A Nascent Kaleidoscope.

Chapter 260 - 244 ***Lewd Included***

Chapter 260: Chapter 244 ***Lewd Included***

"No peeking."

"I'm not peeking." I laughed, holding my hands over my eyes. "Just tell me when."

"You can open –" I heard a few things fall over. " – Wait!" And several more things were thrown about.

"Are you okay?"

"I'm fine! Just...give me a moment! And...open your eyes!" Jinn declared

"It's a wall!" I mustered all of my enthusiasm.

"Turn around, you dummy." Jinn gave a cute huff.

I couldn't help but chuckle as I followed her directions, looking at what she had spread across the table infront of us. "A map?" I questioned.

"Un." Jinn nodded happily. "I've been working on this for awhile now, it's the thing I wanted to show you." She looked very proud. "I poured through nearly every book I could find, rumors and other hearsay to cross check with myths and legends. Historical records added in from Harkon's library really came through in that regard. I have nearly every notable location of Skyrim marked here with the corresponding coordinates for you to calculated with your Magic!" She explained with great enthusiasm.

"Jinn...." I looked down at the map, it wasn't just a piece of parchment. There were layers and layers of enchantments on it to fit everything on there. It was interactive, I could focus on something and information about it would unfurl. Legends, historical anecdotes, even some handwritten notes. "This is amazing....."

"You like it?" Jinn asked, a tone of hopefulness in her voice.

"I absolutely love it." I quickly moved into sweep her up into my arms. "You're so amazing, I'm lucky to have you."

"Praise me more!"

"My Jinn is the smartest and incredibly beautiful. She has the cutest smile, and her Magical Knowledge is unrivaled. She's so hard working and is always looking out for me."

"Kya~!" She smiled brightly. "I'm your Jinn." She buried her face into my chest.

She's always so cute. I didn't move away, and opted to run my hand through her hair. She seemed to want some affection right now, so I would indulge her all I could while I was with her.

"I heard you did a little shopping before I came." I finally spoke, earning a shift from her. She titled her head up, to look right at me.

"You're going to take me out?" She looked excited at the prospect.

"I figured a nice walk spent on the beach, playing around." I smiled right back at her.

"I know of the oceans on Remnant. I know what Grimm infest the waters, what aquatic creatures swim beneath the dies. I know the molecular makeup up of the sand that runs along the coasts." Jinn muttered, a look of sadness flashing across her face. "I don't know what the salty air feels like brushing against my face. I don't know how it feels to have the sun beat down on my skin through the cool ocean air. I don't know how it feels to have that very sand brush up against my toes. It may seem like something simple to you, but it means a lot to me...."

"Oh, Jinn." I pulled her in again, squeezing her a little bit tighter. "This isn't a one time thing. Anything – everything-. I'm going to make sure you can experience it all, and I'll be right there with you."

"Promise?" She asked under her breath.

"I promise." I stroked her head some more. "You're stuck with me for the long run. And remember what I told you when we first met? I was going to take care of you."

"Let me get changed and we can go." Her expression swiftly changed into a sensual smirk. "I will be the first one you get to see in a bikini, right?"


I hadn't thought about that. Jinn in a Bikini was definitely something I need more of in my life.


The Sun shined bright as we walked out a portal. Jinn latched onto my arm as she stepped onto the sandy beach for the first time.

She looked around, really looked around as she took in the surroundings. We were on a portion of the beach that was reserved for those of supernatural inclination.

The people around us now, they wouldn't give a Blue-skinned woman a second – or rather a third look. Such a beautiful blue tone definitely deserved a second look. But not for the fact that she was out of place among all the different species here.

"It's warm...." She giggled, wiggling her toes into the sand below her feet. It took a moment before she knelt down and took some sand into her hands, feeling it run through her fingers.

I enjoyed watching her, and not just because of what she was wearing. The red bikini she got really accentuated her features, even if it was just a modest two piece with little green polka dots on it. I'd seen her naked many times at this point, but I could still keep staring at her all day. However, the feeling of joy pushed away those kinds of thoughts as she acted like a kid, playing around in the sand.

It didn't take long for her to shoot to her feat, eyes sparkling as she stared at the water before turning to me. She quickly reached for me and pull me towards the ocean. "Lets go~" She cheered as we made out way through the sand.

Thankfully, I was wearing my own swim wear.

She practically skipped to the edge of the oncoming tide. Standing in place as the waves slowly rolled up to us, Jinn held her foot over the water before lightly dipping it in. Her little giggles as she splashed a few times were simply adorable. She stood up again, she gave me a strange look, and her hands snaked around my arm again. That look of hers then turned into something I could only call mischievous.

I blinked and the world around me spun as I went cartwheeling into the ocean, hitting the water with a large splash and suddenly found myself submerged.

It took me a moment to reorientate myself as I hadn't expected Jinn to throw me a dozen meters so suddenly.

"Well, well, well." I intoned after breaching the surface, staring right back at my giggling Genie. "It seems someone wants to play."

I gathered the water around me at the tip of my index finger.

"W-wait, lets talk about this!" Jinn squeaked.

"No mercy." I declared as little balls of water began firing off right at her.

"Kyah!" She let out a surprised shout as the little balls of water bombarded her. "Meanie, bully!" She waived her hand, pulling up a curtain of water, making my little balls splash hopelessly against it. "Have a taste of your own medicine!" She shouted as the screen of water morphed into a large ball and flung it at me.

"Oh dear." I quickly gathered my own water and shot it in a condensed stream right at the ball, dispersing it, only to look back at Jinn who had floated above me, large streams of water flowing around her, almost forming a throne for her to sit on.

She had a smug look on her face.

I reached out with my hand, and yanked her forward with a burst of Telekinesis.

"Eeeeeh!?" She exclaimed as she dove head first into the water, her watery manipulations falling back down.

It took a second for her to come back up, looking at me before spitting out a mouthful of water. "Salty." She just laughed some more.

"Get over here, you silly girl." I swam up close, taking her back into my arms. "You're not supposed to drink it." I added with a deadpan.

"I was curious." She pouted. "Though....I prefer a different salty snack~" She kissed my cheek.

"Lewd Genie." I snorted, pinching her cheek.

"Your lewd Genie." She smiled brightly, splashing me.

All mine.

"Hehehe." She giggled some more.


"I'm swimming!" She pushed at the water, moving around me happily before paddling away. "I've never swam before, this is fun. It's like flying, but the resistance makes it feel funny."

"Gah, you're so adorable." I quickly began to chase after her.


"Magic is convenient." I stated as I used said mystical force to dry my hair a bit.

"It's strange to think that so many societies are just ignorant of its existence. Even back home, the majority don't know about it in the current era." Jinn replied, fixing her own hair. "I was created when Magic.....died. When the Brother Gods killed the first iteration of humanity. But it still was something natural for me, something I wouldn't bat an eye at."

"Honestly, I don't even know the excuse for it not being known here. Back home it's a diminishing resource, but I know that's not the case for this world." I shrugged. "Not my place to rock the boat, but still strange." I held my hand out to her as she happily accepted it, our fingers interlocked.

We had no direction set as we began walking down the beach, the pleasant coolness of the evening tide brushing against our feet.

"I hadn't thought about that." Jinn tilt her head. "I've been focusing more on Skyrim while only learning a few things here to be helpful."

"You know you don't have to push yourself." I squeezed her hand a little bit. "You are allowed to have your own time to enjoy and live your life how you want."

"Of course." She puffed up. "And I choose to be helpful to the man who.....saved me from a prison I didn't even know I was forced to be in." She turned towards me. "I truly did not think my existence would ever change past what I was doing and you ruined me, Wilhelm. I was just supposed to answer questions every century, nothing more. Yet, here I am." She raised our hands up for emphasis. "I have a...lover, a man who is sweet on me and makes my heart beat quicker. This isn't what I was made for, so you have to continue to take responsibility for corrupting my purpose."

"Didn't I already say back in Remnant that I would take responsibility." It seemed like it's still something of a sore spot, or rather, a certain fear of going back. So if she wanted some reminders, or some reassurances, I would do so every time. "I said It before, I'll say it as many times as you need me to. I'm a greedy and selfish man, I'm never going to give you up." I brought out interlocked hands to my lips as I kissed the back of hers.

Her smile was always one that could brighten up the room, the sheer joy and the way she wore her heart on her sleeve, it was completely stunning.

"Speaking of Remnant, did you have fun?" She questioned.

"It was interesting." I nodded. "I met Pyrrha, caught up with her. And I spent a little bit of time with Salem, might have done something we could have considered a date."

"Oh, so Grimm Lady is not focusing on destroying humanity anymore?" She said dryly.

"I'm working on it." I sighed. "I met her...minions? Subordinates."

"Oh, Cinder." She blinked. "Ah, my restrictions, I see. Cinder, Mercury, Emerald, Tyrian." She laughed. "Well, it's nice to know that the restrictions are good for something. Since it involves Remnant and you know the information, I can now speak their names."

"Oh, the way you worded that....it implies there were more I haven't met?" Not that I cared that much. It's not like she was going to give me a rundown of every detail of her 'organization' or whatever she called it.

"I cannot answer anymore questions this century." Jinn huffed.

"Really? No more questions? How unfortunate, because I had a question pertaining to one Jinn that hails from Remnant. I was going to ask her if she wanted a kiss, but alas, I suppose that question shall never be answered."

"You bully, of course I do." She stood up on her tip toes and gently placed her lips to mine. "And the fact that I can say I did, means you know it too." She let out a cute huff again after breaking the kiss.

"I was joking, but, it does seem like your restrictions are.....loosening?"

"Maybe." She hummed. "It's.....strange. I don't think my mechanisms were created in mind for processing such foreign information that my restrictions are going haywire."

I should keep an eye on her then, just in case. I didn't think anything bad was happening, but I can't help but worry when she words it that way.

"Has Yasaka come to ask about Aura yet?" I asked.

"Mmm, she did. We had a discussion on the nature of it after she read a few books and I could actually speak about it." Jinn let out a long sigh. "It's still absolutely infuriating that I can't articulate myself through certain subjects well."

"And I'm sure you did a wonderful job regardless."

"You're sweet." She smiled. "And the idea of awakening a Youkai's Aura is....fascinating. Especially after what you did to Thorum. I have no clue why his Aura is reacting the way it is, even if you account for the fact that he's supposed to have a Dragon Soul. It should still operate somewhat normally, but I can only throw my hands up and call it Godly bullshit."

"Well, dragons aren't the same in their existence as they are here. They're literally pieces of Akatosh, so who knows how that really affected it. It could have just brought more of the 'God' portions to the surface and intertwined with the 'dragon' concepts and manifested that way."

"A good enough explanation as any." She shrugged. "And you should come by the College soon, I think the Archmage wouldn't mind seeing you. Same with Tolfdir, that old man is really nice and he speaks about you sometimes."

"I really do." I nodded. "I'll make sure to visit Skyrim again after settling a few things. I'm finally going to reach out to my Grandmother, maybe bury some past grievances and finally move on from that whole family." I sighed, lightning swinging her arm along with mine. "And there's that meeting with Amaterasu, which I am not looking forward to."

"And it's nice that you're doing it for Yasaka." Jinn replied. "I don't think even Yasaka wants to meet her. In my experience, it's preferable to stay away from Godly eyes...certain company excluded of course."

"Lucked out with Izzy and Meridia."

"That's being generous. I'd say you hit the divine lottery there, twice. Even in this world, I've read up on how.....well, there's no polite way to say it. How crappy some of the Gods here are."

"Considering you have the full extent of Remnant's internet in your head, I think that's very polite on your end."

"You have no idea..." She groaned. "Do you have any idea how much foot-based porn there is out there?"

"How muc—"

"Too much!" She cut me off. "Even when my sex drive was nonexistent, it turned me off!"

I blinked. "When your sex drive was nonexistent? Did that change since then?"

A small blush crept up on her cheeks. "You're asking me that after filling my belly for the first time, and making me keep my lamp in my butt for so long?"

"It's still there?" I leaned back, taking a good look at her butt.

"Feel free to check~"

Well, if it's an invitation.

I did reach over, getting a nice feel for the supple blue cheeks of hers before running my hand between them, feeling a little bump.

"Do you feel it? I followed your command; I haven't taken it out. Even though I still feel it stretching me with every step I take. A constant reminder of how you ruined me, Wilhelm." She said with a sultry tone. "This date has been wonderful, but right now, I want to make good on my promise I told you before you went off to fight that war. I want something bigger inside of me." She added with a whisper.

It was amazing how quickly these loose swim shorts became tight.


------Lewd Ahead------


I wasted no time claiming the lips of my beautiful blue Genie, pushing her against the wooden pillar supporting the pier we were under. Like all my girls, she had her own unique taste that I simply found addicting. She responded just as quickly, her tongue immediately became entangled with my own.

"P-put a Bounded Field up." She breathed out as I began kissing her neck.

I didn't even look up as my fingers dug into the wood, quickly bringing up a barrier around us for privacy.

Her hands began running around my stomach until I felt her grip my manhood through my swim trunks.

"Someone's impatient." I teased.

"And who's fault is that!?" She huffed, dropping to her knees. "I've had my lamp up my butt for so long, do you have any idea who horny I've been?" She gave me a cute glare. "I've been constantly wet because of what you did." She undid my shorts, pulling them down as my cock sprang free.

She grabbed ahold of my member, giving it a few gentle tugs. "I've had to masturbate almost every day to deal with it. I went from no sex drive before I met you to digging my fingers into my cunt multiple times a day just to calm myself down."

If I wasn't rock hard before, that would have immediately had me standing at attention. "M-maybe you're just naturally a lewd Genie." I offered, stuttering slightly as she squeezed me just a little tight.

She puffed up, looking at me in the eyes before opening her mouth and slowly lowering herself onto my head. Her tongue wrapped up my tip, massaging all around it. "I'm not a lewd Genie." She pouted, my cock popping out of her mouth. "You did this to me." She ran her tongue along the bottom of my length and until she got to my balls, taking one into her mouth. She made sure to keep eye contact with me as she sucked on it with just enough pressure to make my knees wobble before letting go.

"My creators made me to just be a keeper of knowledge, and now I'm trying to milk this cock so I can swallow your seed again. The Brothers would probably die of shame if they saw me now." She said, all the while pumping my cock with her hand.

"Jinn." I breathed out, my hands fighting to rest on her shoulders.

The blue skinned woman broke out into a grin, repositioning herself. "I'm here for your pleasure." She stated, opening her mouth up wide, eyes meeting mine, an expectant look on her face.

Without a second thought, her hair was gripped between my fingers as I slowly pushed her down onto my cock. She didn't resist in the slightest, my full length running along her tongue until my tip found her throat.

She garbled something impossible to understand, instead, her hands grabbed me from behind and she pulled herself forward. "Gluughk" In one swift motion, she pushed herself all the way to the base, making my toes curl in the warm sand.

Jinn, once more, didn't budge from her spot. She looked up at me with teary eyes, her throat contorting around my cock. She relaxed herself, slowly pulling back as every inch left her mouth. "Haaaaah..." She let out a breath, staring at my erect member. "You can be as aggressive as you want~" She licked her lips.

And I didn't need to be told twice. "Gluughk." Her eyes widened as I pulled her back down without any warning. "Gluughk.....Gluughhk." My hips rocked back and forth, slamming down her throat with reckless abandoned. She made no effort to stop me, even pushing her own head forward to match my thrusts.

"You want it." I groaned out, continuing without pause. "I'll make sure you're fully satisfied then." With a grunt, I slammed down all the way, pushing her nose right into my groin. I felt my dick twitch, holding her down. The first spurt of cum went straight down the back of her throat. There was no surprise in her actions as she began swallowing everything I gave her.

I relaxed, sinking into her own movements. She adjusted herself to better milk everything out of my orgasm, sucking every last bit out of my cock.

"Delicious~" She smirked, letting go of my member. "Thank you for the meal."

Taking a moment to reorientate myself, I practically yanked her to her feet. "It's time to make good on your promise."

"Oooh." She squeaked out, as I ripped open a portal and unceremoniously tossed her onto the bed of my room. "Wilhelm~" She giggled.

I was still fully erect, looking over her lying on my bed. I wasted no time taking off the upper part of her bikini. Those perky blue breasts of hers spilling out of the top. It wasn't the first time I'd seen them, but they were still just as beautiful as every other time.

"I know what you want~" Jinn herself took off her bottoms, tossing the bikini to the side. She turned so her butt was up in the air, head turning back towards me.

She was definitely not lying as she was noticeably dripping from her pussy. But that wasn't the most eye catching thing, it was certainly the lamp-turned Butt Plug that was still wedged firmly into her taunt blue hole.

She practically twitched in anticipation once I wiggled it. Grabbing it firmly, I slowly began to pull it out, and boy did her ass not want to relinquish it. It was almost as if she unconsciously fought me every step of the way.

"Aaaaaah~" Jinn let out a whiney moan through the whole process. Her hole stretching to accommodate the full size being taken out. Setting it to the side, I focused back on her twitching anus. "It's out.....you pulled it out." She whined once more. "Willlllll....." She cried out. "Please, I feel weird, it's too empty now, I need something inside."

"Relax." I whispered, hovering over her back entrance. I moved slowly to prod against it. "Do you feel it?" Slowly and methodically, she gave way, stretching around my tip as I pushed inside.

"Oooooh." She arced her back. "It's inside, you're inside me...hnnn.....keep going!"

I followed her commands, continuing to push forward, her legs kicking behind her with each inch I pushed inside.

"Yessss!" She breathed out. "It hurts so good, it's stretching me wide open!" She clenched the sheets of the bed shuddering as I slowly moved back and forth, loosening her up. "Brothers!"

It was very different than fucking a the pussy, but no less pleasurable. "Fuck, it's tight." I let out a grunt, grabbing her hips to better thrust into her. She clenched down, her muscles tightening and squeezing me from every angle. Her blue ass jiggled every time I slapped against it, my speed picking up with each passing moment. "This ass of yours was made for my cock, you lewd Genie."

"Yessss, use my ass as your cock sleeve!" She cried out, pushing her hips back to meet my rhythm. "Fuck me harder! I want to feel it all the way inside!"

Once more, I followed her cries and pushed all the way inside, my cock fully disappearing into her butt. She gasped at the sudden full insertion, her head thrown back as she clenched much tighter than normal, her juices nearly spraying from her cunt.

"It's all the way inside.... You made me cum by fucking my ass and shoving it all the way inside" She mewled in ecstasy. Her body twitched and shuddered in pleasure. "I have every inch of your cock up my ass and it feels so goooood. You did this to me Wilhelm, you turned me into a slut that likes her ass being filled with your dick."

My only answer was to pull back, and thrust back inside, fully sheathing myself into her once more.

"Aaaaah" She let out a throaty moan. "Don't...ah.....stop." She gasped. "Ruin me! Fuck me into a new purpose. I don't care about being a spirit of knowledge anymore, I just want to have your big cock slamming into my butt!"

I picked up my pace, her moans echoing with the sound of flesh slapping against each other. Her rear turned red from the force behind each of my movements. She never stopped her moans, her loud wails as her anus was forced to stretch and accommodate all of me inside of her.

I let get of her hips, my arms wrapping around her stomach instead as I pulled her back into my embrace. "Jinn..." I let out a groan. "You wanted it." I grunted with each thrust. "I'm going to make sure this tight ass of yours is full of my seed."

"Ooooh Brotherssss." She slurred out. "Fill me up, I want it!"

I made no attempt to hold back, not that I could do much with her butt tightening around me like it was. With another grunt, I bottomed out inside of her, letting myself tense up and then fall back into a relaxation as I came for the second time. My seed spilled out into her insides; into a hole she'd never used before due to her nature.

She went limp in my arms, a look of pure ecstasy on her face. Her stomach shuddered with each twitch of my cock as my cum filled her up.

"Haah, hah." She panted, rubbing her stomach. "So warm....I can feel it inside." I slowly began to pull out, only to be met with a whine from her. "Noooo, don't let it out." She was practically lifeless, her body unmoving in my arms. "Let's stay like this for a little while longer....please"

"My Jinn is a big pervert, huh?" I lightly teased her, shifting a bit to be more comfortable.

"You made me this way." She grumbled, sinking into my embrace. Her breathing was still haggard, but she wore a content look on her face. "Take responsibility...." She mumbled with eyes half lidded. "Not allowed to leave me....."

I didn't expect to cuddle with my cock still fully inserted inside her ass, but it was oddly heartwarming.


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