A Nascent Kaleidoscope.

Chapter 188 - 179

Chapter 188: Chapter 179

I opened my eyes, the condensed energy around me dispersed with a twitch of my finger.

[I created the Boosting ability after Albion created his Dividing. I didn't have a way to counter it when he first revealed it. Before, we had been relatively even with his Corrosive Poison that could melt souls, and my Great Fire that could burn souls into nothingness. I would have died if we didn't smash into the Indian Pantheon's realm during our battle and got separated.]

I looked down at my hand, I smiled lightly, flexing my muscles to get a feel for the armor around me. The shape was much different than the first time I activated the Balance Breaker's Scale Mail.

Gone was the unwieldly protrusions, and spikes that sprang out at every angle. I was not donned in the armor of a brawler, it had been streamlined and slimmed down to fit my fighting style.

[The look on his face when he took a chunk out of my strength with his Dividing, only for me to Boost and add it back again.] Ddraig's voice sounded very smug. [To the foolish, they may think I could have just Pre-Boosted, then sought out Albion for our battle, to win easily, but you know the truth. There's only so much power our bodies could handle without going through a sort of metamorphosis. There's a reason why no Gods had sought out my Gauntlet in the many incarnations of my wielders. A God can not simply double their strength on a whim, their forms would explode at the power increase.]

The Scale Mail was sleek, hugging my body tightly. All the way from the helmet that wrapped around my head, down to the greaves that enveloped my feet. I could feel an extra appendage, a scaled tail that lightly swayed behind me. And I could also feel, with but a thought, I could bring forth my Dragon Wings if needed.

They were much better than my Devil Wings, able to propel me faster through the air, able to handle the strain of this armor.

I could feel my Draconic heart begin to beat faster in my chest, synchronizing with the Scale Mail.

Ddraig let out a laugh. [That damn God.] Ddraig cursed, even if his tone was jovial. [In the hands of a mortal creature, a human or such, my power becomes something to punch above one's weight class. I've never had a wielder slay a god before, but the potential was always there.] He began to cackle like mad [And then something like you got their hands on it. You added a bunch of things that made you 'more', but you kept all that potential inside that little body of yours. You're not at your 'peak' like a god, your 'vessel' isn't full.]

"The Gauntlet is just training wheels." I flexed my hand again. "To barrow a small piece of Ddraig's power." I looked up at my opponents, these Heroes of Legend. With a thought my Swords floated around me again, all ready at my whim.

[Hah! You understand then, as expected.] Ddraig sounded so happy. [My previous wielders, I was their crutch, their whole plan for fighting. For the first time, I'm turned into a 'Trump Card'. I was annoyed at first, but this feeling isn't bad either.] Ddraig's boisterous laugh sounded like roars in my soul.

"Dragon Slayer." I turned towards Siegfried. "Demi-God." I looked towards Achilles. "And King." My gaze landed on Vlad. "Come." I gestured with my hand.

There was perhaps an unspoken agreement between all parties here.

They all moved at once, almost unnaturally in synch with one another. Their years of fighting experience allowing them to meld into the other's movements without hinderance.

Arrows flew between them, from two different directions. They were ignored by the Servants, as it was clear I was the true target.

"Boost." I called out, looking straight at them. "Boost. Boost. BOOST." I finished with a roar as I burst forth from my spot, the air around utterly exploded, the sound barrier ruptured several times over. Mirage in my hand, its tip slammed into Achilles' stomach.

His body arched back, blood spitting out of his mouth even if his skin hadn't been pierced. The ground cratered at the impact and I reached down with my free hand, gripping his neck.

I snapped my head to the side, moving slightly to the left to avoid a dangerous sword passing by me. Siegfried sliced through the air, flicking his sword to turn it into a horizontal slash. I tossed Achilles to the side to focus on the Dragon Slayer aiming for my head.

I moved Mirage up to block, having no trouble contending with his physical strength. If anything, his arms trembled trying to push through my guard when I was merely using one arm versus this two.

Still.....the fact that I'm basically overlayed in Ddraig's power, his sword's danger just increased further, even if it didn't touch me. It's conceptual advantage over anything remotely dragon, and I may as well have been Ddraig himself within its sphere of influence.

His sword blurred with surprising speed; each slash was one that contained untold hours of practice. Precise and deadly, aiming for every weakness of my body.

My own Sword connected with his, each time a shockwave emanated out. On each exchange, it was obvious he was on the losing end. His sword continuously lost ground to the point where I started drawing blood from his body before he could regain his guard.

Small cuts began to appear, blood dripping down his arms and stomach.

"You healed up nicely." I still couldn't help but grin, noticing that the wound I gave him the previous night was all but gone.

Siegfried himself smiled, even as he strained as I pushed back on him, lightly leaning into his guard to put a little pressure. His footing pushed into the dirt in an attempt to hold his ground.

"The Magecraft of the Yggdmillennia family is impressive." He grit out and with a shout, called forth a burst of Magical Energy and pushed my sword back briefly. "Dragon!" He shouted. "There is no hatred between us, but I will take you down!"

I guess it was obvious where this was going.

"Then come, Dragon Slayer!" I laughed.

"Oh Sword, let thee be filled." Siegfried pulled down on the hilt of his sword, revealing a strange jewel embedded within. Suddenly, a massive pillar of energy burst out, reaching to the sky. His Magical Energy exploded, and I'm fairly sure a command Seal was used.

"Is that...?" I couldn't help but widen my eyes.

[Why is this feeling familiar? What is that stuff?]

"True Ether." I said quietly. "The stuff Gods are made out of." My grin threatened to split my face. "You crazy bastard, your Noble Phantasm Channels True Ether from the Age of Gods."

His Sword, it could probably even stalemate Excalibur at its base.

"The Evil Dragon Shall fall." He didn't respond but the look on his face told me I hit the nail on the head.

[Brat, meet him. I want you win against him!]

"Don't have to tell me." I gripped Mirage tight. "Beginning Dimensional Refraction." I began pulling on Magical Energy from an uncountable number of parallel worlds. The numerous Magic Circles encircled my sword, amplifying and actualizing my intent. The Spell Sequence linked up with My True Magic. The immense power pouring in and converting into Ether and shaping to my will.

"Do you think I don't exist!?" Vlad's angry voice rose above the chaos. "Kazikli Bey!" This fake world was covered in a malevolent aura as Stakes once again burst of the ground everywhere.

It was much more diminished compared to before and the sense of Danger was much lower.

["Do you think mere stakes can penetrate the scales of Y Ddraig Goch?"] Ddraig's arrogant voice roared out for all to hear.

The Stakes shot out at my Armor, only to shatter on impact.

Perhaps if we were still outside, I would have to be worried, but right at this moment, the armor held true.

"And the World will reach the Twilight." Siegfried's presence reached its peak, the weight of True Ether, his Noble Phantasm comprised of the concept of Dragon Slaying filled the entire world.

"Fall, Balmung!" He swung his sword down.

"Ether Cannon!" I swung my sword up to meet his, my regular Ether versus his True Ether.

The collision of concepts and power erupted at the focal point, blowing away everything. The ground was torn asunder, the fake sky began to crack under the strain, the marble pillars burst into thousands of pieces, cascading in every direction.

The force of the collision blew me back, my vision blurred before I regained my footing. "Release." I breathed out, letting my boosts fall off. The weight of the added power fell off my shoulders, giving me a moment to catch my breath. I looked back at where I was a moment before, then down at myself.

[What a scary bastard.] Ddraig laughed.

It was contagious as a few chuckled escaped from my lips The Scale Mail suffered some noticeable, if minor damage. I was otherwise unharmed, but it was impressive nonetheless.

"Haaah." I breathed out again, watching a figure stand up amongst the turned up clouds of dirt.

Siegfried looked worse for wear, taking a bigger hit than I did. Blood dripped down his body, and he looked like he struggled to move.

He stabbed his sword into the ground, using it to support himself.

I gripped Mirage tight as our eyes met again.

We both shared the same smile, even as his body wobbled to stand firm, he pulled his sword up and faced me. "Come!" He shouted without any hesitation.

"Boost." I called out, pumping myself up again, burst forward.

Our Swords connected, and he was lifted off his feet, tumbling across the ground, before skidding to a stop to regain his proper footing. He swung with renewed strength, blood flying off his hands, ignoring his wounds to meet my attacks.

"Boost, Boost, Boost." I returned to the state I was in before, dodging around his attempts to cleave me in twain.

As our blades clashed, he was getting sloppier, enough that he had holes in his guard that were easy to exploit.

I wanted to give him a proper send off.

"I'll end this with one last technique." I stepped back amongst his flurry of slashes, pulling on the Kaleidoscope. He deserved at least this much respect from me. I held Mirage to the side, and pulled myself through the world-line to attack.

He looked at me, that same smile never leaving his face as his guard was raised in anticipation.

"Swallow Returns." I moved, and blood flowed from Siegfried's mouth.

My sword went through his back, out his chest.

His great sword fell to the ground as he touched the bloodied blade sticking out of him. He turned his head to me, that serene smile never leaving his face. "It was a good fight." He managed to get out as I dislodged my blade.

It was out of respect I went for his 'weak spot'. Siegfried the Dragon Slayer, who bathed in the blood of Fafnir. The only spot that wasn't as tough as a dragon's scales was where a leaf fell on his back during the bathing.

The respect that he was strong enough that I targeted his weakness.

"[Well done, Dragon Slayer. You blade had managed to reach me.]" Ddraig gave rare praise towards the defeated Servant. Despite being relatively unharmed, he still managed to damage the Scale Mail.

"To be praised by a dragon." Siegfried let out a bloodied laugh. His body slumped to the ground, it was obvious he was almost done.

His body began to dissipate and flow back into the world.

"Dammit, Saber!" Vlad stepped over, grabbing his arm that looked a little hurt in the aftershock of our battle.

"Sorry....Lancer." Siegfried apologized before finally disappearing.

The Impaler scowled, looking down at the spot where Saber once was. "You make it hard to hate you when you smile at me like that." He scoffed before turning to me.

I sighed, watching him go. I felt.....strange after beating him. I was happy, but at the same time.....I didn't want him to go. It was like there was some form of kinship between us that was hard to describe.

I pushed those thoughts down for now and faced the Lancer Servant, pointing my blade at him.

"I don't suppose you would like to rethink an Alliance?" Vlad asked me, looking over almost lazily.

"Seriously?" I couldn't help but blurt out. "Do you really think I'd agree at this point?" My thoughts were a bit.....disarrayed at the moment, and his words only served to increase my annoyance.

"No." He grinned. "I just required a few more moments." He said with a cheeky smile. "Darnic!" He shouted, "Do it."

The already strained miniature world inside this Fortress became even more strained as I felt the space fluctuations. An absolute massive amount of Magical Energy filled the gaps of the cracks that formed in the dimension's foundations. The sheer amount of Magical Energy that was being thrown around, I could only assume that there were several Command Seals working in unison to make this happen. Because something was teleporting INTO this small world, that which resided within a Noble Phantasm.

A pillar of light descended; a massive figure towered over everything in the vicinity.

"Behold, my greatest creation!" A voice I hadn't recognized, and a person that was completely foreign, stood atop this new monstrosity. A servant I had yet to meet, and by process of elimination, it was Caster of Black. "Golem Keter Malkuth" The newcomer declared. "Welcome my Adam into the world!"

The thing – the golem -- roared, and the world shook.


First one down is Siegfried after bodying Achilles and noselling Vlad. Caster makes his first appeared, and he'll be explained next chapter. But he opens with his Noble Phantasm.

Anyways, if you want to read 7 chapters ahead, visit my /astoryforone

We have a discord if you want to come chat about the story, or anything really. -- JbwkdNDt7F

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