finding out that the Khaos Brigade was made up of other Factions and that there were some Gods are among them. We will definitely need outside help to deal with them in the future.


I just realized, the Youkai were the ones who had a list if everything else was to be believed.

Now, we're going to have to try and get ahold of it without losing too much in the processes.

Damn Fox.


Omake -- My sleep deprived fuck up. The first iteration of the Bael conversation.

I was going past 24 hours of no sleep when I originally wrote this, and thought it was a good idea. So, feel free to laugh at this stupid thing I originally had.


"Zekram Bael. To what do I owe the pleasure." I turned to face my apparent ancestor.

He adjusted his collar as he walked over. "I have wished to meet with you since I have learned of your existence."

I crossed my arms, already having the feeling this conversation was going to give me a headache. Literally, a few words out of his mouth, and I was loathing the fact that I didn't escape when I had the chance.

"Well, here's your chance." I said bluntly.

I had no patience for this man after the crap he spouted before. The only reason I didn't completely blow him off was that I was being respectful for Yasaka's position.

To his credit, he didn't react at my almost annoyance to his presence. And it's not like I tried to hide it.

"I am here to right a wrong that was done to you." He declared.


"On behalf of the Devil Faction, I invite you to come back home."

I let out a sigh, rubbing the bridge of my nose. Was there even a point to getting upset at what he said? "I already have a home."

Honestly, I didn't expect him to come try this after what happened. He hadn't spoken after I made my stance known during the meeting.

"Hmph." He grunted in response, clearly disagreeing. "Some backwards creatures living in a remote corner of the world."

"And you're referring to my lover and my daughter." I said dryly.

"If you want beautiful women, there are an uncountable number that would throw themselves at you. Come under the Bael banner, and you will never want for anything."

I was honestly speechless. Was he really so shameless? Or did he just not understand me and was just throwing out something he thought I would find enticing?

"Wealth, Power." He continued on. "With my word, any of these things will be yours. I will even adopt you under my own name, make you a true Bael."

"I already have a harem." I replied. "Completely ignoring the incredibly important emotionally attachments between me and my lovers and focusing on the very narrow value of their looks, they are objectivelysome of the most beautiful women ever to walk this world. Wealth? I have multipleDivine Weapons. I have treasures you couldn't even fathom." I snorted just thinking about the absurdity of his claim, but I wasn't done. "And Power?" I let my Divine Lightning arc between my fingers. "I've killed Gods."

Credit where credit was due, he still didn't outwardly react. I don't know what I quite expected from such an old Devil, but it was definitely hard to get a read on him.

Maybe he can take a hint at this point. I wasn't ever joining up with the –

"I will give you Venelana."

The lightning in my hands dispersed at the sheer incredulousness I was feeling.

"Excuse me?"

"Return to where you belong. And with a few words of mine, Venelana will be yours. She is a very attractive woman, there are few that can match her in the Underworld. Her bloodline is strong, so any offspring will be powerful as well. As such, I see no reason to deny you if you wish to have her." Zekram Bael explained. "You merely have to return back with me and take your rightful place as a Bael. Of course you will have to become a full Devil, but such a thing is easy enough."

"You will give Venelana to me." I repeated the absurdwords he just spoke. "You're a little late there."

"A mere tryst, nothing more." He waived it off. "With my word it will be official. Other, hmph. Some may question her loyalty."

Did this motherfucker just.....

"Who the fuck do you think you are?"

"I am –"

"A nobody." I interjected with a glare. "You are nobodyimportant. And yes, I know who you are. An old devil from the first generation that spends all day playing the politics of your faction. Guess what? You are insignificant. You mean absolutely nothing to me, and I only humored you because you came along with your faction's real leaders and I didn't want to step on Yasaka's toes. But, you just crossed a fucking line."

I took a step forward, my face only inches apart from his. "Let me make one thing clear. Venelana is mine. And you are not one of the very few people who can change that fact. I won't play those games of yours. If you come after me or mine, I don't care if I have to destroy the underworld to reach you."

For the first time, I saw his expression twist into a sneer. He didn't say anything, but his look said more than enough. I don't think anyone's ever been so blatantly disrespectful to him in a very long time. I did know some things about Zekram Bael, and he controls a sizable political force in the underworld, enough that even the Satans have to be wary of him.

Unfortunately for him, I don't give a shit about that.

"So, Kindly, Fuck off." I added lastly.

The Old Devil stared at me with that twisted sneer of his for several moments before turning around and leaving.

"You will regret it." He spat out upon walking away.

He held absolutely no power over me, and I could just tell that it made him utterly furious in this moment. If someone mouthed off to him back home, he'd probably have them killed and have no issues anywhere.

His only piece of leverage was Venelana herself, and I had a feeling he was vastly overestimating the actual control he had over her.

Regardless, I should go back and tell Yasaka what happened. It was entirely possible that he might try something after what happened.


And here's part 3. Just a heads up, part 4 might be delayed by a day, need to do some editing to it and other things that are coming up to make them a little better with the feedback I got.

If you want to read 7 chapters ahead or support me, visit my p.a.t.r.e.o.n.c.o.m / astoryforone

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