A Nascent Kaleidoscope.

Chapter 224 - 214

Chapter 224: Chapter 214

"Scáthach, carry me~" I put my head on my teacher's shoulder.

"I'll drag you." She said evenly. "It is your fault for working into the late hours of the morning. You had two beauties to share a bed with, yet you decided to coop yourself up in your workshop."

I let out a yawn. "I wanted to test some things with Gramps." And I didn't get any coffee this morning!

Truly a crime.

"Have you settled your new state?" Raikou asked, wrapping her arms around me from behind.

"He has a better control of his power. His new divinity is no longer leaking out like a faucet but instead it comes out more as small drips." Scáthach replied to my Servant.

"Mmm, Gramps helped me direct some things better and make sure I wasn't just broadcasting my new status everywhere I went." I responded. "Especially back home. I don't think the Counter Force would appreciate it if I walked around with my full power for the world to feel." Just existing wasn't usually a reason for the Counter Force to start purging. Their modus operandi for it is to use as little energy as possible in all its actions. If the Counter Force sees that I'm doing nothing across the Time-line, it'll most likely leave me alone and deal with other issues.

That and the fact that I had a good amount of leeway with my actions due to my usage of the Kaleidoscope. If Zelretch could claim to have some Administrative Privileges, I could be called a Moderator.

With another yawn, I pointed over in the distance. "That should be the plot of land the Old Man told me to use." We casually walked through the streets of Fuyuki city in the early morning hours.

"You said a Powerful Witch lives here." Scáthach spoke up. "Is this her?" My Teacher jabbed her thumb to the side.

"Yup." I nodded. "Hey Medea." I waived.

She tilted her head. "Not the greeting I expect. But good morning." She perched herself atop a nearby building, opting to step off and glide down. "Felt some Servants nearby and had to investigate." She pulled her hood off. "Though I would much rather be in bed with my Husband right now."

"Fiancé." I corrected her. "I refuse to acknowledge him as your husband until I see a wedding invitation in my hand." I gave a little grin.

"You're ridiculous." She snorted, a small smile on her face. I think she was warming up to me. "What brings you around, boyo? And some new faces."

"Scáthach." My Teacher said simply.

"Medea." The Caster Servant replied as they shared a nod, not caring to deal with certain formalities.

"Raikou." My Servant also spoke up. "It's nice to meet you." She added with a smile.

"A pleasure." Medea responded, not usually one for much conversation with strangers. "Since I'm already up, what has you up and about in my city?"

"Your City?" I questioned.

"Yes, my city." She puffed up. "And you can even tell the brat I said that."

Ah, always looking for an opportunity to antagonize Rin. "Well, have I told you about my house?"

She blinked. "No, and I am assuming there is a reason you brought it up other than to rub it in my face?"

I had forgotten she's still living at the temple. They should have a good amount of savings now.....unless she spent everything on her clothes. I paused, staring at her. "You spend all your money on your clothes, don't you?"

"Gaaah!?" She made a weird noise. "O-of course not." She looked away.

"Uh huh." I didn't believe her. "Anyways. So, I connected my home to anchor over multiple World Lines. I wanted to set it up here in Fuyuki to make it easier."

"Easier for what?"

"Are you really going to be obtuse?" I questioned. "Obviously I wanted it to be easier to come and see you and for you to come see us if you want. Besides, Atalanta has probably been anxious about seeing you again too." Besides the obvious situation with Atlanta, I wanted to be better friends with her. I felt like she needed it and I enjoyed her company.

She opened her mouth then closed it again. She looked rather lost if I were to be honest. "Do what you want." She teleported away.

I let out a sigh as I felt her presence disappear.

"What a pitiful woman. She refuses to be honest with herself." Scáthach spoke up.

"Oh well." I shrugged. "Not much I can do except keep doing the same thing I always do."

I walked up to the empty lot and stabbed Mirage into the ground.

"Can you set up some Bounded Fields?" I asked Scáthach.

"It will be no issue." She nodded, going around the perimeter and drew up runic sentences.

I let out another yawn as I leaned against Raikou who was still by my side.

"Is there anything I can help with, Master?" Raikou asked.

"Yes, I have a very important task for you."


"I need you to keep being amazing." I gave her a cheeky grin, even if it was a cheesy line.

She puffed up with a cute little embarrassed smile. "Don't tease your mother." She lightly poked me.

"Yes, please forget I am here and continue your flirtations." Scáthach snorted, walking by as she set up some more Runes.

"If you insist." I replied.

"You will receive a beating in the future. When you do, I hope you recall this moment." She retorted.

"Master." Raikou giggled at our banter. "I believe she is serious."

"She is."

"I am."

Both Scáthach and I replied at the same time.

"She enjoys stepping on people." I stated.

"He enjoys being stepped on." Scáthach retorted without missing a beat.

"Oof, still a sharp tongue you have." I clutched my heart. "Raikou, my heart is hurt. Will you give me some healing?" I looked up at her expectantly.

"Let your mother kiss it all better~" She giggled pressing her lips to mine. I placed a hand on her cheek deepening the kiss, enjoying the taste I'd come to associate with her.

"It's done if you are also finished being foolish." Scáthach looked at us, crossing her arms with a huff.

Teasing Scáthach was fun.

Reluctantly, I had to remove myself from Raikou's grasp as I walked over to where my sword was stabbed into the ground. "Thankfully I've done this enough times so it won't take too long." I began running the calculations through it. Only having to change a few variables for it all to process. Unfortunately, it becomes a bit longer the more times I do it. The obvious new variables I have to account for.

"How long will this require?" Raikou asked.

"About an hour or so." I shrugged, reaching out for a patch of earth just outside the Bounded Fields. I clutched my hand, forcing the ground to rise up and take the form of a bench. "May as well get a little comfy as the calculations run their course." I happily plopped myself down.

Raikou didn't seem perturbed as she took a seat to my left, scooting in and leaned on me.

I looked at Scáthach who looked back, her expression turning into a scowl.

I returned it with a warm smile.

She huffed again and plopped down to my right without a word.

"My Scáthach is too cute." I laughed.

"Your Scáthach, am I?" She raised an eyebrow.

"Yup, all mine." I reached over, my hand sliding towards hers. She paused for a moment, but her fingers became interlocked with mine.

"I suppose I am." She said quietly, trying to force the growing smile on her face back down.

I briefly wondered If I should drag this out a little more. To have an excuse to spend time with them, and only them before realizing the folly in that line of thinking. It's been several days since I've seen my other girls, and I had a responsibility to all of them since they accepted this relationship with me. If there were circumstances that I found myself with only one or two, I felt it my duty to devote a lot of time to make them feel loved during that period. Not that I wouldn't do so in any other situation.

But I suppose I didn't want to make it seem like I was prioritizing any one of them over the other. Managing time with each of the girls in my harem was an important task. Not that I saw it as a burden. I just wanted to do my best to make them all as happy as they make me.

I know that when we returned, Scáthach and Raikou would receive less of my time. None of us are children that can't handle some kind of separation at points, and they have their own lives to live. It's just...

Maybe I'm over thinking it.

I tend to do that a lot.

I don't actually have any real experience to draw upon for a situation like this. Maybe I should find someone knowledgeable and ask for tips on how to handle a harem?

Regardless, I was content to spend this last bit of time with just the two of them.


We all stood and watched intently as the colorful array of colors filled the Bounded Field and a House started to solidify its existence into the empty lot.

"Your Magic is always interesting to see." Scáthach commented. "I often wonder how it operates and if I could copy it."

I tilted my head at that question. While the peculiars of True Magic are something that came about during the Age of Man, it's not something entirely divorced from Magic of the Age of Gods. It is however something incompatible with their entire system of usage. That being said, True Magic manipulates certain phenomena that will one day be overcome by Humanities ingenuity. So who's to say she couldn't replicate the effects through her own knowledge and her access to her brand of magic?

"I'd love to talk shop with you at some point." I said with all sincerity. "Perhaps add Jinn to the conversation? She's very knowledgeable about her own corner of magic and has only increased her repertoire in our time apart."

"The Artifact Spirit you told me about." Scáthach muttered. "Yes, I believe it will be a good way to.....get acquainted with her." She chose her words with some thought.

I couldn't help but smile that she was considering how to bond with my other girls.

"Jinn's going to immediately hug you and call you 'sister'." I deadpanned.

The corners of Scáthach's lips quirked up. "I do like that forwardness." She admitted.

I looked over to Raikou who appeared a little nervous. "It'll be alright. They're all going to love you." I gave her a little nudge, offering her my arm.

Raikou made a little noise and grabbed onto me for emotional support. "I'm happy." She said. "And if they like my son so much, they will no doubt be wonderful people."

And it's moments like this that make my heart flutter at her genuine words.

I didn't dwell on it for much longer as the house fully solidified, sitting in all its glory right infront of us.

"Shall we?" I gestured.

"We shall." Scáthach smiled, walking forward without an ounce of hesitation.

I couldn't help but laugh as I followed along, Raikou on my arm still. Passing through the Bounded Fields, she didn't pause as she grabbed the door and pushed it open.

There was a beat of silence before I entered with Raikou right behind me as everyone looked at each other eyes then landed on me.

Artoria, Jinn, and even Yasaka were sitting around chatting as we walked in.

"Will!" Jinn jumped up and practically dived into my arms. This excitable girl...

"Jinn." I squeezed her tight, earning a little giggle from her as I spun her around. "I missed you."

"Awww, I missed you too. We all did." She smiled brightly, before letting go.

I looked at Artoria who also got up from her seat. "Miss Pendragon." I eyed her.

"Mr. Schweinorg." She quirked a smile as we stared at one another for a moment. She let out her own giggle, opening her arms up.

I quickly snatched her up in my arms. "It's been way too long."

"It's only been a few days."

"Every moment I'm away from any of you is way too long." I kissed her on the forehead.

"Mmm, Jinn was correct. I sorely missed your presence these past several days. It's been a trying time running around Skyrim with Rin." She sighed. "I wish to tell you of our time apart when everything has settled down."

"Of course." I brushed the bangs out of her face. "I want to know what all of you have been up to."

"Ooh, I can't wait to show you some of the things I uncovered!" Jinn happily replied.

"Oh my, do I also get such a greeting?" Yasaka flicked her tails as she stood up and walked towards us. She eyed both my companions that came inside with me. "Scáthach it's a pleasure to see you again. I hope this time we can spend some more time chatting."

"Yasaka." Scáthach smiled. "Of course, I'll be sure to come around often. I wanted to take a look regardless."

"Wonderful, I'll make sure that everyone knows to let you go about where you like." She nodded and turned towards my servant. "Raikou, it's good to see you as well." Yasaka's tone was very....neutral.

Raikou seemed to hesitate slightly before answering. "Yasaka, I'm happy to see you well. I also wish to speak to you more when you have time." She genuinely smiled.

Yasaka blinked, as if caught off guard but seemed happy at the response she received. "Of course!" She clapped happily. "My, we should make a thing out of it. Perhaps have a bit of 'girl talk' by ourselves, yes?" She swept her gaze around the room.

"Oh, that sounds fun." Jinn looked excited at the notion.

"Indeed. I believe we will have much to discuss when everyone has gathered." Artoria nodded.

"Should I be worried?" I reached out for her as she let me guide her into my arms.

"That depends, do you have anything to be worried about?" She had a little mischievous smile on her face as her tail wiggled infront of me.

"Don't worry, my Student. I shall keep your more embarrassing stories to myself." Scáthach teased.

"Are you sure, I have a story or two of my own." Jinn replied.

"It appears I've been swayed." Scáthach chuckled.

"Joy." I drawled as Yasaka and I moved away. Though I reached for a fluffy tail, giving it a little stroke. I think she knew how much I adored her tails, as she didn't even bat an eye as I started playing with it. "Though we're missing one crucial person." I spoke up, noticing the fluctuations at the perimeter of my house.

The steps that the person took, and how all eyes turned to her as she crossed the threshold.

Yasaka's fluffy tail slipped out of my hand as I stared at her, a longing flashed across my face.

"Meridia." I greeted her, taking a few steps forward.

"Wilhelm." She replied, almost emotionlessly as she eyed the people she didn't recognize. "There are many new faces." She stated.

"Yup, and introduction are important, but first." I quickly swept her up.

"S-so suddenly!?" She squeaked out, breaking that emotionless mask. "P-put me down, everyone is looking." She muttered under her breath, cheeks flushing.

"Can't help it." I laughed. "Your reactions are too cute."

She huffed. "You are ruining my image for these new women."

"Well, if you want me to stop, I don't mind." I quickly let go. "I just thought you missed me as much as I missed you." I feigned sadness.

"You..." She huffed again. "Your teasing is ruthless." She turned her tone down to a whisper. "I did miss you." Her head turned to the side, not making eye contact. "You make me count the days until our reunion every time you leave." She scowled. "There, are you happy?" Her face betrayed the 'anger' she was expressing.

"I'm always happy when you're here with me." I reached for her hand and gave it a squeeze. The Goddess tried her best to hide her embarrassment but failed in such a cute way.

"I hope you're pleased with yourself. You have destroyed any chance I had at presenting myself with any kind of dignity." She snorted, but refused to let me go. She turned towards the people she recognized. "Jinn, Artoria." She gave them a polite acknowledgement, even if they probably saw each other not very long ago.

Her gaze turned towards my other girls that she had yet to properly meet. "I am Meridia. I suppose you can think of me as a Goddess in your own terms."

It was their first meeting. The first time I had all my girls in a single room since they all became a part of my harem.

For the first time, I had no responsibilities in the immediate future and I had all of them together. This was certainly one of the best days of my life.


Getting back into DxD first up was all his harem finally meeting. So, early chapter woo, woo! Had some free time at work so i managed to get a good chunk of the chapter out with some notes on how to finish.

Anyways, if you want to read 7 chapters ahead or support me, visit my /astoryforone

We have a discord -- JbwkdNDt7F

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