A Nascent Kaleidoscope.

Chapter 289 - 268

Chapter 289: Chapter 268

"In hindsight, I probably should have asked for a more detailed explanation of the festival." I said as I adjusted my Yukata slightly. "I was just so focused on helping you get everyone prepared, among other things, that I just kinda assumed it would similar to what I am familiar with."

"I suppose I should have explained it in more detail as well." Yasaka was fixing her hair in the mirror. "I'm so used to everyone around me knowing everything about it, I sometimes forget how little you know about our culture and customs." She spun around, posing. "How do I look?"

"Absolutely stunning." I don't think I could have peeled my eyes away even if I wanted. If I didn't know how much effort she put into looking this good, I would have torn it all off right there.

Funnily enough, she looked a little bashful. Her usual mischievous demeanor was nowhere to be seen. "It's been so long since I've had a date like this, it's making my heart beat faster hearing such simple words."

Why are all my girls so cute?

"Just one of many more in the future." I reached out, lightning tugging on her hand so she was pulled into my arms. Her ears twitched adorably. "I can't wait to experience all of them with you."

"Y-you're teasing me on purpose." She pouted cutely.

"One of the rare occasions that I'm able." I didn't deny it, kissing her forehead.

"Mou~ You bully." She huffed, burying her head into my chest. "Come on, now that you've undressed me with your eyes enough, let's go get our daughter." She giggled, pulling on my hand.

Well, I wouldn't refute her words.

Getting Kunou was a simple matter of walking out into the living room of her living quarters. Our cute little Fox came bursting out of her own room.

"Daddy, look!" She exclaimed, showing off her own cute Kimono.

"My little fox is so beautiful!" I smiled, lifting her up after she shot into my arms.

"Am I prettier than mommy?" She asked innocently.

"Yes, Wilhelm, is she prettier than me, hmm?" Yasaka regained that mischievous look of hers.

"You both planned this." I deadpanned, booping Kunou's nose. "And I think you both are equally beautiful."

"That's cheating." Kunou pouted.

"Now, now Kunou." Yasaka grabbed ones of Kunou's tails. "Don't tease your Daddy too much."

Kunou wiggled in her mother's grasp, unable to escape as Yasaka picked her up. "Mom!" She whined, getting doted on.

"Are you ready to go have fun?" Yasaka rubbed Kunou's head.

"I wanna eat all the snacks, and I wanna play all the games! Oh, and can we go get a mask! I want a different one than last year."

"Oh course, my little fox. We'll do all of that, together." Yasaka said quietly, affectionately rubbing her head.

Kunou, tails and ears twitched excitedly and grabbed at both our hands to start pulling us towards the door. "Hurry, we're going to miss it!!!"

"Sweetie, it goes on all day and into the night, we aren't going to miss anything." Yasaka just laughed as neither of us tried to stop her.

Maybe we shouldn't? let her be so willful, but she had a tough childhood. I don't think either of us wanted to stymie her ability to be a child even if she got a little on in the years and still acted like this.

"So, I don't actually know much about the Festival, mind giving me a rundown?" I asked, as we started leaving Yasaka's manor.

I eyed a few dozen Guards that appeared, taking up positions as they trailed us.

"I've said before that we honor the Gods that helped create our home. Primarily, we honor Amaterasu and Tsukuyomi as our main focus, but also pay homage to a plethora of others. Thus, the Festival starts when the Sun is at its highest and ends when the Moon is at its highest."

"That's smart." I nodded along at her explanation. "Though, I don't know if I can take one of those Gods seriously anymore after....the incident."

I was keeping it PG for Kunou's sake. Though, she seemed more focused on the festivities that were coming into view.

"Believe me, I know." She groaned. "But that's the gist of it. We simply celebrate under the eyes of our Gods. We thank them and show them the gifts they had given us."

"No big speeches or anything like that?" I questioned.

"Nope." She smiled happily. "This isn't about me, nor do I draw attention to myself. This is about every one of our people being thankful in their own way. To pray and give their own personal thanks to Takamagahara. I'm just in charge of setting everything up."


"Does Susanoo get recognition in any way?" Would seem weird to exclude him.

"Funnily enough, he didn't care until a few years ago. He decided that he wanted a little tournament to happen. Nothing too pretentious, just drawing lots and fighting until a victor, or whatever. It usually devolves into a big brawl, but everyone seems to enjoy themselves. It's very popular with Nurarihyon's lot, so I didn't care to regulate it any."

"He probably just wanted a show to watch..."

Yasaka just shrugged. "Keeps those muscle heads occupied and not causing trouble."

"Speaking of muscle heads, I can bet where Scáthach is going to end up."

Yasaka snorted out a small laugh. "Yes, I'm sure some poor Youkai are in for a rude awakening. But I'm surprised you haven't asked about the others."

"I'm not that dense." I rolled my eyes. "If they aren't around, nor if you didn't bring me to them, that meant that it was all talked about beforehand. This is our date, so I was going to focus on you – and Kunou." I poked her swaying tail.

"You're sweet." Yasaka snuck in a kiss on my cheek. "But you're right, I reserved you for today."

"Oh you reserved me, huh?"

"Oh yes~ I told all your other girls that for tonight, you're mine." She smirked.

"All yours." I leaned in and captured her lips, a quick kiss before breaking away. "As long as it's all taken care of, I'm good."

"Oh it is, and don't worry, I demanded pictures in case we don't meet up at all. And I made sure that Medea and her Fiancé made their way over."

"And like that, I have no worries." I finally felt really relaxed since everything was taken care of. A night to just spend time with my woman and my daughter.

It was easy to guess that Yasaka spoke with the others and wanted her own date time, so I didn't meddle. They needed to be able to talk amongst themselves for things like these. And I highly doubted any of them protested, with the effort that Yasaka put into making this a reality.

"Daddy, daddy, I want that!" Kunou interrupted my thoughts, pulling on my sleeve. She was pointing at the Dango stand near us.

I shot a glance at Yasaka who looked exasperated but conceded. "Since it's a special occasion, you can splurge today." She said reluctantly.

"I wonder if Artoria is a bad influence on our growing glutton."

"I wouldn't be surprised if Kunou admired that about her." Yasaka said dryly. "Here you go, Kunou, I'll be giving you your allowance with a little extra, this is all you're getting so make it count."

"Thank you, momma!" She happily scooped up the money and ran up to the Dango stand.

"You know she's going to run out in like an hour, right?"

"Oh I know it."

"And neither of us are going to be able to resist giving her more when she comes at us, looking depressed that she ran out."

"Without a doubt."

"Okay, just wanted to be on the same page."

We shared a look before breaking out in a little laughter between us.

"Oh, some familiar faces."

Both Yasaka and I turned towards the origin of the voice. I recognized the owner immediately, but was more surprised by who stood beside him.

"Aotabō." I greeted the large Youkai walking over, and my gaze landed on the woman next to him. "And Reika Rikudou. It's been awhile."

The Master of Assassin of Black – Jack the Ripper.

"Brother, it's good to see you again." Aotabō smiled brightly, slapping my back after he walked up. "You know my girlfriend."

Was he calling me brother now that I was an honorary member?

Regardless, I was surprised by the other revelation. "Girlfriend?" I blinked in surprise.

"Mr. Schweinorg." Reika said, almost respectfully.

"Hahaha, yeah we met when she came around the place. One thing led to another...." He scratched his cheek a little embarrassingly.

"He's surprisingly a big softie." Reika giggled. I was taken back since the last time I saw her she was extremely on edge. "And I owe you an apology." She dipped her head. "I was.....not in a good place the last time we met. You were very kind to me and did me a favor I can't ever repay. Thank you."

"You were stressed beyond belief, I hold nothing against you." I made sure to reassure her.

"Curious how openly you're talking about such a thing. I'm guessing by Aotabō's expression that he knows then?" Yasaka's lips thinned.

Oh, I hadn't even focused on that.

"She told me." He said simply. "I haven't told anyone else, even the Boss." He finished with crossing his arms.

"....we were getting serious so I wanted to be honest." She said quietly. "And he could tell that Jackie wasn't exactly...normal."

"We were born practically the same way, of course I could tell." He nodded.

Huh, I guessed they did have similar origins, though Assassin's was dialed way up.

"Is that why you stepped out to challenge me?" I asked.

"Hah....something like that." He said sheepishly. "Boss asked a couple of us and I volunteered. He wanted it to be all clean like and not cause any messes so to smooth over the talks and stuff. Reika told me some stories and I wanted to see for myself."

"And You really didn't tell the old man?" Yasaka eyed him suspiciously.

"Of course Boss asked me some questions, but I told him it was a secret not mine to tell." He crossed his arms, blowing air out of his nose. "A man's allowed some secrets, I told'em."

Jeez, I don't think he has a deceitful bone in his body. A big soft idiot like Thorum and Sairaorg.

"Please don't be upset with him." Reika said softly. "I –"

"Stop." I interrupted, smiling warmly. "I'm happy you've found your own happiness."

Could I really be upset about this situation? If she was in a meaningful relationship, she had the right to not keep anything form her significant other.

"T-thank you." She bowed her head again.

"Mommy, look what I got!"

"Momma, I got you some!"

Almost simultaneously, two little girls came running up to us.

"Kunou, sweetie."


Both women held their arms out, their daughters running up to them.

There was a strange silence as we all looked at each other.

"Don't hurt mommy." Jackie glared at me.

"Don't talk to daddy like that!" Kunou huffed.

Though, Jackie looked...less murderous? And not like it was hidden below the surface, she felt significantly less malicious.

"....I'm Kunou."

"....We're Jackie."

Both mothers set their daughters down.

"Do you want some dango?" Kunou offered.

"Un." Jackie nodded, taking a stick from her. "You can have one of our Taiyaki."

The two little girls exchanged snacks, silently nibbling on them as they sorta glared at each other.

"....Do you wanna go play some games?" Kunou hesitantly asked.

"....Mommy can we?" Jackie looked up to Reika.

"If it's okay with her mom." Reika seemed unsure and looked towards Yasaka.

Well.....my instinct weren't blasting me to keep her away from my daughter.

"Why don't you take Sir Wiggles with you?" He should get out and have fun as well. I waved my hand, letting him fall into Kunou's hands.

"Oooh." Jackie's eyes lit up.

"Just stay where we can see you." Yasaka gave her blessing.

"Follow me, I saw a game over here I wanted to play." Kunou grabbed Jackie as the two ran off, Rabbit ontop of the fox's head.

"So...."I turned to them. "She's....different?"

"I helped her settle some of her grudges." Aotabō answered. "Helped her even out once they all weren't screaming in her head and pulling her every which way."

That made a frightening amount of sense.

"Does she call you 'daddy' too?" The corners of my lips curled up.

The large youkai blushed.

"She does." Reika grinned.

I snuck my hand to Yasaka's and our fingers interlinked. She leaned into my shoulder as we watched our daughter run around, a big smile on her face.

"Thank you, again." Reika spoked up. "If it weren't for you.....I would have never have found a place to call home."

Home, huh?


Souichirou Kuzuki POV

I didn't like crowded places.

"Wait, Sis did what!?" The Ancient Hero Achilles exclaimed in shock.

"Oh, did she never tell you?" Medea was having fun teasing her old friend. "Atalanta, dear, tell him all about how you guessed wrong about the shared bathing for that city we ported in?"

"That wasn't my fault!" Medea's old friend – Atalanta visibly hissed. Her feline ears flattened against her head, depicting some form of embarrassment.

Visible weapons were worn by the various species of supernatural creatures passing us. An array of powers I had no previous knowledge of.

Uncertainties surrounded us.

"Either way, I believe those men got a wonderful view~"

"Nyeh, Medea!"

Shadowy figures lined the rooftops. Guards or possibly something else?

Looks matched the mythic Tengu.

"Why don't you tell him about the time you tried to eat a Sea Nymph!" Atalanta huffed.

"She looked like a fish and got caught in my net! What kind of foolish Nymph would get caught in a net like that!?" Medea squeaked out. "Besides, you're the one who tried to take a bite out of her even after she revealed herself."

"I hadn't eaten in several days." Atalanta looked away.

The emotional turmoil in Medea had subsided. She appeared to have forgiven her friend and had been cordial since initial talks.

"I'm jealous, I heard all those amazing stories when I was growing up." Achilles threw his arms behind his head. "I feel like missed the best generation."

"Don't be so quick to judge, boyo. For every fun story we have, there were another hundred days of sailing miserably at sea." Medea scoffed.

"Ugh, don't remind me. My Fur would get so matted and I can barely even look at fish anymore." Atalanta's shoulder slumped.

"And the smell."

"I tried to forget that." Atalanta groaned.

"Hey, I know what that's like. I sailed all the way to Troy without stop." Achilles snorted. "How many were there on the Argo with you? And I'm damn sure that boat was magical. I was stuck with my men in our little dingy of a boat and it got bad."

"I could imagine." Medea turned her nose up. "Boys, ew."

"I know." Atalanta rolled her eyes. "I get enough of it from being around Achilles."


"Ignore him." Atalanta chuckled. "So, how's it been over in – what's the name of that city?"

"Fuyuki." Medea replied. "It's been pleasant. After the war was over, I've just been spending time with my hubby." She grabbed onto my arm. "I've been trying to break into certain clothes design circles, but that's been difficult."

"I think Wilhelm mentioned some about that, you making his clothes?"

"Mmm, not my best work as it's not really my style, but it turned out pretty well." Medea replied. However, she was not being entirely truthful. She worked many hours making sure everything was to her standards.

She may not voice it, but she cherished him in her own way. She has difficulty making friends and he was not been dissuaded by her attitude.

"What about you? What's this place been like?" Medea spun around, waiving at all the festivities. "I doubt it's like this all the time."

A more traditional festival wasn't something I had experienced in many years.

"It's....nice." The Feline woman said simply.

"I think that's the best way to say it, to be honest." Achilles added. "We sorta were just hanging around to pay back some debt to the ass. But...."

"But." Atalanta cut in. "It's been nice here. The people have been accepting, we didn't really have to hide anything, and, well.....I wouldn't mind calling this place home for now. You ever think about settling down somewhere else more.....open?" She was broaching an obvious insinuation.

"I don't care where I am as long as I'm with my hubby." Medea grabbed my arm a little tighter. She was smiling brighter than I had seen her in many days.

I looked around.

I hated crowds.

Too many uncertainties made me anxious.

However, seeing Medea happy....such things were an acceptable accommodation.


Rin Tohsaka POV

"Father, Father, what about that one!?" I saw Mordred point at another food stall.

"Yes, we have yet to taste that one, good catch, Mordred." Artoria's eyes sparkled as they both walked over to claim all they could.

"I sometimes think I'm rich, then Saber reminds me how much she eats." I deadpanned.

"I know the feeling." Kairi sighed. "I thought I was being paid really well, then I realized it was just Mordred's food budget.

"You have to try it too!" Jinn could be seen dragging Wilhelm's Goddess Lover with her to follow after.

"I do not require food!" The Goddess seemed flustered, unable to deny the blue skinned woman.

"I thought she couldn't leave her realm very often." Kairi and I looked on at the scene.

"Don't ask me, I don't keep up with them." I just shrugged.

Though, I thought she just couldn't leave for long periods or many times in a row. Here or there shouldn't be a problem from what Saber said, so it wasn't that surprising to see here up an about. I hadn't thought she would dress the part, I could easily see why Wilhelm liked her.

Definitely had some amazing legs.

"It doesn't feel real sometimes, like I'm living in a dream."

"I know exactly how you feel." I nodded. "It's like one minute I was in the Clock Tower, then incomes Wilhelm, and suddenly I'm living amongst a bunch of Youkai, in a world where Gods still walk the planet, and I've learned more in the past few months than I have in the past few years. Not to mention all my financial hardships have all but been taken care of, I've gained so many things I couldn't even put a price tag on."

"Haaah, I thought for sure I was going to die in my War, and now here I am." Kairi took out a cigarette, lighting it up. "Doing some random jobs for Youkai of all things. Living with a Heroic spirit, and my employer is the literal bastard-son of Satan."

"Hahaha...we're going to hell for sure." I couldn't help but laugh melancholically. "And there's Angels running around too.....what even the hell is this world?"

"My dad warned me about his type."

"His type?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah, the kid's the type of person that'd either take you to heaven or pull you down to hell, but regardless, you'd have the time of your life riding along."

"God he has an annoying amount of Charisma that makes it hard to go against anything he wants." I scoffed.

"Don't I know it." He chuckled. "And funny thing is, I don't think he even realizes it either."

"I know, that just annoys me even more." I crossed my arms. Damn idiot, making it hard to ever stay mad at him. Always checking up on me, making sure I'm not in trouble or need anything. Hell, he pulled me into his little project even when I had nothing substantial to add and I've learned a lot just by proxy. And it's infuriating because that was probably his intention.

"Even if Mordred says so much crap, She has a big soft spot for the brat." Kairi chuckled again.

"Atleast you don't have to hear her gushing over him because they're dating. Saber's so shy, but once she gets going, it's like sugar injected straight into my veins."

Though, I'm happy for her. I can't admit to liking that type of relationship myself, nor could I see myself in an Harem, but if it worked for Saber and she's happy...

Not to mention the two Saber Servants would have never met like this had Wilhelm not been involved. And that's saying nothing about this entire situation. How many people should have never met but somehow got together and get along like this because of him?

I met Izanami.....that should say it all.

And she was fucking nice!

Oh, and she had an obvious crush on Wilhelm as well.

Heaven or Hell, but fun all the way.....yeah, I can't even refute those words because I've been happier in these past few months than I have in most of my time since my parents died.

"It's not a bad place to settle down." Kairi took a seat on the curb, blowing out some smoke. "Don't have to hide your magecraft, got jobs if you want, and people that are pretty nice. Oh, and the leaders look out for us."

"And it's not the Clock Tower."

"If I had a drink, I'd raise it to that." Kairi laughed.

I don't miss all the annoyances that came with that place. It was an objectively amazing facility for learning, but the stress that came with it was excruciating. I didn't realize how bad it was until I started attending the College of Winterhold. I'll admit that the College wasn't...up to the standards of the Clock tower, but it was enough for me right now. I was learning tons of things I otherwise wouldn't be.

And I could always go back there if I wanted. The Old man was there and everything.

It's just...hard to explain.

Even back in Fuyuki, before I summoned Saber...my home felt so cold and empty. I was only dedicated to perfecting my craft and raising the Tohsaka name again.

Now though....I'm lightyears ahead of where I was back then but at the same time...I'm happy.

I guess I didn't really realize it until this moment.

I looked up at the Sun moving towards the horizon. "Yeah, this place makes for a nice home."


Raikou POV

I should have expected this turn of events.

Once the Moon rose, the Youkai began to party harder than they had before. Once there were less Children active, the more adult activities took precedence.

I was a little saddened that Master was not here at my side, I wished to be held close on this pleasant evening. However, I knew that Yasaka wished for her own time alone and it was completely fair that she got such.

We had ironed out the details, I would be making my own move at a later date. I wished to acquire Wilhelm for my own purposes for some of our own alone time~

"Is there no one else!?" Scáthach's voice rang out, her Demonic spear slammed to the ground in the middle of the Arena that had been set up. There were people carrying away the victim of her latest fight.

I had been accompanying her thus far through the festival, we had been having a wonderful time exploring. I don't know why, but I believed I was closest to her out of Master's other women. Perhaps it was due to the intimate time we both shared with him?

I felt a little kinship with her.

"This Scáthach has drank every challenger under the table. Now I ask of you, am I going to become uncontested in battle as well!?" She once again shouted out across the area.

Yes, we had partook in some Sake and Scáthach was taken in by a challenge by some of the more foolish younger Youkai.

I watched it with amusement when she continued to drink through all of them even as their elders challenged her as well.

And now, she was reigning in the Arena they had set up. I think there was supposed to be a tournament, but she simply started beating up everyone and rousing the ensuing crowd to come challenge her.

Yasaka spoke of it before, to keep the more wild Youkai from starting problems during the Festival. To focus them in one place and control it here.

I believed it was a smart decision, I knew first hand out of control these Youkai could get.

By this point, she had worked through several dozen challengers, and I believed that none would answer the call.

.....I too wished to partake in more of the festivities. I was not one for deadly conflict, but I am also a warrior and enjoyed crossing blades...

I locked eyes with my Harem Sister, her smile widening as she realized what I was doing upon my approaching the steps to the arena.

"I shall accept your challenge." I declared walking into the open area.

"It's big sis!"

"Big Sis Raikou!"

"Big Sis, kick her butt!"

"Yeah, beat that old hag!"

Scáthach looked confused at that, glancing at the source of the voices and back to me.

"Fufu, those are the Children from Kunou's school." I sent them a wave. I had spent many a day there during my duties to Master's child. I was keeping her safe while she was away and by extension, I have spent much time with the other children.

"It seems I finally have a worthy challenge!" Scáthach twirled her spear, taking it back properly into her hand. "Shall we give the crowd a show?" She grinned.

I.....did not mind anymore. "This Minamoto-no-Raikou shall face you, Scáthach of Dun Scaith." I declared, summoning forth my armaments as a Servant.

This was my home, I did not feel the need to hide myself any longer.

Even if there were reactions to my name, I did not feel any conflict within my heart.

"Why, Hello there, Ladies." A male voice interrupted us as we were about to battle. I recognized it from a meeting a few days prior.

"Sasaki Kojiro." I stated his name, all eyes turned to him.

"Room for one more?" He grinned, hopping up on stage.

"You sure you can handle us, little boy?" Scáthach was able to tell his nature as a Servant at a glance even if I did not name him.

"Ohoh, I'm sure you'll find that it's my blade you'll have trouble handling." He was confident in the face of the Immortal Witch.

"I feel as though I am being ignored." I let my Mana Burst flow out. "I have taken offense to that."

With a smile, I didn't wait for any more declarations, and launched myself forward.

And all chaos was let loose.


Wilhelm POV

The day had gone by quick.

And I can say for a fact, that's because I've had so much fun that it was like the blink of an eye.

Even with a yawning Kunou, we made our way towards the final destination, the last 'event' so to speak. I might call it cliché, but it was also a tradition for things like these. Yasaka went to great lengths to order fireworks to finish off the festival.

Almost everyone started making their way towards the open hills right outside the city.

We found our own little spot at the top, as if it was reserved for us, overlooking the lake from which they would shoot up from.

"I'm tired." Kunou snuggled up between us as we took seats on the grass.

"How did I ever end up with such a cute little fox for a daughter~." I stroked her hair.

"You seduced her mom."

"I'm pretty sure her mom seduced me." I countered with a chuckle.

"Mmm, maybe~" Yasaka giggled. "But this is nice. It's a lot different than last year."

"Oh, what was the festival like last year?"

"No." She shook her head. "The Festival was about the same, I meant....well, us." Yasaka looked up into the sky, sorta staring into the distance. "Last year it was just me and Kunou and now.....our family got quite a bit bigger, didn't it?"

"Family, huh?" I reached over, putting my hand ontop of her. "Yeah, we do have a pretty big family." I couldn't help but smile, thinking about all my girls and everyone else.

"Speaking of." Yasaka smiled.

"Master~" Raikou's voice reached my ears, as a crowd of people made their way over.

"I called them over." Yasaka's expression turned very warm. "I think our family should spend this last part of the night together."

"Nice, spot, Schweinorg." Rin plopped down a few feet away.

"You look good, Rin." I admired her kimono.

"Hey, if you're going to gawk, do it for your girlfriend." She nudged Artoria.

"D-do I like good?" Artoria asked.

"You look beautiful." I replied without hesitation.

"Ugh, flirt later." Mordred huffed.

"Yes, we all look good." Scáthach laughed. "Let him take us in some other moment, I believe we are to witness the last moments of this gathering?"

I glanced at Meridia as she also came by, that smile of hers that formed was always heart stopping. Jinn pulled her along so cutely, I wanted to tease her, but I refrained.

I'm glad she decided to come too.

Medea rolled up with her own group, saying their greetings and such.

"Alright, everyone, it should be starting soon." Yasaka made sure to quiet everyone down.

Moments later the first one shot up into the sky. An explosion of color that filled the otherwise dark night, the shape of a flower forming.

Many more fired off, taking all kinds of shapes and forms. Religious symbols for their gods, popular figures in myths and legends and even random shapes or items.

I saw two swords burst into existence, swinging at each other before dissipating.

Magical Fireworks, they were pretty damn cool.

It would have continued on like this had something not grabbed nearly all our attentions.

A big explosion of color lit up the sky, and it took the form of a face.

And not just any face, because almost all of us knew this particular one.

"Is that....." Rin trailed off.

"I do believe it is." Artoria confirmed.

"How in the hell...." I stared on in shock.

It was Zelretch's face.

"Should I be impressed or scared?" Yasaka giggled.

"Daddy, It's grandpa!" Kunou tugged on my sleeve. "How did Grandpa's face get up there?"

"I have no idea." I stared blankly, only for something to catch my eye off in the distance.

I could have sworn, for a brief moment, I saw Zelretch and Lucretia holding hands.

Well played, Old Man, well played. I had honestly no idea what lengths he went through to leave the world-line for even a short period at this point, but kudos, he likely did it just to mess with us.

I just opted to laugh at the absurdity.

It was hard to believe, that not that long ago I didn't even have anyone important in my life, and now look at me. For the first time since my mom passed, I had somewhere I could call a proper home.

One of the happiest moments of my life thus far.

How far have I come since awakening my memories.

"Love you momma, love you daddy." Kunou mumbled, seemingly closing her eyes as she nestled between us.

.....I suppose It's time for another first since my mom passed away.

"I love you too, my little fox."


Insert Yasaka Lewd Here


Author's Note.

Didn't have time to do the Lewd Yet, I'll add it at a later time. So, I felt like this chapter was a sort of milestone. The point where I built them up to be a part of the Youkai faction going forward. Next is a few Skyrim chapters, then back to DxD to wrap up the arc.

If you want to read 7 chapters ahead or support me, visit my p.a.t.r.e.o.n.c.o.m. / astoryforone

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.