A Nascent Kaleidoscope.

Chapter 207 - 198

Chapter 207: Chapter 198

"Have you tried getting glasses?" I offered helpfully.

There was a beat of silence as the Goddess stared at me incredulously.

"Doth thou not have an ounce of fear within thy body?" She seemed more confused than angry. "Thou speaks to a Goddess. Mortals tremble at the very mention of mine name. Yet, thou jests at mine expense."

"No, no." I rolled my eyes. "I'm so overcome with fear and awe that I can't help but act this way."

"This one's patience is being tested, mortal." She narrowed her eyes. "This one allows your disrespect out of curiosity. But questions can be answered even if thou lacks a tongue to speak."

I crossed my arms, not even batting an eye at her 'threat'. "You know, I've heard that the Goddess Athena was quite the beauty." I visibly swept my gaze upon her. "Yet, all I see is a little girl. Then again, knowing you Greeks, I wouldn't be surprised if you lot consider this the 'height of beauty'."

She raised an eyebrow. "This Athena was known as the most beautiful." She scoffed. "What thou sees before thee is an atrocity that shalt be rectified. Once this one regains mine proper Authority, mine True Form will grace the world once more."

"So, you approach me and my companions, making demands, but then claim to be 'reduced'. Goddess of Wisdom? Are you sure that title still belongs to you?"

"Do not speak as if you can comprehend mine strength. Reduced as this one may be, mine power is beyond thy mortal comprehension." She slowly raised her hand. "This one has grown tired of thy blathering."

I didn't even move as a familiar bloodlust erupted next to me. Really, I should call it an expectance. I could guess that Scáthach was ready to throw down as soon as the Goddess appeared and I was not in the mood to dance around the Goddess's supposed superiority to assuage her ego.

My Teacher, she moved as soon as she sensed the accumulated power began to gather. The Goddess looked surprised at the speed behind her movements. The deadly spear snaked out faster than I could blink, a collision of opposing powers erupting at the focal point.

With but a straight thrust, the Goddess was sent hurling into the forest, trees felling in her wake.

Truthfully it was nothing more than a greeting. It didn't seem like either side had committed to this fight in any meaningful way. The Goddess had been rather lackadaisical and Scáthach hadn't even followed up the blow.

"Thou managed to harm me." A pair of eyes glowed under the shadowed canopy of the forest. The crunching of leaves echoing out as a small figure walked back towards us. "Mortal...nay. Thou art no mortal." There was a slight trail of blood down the corner of her lip. A small finger of hers wiping it away.

"It has been quite some time since I've slain a god." Scáthach twirled her spear. "Are you going to be added to their number, Goddess of Wisdom?"

Gods this side of hers was sexy.

The Goddess paused in her thoughts as recognition of the threat just given sunk in. "Thou speaks of the taboo so easily. Mine essence does not scream for thy existence to cease, yet mine heart beats in fear. Thou are no foolish child of Pandora. State thy name, supposed Godslayer."

"Hmph." Scáthach spun her spear around again, slamming the butt of it into the ground. "Make me." She said almost playfully.

Athena's eyes widened at the proclamation. "Thou did not descend as a Heretic God, nor are thou a Divine Ancestor." She spoke softly, yet her words carried regardless. "How....what are thee? This Athena does not understand. Mine Wisdom should see through such trivial knowledge, but thy existence is shrouded from mine sight."

"If nothing else, your arrogance is that of a god." Scáthach snorted. "The assumption that you are entitled to anything you want. The very idea that you were denied still confuses you, does it not? Does it anger you that these 'lesser beings" do not conform to your whims?" She let out a laugh. "Why don't you come and 'force' me to bend my knee to your desires?"

For the first time Athena scowled. "Thou art confidant thou can protect thy companions as well?" She sent a glare towards me and Raikou.

Scáthach just laughed again, almost casually leaning against her spear. "Why don't you give it a try?"

"Bring it on, bitch." I summoned Mirage to my hand, meeting her gaze head on. The amount of fucks I gave right now was a staggeringly low amount.

"I do not wish to fight." Raikou said softly, hefting her sword up. "But I am more than capable."

Athena stared at us with surprise. I guess she wasn't used to 'mortals' showing her such blatant disregard.

"Thou three..." She stared at both me and Raikou for another moment before glancing at Scáthach who stood to the side. "This one will return once mine power is restored, and mine questions will receive answers." She began to sink back into the shadows.

"Maybe ask nicely next time, you trollop. " I scoffed as her eyes glowed briefly before disappearing.

"Well, that was certainly a new experience." Scáthach dismissed her spear, walking back to my side. "I did not expect such excitement so soon." She hummed happily. "Do you suppose she will keep her promise?"

"I find your bloodthirst both scary and cute."

Scáthach leaned in, kissing me on the cheek. "You have gotten better with your compliments." She whispered.

"Master~" Raikou wrapped me up from behind. "Your mother is going to chastise you." She pouted cutely, pushing her cheek against mine. "It is unwise to speak such a way to a Goddess. Even if such words are well deserved."

"While I disagree, I do think you should be more careful with how you approach one of their kind." Scáthach stated. "I will not begrudge you, my student. I do not like their supposed superiority, and their arrogance often grates on my nerves. But you must be prepared for the consequences of your actions."

"Normally, I have a bit more decorum. But at the moment, I am so far gone from caring." I sighed. "It just irked me the wrong way how she came in demanding answers like that. Obviously, I'm not so quick to disregard my own safety, but I felt confident after feeling her presence."

"Indeed." Scáthach nodded in approval. "I believe her words held true. She was severely weakened from what could be considered her 'peak'. She claimed to be one of the Greek Olympians, the weight of her name alone should have brought about more power behind her words, yet she felt like a candlelight, wafting in the wind."

It's strange, we confronted a legitimate Goddess, yet.....she was severely lacking in the sense of danger one would expect. Then again, despite her apparent weakness, she hadn't really seemed all that interested in actual conflict.

"You curious about her?" I questioned.

"I admit a mild interest." Scáthach did not deny it. "If you would not deny me, I perhaps would wish to investigate once we have performed our duty given by Zelretch."

"Sure." I smiled towards her. "Kinda curious about these 'Campione' myself." I hummed thoughtfully. "On a side note, what you think Athena meant by unable to see through us? I was guess it was some manner of Clairvoyance."

"I wouldn't be surprised. Such types of methods to gleam knowledge from the world require that the target of your search is also part of the world." Scáthach nodded.

True, and that was my thought as well. Outside context problems and her usual methods of information gathering aren't working.

"What about you, Raikou." I leaned my head against hers as she was happily still draping herself over me.

"I am content as long as I am with Master." She smiled brightly

I nodded and didn't argue. Though, I would hope to help her find some hobbies of her own sooner or later. I didn't want her only want in life to wait on me hand and foot. I wanted her to be happy, with everything that came with.

A fulfilling life.

"Well, I don't believe there's anything worth seeing here any longer." I looked around. The Squire was still sleeping off to the side and apparently no one came over to check the commotion. I guess they were more focused on the historical monument that was in the midst of collapsing. "Alright, let's go find Gramp's Ex." I had a thought on how to find her.


"I admit, this isn't what I expected." I commented as we stood outside of a strange little shop. "This looks so fake....." I sighed, staring at the sign.

'Madame Zola's Psychic Readings.'

"She has a sense of humor." Raikou eyed the sign as well. "It is not a bad cover to have."

I just shook my head. Luckily we found a library in our random walk around the city. Getting on one of the computers and actually searching her name turned up this result, and well....here we are.

"May as well get this over with." I put a hand on the door and I could feel all the magics woven into this building. They were....subtle, but powerful. There was no obvious barrier on the outside, but I could practically taste it now.

Old Witch indeed.

"Guests?" A lazy voice drifted throughout the room as we walked inside. All eyes fell on a woman who was laying down on a nearby sofa. "Some interesting ones at that." Her gaze swept over us before landing on me. "Hey there, cutie. You want your palm read?" She sent me a wink.

Wow, she was stunning. I could easily see why the Old Man had some infatuation with her. Obviously, I was judging based on looks here, but she checked many of my boxes. Not that I would ever...honestly the thought of it kinda of put me off since the Old Man said he was sweet on her before.

"What's an actual Witch doing Palm Readings for?" I was a little curious.

She didn't look surprised that I called her out, instead, she sort of slid down, head hanging off the edge of the sofa as she stared at me playfully. "I get bored easily at my age." She smiled. "It's fun to see some of the strange things people get up to through their fortune telling."

"That's fair." I nodded in approval. And once again, definitely someone Zelretch would get along with.

"So what brings you three to my little ol' shop." She asked again. "I do other services, but those are a bit more expensive. Or if you want some information, I can do that too."

"Well, I've come to deliver a letter." I withdrew it from my ring.

"Oh." She sat up. "I wasn't expecting anything." She hummed. "And whose it from? Someone I know?"

"I hesitantly say you know him."

"Hmm." She pursed her lips coyly. "Don't worry, cutie. I don't bite unless you pay a little extra for that~"

I cleared my throat, pushing the letter towards her and turning away. "Please don't start throwing spells at me."

She blinked looking down at the letter, taking it without a second thought. "Pfft, don't worry kiddo. I'm not the type to shoot the messenger. Especially the yummy ones." She chuckled watching my discomfort. "You sure you aren't part of the delivery? I could teach you a thing or two your two friends probably couldn't."

"Unlikely." Scáthach said abruptly.

Lucretia blinked, staring at Scáthach. "Hmm. There's something strange about you." She took out a pipe from....somewhere. I didn't question it. Tapping it against the coffee table, she put it into her mouth, blowing out a puff of smoke. "About all of you actually."

"That's not the first time we've heard that today." I said dryly. What exactly were we giving off that basically makes us such obvious targets? Athena somehow noticed us, and here this Witch was able to gleam something.

"Oh well." She casually let herself fall back into the cushions of the couch. She set the Letter down on the table, practically ignoring it. "Anything else you need?"

"Um.....if possible could you read the letter?"

"I'll do it later." She waived me off. "Just tell whoever sent you that you completed your job." She seemed uninterested.

I bit my lip.

This was getting....awkward. "I never did introduce myself." I cleared my throat, getting her attention. "Wilhelm Henry Schweinorg.....at your service." Why was I being so nervous?

I winced slightly as realization dawned on her. Mouthing off to a Goddess? I could do that all day. Being on the receiving end of anger from Zelretch's old flame....for some reason that gave me anxiety.

There was a sudden stillness as her playful expression completely evaporated.

Slowly, she sat herself up properly. A strained smile made its way onto her face. "Did you say Schweinorg?"


As I said before, Wednesday's chapter instead of Tuesday. Just a heads up, next chapter is a lewd.

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