A Nascent Kaleidoscope.

Chapter 220 - 211

Chapter 220: Chapter 211

As I walked through the portal I peered at my surroundings. Much had change in this little park area since I left it. There were many people running around doing various things, but they all seemed to be keeping their distance from Raikou and Scáthach.

I didn't dwell on the rushing people as my attention was focused solely on the two.

They sat at a table, calmly glancing up while sipping tea from very fine silverware. Honestly, it was surprisingly elegant for the setting they where in.

"Oh, look who returned." Scáthach set her cup down.

"Mmm, did someone come back after leaving?" Raikou perked up.

I let out a sigh, my shoulders slumped as I slid into an empty seat between them. "Yeah, just give it to me." I could have handled everything better.

Scáthach pursed her lips "It would be hypocritical to get upset for what you did."

"So you know what happened?"

"Neither Raikou or I are fools, Wilhelm. It was not hard to put together given the clues."

"Not to mention I could feel some very particular changes through the link we share." Raikou added. "You appear unharmed, so I understand that my worry is somewhat misplaced."

I reached over and took Raikou's hand into mine. Even when she was upset, she could still smile brightly at the affection. "I'm sorry I made you worry." I said honestly. Even if I don't regret my actions, I can apologize for the feeling of discomfort I gave her because of them. "I'll do a better job of relaying my intentions next time." I do need to communicate more with them. It's something I recognized that I didn't do enough of.

Communication is a pillar of any healthy relationship.

"When my eyes opened to this Era, my previous memory were the final moments of my time in the Land of Shadows." Scáthach spoke up. "I will admit that I am still used to feeling in control of every variable in my presence. My long years of ruling that desolate wasteland has instilled a certain complacency in me that I did not realize I needed to break myself from." I could see her frown slightly. "I do not fault you for fighting a God. I know you would not have engaged if you were uncertain, and that you are not a child to chastise for going into dangerous situations. However...."

I reached over and took her hand in my free one. She looked a little....startled and a small smile crept up on her face.

"However." She continued. "I am not used to caring about something like this. To know they willingly risk their lives to better themselves or to test their own prowess. It is inevitable that a budding Warrior such as yourself will fight even more in the future." She paused in her words, but I felt like I could understand what she's trying to say.

"Just as you said you would never leave me again." I gave her hand a little squeeze. "I'll also always come back to you."

There was a small reaction, a happiness that flashed across her face before she steeled herself into a scowl. "Hmph. Of course, otherwise I'd have to drag you back myself." She puffed up. "This Scáthach is not someone you can abandoned when you please. You have made a vow, and I will make sure you keep it." She crossed her arms. "Now, we have spoken our indignations. Recount the events of your departure."

My Scáthach is too cute.

"I followed the link that was tunneling through Time and Space using the Sword that young woman had as an anchor." I began my explanation. "It opened up in the Netherworld, and I popped in right infront of Susanoo."

"Hmm." Scáthach looked deep in thought. "He would be a strong God based on myths."

"Yes, he is one of Japan's most famous Gods. And his feats in battle are more popular than his siblings." Raikou nodded. "It must have been a tough battle. The people with the History Compilation Committee had been keeping us abreast of what happened off the coast."

"How long was I gone?" I questioned.

"Less than six hours." Scáthach replied. "The aftereffects of the battle had been mitigated by the countries mages once the Divine power had dissipated. Am I safe to assume that you slayed Susanoo?"

"I did." I didn't deny it.

"Well done." Scáthach gave some rare praise. "It seems we are both God Slayers now." She had a small smile on her face, and a hint of pride in her voice.

I looked at my hand still intertwined with Raikou's. I held it up, getting her attention. With a little effort, my Lightning began to crackle harmlessly around both our hands.

Raikou's eyes widened as she summoned her own lightning. Our lighting snapped around each other, neither able to disperse the other.

"We match now." I smiled towards. Though hers was still purple in color, we both wielded Divine Lightning.

"You really are my child." She whispered happily.

"Of course." If she wanted this kind of relationship, I would always humor her. Regardless, I couldn't help but think of her as mine at this point and I refused to give her up. I was a greedy person and I would never deny that.

"How did the fight go?" Scáthach asked.

"He was stronger than most Servants, speed was extremely high as well. His durability was off the charts. Blows that could have taken out the strongest Servants in the last War he took and kept going. I don't know if it was some kind of passive Authority like Battle Continuation, but he was hard to put down."

"And how was his Magical Resistance? I was unable to test much on the Goddess I fought."

"You won too?"

"....yes. I defeated that Goddess, but she escaped after suffering my Noble Phantasm. Whether she survives or not is up to fate."

"It isn't like you to let your prey escape." I was surprised at that.

"As I spoke before. I have become noticeably complacent, and I got so caught up in my own enjoyment that she was able to slip through my fingers." Well, Scáthach wasn't one for mincing words, even at her own detriment. She was probably kicking herself for that and I didn't want to rub any salt in the wound.

"Well, it's as you'd expect. My Runic Spells just splashed against his body like water." I shook my head. "And he was able to treat most of my other spells like they were made of paper. My Shield of Asgard got shattered by a kick." Still annoyed at that, but what could I do? "Though, the completed form of my Nine Realms was able to bring him harm."

"Oh, you managed to complete that?" She blinked. "Yes, they did mention the appearance of a Large Tree in the middle of the water." She smiled lightly.

"It's completed but not finished. If that makes sense. It's difficult to produce more than a few Realms simultaneously, and even more difficult to actualize them without a good Symbol to focus the Mystery properly."

"Hmm, I will need to see it in action before I give advice." She nodded to herself before she removed her hand from mine and poked me. "And you have become one of these Campiones." She poked me a few times, an action that Raikou started to mimic with a giggle.

"Bow before my Majesty." I proclaimed.

"The only bow of mine will be when I headbutt you." She gave a little flick to my forehead, though that gentle smile of hers remained. "My student, continue with your story."

"Well, we kind of just traded a few blows in the Netherworld." I rubbed my chin. "Punched him through his house. But then he punched me through a tear in Space and I came out in the middle of the Ocean off the coast. I had a few moments before he followed, so I began casting my Yggdrasil. Finished him off with a technique I had theorized previously and decided then was a good time to practice it."

"Hmm, many things I will need to see from you that I am in the dark about." Scáthach muttered to herself.

"Oh, that reminds me. I haven't updated you on everything I've gotten since my time in the Land of Shadows. My Aura, my bloodline, my new swords, my Lightning. Hell, I need to cover my Authority too. Well I –"

"Hush." She put a finger to my lips, with a sultry look on her face. "I wish to discover all of these myself."

I blinked, registering what she just said.

Was her face flushed?

She wrapped her fingers around my tie and pulled me close to her, whispering just for me to hear. "You will make time later so I have you all to myself."

"Are you.....aroused?"

She smirked.

And now I am too.

She let go like nothing happened as I straightened my tie. I let out a sigh, noticing my clothes again. I really did hate being such a mess.

"So....what happened around here?" I questioned, waving to the area that had people still up and about.

"That man's name – Touma, I believe." Raikou began. "He was willing to admit his faults and apologized, so I did not pursue any grudge. After Scáthach ran off to fight the Goddess and you fought the God, he called in some of his associates to help deal with the aftermath."

"But that doesn't explain....this?" I tapped the table.

"Oh, neither Scáthach or I wished to go somewhere else while you were gone, lest you have trouble finding us." Raikou smiled.

"Even though you have that Servant contract with the lass and could find her with minimal effort" Scáthach huffed. "She insisted on waiting for you here."

"You're sweet." I leaned over, kissing Raikou on the cheek.

Raikou's little giggle made my heart flutter. "And Touma brought out things to make our wait more pleasant."

"This is very good." Scáthach nodded, taking another sip of tea. "I said before that it is not my usual preference, but I could enjoy this more often."

Well, he certainly gained some brownie points from me for his effort. Anyone who treated my girls good would be in my good graces. And it's not like I was upset over their previous actions, they came from a noble mind set.

"It's one of the best parts of life. Enjoying new things." I replied.

"Yes, it's a wonderful experience." She closed her eyes, taking another sip and enjoying the taste.

I could imagine how she feels. The same thing day in and day out for centuries upon centuries. Perhaps even a simple thing like Japanese Tea would bring her an untold amount of joy from the sheer novelty.

"Oh my, speaking of Touma." Raikou interjected.

I turned my head to see Touma running over. It ical to see him hustle in a suit like that. As soon as he got close he practically slid to his knees. "Your Majesty!" He spoke loudly. "I apologize for my earlier slight. I welcome you, the Eighth Supreme King!"

"News sure travels fast." I pursed my lips. But I remembered how Pandora practically broadcast my existence and it probably reached the ears of every Hime-Miko in the world. "And get up, I don't like that kind of prostrating."

"As you command." He shot to his feet, following my command without a second thought. "May I be so bold to ask, your Majesty.... Which God did you slay?"

"Susanoo." I said simply. While I didn't hold a grudge, I wasn't going to just regale him with my life's story this soon.

"I see...." He said quietly.

I raised an eyebrow at his reaction. "Something wrong?"

"There's nothing wrong, your majesty!" He quickly bowed his head. "It's just...Lord Susanoo was one of the backers of our organization as he watched over Japan. It's one of the reasons we have fewer Heretic Gods descend here."




I really couldn't just wipe my hands clean of this world, could I?

I mean, I could but...my pride wouldn't let me.


"Don't beat around the bush, you're wanting me to support you all, yes?"

"I wouldn't dare presume." He bowed once more. "But we would be forever grateful."

I ran a hand down my face. I looked to Scáthach for help but she gave me a look that practically screamed 'this is your mess'.

And I know Raikou would listen to any request of mine, so I didn't want to drag her into this nonsense.

"I won't be around, and it'll be impossible to reach out to me when I'm traveling." I stated, and I saw, for the briefest moments, a look of despair flash across his face.

Japan is known for having an ridiculous amount of Gods across the land. I wouldn't be surprised if a few of them wanted to descend to cause a ruckus just because they could now.

"However." I said pointedly. "You still have Godou."

He didn't outwardly react, but I could tell he was.....reluctant to rely on Godou. I wouldn't be surprised if the Kid's whole personality had already been dissected by every organization in the world. To them, I'm probably much more reliable to depend on. No doubt he's already caught on that both Raikou and Scáthach are deferring to me. "He's still a Kid. Despite killing a God by pure luck, he's not really sure of what he's doing right now. Approach him politely and explain yourself properly. Don't bow down to him, don't put him up on a pedestal and treat him like the king of the world. I've already spoken to him about some things, but he needs some people to trust and rely on. If you become that, he'd probably be willing to lend a hand. He's the honest and good natured sort."

They both need help right now; it might be the best to nudge them into each other's orbits.

"Thank you, your Majesty." He continued his bowing. "I will work on this immediately." He took steps back, head still down.

"Tell him I sent you. That should make him less wary." I gave him 'permission' to leave.

I could see why Godou was annoyed by how people treated him. I was used to people treating me as someone in a higher position due to certain statuses, but this just felt way over the top.

"Should I have done more?" I questioned.

"I think you have done enough. Godou will either soar or he will continue to bury his head in the sand and anything else you do is pointless." Scáthach replied.

"Master, you've done plenty." Raikou pat my shoulder. "This organization will gain an ally in Godou if they are intelligent enough to heed your words."

"Haaaah." I let out a breath. "I feel tired."

"Well, you just fought a God." Scáthach said with amusement. "Do you wish to retire for the night? Or perhaps you wish to go home now? I don't particularly have anything important remaining that draws my interesting here."

"I'm of the same mindset." Raikou agreed. "I wish to see Kunou now that I'm not....." She didn't finish but I could understand.

"Kunou's going to love spending time with you." I reassured her. Before she was.... standoffish? Distant and perhaps a little intimidating. A second meeting would probably help ease any tension, especially with Yasaka. "And I miss everyone else. It feels like an eternity since I've seen my other girls."

"Fufu, thinking of your other women, hmm?" Scáthach poked me in the shoulder.

"Is it strange I miss everyone I don't have around me?" I grabbed her hand, bringing it up for a kiss. "I missed you so much when you were gone."

She huffed, turning away. "You are more adept at seeking your opponent's weakness."

Gah, so cute!

"I do want to give Godou my goodbye before going to see gramps. But I also have one other thing I want to do...."

"What other matter do you wish to attend to, master?" Raikou asked.

"Did I mention that the Goddess Pandora adopted me?"

That got a strange look from both of them.


Should be a couple chapters left of this arc, then we're on to DxD. Just need to finish up a few things and they're off.

Anyways, if you want to read 7 chapters ahead or support me, visit my / astoryforone

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