A Nascent Kaleidoscope.

Chapter 241 - 229

Chapter 241: Chapter 229

It was weirdly tense. Not weird in the sense that everyone was geared up and ready for a fight, but because it was....serious for lack of a better word.

"Hey Mordred." I greeted the knight, leaning on the wall next to her.

"Sup." She nodded. "You all good?" She asked.

"More or less." I said with a small Shrug. "Made sure to hand out potions to everyone and other things that might be needed."

"The Necromancer wouldn't stop gushing over that bracelet you gave him." Mordred snorted.

"They're pretty rare back home. You like yours?" I asked.

She held up her right hand. "Its alright I guess...." She said quietly. "I'm just glad you didn't make it all sparkly and shit like the others."

I'd take that as her liking it. "You seem pretty calm, no anticipation?" I inquired.

She grunted. "If I had my way, I'd have just smashed my way in. But I'm used to how father does things. Even if most of us could probably take the castle by ourselves, he will make sure everyone is as safe as possible. A proper strategy to mitigate any losses." She waved her hand flippantly. "With so many Servants, and whatever the fuck you are, we don't really have to worry much."

Yeah, that does sound like Artoria. She wouldn't underestimate the enemy when she was 'commanding' people.

I blinked for a moment. "Wait, the hell you mean 'whatever the fuck I am?"

"Father told me what you've been up to. You tell me whatcha are?" She raised an eyebrow.

I opened my mouth the closed it. "Fuck you." I shot back.

"Thought so." She looked rather smug.

"You know what?"

"What, you gonna cry?" She smirked.

I ignored her attempt at getting to me. "You look cute in that outfit." The corners of my lips curled up and I crossed my arms staring right at her.

She twitched. "Eat a dick." She huffed before pausing and looking back at me. "Don't you dare say anything.

"What, I'm not saying anything?" I admit I almost replied instinctively about Artoria.... And well, my dick.

"You were fucking thinking it." She pointed at me.

"Damn right I was."



"Heh." She let out a laugh with a small smile forming on her face, one I couldn't help but share.

I was glad she was looking as happy as she was. She was now spending time with Artoria and it seemed like many bridges were starting to get mended.

"Where's Kairi?" I asked.

"Said something about staring some Coffee in his thingy, now that he can bring it with him. Mentioned that he's had too many missions that turn from quick combat into waiting for days." She shrugged. "Don't understand the appeal, don't really like coffee."

"You're disowned." I deadpanned.

"Oh fuck off." She rolled her eyes.

I shot her a smirk. "Anything you need?"

"Nah, I'm pretty good."

Well, and I guess Artoria would like to be the one to supply her with anything she needed. An opportunity to.....act like a parent I suppose.

"After this is over, you consider asking Artoria to go shopping with you?" She could probably do with some more essentials now that she's settling down.

"....you think she'd wanna do that?" Mordred gave it some thought.

"I think she'd be absolutely delighted."

"Hmm." She just looked thoughtful at the notion and I didn't push it any more.

I pat her shoulder. "Going to make some rounds while we wait, holler if you need anything."

"Alright." She nodded, a look of thanks on her face.

I took that as a cue and went towards my Servant who was being a bit quiet off to the side. Everyone else was more or less occupied, either doing their own things or talking with each other, but Raikou looked a bit out of place. Yasaka was happily chatting with Jinn about something, the other Servants were trading stories and Mordred met back up with Kairi and they looked to be discussing something as well.

Really the only one absent was Meridia, for obvious reasons. Maybe I should surprise her and bring everyone to visit?

"Hey there." I wrapped her up from behind.

"Master." Raikou smiled, already having seen me approach.

"You okay?" I rested my chin on her shoulder.

"I am okay, Master." She smiled. "I am merely....reminiscing about certain things and felt a bout of sadness. It has been a long time since I've participated in something like this. The Grail War was.....not quite the same."

"I'm more prone to the blunt force method myself, so this should be interesting." I can't help it that just overbearing force was usually the path of least resistance.....Okay maybe I skewed those decisions. Also, I'm usually the one 'calling the shots' so to speak, should be a nice change of pace.

Well, a change of subject to ease her mind a bit? I'm sure this was bringing back both fond and sad memories. "So, how was watching Kunou?"

She brightened up immediately. "She is wonderful." Raikou gushed. "All the children in her class wouldn't stop fussing over me once I introduced myself. And Kunou just continued to bring me around and made me involved in anything she could."

Raikou had taken shifts of guard duty at her school, it's no wonder that she became familiar with everyone there. It also meant that Yasaka's guards had a rotating shift for Scáthach's training.

"She even calls me Auntie now." Raikou had the brightest smile on her face before shifting to something resembling hesitance. "Master – Wilhelm." She used my name, which she doesn't do often. "If I asked for something, would you grant your Mother her desire?"

"If it's within my ability, I'd do anything to make you happy." I said without hesitation.

She bit her lip, but looked a bit happier. "Your Mother is happy." She shifted, kissing me on the cheek.

Well, she didn't seem to want to talk about it for the moment, so I wouldn't push. She's my woman, so it's my duty to help her any way I can.

"I'm happy that you're happy." I mimic her, giving a quick kiss on her cheek.

It was only a few moments later that Artoria and Rin finally came down the stairs, grabbing everyone's attention.

Rin was well equipped, in similar stuff she used to adventure in Skyrim, but there were some clear differences. She even noticed my gaze and smirked a little. "Really, Schweinorg, checking me out so blatantly?"

"Funny." I said dryly. "I like the armor though, I can more or less parse what you did." I rubbed my chin, admiring the gems embedded all around the leather armor. "Must have cost a fortune."

"I almost cried until I saw how much I still had left." She acknowledged. "Should keep me pretty safe, with my Aura and everything."

"Yes, the priority is everyone's safety." Artoria added. "I assume everyone has been distributed supplies in case of an emergency?"

"I took care of it." I gave her a smile.

Achilles walked over, stretching his arms as he took his steps. "Time to head out? I've been looking forward to a little workout. Most jobs so far had been some mindless fodder that mostly terrorized the normal people."

"Indeed, in the event that negotiations break down – which I suspect they will." She said with a sigh. "We will begin our attack. I would like to remind everyone, that disabling our foes should be the first priority when engaging."

"Yeah, yeah. Don't kill the idiots, got it." Achilles said nonchalantly.

Beyond Achille's comment, Artoria seemed to take the silence as a committal. "Jinn, if you would, please."

"Alright, I have the Dust Bombs here for everyone – haven't thought of a name beyond that yet." She had the devices that looked much different than what I had used previously, float infront of her.

Kairi took one, I took another, Artoria took the third and Jinn held the last one.

"I also have these, for the signal." She passed out four similar looking devices. "Red means abort, green means set the bombs off." She tilted her head for a moment. "And I guess they technically aren't bombs because they don't explode in the normal way."

"Thank you, Jinn." Artoria held hers between her fingers. I assumed hers was the one that would send the signal. "I expect everyone to behave themselves as befitting of their names and honor." She looked around the room. "And one final reminder, they will possess what is known as 'Ultimate Class' fighters, this should be on the higher end of combat strength available to an organization like this."

"Hoh, sounds exciting." Achilles perked up.

"Can I call dibs on the idiot who calls himself Uther?" Mordred asked.

"Please do not take my father lightly." Arthur who was silent and held to the back spoke up for the first time. "He does not rule over the family without being the strongest among us. And his weapon is not one to take lightly as well. I advise that we change the strategy to nighttime where he is weakened."

Galatine, I suppose it empowers itself and the wielder with the sun's embrace. It would make sense, from a strategic standpoint, but that wasn't what Artoria was going for in this operation.

"That will be unneeded. I shall personally handle your father." Artoria stated.

"Well, there goes my chance." Mordred huffed.

Arthur let out a sigh, knowing he had no real sway. "Just be careful. My family has collected many strange and powerful items over the centuries and from all over the world. I don't' know what things he had set up in case our castle was ever attacked."

"Your concerns are acknowledged." She nodded to him. I doubted anyone faulted him here, he didn't quite understand how much power was gathered in this place.

Artoria swept her gaze around the room. "Any questions?" With no one speaking up, her eyes landed on Yasaka. "Then we are ready to proceed. Thank you, Yasaka, for providing the location."

"It was no trouble." She smiled. "I can't join you for the obvious reason." She chuckled. "But I wish you all luck. Just in case, I will have things prepared in case of an emergency." She glanced at me. "And I'll be keeping Kunou from being suspicious."

She'd probably wonder where everyone went since she's been in almost non-stop contact with atleast one of us for the past several days.

Yeah, better to not make her worry.

"Then we are ready, Wilhelm, if you would." She looked at me.

I waived my hand opening four separate portals.

Scáthach smiled, walking straight into hers, leading to the northern end of the castle, out of sight. Following behind her was Mordred and Kairi. I send a nod to them as they disappeared.

Second was Atalanta and Achilles accompanied by Jinn. The latter of which practically jumped through the portal.'

"Oi." I called out to the Rider servant. "Watch out for her."

Achilles looked at me and tapped his fist to his chest before following her along with Atalanta.

I don't' know why, but I felt the most protective of Jinn out of all my girls. I knew it wasn't that rational, considering she's extremely old, and had a vast array of magical knowledge at her disposal, but sometimes these things just aren't rational.

"I believe it is our turn." Artoria stated towards Arthur who would be accompanying her.

"Hey." I reached out to my girlfriend. "We're all just a shout away."

She smiled brightly, standing up on her toes and lightly kissing me before turning towards her portal. "We will most likely meet under conflict. Please look after Rin." She stated before walking through, Arthur following behind.

"Saber." Rin grumbled.

"Oh, she just cares about you." I nudged her shoulder. "Right, Raikou." I glanced at my Servant.

"The bond you share with your Servant is admirable. Her words are those of concern about someone she dares about." Raikou praised , stepping through our portal.

"Lets go, Artoria's waiting." I pulled on her arm.

"Fine." She huffed. "Let's get this over with."

We stepped through as I closed the portals behind us. The grass beneath our feet indicating we were at a new location. And the target of ours, just in the distance, a large castle that stood upon the horizon.


Artoria Pendragon POV

It had been a long while since I had been to my homeland's countryside. I had lived with Rin at the Clock Tower for some years, but we had rarely ventured out of the city we resided in.

"Keep a level head. From what you have spoken, your father will say things to create a reaction out of you." I advised my....ward.

He reminded me of Mordred in some aspects and Agravain in others. He was usually the sort to be calculative, precise in their actions, yet he still possessed that side of him that could be riled up just as Mordred.

Mayhaps that was merely his youthfulness acting up?

"I am fully aware of my Father's tricks." Arthur stated as he fiddled with the hilt of the sword at his waist.

I will have to remember to find a sword for him. I am sure we ccould salvage something of good quality after the fighting had settled. As I had given Mordred Caliburn, I felt responsible for providing him with an adequate weapon.

While I did not believe his punishment was close being to over, it would be prudent he have something that could keep him alive for his jobs that Yasaka sent him on.

I glanced at my ward once more, he said he would keep calm – yet it was clear to my experienced eyes that he was forcibly keeping his nervousness at bay.

"Tell me of your Father's strongest Knights." I would see to distract him from his wandering mind.

"There are three, and they took up the names of Gawain, Lancelot, and Agravain." Arthur replied. "Agravain is responsible for the Castles defenses and usual strategies, and I am unsure of what he's gotten up to over the years. He tends to stay to himself, but I've heard rumors that his skills are only below the other two. He's always been a bit.....creepy, if I were to be honest. So I don't know much about him since I've always stayed out of his way."

"Gawain and Lancelot, what separates them from the remainder of your family?" I inquired.

"Gawain has a Sacred Gear – Beast Stampede. It isn't one of significance, but it has the ability to allow him to shift his body into various animal parts. The highest level of which is able to mimic a dragon."

I nodded along, I had known this information already, but it seemed to calm him down. "And Lancelot?"

"Lancelot is a Master Swordsman as well as having mastered the use of what they call Touki in Japan." Arthur explained. "He's the only one able to match my Father in pure skills." He added after a moment. "Those are just the very top, the family has other strong fighters and some powerful Magicians."

As we approached further upon the castle, I came to a stop, holding my arm out to stop Arthur from taking another step forward. "We are here."

"The castle is right over there, shouldn't we –"

"It appears that the defenses of the Castle are quite powerful. Another foot forward and you would have entered their domain." I stated, sensing the boundary of the first layer of barriers.

I could not admit to any expertise in the magical arts, but my ability to sense magical energy was quite good due to my Draconic Nature.

"Prepare yourself, I will be drawing their attention." I gave him a moment before placing my hand forward, just enough to enter the established boundary line. With a thought, I flared my Magical Energy, high enough that I believed Wilhelm and the others would even be able to sense it.

Arthur stared in surprise as my Magical Energy flowed across the Barrier, showing it for a brief moment to the naked eye.

Another lesson he will be needing to learn. I wondered if Mordred's master would be interested in tutoring Arthur in how to deal with Magical defenses and routing Mages? He could do with learning from an experienced 'freelancer' as Kairi liked to call himself.

I believed that Arthur relies too heavily upon being 'stronger' than his foes. Or rather, him having previously wielded powerful weapons to augment himself.

I could feel people approach within a few breaths, their presences showing to my senses as they were not hiding.

Good, I had thought they would notice my signal as a method of attention seeking and not a hostile action.

Arthur stiffened when they came into view and I could guess the man's identity at the front.

He looked well kept, someone who would not be out of place at a noble gathering. Even with the armor he donned, and the cape behind his back, he exuded a feeling of nobility. He was flanked by two knights but I did not believe them to be his strongest allies as their presences were.....negligible. A show of force or to keep up appearances, either is likely.

The man stopped a dozen yard away. He eyes scanning us intently as if to discover any concealed agenda.

"So the prodigal son returns." The man's deep voice echoed out.

"Father." Arthur said with some effort.

The man – whom was identified as Uther – just grunted in response. "You dare call me father after what you've done? I will have you whipped, boy."

I didn't react, but I could tell it wasn't an empty threat. The way Arthur shifted in place, I could guess that it was something he had experienced before.

"Return the Swords you stole." He closed his eyes with a sigh. "I will only confine you for 5 years and lower your other punishments. This is my only offer at clemency, even if you are my son."

"I don't have them anymore." Arthur stated.

Uther's eyes shot open, a flash of anger appeared for just a moment. "That damn Cao Cao." He growled. "I should have never listened to that brat and just took his spear when I had the chance. What did you do with my swords, boy?"

"Excalibur Ruler is gone, never to be seen again. And Caliburn – "

"I had confiscated Caliburn from him." I spoke up for the first time.

Uther's head snapped to me. "And who are you?"

"I am Artoria Pendragon." I said simply.

"I don't' recognize you? Some Bastard that was born outside the family?" He muttered. "It doesn't matter. You will be rewarded for returning my sword and my traitorous son."

I raised an eyebrow. "Traitorous?" I questioned. "What misdeeds has he committed?"

"He disobeyed my orders and ran off with my swords. If not for that stupid brat – Cao Cao – he would have already been hunted down. You have saved me the trouble." He snorted. "I will instate your name on our family tree and see to it that you receive compensation." He nodded to himself, pleased with his perceived 'generosity.'.

If the threat of a whipping was something that so easily left from his mouth, I held no fault for Arthur 'running off' as he put it.

I took a small breath, clearing my mind of the annoyance this man was already submitting me to. "I have come to negotiate." I stated.

"Hmm, you want something else? Fine. State your desire, if it isn't too outrageous, I'll see it done." He waived me off.

"You misunderstand." I shook my head. "Arthur is now under my protection; he is my ward. I have come to negotiate the release of two individuals currently in your castle."

He blinked at that. What I thought would turn to fury instead came out as bellows of laughter. It reminded me of the King of Conquerors and his comments about me being a 'little girl'.

"Let me guess, you want his sister and that maid he fancies?" Uther spat out after calming down.

"Yes." I did not wish to waste more words that necessary on him.

"I don't think I will." Uther denied. "What will happen is that Arthur will be coming with me for a well-deserved punishment. And you will be joining him unless I am handed back my swords immediately."

The knight that had silently stood by him put their hands on their swords, a movement done as a threat.

"The only reason I retained that maid was to keep you from hiding in some hole somewhere." Uther snorted. "Now that you're here, I don't need her anymore. She will pay for her crimes as well, helping you run away with our treasures."

"You!" Arthur took a step forward, about to charge at him, but I once again pulled him back.

"It appears as though negotiations have broken down." I let out a sigh, taking out the devices that Jinn had created. "I attempted a peaceful end to this perceived grudge. My pride and honor as a knight is satisfied."

"What are you talking about?" Uther narrowed his eyes.

I hadn't thought it would work. From the descriptions, Uther appeared to be an individual obsessed with his own power. There was no thought in my mind that he would passively release a hook on Arthur, nor his Sister who happened to be a genius at magic.

I pressed the button on the device, signaling the others before activating the 'Dust Bomb' that Jinn had also given me. Though from what I understood, it more so used the dust in an implosive way and then directed the effects outward in a semi-controlled manner. Alas, my knowledge in this area was severely lacking for any in depth knowledge on its mechanisms.

"....Was that supposed to do anything?" Uther mocked, looking around for any change.

The Barrier infront of me fluctuated as the 'Gravity Dust' collided with it, but it held firm.

"This one alone? No, it is only one of many." I smiled.

As if responding to my words, the ground beneath us shook. The Barriers around the Castle became completely visible to the naked eye as they vibrated in place, pulsing and straining against an invisible force before utterly shattering.

I would admit to finding enjoyment at his shocked expression even if I did not show it outwardly.

My Armor manifested around me as I put the devices away. My Invisible Air was gripped into my hands.

"You no longer have barriers to hide behind. Shall we attempt another negotiation?" I offered one last chance.

He growled, pulling at the air as a sword was thrust into his hand. I knew not where it came from, but I felt a familiar aura from it.

It was too similar to the Galatine I had known. The shape may be different, but the fires that burned around the blade were a familiar warmth, weaker as they might be.

"I will acknowledge this path you have chosen." I took a stance. I found this man repulsive, but he was a knight and as such, my honor dictated an appropriate response. "A duel it shall be then."


Sorry for the late chapter, did the thing where i accidently set my alarm to AM instead of PM when I took a nap after work. Oh well. So, next chapter is like 8k words, which gets through all of this, so don't worry about it being like 5~ chapters long.

Edit: I misspoke, which might be blamed on how late i put this out after writing the other chapter. So, i basically pumped this arc out over two chapters or so with a cleanup the following. The next chapter is like 5k words which i denoted with a 'part 1' since I was up extremely late writing it last week. The following one is part 2 which is 8k or so words that wraps up the main part with another cleanup afterwards. Otherwise, it'd be like 5-6 chapters in all.

Anyways, if you want to read 7 chapters ahead or support me, visit my /astoryforone

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.