A Nascent Kaleidoscope.

Chapter 256 - 241

Chapter 256: Chapter 241

Waking up was not particularly pleasant. The memory of what happened yesterday was still at the forefront of my mind, the look on Salem's face when she walked away in particular. While she didn't tell me to leave or anything like that, we hadn't exactly parted on the best terms last night.

One step forward, two steps back.

I quickly got dressed and made sure I was presentable. I didn't even bat an eye when I saw Squidward waiting for me outside the door. I don't know why he was following me still, but I sort of accepted its presence as I made my way to the kitchen area.

May as well get started making some Coffee, I figured I would need the extra pick-me-up today.

"Squidward, how should I handle this?" I poked the tentacle Grimm as I poured myself a cup. "Salem didn't look too happy, got any ideas?"

It wiggled its arms noncommittally.

"Yeah.....there's a good chance this is my last day ever being here." I sighed, rubbing the bridge of my nose. Once she had time to settle and think about everything, she may just want me to leave and never come back. "I don't think I could have done anything different though. If she's not wanting any part of it, what can I do? It was the best moment to bring it up, being our second...meeting or date, whatever you want to call it."

Waiting any longer would just feel sorta scummy. I didn't want to wait until any 'true' feelings were formed, otherwise that would just be manipulative. At this point, I doubt there's anything beyond a simple 'liking', if even that.

"Hey Emerald, did you make – " I looked up as the grey haired boy walked into the kitchen, he paused as he stared at me.

"Morning." I raised my coffee cup in greeting.

"Hey....." He blinked, a bit surprised to see me apparently.

"Made some Coffee, help yourself." I gestured with my head towards the pot.

He quickly reorientated himself. "Doesn't smell like that crap that Emerald makes." He seemed nonchalant once the initial surprise wore off. "She just grabs the cheapest stuff at the store. I swear, she has no taste."

"Ugh, yeah. I can't stand that stuff either. It's why I usually keep some of my favorite blends on me." I smiled lightly. "So...Mercury, right?" I thought I recalled his name being said the last time we met.

"Yeah and you're that Wilhelm guy that's banging the Grimm Queen?" He looked at me.

I let out a snort, barely holding back my laughter. "Not quite." I shook my head. Though, I wouldn't deny the things I'd want to do to her.

"Well, I'm a big fan." Mercury quirked a smile.

"A fan?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah, I admire the way you can weaponize sex toys." He nodded.

"Ah." Yeah, that's something that's never going to go away. "Want me to sign a Dildo for you?"

"Pfft." He almost choked on the sip of Coffee he had taken. "Fuck, didn't think you'd say something like that."

"I threw a Dildo to take down a Bullhead. You thought I'd be all stiff and highly decorum orientated?"

"Eh, well Queen Boss seems like that, so I just figured....."

"I guess I can see that." I shrugged. "Time and place for those kinds of things. Though, I'd suggest not asking her if we're 'banging'."

"I'm not suicidal.....mostly." He blinked, looking thoughtful. "Anyways. So, you casually tossed me into a wall, the hell is your Semblance? Cause I saw you also blow the fuck out of that Sea Fei-Long and did other things."

I could swear that it was rude to ask a stranger about their Semblance...or it could be different based on region. Well, he's technically one of Salem's subordinates, so I didn't have to be too on guard around him. "You wanna know my Semblance?"

"Yeah, tons of people were arguing about it online. You put 'Space Control' when you registered for the tournament, really fun to watch that by the way. Always nice to see those snobbish kids get their assess handed to them."

Hmm, I sensed some hostility there, oh well. "My Semblance –" He leaned in slightly. "Is being awesome." I smiled smugly, taking a sip of my coffee.

He let out a snort with an eye roll. "Right. Well, doubt anyone could deny that either."

"Maybe I'll just say ridiculous things and see if anyone believe me." I couldn't help but smile at the thought of really confusing masses of people like that. "Been awhile since I've posted online."

"Oh Brothers, please make an official account and start posting. I'd literally pay to see people have an aneurism."

Well, that certainly sounded like fun.

"Mercury, where have you been we –" The woman in the red dress burst through the door, looking rather annoyed. She only stopped when her eyes landed on me, just like with Mercury.

And this was Cinder, if I remembered correctly.

"Good morning." I raised my Coffee cup up in greeting once again.

There was a visible shift in her demeanor. That scowl she was sporting quickly changed to a 'gentle smile'. "Good morning." She replied.

Well, props to her for being able to pivot on a dime like that.

"You must be Wilhelm."

"That I am." I said simply. "And I believe you are Cinder."

"Hey there, Boss Lady." Mercury nonchalantly greeted her.

"Mercury." She said dryly. "You were supposed to meet with us twenty minutes ago."

"Oh, right. Sorry, got side tracked." He just shrugged.

"I see that." She glowered, before turning back towards me. "I'm glad we have a chance to meet. I'm Cinder Fall, I work under Mistress Salem."

"Wilhelm Henry Schweinorg, a pleasure to meet you." I gave her a courteous nod.

"Yes, I've heard much about you." Cinder stated. "I believe we will be seeing much more of each other in the future. In the spirit of.....cooperation, I would love to become more acquainted."

If it weren't for the lack of sexual undertones, I'd think she was coming on to me. No, it felt more like she just wanted to get some information from me.

"Well, that's up in the air. Salem and I had....a disagreement yesterday." I set my Coffee cup down with a frown. "What happens next is uncertain."

Cinder paused, digesting that bit of information. "If I may be so bold to ask, what –"

"So are you two like actually together? I was joking before, but it sounds like you guys are dating or something." Mercury spoke up as he leaned against the counter.

"Mercury!" Cinder hissed, giving him a death stare.

"We aren't." I said simply. "Not for my lack of trying, mind you."

"Well damn." Mercury muttered.

"While I would not phrase it in such a way...such a sentiment is shared." Cinder sighed.

"Is it really that strange?" I questioned.

"Scary Lady who apparently has Magic and controls Grimm." Mercury deadpanned. "Nah, it's totally normal."

Cinder was actually silent and didn't chastise him. I guessed she shared a similar opinion even if she was more intelligent not to voice it.

"Mmm, she's my type." I shrugged.

"Isn't she like....super old?" Mercury said again.

"I prefer Older women." I grinned.

"Huh." Mercury just nodded, drinking from his cup. "How'd you even meet her? I doubt she'd be on any dating sites. ?"

"Dammit, Mercury." Cinder rubbed the bridge of her nose. "Must you word everything so crudely."

"Well, it's a funny story actually." I set my cup down again. "I discovered her existence, and wanted to meet her on a whim."

"And she just let you waltz right in?"

"Haha, no. I walked in, saw her, and admittedly fell a little bit. So I did what anyone would do in that situation."

"Run screaming?" Mercury offered.

"Started flirting."

"Bold move, how'd that turn out?"

"She started attacking me." I snorted. "So about that good."

"So pretty normal for you?"

I blinked at that. "Honestly....it surprisingly is." Scáthach and I fought constantly. Artoria and I sparred that one time that opened up the possibility of our relationship. Two out of Six, I think that makes it a somewhat normal occurrence.

"You say that Mistress attacked you? How are you alive?" Cinder questioned, seemingly ignoring the other parts.

Well, context was important I suppose. From her perspective, Salem should have wiped the floor with me since she had magic.

"I'm pretty strong." I said smugly. "So we had a little dance there before settling down for a talk. Well, she asked questions, I basically just continued flirting with her the whole time still."

"Fucking balls of steel." Mercury laughed.

"And that was basically it."

"Really, that's it?"

"Well, I also complimented her butt several times." Her reactions were really fun to see.

"And you're still alive somehow." Mercury looked at me incredulously. "Can't even blame you either. She has an amazing – " He stopped, his eyes started to widen in horror.

"No, please. Continue discussing the finer points of my rear. I shall wait." Another familiar voice echoed out as I turned to look at Salem who stood at the threshold of the kitchen.

"M-Mistress." Cinder squeaked out.

Salem slowly turned her head towards her. "Cinder." She said sternly. "Take your subordinate, I believe you have more important things to do....elsewhere."

Cinder shot to her feet, and dragged Mercury off without a second thought.

I prayed for the silver haired kid.

"Salem." I shot her a smile.

"Wilhelm." She said evenly, looking at me with a strange expression before walking over and taking the seat opposite of me.

"I suppose we should have a talk then." There was no point in dragging this one out, I thought it would do neither of us any good.

"I believe that would be for the best." She nodded.

"I guess the first question should be – would you like me to leave?"

She frowned as I said that, a look of uncertainty flashed across her face. "No." She stated, not elaborating.

While I was happy she didn't kick me out, she was still being more distant than usual. "Should we talk about what we are then? Or rather, what you want us to be?"

She opened her mouth then closed it again. She let out a breath of air, tapping her finger on the table. I think she was still have trouble putting her thoughts into words. "I am not a trophy." Her words were very direct, eyes locked with mine. "I am not a bauble to show off. And I am certainly not a notch in your belt to brag about." She practically growled that last bit.

"Do you think I see you that way?"

"No." She denied. "If I had such an inclination, we would not be speaking." She replied. "I am merely...." She closed her mouth, not finishing.

A sore spot for her maybe?

Well, maybe I should be the one to express myself then? "I like you, Salem. I believe I told you my feelings yesterday."

"It has been.....a very long time since a man has shown me any interest. It has been even longer since I have humored such fanciful thoughts as well." Salem stopped her tapping, her arms naturally crossing as if to cover herself. "I enjoyed your presence. I found myself anticipating your return since we had last met. The time we have thus spent together had been...pleasant." Her words were stiff, like she didn't have much experience with this sort of thing. "That does not mean I'm accepting of certain 'things'." She glowered. "But I am.....contemplating."

"I like spending time with you as well. And if possible, I'd like to continue coming to see you when I can." There was no declaration of love or anything so ridiculous. Just simply, a desire to spend more time together, which was more than enough for now. Take it slow, figure things out as we go.

"Yes, that would be welcomed." There was the faintest hint of a smile that crossed her lips.

It wasn't a really a resolution of everything, but it was a point forward. Whether she's okay with me having a harem or not, she hadn't said, and I'm not inclined to push her there. She's aware, and she'd make decisions based on that information. I'll spend more time with her, and we can just figure things out slowly.

"However." She spoke up again. "Please don't speak about my rear with my subordinates." She said dryly.

"I.....willl hold myself back." I held back a laugh. "I'll make sure to only talk about it with you."

She let out a sigh. "Why did I expect anything different? Just as you have said before, you are upfront about your perversions and I have grown used to them by this point."

Said the women who intentionally swings it so I can get a better look. Though, I decided not to call her out on it this time.

"I have some things I need to do back home. I can't stay much longer since I have a few other things to take care of before I go back and I'll be gone a little while before I can return. But....until I need to leave, I would love to spend that time with you." I slowly reached my hand out across the table, putting it atop of hers.

She flinched a little at the touch, but she didn't reel back or say anything.

"I see." She said quietly. "If that is how you wish to spend your time, then I shall be a proper host and accompany you." She said without much expression. But as I've come to learn, that was Salem basically saying she'd enjoy it as well.

Salem acted cute without even trying.


Lets see, she should be around here....

"Hey there, Red." I had many ways I could have gone about this, but I thought this was the best one.

"W-WILHELM!?" A certain red-haired girl jumped in fright.

Spooking her by opening a portal right behind her was definitely the correct choice.

"That's my name." I said cheekily.

"Y-you!" She stomped her foot with a huff. "Do you have any idea how much you just scared me?"

"Well, I saw how high you got, so yeah." I laughed. "So how you been, Red?"

"I was fine until you just popped in like that." She huffed.

"Really?" I looked her up and down. "Cause you look covered in bruises.....do I need to go have a chat with someone?"

"No!" She quickly denied. "They're from training."

"Ah, I can relate then. My teacher used to kick my ass to get the lessons ingrained." I wonder what Scáthach was doing right now? I hoped she's having fun, she deserved to have all the excitement she could find.

There was a beat of silence as Pyrrha and I stared at each other before I opened my arms. She broke out into giggles as she went in and accepted my hug.

"Alright, seriously, how you been, Red?" I asked her again without the jokes.

"I've been well." She smiled happily. "I've been looking forward to going to Beacon."

"Oh? You decided to go to school on another Continent? I know you said that before, but I didn't really have much time to talk to you about it." I questioned. "Wouldn't they treat you as royalty here? I've seen all the popularity you've gotten since winning the tournament."

"Please don't remind me." She let out a groan. " I didn't even technically win.....you would have won had we fought."

"Eh, semantics"

"It's not! You would have beaten me. If the roles were reversed, would you have accepted the championship like that?"

"Without a second thought."


"Lavish me in that fame and fortune." I laughed.

"You're teasing me." She puffed up.

"Hmm, only a little." I poked her forehead. "But Beacon, you sure about that choice? I don't want my actions to have swayed you." She said she wanted to go there to be closer to me, but I hoped that wasn't the entirety of the reason.

"Well.....I know you were in Vale, so I wanted to be a little closer." She said quietly. "But I also wanted to get away from this place. Mistral's just as bad, I don't think I could handle so many people fawning over me for four years."

"Well, that sounds like a good decision as any." As long as it wasn't solely because of me I wouldn't argue. "And Beacon is pretty nice from what I've heard. But, you can't expect it to be perfect either, you know. It was broadcast all over the place, you're going to have fans regardless."

Pyrrha slumped her shoulders. "I know, it's just...I'm hoping the people there will be able to see past it."

"Just don't close yourself off." Stretching my arms, I walked over to a nearby bench as I looked around. It was the same place I'd caught her the last time I went away, so it was easy to find her again. "You better have atleast....30 friends when I come visit you at Beacon."

"Visit me at Beacon.....30 friends!?" She exclaimed. "How am I supposed to make 30 friends when I can barely make one." She sighed, sitting down next to me.

"Don't worry, I believe in you, Invincible Girl." I shot her a thumbs up.

She dropped her face into her hands. "I hate that nickname." She groaned. "They make it sound like it was so easy. It makes it sound like the other competitors weren't worth mentioning."

"Got some blowback from them I take it?"

"No." She huffed. "And that makes it worse."

"Or, are you just assuming?" I nudged her with my shoulder.

"Well...." She gave a pout. "It's still disrespectful."

"Uh huh."

"It is!"


"Fine. Maybe I just don't like it because it sounds too ostentatious."

It was always fun to tease Pyrrha. "Could be worse." I pointed out.

"I don't see how it –"

"Crimson Haired Warrior Princess."


"Undefeated Magical Shining Fighting Champion."


"Ultra –"

"Brothers, please stop." She whined, pulling on my sleeve. "I would rather die. Just.....take my gun and shoot me right now."

"Invincible Girl then?"

She let out a long sigh. "And since I've gained a new perspective, I've realized, I don't quite mind being called 'Invincible Girl'."

"Hmm, I'm just gonna call you 'Red'." I laughed.

She puffed up again. "You know....I'm not the only one going to Beacon either."

"I imagine quite a few people are, otherwise the school wouldn't be open."

She playfully swatted my shoulder. "You know what I mean." She huffed. "But Rufus, Cobalt, and even Gundy and a few others all decided to go to Beacon too after finding out you were from Vale."

"Wait, really?" I blinked at that. I remembered them from the competition. I didn't think I left that much of a lasting impression. "Wait, who's Gundy again?"

"You...erm.....blew him up in the first round."

"Oh, oh!" I couldn't help but start laughing. "Well, fuck him."

"He seems to have calm down after that...fight. He's always been rather arrogant, but he's become a bit more withdrawn and soft spoken. I think it might have really bruised his ego."

"Among other things...." I muttered. "Well, maybe he turned over a new leaf and doesn't try to antagonize people for no reason." I just ended it with a shrug. I barely had an impression of the kid, and I wasn't going to seek out any kind of 'vengeance' just because he insulted my mom. I blew him up within the rules of the tournament, that was enough.

"Are you.....going to be around when I go to Beacon?" She hesitantly asked.

"Maybe? I mean.....the heat should have died down. But regardless, I'll make sure I'm up and about even if I have to be sneaky about it." I reassured her. "I wouldn't want to miss the celebration when you get admitted."

"You know, when I do officially join, I'm given certain authority. I'd still a Huntress in Training, but I could arrest you." She smiled. "So you better be on your best behavior. If I catch you doing anything illegal again I-I won't hesitate to stop you." She poked at my shoulder.

"Oh my, does the Huntress in Training admit to being friends with a nefarious criminal? What would your soon-to-be teammates think?" I couldn't help but laugh as I reached over and pulled her into a one-armed hug.

She smiled brightly as she leaned against me. I didn't think she cared much to think about the consequences right now when I mentioned the 'friends' part. "What about you, Wilhelm? Why'd you suddenly pop up?" She asked. "N-not that I don't like you being here." She quickly added.

"Had some free time so I wanted to come check up on you, see how you were doing." I said idlily.

"...I tried contacting your scroll, but I couldn't get ahold of you." She whispered. "I thought...."

"Hey." I playfully flicked her ponytail. "It's not what you're assuming. I was out of range of the towers, so you wouldn't be able to connect with me."

"You weren't doing anything dangerous were you?" She looked up at me. "Or illegal." She added with a small huff. "If you went around stealing again, I'm going to be upset."

"Hey, I've been on my good behavior." I chuckled at her expression. "But I may have gotten into some dangerous situations. Fought some things that I had to struggle against."

"Really?" She looked surprised. "I mean....I guess that Sea Fei-long wasn't the strongest Grimm out there, but I shudder to think what would actually be scary enough after seeing that."

"Oh you know, just some Gods, nothing much." I said nonchalantly.

"I was being serious!" She huffed, swatting my shoulder again.

"What, don't believe I can throw hands with some Gods? I'm hurt Pyrrha, truly hurt." I dramatically clutched my heart.

"You're ridiculous." She snorted, letting some giggles slip through. "Fine, Mr. GodSlayer." She accompanied that with an eyeroll. "And why did you 'fight' some gods?" The sarcasm in her tone was palpable.

"Well, funny story actually. Both times, it was because I talked about their moms." I scratched my head. "Whom I am actually friends with."

"Sure." She said dryly.

"I'm serious!"

"I completely believe you."

"You need to work on your lies, they're really obvious."

"You need to work on yours." She retorted.

"....touché" Well, I'm glad she'd opened up a bunch since we first met. "So, meet any boys?"

"Y-you can't suddenly just ask that!" She squeaked out.

"Or Girls." I added with a smirk.

"Will!" She turned red. "You're just doing this to get back at me."

"Maybe a little." I admitted. "But seriously, no crushes? No love interests?"

She let out a sigh, her face still a tad red. "How am I supposed to meet anyone when I'm surrounded by fans who won't give me space? All they see is the Invincible Girl."

"Well, it's decided." I stood up, clearing my throat.

"What's decided?" She looked confused at my sudden actions.

"After you go to Beacon, I'm going to take you out and be your wingman." I straightened my tie and fixed my hair. "With my help, they won't see you as the Invincible Girl. No, all they'll see is the Crimson Haired –"

"You bully!" She threw herself at me, with a groan. I couldn't help but laugh as she tried to keep my mouth shut. Eventually, she settled on just wrapping her arms around me, squeezing me tight. "Thanks, Wilhelm." She whispered. "Thanks for coming to see me, I really needed it. I couldn't even go to my normal gym to train because there were crowds waiting outside for me. I just.....wanted to fee like a normal girl for awhile."

"Of course, Red. What're friends for?" Maybe next time, I would tell her the truth. I'd love for her to meet my family. I think she'd absolutely love Kunou.

Speaking of.... "Hey."


"Wanna see pictures of my daughter?"

"Bwahh!?" She made a strange noise in response.


Ozpin POV

"I'm glad we could get everyone together." I cast my gaze around the room, and towards the screens that had James appeared on. "I know it's been a trying few weeks and how busy everyone's been. But I believe it important to have a meeting since the new year is coming around."

"Except Leonardo is once again absent." James looked annoyed. "How many times is this, Ozpin?"

I let out a sigh. "I know, James. But he's having his own difficulties. He's had several of his top Huntsmen die recently."

James grumbled but didn't push the matter further. He should know just how dangerous these 'Mutant' Grimm that had popped up could be.

"Should we start with any good news?" I offered to alleviate the tension.

"We've had a record number of students registering for the entrance exam." Glynda pushed up her glasses. "Among those, several popular ones such as a few finalists in the Tournament."

"Well, can't help but be happy about that." Qrow sat in the corner, taking a drink of his flask. "More brats running around the better, I guess."

"While I would word it differently, I agree with Qrow." James replied. "I've also seen a 7% increase from last year. However, I will admit to the quality being noticeably inferior compared to your current batch."

"Now, James." I raised my coffee mug to hide my smile. "There's no need to be jealous."

James frowned. "I find it absurd that so many of this years talent all decided to go to Beacon."

"Well, public talent." I pointed out. "Don't think I don't know that you've secretly been recruiting these past few years and keeping your best under wraps." I lightly chided.

James, actually held a smirk at my accusation. "It isn't just the ones in training, either. As infuriating this hunt for that Wilhelm has been, we've also found quite a few Huntsman who aren't registered, but are very strong in their own right. Not all of them wanted anything to do with us, but I've managed to recruit a handful which should really bolster our forces."

"That is good news, James. I'm pleased that something good has come about this manhunt." The more Huntsman we have, the better prepared we are for the inevitable. "Is the council still giving you a hard time over your continued investigation?"

James finally scowled. "I don't know what the sudden shift was. But they just wanted me to drop it after all the time and effort I put in to tracking him down."

"Yes, something is certainly fishy." I nodded. "I suspect that some foul play was involved as I have heard whispers of some of the Council Members wishing to repeal the warrant on young Wilhelm."

"Ozpin!" James shouted. "We can't let that happen!"

"I can't do much James, my hands are tied." I sighed, rubbing the bridge of my nose. "Nor is it under the purview of my Huntsman to dictate the Council's interests. Even if they are – obviously – corrupt."

James just growled in annoyance.

"Is it really that bad?" Qrow asked. "It's not like he's going around killing people.....other than those mobsters which I don't think anyone's going to lose sleep over."

"He's dangerous." James replied. "Not to mention his usage of Magic and he has a Relic! We can't let him walk free without any constraints. Just think what would happen if we lost him to Salem and her people? The only reassurance I've had is that he's probably avoided Salem's people in extension of my own with his disappearing act."

"Has there been any luck on his known associates? That Roman and the other girl? Or even Junior and his people?" Glynda asked.

"There had been some sightings of Roman, but those didn't go anyone. It seems like all of them went to ground and we've completely lost their trails."

"And I've scoped out Junior's bar a few times – " Qrow interjected.

"I'm sure you have." James said dryly."

"—And he's been clean....relatively speaking. Been up to some shady shit, but that's just normal Vale underworld crap."

"Which we are apparently ignoring." Glynda sighed. "And we aren't going after him, why...?"

"Well, he's actually not that bad." Qrow shrugged. "Doesn't like to kill people, stays away from the stuff that'd piss the higher ups off. Not like his dad who just left bodies all over the city. Anyone who'd replace him would probably be worse."

"Surprisingly well said, Qrow." I was impressed with his deduction and analytics. Despite his insistence of not staying sober, he was quite the intelligent young man.

Yes, when needed, Qrow always measures up. He can –

"Are we still assuming he's a chick?"

And it's gone.

"You're the one who made the assertion." James snorted.

"I was joking."

"And it's a plausible scenario!"


I let out a long sigh. While I couldn't.....disprove of that little theory, I also didn't truly believe It myself. All the evidence was circumstantial at best. However.....I suppose it's best not to cut off any ideas before we were absolutely certain.

"I also have something new to report." James spoke up, a shift in his tone. "As you know, we've been tracking down Merlot's labs."

"Crazy scientist that's been experimenting on Grimm." Qrow said nonchalantly. "I've taken a few of them out myself. Pretty nasty things."

"Yes." James said dismissively. "As I was saying. We've been tracking down his Labs, and the most recent one appeared over by Argus. I sent Winter and her Team to go investigate."

"How'd Ice Queen screw it up this time?" Qrow said with a grin.

"Branwen." James glowered. "Watch your words, she almost died."

Qrow, for his benefit, realized he was in the wrong and dipped his head. James seemed to take that as a cue to keep going.

"The report she gave me was...interesting."

"This Merlot." I sighed. "There is more news about him then? It's already causing a rise in negativity since these 'Green Grimm' had been made public knowledge. Thankfully, the more sensitive information had been given a gag order.

How lucky we were to stumble upon them during one of James's almost routine investigations into Wilhelm. He thought he had a lead and sent his team, only to discover one of Merlot's labs that housed the abominations.

"The Lab itself wasn't too difficult for my men to clear. Winter did a phenomenal job as always. It was tough, but they did it without any casualties nor any serious injuries. The only issue was when they climbed to the surface, there was a massive Nuckleavee waiting for them. At that point, They were exhausted and running low on Aura."

"Oh James, tell me they're okay." Glynda said with a very concerned tone.

He let out a sigh. "Some wounded, but nothing life threatening nor anything that will force them to retire. We have a stranger stepping in to thank for that."

"A stranger?" I asked.

"Winter wasn't able to get much out of her. She appeared to be at least in her late twenties to early thirties. Red Eyes, reddish-purple hair. She wore a somewhat revealing purple body suit and wielded a red spear that winter said, and I quote – 'Made me feel like I was about to be stabbed at any moment.'." James stated.

"A curious windfall then." I nodded. "We're lucky she was able to help alleviate some of the burden and work with your team to slay that monster then."

"No, you misunderstand." James had a strange look flash across his face. "She slayed it, practically on her own. AFTER she apparently killed another Mutant Grimm a little distance away."

I set down my mug and blinked at that. "That's.....impressive. Do we have a name? I can't imagine a Huntress with such skill to be an unknown, especially at her age."

"She said her name was –" James looked down at some notes. "Scáthach. According to Winter, she didn't have a last name, nor did she refer to herself as a Huntress. Hell, her weapon was just a plain spear!"

"How'd she take down a Mutant Nuckelavee? I had trouble with just some normal Mutant Beowulfs." Qrow spoke up.

"According to winter and backed up by her teams' reports. She apparently was very fast and strong; we suspect an all around physical enhancement Semblance." James looked like he was reading off a report.

"How rare." I praised. "Perhaps we can try to invite her at an opportunity?" It is truly rare for one to get such a Semblance that was so broad in application. I know Qrow's niece had a speed-based one, but to have speed and strength is something special.

"Winter tried, but she disappeared after they gave the woman a ride back to Argus. We completely lost track of her, but there had been reports of someone matching her description out in the wilderness, helping anyone she came across and killing Grimm whenever she crossed their path." James shook his head. "But that's not the strangest thing. The women didn't even look winded or haggard after her fight. And she finished it in one blow. Winter had trouble describing it, but the women thrust her spear and the Grimm was filled with holes made of this red energy, we suspect it was some kind of Aura manipulation technique, however...."

"James, you aren't going to suggest Magic again, are you?" Glynda rubbed her temples. "How many times has it been in the past couple weeks?"

"In my defense, one of those times was a Magic Artifact that was unearthed in Vacuo" He retorted.

"That's a fair response, James." He was a little quick to jump the gun sometimes, but if he didn't follow his gut, we would have missed a young man wielding a Magic Amulet that still had some juice in it. It didn't mean much in the grand scheme of things, but it was able to give me a little pick-me-up since my powers had been severely drained after giving them away all those years ago.

"I just don't see how an Aura Manipulation Technique could have done what Winter described. I'll send you a copy to look over her own words." James stated.

"That would be helpful, thank you James." I smiled. "I won't tell you not to chase the lead, James. But just keep in mind the times you have been wrong and don't focus too intently."

"I know." He sighed. "I was just going to send some feelers out. It's not like she's a criminal, and she saved my team. I'm in her debt at the very least. She may be a Maiden, or she may not be, but I think in the worse case scenario, we could become friendly with a strong huntress, or whatever she calls herself."

Logical. I couldn't refute his words at all.

"I appears that we have some good news then, which is quite a welcomed reprieve amongst everything that has been happening. Now, does anyone have anything to add before we start talking about the new year and the Vytal Festival that we'll be hosting here in Vale?

I didn't see anyone speak up, so I continued. It wasn't quite as exciting as what James had been up to, but it was something we needed to work out.


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