A Nascent Kaleidoscope.

Chapter 250 - 236

Chapter 250: Chapter 236

Author's Note.

In light of the update, know that I do cross post on Fan fiction Dot Net


"You ready?" I asked Raikou as she fixed her hair.

"I believe so, but I'm unsure of what I am supposed to be ready for." She looked at me as she adjusted her blouse. She looked quite beautiful, an elegance to her that was hard to put into words.

"It's a surprise." I smiled.

"Your Mother is curious now." She shared my smile. "Whatever it is, I'm happy to spend time with you. However, I have told Yasaka that I would be available later today..."

"It's fine, it won't take all day. Just....treat this is a date, a few hours just for us."

"My son is taking me out for a date." Raikou fidgeted in place, looking very excited. "Your Mother has never been on a date before."

"I know, that's why I wanted to do something for you" I reached out and grabbed her hand. "I admit that I had trouble finding something that would be special, but I think I found something a little interesting."

"Oh? You didn't need to go through the effort. I am your Servant, I'm here to help you in any way. You don't need to worry about me."

"Don't be silly." I poked her shoulder. "You're also my woman, so I'm going to make sure you're happy. Now...shall we go?"

"I would be delighted~" She preened as I opened a portal to our destination.

It was not in a 'supernatural' part of the world. I wanted this to be a rather normal experience. Though, what was mundane for me would be something utterly new for her, so I hoped this worked out.

Raikou eyed everything around us. Even as we walked out of the secluded spot I dropped us in, she curiously gazed at everything as we walked down the street.

"Master, what are we doing?" She still seemed confused as I led her around the winding roads of the city.

"Right here." I lightly tugged on her hand. "I reserved it for a few hours."

She tilted her head, looking at the building. I wasn't surprised that she was confused as it probably wasn't something obvious to her or part of the modern knowledge deposited by the grail. How many holes were there in the information that was given?

I pushed the door open, the studio we walked into wasn't very large but it had a good atmosphere.

"Hi, can I help you?" A woman at the counter asked.

"I have an appointment, Schweinorg." I replied.

"Oh, great. We just got everything set up. Let me run back and tell the boss you're here." She smiled, before excusing herself.

"Master?" Raikou said quietly.

"You know, it's a normal thing these days for families to have photos decorating their homes. I thought it appropriate for us to get some mom-son pictures taken."

"M-mother and son pictures?" She repeated.

"Yup. All the photos you could want, as many as you want, however you want to show off. Just the two of us." I grinned. "Your son wants to show everyone his amazing mom." I squeezed her hand.

She made some very cute noises, I don't quite think she knew how to react. "Your Mother.....your Mother is very happy." She finally settled on. A face half about to cry and half smiling so brightly.

I knew her view as my Mother was something very important to her. So, I wanted to spoil her a bit, let her have her way. It's not like we had a normal kind of relationship, so what was the harm in doing something like this? To accept the role she had thrust upon herself, and allowed her to act as my 'mom' for certain periods of time.

I wanted her happy.

"Mr. Schweinorg, we're ready for you." The woman came back out, gesturing for us.

Raikou practically skipped forward as we walked back to the studio portion of the building. It wasabout what you would expect, a bunch of different backgrounds, a bunch of cameras and equipment for this sort of thing.

"So, how do you two want to do this? We have a number of options available." There was a second woman behind the camera, looking at us.

"Hmm, what're the common ones that parents their children get together?" I asked.

Well, she only stared at us for a moment before answering. I guess it was strange, considering Raikou didn't look that much older than me....

"I have some samples here if you're interested...?"

"Oh, yes. I would love to see some." Raikou perked up.

"Wonderful." She stood up, walking towards some cabinets and rummaged through them a bit. "Here we are, some past work I've done." She laid them out for us to see.

Granted, they were mostly done for infants or children, but Raikou didn't seem to care. "Oh, do you have this backround? What about this coloring?"

"We do" The Photographer just smiled at Raikou's eagerness. "But how about this color right here? I think it'll match the darker color of your hair well, which contrasts your.....sons red hair."

I took a back seat, letting Raikou choose everything. While some concepts and things were still foreign to her, she was able to pick up the gist of it all pretty easily. She spoke with the photographer for what felt like hours finding the right things, the perfect setups.

I didn't speak up, just intent on watching her have fun with it. That look of utter joy on her face the entire time, it certainly made my heart beat faster.

Time really did fly by when you had fun. While I wouldn't consider this something particularly enthralling, it was easy to get swept up into Raikou's enthusiasm. We eventually got seated and started on the pictures

"How about a silly one to start off?" The Photographer asked.

"Oh, like this?" Raikou giggled, smooshed our faces together as she stuck out her tongue.

I reached out and pulled on her cheek, earning another giggle from her as the camera flashed.

"That's good. How about we transition into some subtle ones. Wilhelm, why don't you lock arms with Raikou."

"Like this?" I asked, scooting a little so we were a bit closer and taking her arm in mine.

"Good.....and Raikou, how about you put your hand on his and tilt your chin up just a little bit." The Photographer adjusted a few things on her camera. "Good, good. Wilhelm, don't slouch."

"Got it." I made sure to straighten my back.

"Perfect, now don't move." She stated, the camera flashed some more. "Oh, these are going to turn out well. Why don't you both come and take a look, see what you're working with?"

"Yes, please!" Raikou shot up and hastily walked over. I couldn't help but chuckle and follow after. "Oh, it's wonderful!" She exclaimed. "Look, look –" She pulled me over. "My son is so handsome!"

Huh, they were pretty well done. I mean, I would hope so, she is pretty expensive. Not that money was really an issue for me, but it's a matter of principal. "I love them. However, can we try some without the space between us? I feel like it detracts a little bit. How about instead of locked arms, we try putting ourselves, shoulder to shoulder?"

"Hmmm." The Photographer rubbed her chin. "I can see that. Yeah, lets give that a try too."

"Yes, lets try everything." Raikou nodded happily.

Well, I booked us for several hours, so everything it'll be.


Raikou clung tightly to me as we went back home. The sheer joy she showed on her face was something to behold.

"So, you wanna hang these up?" I offered.

"I would love to." She beamed even more. "Do you have a preference where?" She asked.

"Nope, put them up however you want." I gave her free rein to show them off.

Usually, it'd take several hours to get everything sorted, pictures developed and edit or what have you. However.....money can often make things run much quicker. Throw a stack of money on the table and ask for them to be quick about it, and I had the stuff in my hand within an hour.

And it was good quality too.

They even framed them and everything.

Well, I did probably pay the rent for their building for the next couple years.

"Oh, I like this one right here." She set it on the mantle in the living room. "Right next to the one with us standing next to each other. Perfect." She exclaimed. "And I like this one with my head on your shoulder~" She giggled to herself.

Definitely worth any effort if I could see her like this.

"Hey, Raikou." I reached out, tugging on her sleeve.

"Yes, Master?"

"I got something I wanna add." I took out one of my most precious items. It was the only thing I took from that house when I burned it down. "I think this would go good right next to the ones of us."

"Is that....?"

"It's me and my mom." I said quietly. "It's the only picture I have of her. Personally, I think it looks great right here, what do you think?"

Raikou reached out, gently rubbing her fingers along it. "I...very much agree. Thank you, Master. Thank you for treating me as someone important enough to be placed next to her..."

"Raikou." I brushed her hair back a little bit. "You are important to me, please don't think otherwise."

"Master....." I could see her quiver again.

Well, if there was ever a moment. I slowly stepped forward and moved my head in as I gently placed my lips to hers. I could feel the instant reciprocation as she deepened the kiss, her arms grabbing hold of me.

She sort of pouted as she finally pulled away. Her little Kaleidophone buzzed.

"Gotta go?" I asked. We had been gone for awhile, probably more than intended.

"Yes..." She muttered, fiddling with it a she apparently worked it out at some point.

"You going to take the extra copies with you to show off?"

"Un." She replied without a hint of shame.

Yup, that's my Raikou.


"Boo." I popped up behind Jinn as she worked in her – my workshop

She practically jumped up. "Will!" She exclaimed.

"Too cute." I laughed wrapping her up.

"You always do that." She pouted. "What if I was working on something important?"

"Well, the I wouldn't have done it." I nuzzled her neck. "You think I'd really sabotage you?"

She let out that cute huff of hers. "No."

"How you been?" I asked.

"Good. I was finally able to test my spells on those magicians from that organization, so it gave me some data to correct and change some things." She perked up the way she always done when talking about Magic.

"I'm curious to see it. I heard the way you took how all those magicians by yourself."

"They were mediocre." She shrugged. "I don't think that Magicians Association wanted to send anyone worth wile. I guess the 'Teacher' that came along was decent but he was just so straight forward I didn't really have to try."

"Oh well. I'm sure you'll get the opportunity to test things more thoroughly in the future."

"Well, things like that keep happening, so that's a forgone conclusion." She laughed. "But, I haven't seen Artoria in a couple days....admittedly I've been cooped up in here. But is she doing okay?"

"About as well as expected. Rin's been sticking close too, and giving me updates that way. She's the sort of person who focuses intently on things and tends to push others to the side. Mordred's used to dealing with this, so she'd been helping as well."

I wanted to give her some time to settle everything without any major distractions. Obviously, I did check in and everything, but I wouldn't pull her attention away too much. Atleast, I'd give it until I got back from Remnant to make sure she's good.

"Hmm. That whole thing was a mess." Jinn sighed. "I've seen enough things like that in Remnant, but to also see it in person is...disgusting. I hope those poor people can recover."

"It'll take time, but we've got the stuff to fix them." I reassured her. "And speaking of Remnant, I was going to pop over for a little bit."

"Are you asking me to come with?"

"Eh, not so much asking, as just informing you what I had planned. I didn't want to assume anything, but of course the offer is open."

"I see." She looked down, appearing deep in thought. "I'm still a little scared to go back. Can I stay here?"

"Of course, you can, you silly girl." I kissed her forehead. "I'm not going to force you into things like that."

"Thank you." She whispered.

"Anything you want me to pick up or that you need from there while I'm over?"

"More dust, probably. Not that we're running out, but it's good to have lots." She looked contemplative. "Are you going over to see Salem again?"

"Maybe...is that something you're against?"

"Maybe?" She repeated. "I don't know, it's weird I guess. I never thought I'd be in a situation where I have a --- lover? And here I am, the Spirit of Knowledge with a man to call my own. I thought I would exist solely to give knowledge to hopefuls that Ozma brought with him to wage war on her." She let out a groan as she paused in what she was saying, rubbing her head. "These stupid restrictions, still annoying."

"At the very least, it'd probably be beneficial for Remnant if she was more concerned about you flirting with her than whatever else it is she does." Jinn added

Vague words to get around her restrictions, but I could read between the lines. "I also wanna see my friends, or alteast call them. Well, Roman and the others, it's probably best that I still lay low, but I wanna hear from Pyrrha again."

"Pyrrha's a nice girl, you do need to talk to her some more." Jinn nodded in approval.

"It's fun to tease her too." I grinned.

"You're bad." She huffed, slapping my shoulder. "That poor girl. And you need to tell me what's happened since I've left. I'm way too curious about how your whole 'situation' ended up. Are you still a wanted criminal? Are you called the Dildo Warrior? There's so many questions I need answers to."

I couldn't help but laugh, remembering how I took that bullhead out. "I'll make sure to bring you an update. There was a question I wanted to ask you. I thought about just springing it as a surprise, but I thought you'd rather have a heads up."


"Well, I wanted to take you out on a date, and I thought going to the beach would be fun? I figured you've never seen one in person before..."

"Oh." She blinked." OH! Yes!" She exclaimed. "I'd absolutely love that!" She squealed wrapping her arms around me. "I've never been to the ocean, nor had a date!"

Yup, she probably would enjoy planning things out properly. "How about we do that when I get back?"

"Kya! You're the best." She hastily pressed her lips to mine, giving me a sloppy kiss. "I can't wait!"

Jinn's excitement was interrupted as the door opened up. Scáthach stood there, looking at us. "I heard screaming." She said simply.

"Woops, got a little too excited." Jinn said bashfully.

"Hey, glad you're here." I looked towards my teacher even with Jinn still in my arms. "I was going to pop over to Remnant, you want or need anything while I'm there?"

"The world Jinn hails from that is besieged by those monsters?" Scáthach asked.


"If it is no trouble, I would actually wish to travel along there as well." Scáthach replied.

"You wanna come to Remnant?" I was surprised by her decision.

"Hmm, I wanted to roam around and slay some beasts. I was feeling a bout of nostalgia, and I did not wish to bring more trouble if I searched out foes upon this world for the moment. I merely desired to journey for a few days without any consequences."

"Oh please, feel free to kill as many Grimm as you want, it would definitely help." Jinn said immediately.

"I will kill many for you then." Scáthach laughed. "Do we have a departure time?"

"I was just about to head out. You need me to wait for anything?"

"Should you inform the others?" She questioned.

"Eh, I wasn't going to be away that long. I figured we could more or less be back within a day of this world's time-line with some good calculations."

"Very well. I do wish to stretch these old muscles of mine. I have a soreness between my legs that will persist unless I move around." She shot me a little smirk.

"Oh, I want details when you get back~" Jinn understand the subtext immediately.

"Fufu, I will gladly give them." Scáthach adopted that amused smile on her face as she eyed me "Shall we go then, my Student? I will not get in the way of any business you wish to take care of."

While I would never consider her 'in the way' I could take that as her just wanted to roam around without any direction.

"Sure, let's go." I flicked my hand, creating a link to the world-line of Remnant.

Well, there wasn't much to think about. Should I feel bad for the Grimm about to be on the receiving end of her spear?

Even in the worse case scenario, what could possibly happen that worsens things there even more?


Some slice of life stuff between everything that's been going on. Also, if you don't see it, I'm uploading a side story as well. Be on the look out.

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