A Nascent Kaleidoscope.

Chapter 231 - 221

Chapter 231: Chapter 221

"Okay, I have.....many questions, but a few come to the forefront." Izzy leaned against my shoulder.

"Alright, hit me." I had pretty much told her my story, though I did keep a few things out due to the personal nature of other people or myself. It's not like I was going to go into detail with how I spent my first night with Meridia. But more or less she knew the broad strokes what I'd been up to since I had been stabbed by that psycho priest.

Speaking of, maybe I should find him? Give him a taste of his own medicine.

"So, I just want to repeat, for clarities sake." She cleared her throat. "You.....saved a king of a large nation in another world. He was so grateful, he bestowed upon you a harem of 3000 of his daughters?"

"Mhmm." I nodded along.

".....Call me skeptical. She snorted. "Then you supposedly saved a dragon that happened to turn into a beautiful women who was so grateful she pledged herself to you.....then you went on to defeat some demon king that was plaguing another world....cue more 'grateful' women...."

"Okay....I may have embellished one or two minor details...."


"Honestly, what story doesn't?"


"Don't give me that look. It's not that farfetched."


"Okay, It's maybe a bit out there...."


".....It's plausible?"

"Wanna try one more time?" She asked with an eyeroll.

I let out a huff. "Really? Those are the ones you take issue with? Not the story of Sir Wiggles leading an army of immortals to the demon realm to do battle?"

"No, I believe that entirely." The corners of her lips curled up before she broke out into giggles.

I couldn't help but smile seeing and hearing that laugh of hers. It was something I didn't realize I needed much more in my life. Not to mention how cute it was to witness. "Alright, any questions on the real stuff?" I wasn't really just making up stories. I did tell her everything I'd been through with some random things I thought up on the spot just to get a reaction out of her. I had made it painfully obvious which things were real and which weren't. Honestly, she was looking a bit sad and I wanted to cheer her up a bit.

"Besides the obvious embellishments, I do have a few questions. But first, where is Sir Wiggles? I missed that little furry bunny." She asked.

"Oh, Kunou has him. "I answered. "She was a little sad when I left this morning, and I wanted to cheer he rup a bit and also try to keep her out of trouble while I was away. Apparently, she's been acting up a little bit for her mom."

"Mmm, She's at that age." Izzy nodded, unsurprised. "Testing the limits of what she's allowed to do. Pushing back against parental authority."

I just let out a small laugh. "I have no idea how I'm going to handle her when she's older." A sigh escaped my lips. "I've been mostly following Yasaka's lead and helping where I can." I let out a long breath. "But I digress, anything specific you want to know?"

"I was curious about the 'me' from your 'home' world." She spoke up. "You didn't really explain what happened other than they aren't around anymore."

"Oh boy. I could give a lecture on how the Age of Gods ended in my world. To make it simple, the Gods were forced out of the 'world' and into the Reverse Side where magic and such still holds weight. Otherwise they just faded from existence."

"Huh." She just blinked. "I would like to touch on that later. But otherwise, you did a fair job of explaining everything. I will most likely have questions about things later when I have had time to consider everything carefully."

That's fair. I probably upturned her perception of reality, but she's handling it extremely well. Now that I think about it, Yasaka did as well. Though, I guess they lived in a 'world' where magic and such are common occurrences, this wasn't a too world shattering reveal.

"Thank you." She added, tilting her head so her eyes met mine. "You were willing to trust me with such an important and intimate secret of yours."

"Izzy." I said quietly. "You're important to me, don't forget that." I put my arm around her shoulder, giving her another hug. Maybe we hadn't know each other for an extremely long time, but I felt strongly about the relationship we had developed. "And I'd love for you to meet the other important people in my life."

"Your harem." She muttered. "I've only met Artoria at this point."

"Well, I have other people as well. But Artoria also would love to spend more time with you. She just has responsibilities that take her far away and for indetermined periods of time. Her oath to her 'Master' is one she takes very seriously. I'm even careful not to overstep as her Boyfriend."

"Heroic Spirits." She spoke aloud. "It's strange, but it fits with what I felt. And you say she pledged herself to a Magician – Magus as they call themselves."

"Yup, Rin Tohsaka." I nodded. "She's something like a sister, I suppose. She's my Gramp's student as well."

"And she wouldn't be scared of me?"

"She had expressed an interest in meeting you. I won't lie and say that certain myths and legends haven't precolour her perspective, but she's not going to be afraid of you at this point." I smiled.

She didn't react, but I think she was happy. "You know, some of their identities are probably going to cause issues if they come up." It was obvious she was speaking of my girls. "Scáthach is dead, and she was not someone many could dismiss. You have Indra's son – Daughter, at your side now. You have King Arthur, one of Heaven's most powerful soldiers, walking around with her own Excalibur...." She paused. "Actually, I take it back. Please tell Indra in explicit detail everything you have done to his Daughter. I would love to see the look on his face."

I blinked at that. "How would he even react?"

"Bewildered, Insulted, confused, then insulted some more." She laughed. "He hasn't had a child in many years, so it would certainly be a surprise. Not to mention he's one of those types that would seek revenge if someone even accidently bumped into one of his children." She rolled her eyes, the sarcasm was obvious.

As amusing as it would be to see, Raikou had her own issues with her parentage. I wouldn't dream of using it just to mess with Indra like that. Besides, I would first need to actually do the deed before I could brag about it.

And I feel like that's suddenly going to move up on my priority list. I can't deny that I would like to hear the sounds she makes when she's below me.....but that's something for later.

No horny when I'm talking to Izzy.

"Well, it's probably best to leave that issue be for now." I shrugged.

"You think they will remain unknown forever?" She questioned.

"No, I'm not that na?ve. Hell, Scáthach and Raikou already went out and are probably going to get noticed soon, but that's on their own prerogative. Personally, I'd rather they have time to settle down and develop some sense of normalcy before the world starts calling." I feel like all of them deserved some manner of peace and happiness as most of them did not have very good lives. "Though, I'm sure Scáthach would disagree and go pick fights just to prove me wrong."

Can't say I don't adore that side of her though. The kind of woman who wouldn't hesitate to punch me if I did something stupid, but then cradle my head in her lap with a smile.

"You've put thought into it then." She sighed almost longingly. "You really care about them, it's sweet to see."

"Of course." I perked up, smiling wide. "I wouldn't have them in my Harem if I didn't care about each of them."

Well, that and I don't trust myself to not develop attachment if I tried anything casual. I was more than aware that I latch onto people whom I found myself liking.

"So, what about you?" I lightly poked her cheek.

She puffed up, groaning. "You want to know about my harem as well?" Her lips curled up as she joked.

"Don't be obtuse." I rolled my eyes. "How've you been? We've been talking about me for awhile now, I don't want to make it sound like I only want to hear myself talk."

"Nothing important and not anything nearly as exciting as you adventuring through different universes." She shrugged, but I felt something was there.... "I have done what I have always done."

"I heard you went to a gathering of Death Gods, what was that about? And didn't you say that your son was coming around? Did that happen, how'd it go?" I really did want to know what she's been up to, the going ons in her life.

I was going to keep going, but she tensed up and it made me pause.

"Izzy." I said softly. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing is wrong." She denied immediately. "The gathering I went to was pleasant, and I was happy to see some familiar faces. I generally get along with the other Death deities since they are also ignored by their Pantheons. We're basically co-workers if you want to see it that way."

"That's nice and I'm glad you had a good time. I'll be asking for more details later." I nodded, before meeting her eyes. "And what about your son?" I raised an eyebrow.

She went quiet, and that told me what I needed to know even without words spoken.

"Oh Izzy." I pulled her into another hug and she didn't resist at all. If anything I think she welcomed it more fervently than before.

"It's fine. I'm fine." She whispered. "I have long been used to being abandoned. Once more will not do me any further harm, my tears have since dried up."

Did he just....not show up after saying he would? I felt a rage swelling up inside me before I pushed it back down. He made Izzy cry...

I took a deep breath, calming down. She didn't need that from me right now.

"Can I – "

"Please, just don't bring it up anymore." She cut me off, her voice very quiet. "Just....let's talk about something else."

She wanted a distraction.

I paused for another moment before taking out the letter. I figured it would take her mind off her own problems at the moment. "Apparently my Grandmother sent me this." I set it on the table infront of us.

She was quick to accept the change in subject. "Did they not take the hint I gave them last time? I would have thought the body would be obvious enough." She deadpanned.

"Well, Yasaka told me that the person delivering it was very specific that it was just from Lady Gremory and no one else." I made sure to clarify.

"And I notice you haven't opened it yet." She eyed the latter suspiciously on the table.

"I haven't." I admitted. "I almost just tossed it away as soon as Yasaka handed it to me." I ran a hand through my hair. "Honestly, I don't even know if I want to humor the idea of opening it. Part of me just wants to tear it up and wipe my hands of this whole thing. To finally just move on and stop caring."

"Devils are nothing if not persistent. It is unlikely this would be dropped any time soon. It may just be better to deal with it directly and finally be done with it forever." She suggested. "Besides, you don't even know what's written."

"Will you be my mail delivery service again if I write a response?" I looked at her, giving a smile.

That got a small reaction out of her as she appeared humored by the idea. "Do you wish to give me another body to put on their doorstep?"

I let out a sigh. "Would that make them leave me alone?"

"Probably not." She said honestly. "Devils are strange; they would probably consider it a challenge and try harder."

"Oi." I playfully swat her shoulder. "Half Devil." I pointed to myself.

"Half strange?" She offered with a giggle.

I snorted, nudging her as she nudged me back.

"Open it." She finally said. "You will regret it and It's only going to hang over your head if you leave it as is."

I groaned, picking it up. "Fineee." I huffed, flicking my finger and sliced off the side of it, letting the letter inside fall into my hand. "You read it." I shoved it over to her.

"You big baby." She rolled her eyes, taking it from my hands. "Hmm, it says right here that a Nigerian Prince needs your help. He's willing to send you part of his immense fortune, if you only give him your credit card information –"

"Oh, come off it." I reached for it as she turned away.

"No, no. This is a good opportunity." She held it away from me. "Don't you want to be a millionaire?" She giggled.

"You're terrible." I huffed as she finally relented. Though, it cut away all the tension.

"Read it properly." She said gently, pushing herself up against me so she could look over my shoulder.

"Yeah, yeah." I held it up for both of us to see, reading over each line. It didn't take long to work through, as it was barely a page long. I set it down with a blank look. "Well....that was significantly more mundane than I thought I would be."

She basically apologized for how Okita acted, and asked about meeting up at some point. She offered several ways for me to get in touch with her if need and even said she would not follow up and not bother me anymore if I didn't respond. It said a bit more than that, obfuscating the point a bit, but that was basically the summarization.

"True, I thought it would be much different." I felt her hand gently rub my back. "You feel better?"

I let out a sigh. "Yeah." I would admit it. "I probably would have just left it and forced the anxiety on myself." I set it back down. "Thanks." I smiled up at her.

"Of course." She smiled back. "Will you respond?"

"I....don't know." I ran a hand through my hair again. "I really don't want to....but at the same time, I feel like I should. I'll.....put it on the shelf for now, give myself a few days to think it through. Maybe talk it over with the others too, get their opinions."

"That is a mature way to handle it." She nodded in approval. "Certainly better than your first impulse."

"Actually, my first impulse was to light it on fire." I pointed out. "Fire solves every problem."

"What if your problem is your house on fire?"

"Well, the fire can't burn your house down if you burn it down first." I smirked.

"Impeccable logic." She laughed.

I loved to see her like this, but knowing that she's actually upset still and just hiding it.....

"I still don't have anywhere to be for awhile, want to hear some more stories?" I offered.

"I would love to." She settled back down, snuggling up close.

"Alright, let me tell you the story of how I took down a Bullhead – a type of flying machine like a helicopter – with a huge Dildo."

"You're making that up." She said instantly.


"Okay, I need to hear this."

I told her a brief version of my stint in Remnant previously, but I would go into more detail this time. "It all started when I fell from the sky, and a girl thought I was an Alien."


"Wilhelm." Yasaka looked up from her desk smiling at my entrance but she paused and look concerned when she noticed my expression. "Is something the matter?"

"Maybe." I said evenly. "You should have an extensive information network all over Japan, right?"

"I do....and my concerns are rising." She confirmed.

"And a God coming down to the mortal world from Takamagahara would be something you keep track of, correct?"

".....yes." She once again confirmed.

"Good." I nodded. "Would you by chance know if Susanoo came down and if so, where he is?" I stopped myself from growling out his name as my fists balled up. "I very much wish to have a word with him."

Apparently, I need to teach him a lesson his father never did.


So, I forgot to mention last chapter, these two were supposed to be one big chapter, but I was unable to finish it all together the night I had written it last week. Probably why it felt like it wasn't 'going anywhere', as it was supposed to lead up to this point. That was my bad, should have mentioned it or even put a 'part 1' or something as indication.

Anyways, If you want to read 7 chapters ahead or support me, visit my /astoryforone

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