A Nascent Kaleidoscope.

Chapter 201 - 192

Chapter 201: Chapter 192

I don't know how long I stood there, holding her tight as if she would disappear if I let up for even a second. She didn't speak, nor begrudge me for this , and she made no effort to move out of my embrace. If anything, I could have sworn she pulled herself just a little bit more into my arms.

"I hope you remember who I am, otherwise this is going to be really awkward." It almost came out unconsciously. A – sometimes – default reaction when I'm uncertain or otherwise nervous. To make light of the situation.

She shifted in my arms enough that she could look me in the eyes. It was only another moment before her lips were pressed softly against mine. I didn't realize how much I wanted this again until I got lost in her touch.

It was quick, but I could feel the emotions delivered through the kiss, only lasting another couple seconds before she pulled away. Her head lightly pushed against mine, our noses almost touching and our breath tickling each other's faces.

"Does that answer your question?" She gave me a smile that made my heart thump loud in my chest.

"I think I need to be persuaded some more." I replied without a hint of shame.

Her little giggle met my ears and I couldn't help but squeeze her just a little tighter. "It seems you have grown more bold in my absence."

I stiffened a little, looking away from her eyes at the mention of our time apart. "I missed you." A barely audible whisper left my throat.

"You sweet boy." She went in for another kiss, just enough to dismiss the melancholic feelings. "You went through the trouble of summoning an old witch like me." She gave me another little peck to make sure she had my full attention. "This Scáthach won't leave your side again."

"Un." I made a mumbled grunt as I buried my head back into her chest. "You're not allowed to leave again."

"Fufufu." I felt a hand run through my hair. "Did this Scáthach not promise you already?" Her breath tickled my ear. "I'm yours, am I not?"

"Mine." I repeated quietly, a possessiveness that sprouted in my heart.

Hearing her giggle again, it just continued to make my heart flutter.

"Now." She poked me once more. "Introduce me to your companions, I believe we had made a spectacle enough of ourselves." For the first time since her summoning, we broke apart.

"Oh no, don't mind us." Gramps spoke up with obvious amusement on his face. "I was just enjoying the show."

Scáthach looked mildly amused as well, opting to adopt a little smirk on her face. With a glance back, she began to chide me. "Wilhelm, should I teach you a lesson on proper manners, hmm?" She nudged me.

Honestly, I missed this aggressive attitude of hers just as much as her gentle side that usually stayed hidden.

Scáthach, this is Kischur Zelretch Schweinorg, my Grandfather." I gestured towards him.

"Queen of the Land of Shadows." Zelretch decided to be a little more grandiose with his greeting. "I am honored to meet you, Immortal Witch." He did a slight bow in her direction.

"I remember, between the various lessons I taught him, he would mention you at length." Scáthach tone turned slightly more polite.

"Lesson? You mean beatings?" I tried to clarify.

She turned to me with a smile on her face. "Do you require another lesson so soon?"

I cleared my throat. "Proceed." I took a step back.

[She's still got it] Ddraig began to laugh in my soul.

Scathach clasped her hands respectively. "Master of the Second, Slayer of the Crimson Moon, the honor is mine." She also did a bow, practically mimicking his actions.

"I suppose the Grail's information is filling some blanks." I muttered at her apparent 'Knowledge'.

"Indeed." Zelretch stroked his beard. "Now that the stiff formalities are out of the way, shall I call you Granddaughter?" He said with a mirthful grin.

Scáthach let out a laugh. "I can see where my student gained his attitude. And I would welcome the new title to my name."

Well, that was easy enough.

Then again, they're both the type not to sweat the small stuff. He called her Granddaughter, and she accepted it without any fuss.

Taking the break in the conversation as a que, it was my Servant's turn for introduction. "And my Servant who fought with me during the War that retrieve the Grail I used to summon you." I pointed over to Raikou who was.....not the most pleased right now.

Yeah....she did a good job of keeping her face even, but I could practically feel the annoyance radiating off her.

"I am Minamoto-no-Raikou, Leader of the Four Heavenly Kings." She said almost.....challengingly.

Scáthach raised an eyebrow. "I am Scáthach, Queen of the Land of Shadows."

"Daughter of Gozu-Tennou." Raikou stood proudly, which is odd considering she didn't like to speak of her Oni heritage much.

"God-Slayer." Scáthach didn't back down either.

Raikou twitched, a visible look of anger flashed across her face.

And suddenly, this was taking a turn for the worse.

I wish I had the mental link with Scáthach at this point. No, I don't even have Command Seals for her despite the fact that she's a Servant. You merely had to look at her own hand to figure out what happened.

It wasn't a mere summon, otherwise that would have wasted the Grail in such a way I would be ashamed in myself.

No, it also incarnated her upon her summons, while also layering several other 'versions' of herself ontop one another to make her 'vessel' perhaps one of the most absurd in existence. Frankly, I think only a Grand Servant could beat her in that respect.

A side effect – no mental link to communicate with her.

{Raikou.} I tried to speak softly through our link, soothing her. {Please calm down.}

She perked up, eyes darting to me. {Master.} She sounded indignant. {You don't need this woman! Your Mother is all you need! I can do anything for you better than she can.}

"Raikou." I whispered, stepping between them. Scáthach took that as a silent que to step away, obviously able to read the atmosphere. I reached out, lightly taking her hand. "No one can replace you." I gave her a genuine smile.

"Master~" She pulled me in, pushing my face between her breasts like she often did. "Mommy is happy." She practically purred into my ear.

I heard Scáthach harrumph, right next to us. "I would like to see more than just this room after finally being out of the Land of Shadows."

She latched onto my arm in a strange show of 'affection'. "Come, my student, you will introduce me to the other presences outside."

Raikou scowled, taking my other arm. "Master, YOUR Servant will help you with whatever you need. Don't bother with some decrepit old lady."

Scáthach paused, slowly turning her head towards Raikou. "Decrepit old lady am I?" She repeated, a small twitch of her eye followed the words.

Raikou returned a strained smile filled with anger. "I did not mention your name, why do you assume I was speaking of you. How strange." She feigned ignorance.

"This bitch..." Scáthach frowned.

"Master, don't spend time with this uncouth women. Your Mother doesn't want you to pick up any bad habits."

"Bad... habits?" Scáthach looked at her incredulously. "Do we know the same person?"

"Alright, alright!" I stepped between them again. "None of that. This is a happy day, no fighting."

"Go, Go." Zelretch shooed us out after everyone calmed down. "I'll get to work on the 'other' project. Go say hi to the others."

"Other project?" Scáthach raised an eyebrow at me while I glanced at Raikou. A look of understanding flashed across her face briefly. "Very well, let's go. There are a few powerful auras out there, I'm curious who else is here."

Raikou did not like Scáthach basically pulling me along, but I think she was holding her tongue for my sake.

And my teacher unceremoniously pushed the door open to see everyone sitting around.

"Of course you'd wish for a girl." Mordred was the first to speak up. "Seriously, I'm not even surprised."

"That's...honestly fair." I couldn't even bring up a counter argument. "This is Scáthach." I gestured to her. "She's my –"

"I'm his woman." She said blatantly and without any fanfare.

I took a moment, blinking a surprise at her admittance. But then again, she wasn't someone who beats around the bush

"Sup, I'm Achilles." The Rider server gave a little wave. "Heard you're a pretty good teacher. Doubt you're as good as Chiron, but at least you're a treat to look at."

"Hooh." Scáthach slowly turned to him. "I'll have to fill in some gaps in 'Chiron's' teachings then." Ah, that tone of hers still sends a shiver down my spine.

"I'm ready to go, any time anywhere." Achilles grinned.

"Don't mind Achilles, he only thinks with his spear." The Archer spoke up. "I'm Atalanta, and this is Jackie." The huntress still held the Assassin close.

"Don't all boys?" Scáthach chuckled. "I know of you, Huntress. I hope to see your archery skills some time."

"The praise of a God-slayer is something I'll cherish." Their conversation was tact and respectful.

"And this...Jackie." Scáthach narrowed her eyes. "I've never seen such a conglomeration of Ghosts that made such a coherent whole before. Tell me child, do you wish to be purified?"

Assassin looked up, not even phased by my teacher's stare. "We want to stay with mommy." She glanced over to Reika who looked to be half sleeping in the corner.

Scáthach just smiled, shaking her head. "I suppose it's not my place anymore. I'm no longer living, so protecting the world from such things is no longer my purpose."

"And this is my son, Mordred." I pointed towards the knight of Treachery who was just sitting silently.

"Fuck you." She flipped me off.

Scáthach cackled. "I like her."

Mordred grunted in acknowledgement. "Heard you're a hard ass bitch." They seemed to be sizing up one another, similar to Achilles but less....lackadaisical. "Wouldn't mind going a round or two when we have time."

"That can be arranged." My teacher nodded in satisfaction, looking over Mordred again. "I have a feeling we'll get along well."


Scathach finally back and introduced to everyone. Raikou being competitive and Scathach going along with it because she finds it amusing.

Anyways, if you want to read 7 chapters ahead or support me, visit my /astoryforone

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