A Nascent Kaleidoscope.

Chapter 228 - 218

Chapter 228: Chapter 218

I finished getting ready, making sure I was presentable. I didn't change much of my usual wardrobe as I believe I already dressed above a certain degree on most occasions. I adjusted my tie and made sure there were no wrinkles anywhere.

While I knew this wasn't a situation that demanded such high levels of preparation, at the same time, it would be the first time that really Mordred saw me as Artoria's significant other.

I wanted to look good in that light.

Running a hand through my hair, I made sure everything was fine one last time before heading downstairs.

"How long does it take you to get ready?" Rin glanced at me as I walked down the stairs.

"Perfection can't be rushed." I shot a smirk towards her.

Rin snorted in response. "God you're so full of yourself. I'm surprised you can even walk straight with how big your head is."

"Sounds like jealously~" I laughed, earning an eyeroll from her.

There was no actual hostility here. At this point, we usually bickered mindlessly about random things.

"Wilhelm." Artoria smiled towards me.

I walked up, taking her hand. "You look absolutely stunning."

"I look no different than normal?" She looked confused.

"Imagine that." I winked towards her, enjoying it as she turned a little red as she realized what I meant.

"Blehhhh." Rin exaggeratedly gagged.

I couldn't help but laugh.

"Thank you." Artoria regained a normal expression.

"Of course." I brought her hand up to kiss it. She was probably stressed so I wanted to lighten the mood a little bit. I guess she saw through my intentions easily enough. "You good?"

"I am prepared as well as I am going to be." She nodded.

It sounded a little morbid, that she was resolving herself for something horrible. But, coming from someone who also had unresolved issues, I could understand her sentiments. To others, it may seem like a silly thing, but she's probably feeling a lot of pressure right now.

"You're fine. It's all going to be okay." I squeezed her hand a little bit. "Both Rin and I are here." Rin was probably a better pillar of support than I was at the moment. They had known each other longer and faced many life or death situations together. Calling them best friends might be too weak a term to use.

"He's right." Rin spoke up. "It's not a big deal. We've dealt with worse situations before."

"You are correct." Artoria nodded, easing up a little bit. "Mayhaps I am just continuing to over think it. I am....happy to finally confront this. I do not wish for it to continue being a thorn in my heart."

"Well said." I swung her arm up, earning a little noise from her. "You ready to go?"

"Y-yes, let us depart. I do not wish to be late after everything." Artoria nodded, recovering quickly.

Without another word, Artoria lead us out the door with a look of confidence on her face.


"This is the place you have chosen?" Artoria looked at it then at me.

"I kinda know the owner. It's where Izzy and I first met. He knows how to keep things to himself." I explained. Technically, it was a bit more than just, keeping his mouth shut. Izzy supported the place, and there were certain....restrictions that he had to adhere to that were backed by her power. It was simply.....a bar, but it wasn't the worst place to meet up. And It would be more to Mordred's liking if I were being honest.

And the owner was obviously aware of Izzy. And he knew my face and knew I was friends with her, so I was confident based on everything I knew at this point. I'm pretty private person most of the time, so it should speak to my willingness to do this here.

"Very well. I appreciate the concern over privacy." Artoria nodded in approval.

Pushing the door open, she stopped after taking a few steps inside. Rin and I immediately followed as Artoria and Mordred locked eyes.

There was....an instant hostility. I don't even think it was conscious on either part of them. Maybe something more ingrained on their Saint Graphs as they had each killed the other. The same way a Dragon would react to an Anti-Dragon weapon.

Mordred sat down with her Master next to her. Kairi seemed almost...protective? If that was the right word to use. I couldn't admit to knowing the depths of their relationship beyond the obvious, but I assume they had some kind of closeness due to the bond they shared.

"Mordred." Artoria finally spoke up, seemingly taking a lot of effort on her part.

"....Father." Mordred answered just as awkwardly.

Well, they didn't start swinging swords, so I'd say this was a good start!

I gently placed a hand on Artoria's shoulder to break her from her stupor. She tensed ever so slightly, but began moving towards the seat opposite of Mordred and Kairi. Both Rin and I flanked her on both sides, sliding into our own seats.

There was an awkward silence that followed. But it seemed that Artoria took the initiative. "I heard that you fought well in your Grail War." It was probably an easy subject to breach with.

Mordred actually perked up a little. "Yeah, I beat several Servants all by myself."

"I see...well done." Artoria didn't know how to respond again.

I shared a look with Kairi who also felt stifled under the awkward atmosphere.

"It's weird seeing you without your armor." Mordred final spoke again.

Artoria tilted her head. "I no longer need to hide myself. Rin has helped me find clothing I enjoy wearing." She paused and blinked. "Ah, I forgot to do introductions." She turned towards Rin. "This is Rin, my Master."

"Hello, I'm Rin Tohsaka. I summoned Saber during my own War. I'm also a student of Zelretch." Rin did a polite greeting.

"Haven't heard the Tohsaka name in awhile." Kairi decided to respond. "Kairi Sisigou, also the Master. I'm just a freelancer with no important background."

"I've heard of you. A lot of Magi say that you usually do good work and get things done well." Rin stated.

"Hoh, those old stuffy people think so highly of me?" Kairi looked amused.

Rin shrugged. "Well, they aren't that nice about it."

Kairi snorted. "Sounds about right."

"Should I introduce myself." I raised my hand.

"Screw off Schweinorg." Rin immediately denied me.

"Heh." Mordred let out a small laugh at her dismissal. "Has anyone here not heard of you prancing around yet?"

I decided to ignore them. "I'm Wilhelm Henry Schweinorg. I have several titles, but at this particular moment, I'm Artoria's boyfriend." I slowly reached out for her hand, she didn't deny me, her hand squeezing mine a little.

There was just the tiniest hint of red on her cheeks. Probably declaring this infront of Mordred made her get a bit flustered.

"So you weren't lying, huh?" Mordred's blunt words rang out.

"No. We have been in a relationship for a bit now." Artoria decided to respond.

"How'd that happen? He doesn't seem like the type. Acts too much like the flowery bastard." Mordred asked.

I guess it was an easier subject to broach for both of them.

Artoria actually smiled. "Yes, he does remind me of Merlin sometimes. But he is also kind and treats me very well. His sincerity is what won me over when we met."

"Should I take it as a compliment that I'm compared to Merlin?" I questioned.


"Fuck no."

They both answered almost immediately, sharing an amused look before going silent again.

Mordred began tapping on the table as the silence took hold again.

"Do you –" Artoria began to speak but was cut off."

"Why?" Mordred finally asked with a heated look on her face.

"Pardon?" Artoria looked confused.

"Why didn't you accept me?"

"I –"

"Is it because who my mother is?" Mordred looked down at the table. "Was I not good enough for you?"

Artoria took a deep breath. "The circumstances of your birth.....they are memories that haunt me. I did not wish for you to be born, you were a product of Morgan's schemes."

"Is that why you –"

"Mordred." Artoria said sternly. "Please allow me to finish." She stated, waiting for Mordred to respond but with no response she continued. "I do not blame you for Morgan's machinations. Mayhaps at the time....I failed to see beyond that."

"Is that why you said I wasn't worthy of being king?" Mordred asked, her voice quiet.

Artoria took a deep breath to settle herself. "I thought I knew everything I needed to for ruling. During my life, I thought I was the only one who could take the true path to elevate Camelot into what I had envisioned. When my knights began to leave, I still held firm to my belief, even as I watched in pain at their departure. When....Lancelot.....I still believed my path true and righteous and did not waver. Even as I was forced to sentence Guinevere for her crimes, I did not waver. It was only the moment that I had your blood on my hands and I looked around and saw all the familiar faces of my comrades on that field did I come to the conclusion that I was wrong."

Artoria took a deep breath again. "At the moment you asked me..... I had a very specific Idea of what it meant to be a King. In my eyes, you were too brash, too impulsive and aggressive. You got into fights constantly and you never thought through your actions." She sighed and shook her head. "But you were also kind. You helped those in need without fuss. You were never the one to throw the first punch in fights without honor. You never acted as a coward and performed your duties to the best of your ability. You were one of my finest Knights."

Mordred was silent as she processed that. Many intense emotions flashing across her face. "Do you still despise and reject me?"

"I never despised you, Mordred. I.....hated what you represented to the former me. A loss of control, a reminder of what had been done to me by Morgan. Even after dying, and remember your face in those final moments, I can't hate you. I realized, that for all the grief I had, you were suffering just as much."

"So I would be a good King? If we were back in Camelot, would you tell me that I'm worthy?" Mordred asked.

Artoria opened her mouth but went silent for a moment. "Throughout my life, I thought I knew what I as doing. When I laid there dying I thought I was wrong about everything. When the World offered me a choice, I wished to participate in the Grail War and attain a wish. I again, was so sure of myself that I eventually thought removing my existence from history would be the best option to remedy my failures. To make it so I had never existed in the first place."

"What fucking bullshit is that!?" Mordred slammed her hand on the table. "Do you think we fought just to fight? We fought under your banner! If you weren't there, what was the point of everything we did!?"

Artoria didn't get upset at her outburst, instead let out a self-deprecating laugh. "Yes, I have been made aware of my folly. I appear to have the habit of thinking myself correct on any path I take. It took me a long time to come to the understanding I have now. If you ask me if you are worthy, I can simply say I don't know."

"You don't know?"

"I often think about what I could have done different, how I could have changed things for the better. But I simply do not know the answer to your question, Mordred. At the very least, I believe you would have done a better job than I did."

"I always looked up to you." Mordred said quietly. "Even when the Witch would tell me stories.....I always admired you. I just....wanted to help you shoulder your burdens." She clenched her fists. "You never gave me a chance to prove myself."

Artoria's eyes softened. "Was that your wish for the Grail?" She asked, able to guess at this much.

"I wanted a chance to pull Caliburn from the stone and prove my worthiness." Mordred actually looked a little sheepish. Compared to how proudly she declared it to me the last time it was brought up, it was an odd thing.

"Oh Mordred." Artoria said softly. "I think that's a wonderful wish. I do not believe it matters anymore, but I would have supported you fully in such an endeavor. I....do possess the Caliburn from this world.....If you wish it, I think it would suit you more than me."

"Really?" Mordred looked surprise. "You would just give it to me after everything? Even if you don't hate me for being born the way I was.....I still ended your Kingdom. I ruined your perfect story and rebelled."

"Yes, you did. I cannot say that your actions did not bring me torment. However, they were not without cause themselves. And you were not alone in your actions either. There were plenty of others who were to blame and you should not be the only one the shoulder any perceived sins." Artoria replied, a sad look on her face. "I believe that many of my actions would have led to an inevitable conclusion even if you had not taken such a course."

Once more, Artoria took a deep breath, a small smile appearing on her face. "If it would alleviate any of the guilt you feel, Mordred. I forgive you."

The look on Mordred's face, it was like she was about to burst out in tears.

"Well, I believe I'm going to get a drink." I abruptly stoon up. "Kairi, Rin, care to join me?" I very smoothly made an opening to give them some privacy to themselves as I didn't believe our presence here was necessary anymore.

Thankfully, they took the hint, and silently got up as well.

"As fucking subtle as a horse." Mordred snorted, running a hand across her eyes as she looked away. "Is he seriously someone you're dating?"

"He has his flaws, but I do not regret my decision." Artoria smiled. "Why is it so hard to believe?"

"He probably didn't tell you about all the crap he pulled during the war." Mordred snickered.

"The details were....vague. And I do believe there are stories to be had." Artoria looked interested.

"Oh shit, yeah. I'll tell you everything he said when we met."

Yeah, really going to need that drink now.


Late release, Pat reon chapter took longer than I expected. It's another PHO interlude, so expect that in 7 chapters.

If you want to read 7 chapters ahead or support me, visit my /astoryforone

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