A Nascent Kaleidoscope.

Chapter 185: Interlude 8

Chapter 185: Interlude 8

Kischur Zelretch Schweinorg POV

Visuals appeared all around me, Magical screens that scryed certain locations based on my calculations.

Andrew Forlon.

I looked at the man who appeared on the screen. Mundane by every measurable means, a product of his environment as he somehow developed ties with some local terrorists that could be traced to the IRA. A man filled with hate and wanted to lash out.

I shook my head, devising the means for the bomb he was carrying to detonate early while he was home alone. If left to his own devices, he would have killed a child that would go on to become a prominent legislative figure, reversing many environmental deficits.

With a swipe of my hand, I switched screens without watching the effects of the bomb exploding.

At another location, a young teen held a dog in their arms. The Dog had cancer, a variant that gave the canine about an 80% chance to live after certain surgeries. They were hopeful, so perhaps the chances were a smidge higher in their favor.

By all accounts, it should live.

In another time and place, a few months down the line, the same, but distraught, young teen would enter a competition on a whim. The opportunity to add an object to a capsule that would be launched into space with records and messages to any who found it in the future.

He would choose his dog's name tag.

After being invited to witness the launch, he would be inspired, and at that moment promise himself to also walk among the stars, to be with his best friend again. His career as an astronaut would be short lived, a single mission that took him beyond the planet. But it would inspire a new generation as he took up teaching, going from school to school to tell of his experiences. An uncountable number of young minds would be set on certain paths from his intervention.

With a heavy heart, I reached out for the Dog, and with a slight twitch of my fingers, watched as the light left from its soul during surgery.

I slumped back in my seat, swiping the screens to a new one once again.

A woman walking down the street, a flip of my hand and she tripped, getting hit by a bicycle, causing her to become paralyzed from the waist down.

Across the world, an older gentleman momentarily got distracted with a snap of my fingers, the car he was working on now had a small flaw that would become disastrous for a certain someone who would buy in about ten years down the line.

Children running around without supervision, and a speeding car coming down the street.

A Boat that sunk at sea, and a single survivor cast adrift. It was all too easy to divert his rescue to another direction....

I let out a sigh, closing my eyes briefly.

So much death and suffering.

How often do I question if these little actions of mine will make a difference?

I just continue to do what I can to make sure the world kept on spinning.

The more that pushes humanity forward, the higher the chance that the Counter Force will continue to support this iteration of reality. Even so, all my actions are like tiny grains of sand, that I'm trying to build into a desert.

I took a moment to reorientate myself before opening my eyes once again, and I couldn't help but smile as I looked upon the latest scenario before me.

It had become increasingly uncommon that I could actually save people to the betterment of humanities' continued existence. It just seems that there are many people who should not grow old or continue to exist in the world.

Lets see....I need this gentleman to be about four seconds late for his meeting. Quickly untying his shoe should do the trick. He won't get hit by a truck and die, thus his grandson will go on to discover an alloy that will be quite useful to the world in the future and increases our chances against the Spider by .003% if my calculations are correct.

The Scales skew just ever so slightly more in our favor.

A welcomed surprise.

"Perhaps I should take a break." I muttered to myself. It was rare I had a small win like this without any.... negative side effects. "How is my wonderful Grandson doing?" I hummed to myself, picking out the world-line he had gone to.

As much as he inherited from me due to his circumstances, he still lacks quite a bit. It was entirely unlikely he would even know I took a glance his way.

'Fufufu, Mommy is going to spoil you.'

I blinked, then quickly shut off the viewing.

I let out another sigh as I ran a hand down my face. "Dammit Wilhelm." I muttered, yet my smile wouldn't fade away.

Oh, to be young again. Back when I had more freedom....I do miss some of my past paramours. I wonder if he even remembers them with his fragmented memories.

"Ah..." I blinked again in realization.

I wondered if Wilhelm would be willing to run an errand for me. I have that old letter I wanted to give, but I could never find the opportunity to leave after getting wrapped up in my own business.

"Lucretia..." I let the name flow out of my mouth, bringing with it somber memories.

Just one of many regrets. Many of which are no longer alive.

Maybe that's why I enjoyed my Grandson bringing home so many Granddaughters? They certainly do liven the place up. And by the looks of it, he'll be adding another to their number.

I'm glad Wilhelm wasn't like me and is not shy about taking in the ones who make him happy. It took me too many centuries to realize how lonely it had been to reach this point. To look back and see no one standing behind me.

I was close to breaking the method that I used to send my memories through a reincarnation cycle. How amusing that I was trying to reverse engineer my own work. It was an enjoyable experience if nothing else. Every method so far had ended in failure when I've done my experiments, but it's obvious I succeed at some point in the future, even if they're fragmented as they were when Wilhelm received them.

"Lets check on Rin." I muttered again, finding the world-line she was in. The world of 'Nirn' and this land of 'Skyrim' as they called it. I've only peered over there a few times, but since she was in possession of Ruby, I could lock onto that easily enough to just peak at her general direction.

'Why are you backing away!? I got it this time.' Rin's voice was displayed along with her dirtied face and matted hair. Her clothes looked scuffled as well.

'Rin, you've exploded yourself twice now.' Artoria replied with a dry tone.

'I didn't explode myself.' She countered.

'Rin, there are literally scorch marks underneath you.'

'.....ignore those.' She huffed. '...please don't tell Will, he'll never let me live this down'.

'I promise I will not tell Wilhelm of your continued exploding.' Artoria stated.

'Or Jinn.' Rin demanded.

'Or Jinn.' Saber said as well.

'Good.' Rin smiled.

'You said nothing of Meridia though.' Artoria quirked a small smile.

'Nooo! Saber.' My young apprentice whined.

I had a content smile as I watched their antics. How far they've come from the two young women who entered the Clock Tower those years ago. They were so guarded and pulled into themselves that I feared they would never truly open up again.

Without Shirou Emiya existing in this World-line I had to move a few things more overtly to make sure Saber was summoned by Rin. I admit, there were high odds that things would not have gone a good way and I might have had to step in, but they seemed to have turned out alright in the end.

A calculated risk that turned in my favor. And since my usual plan of having Rin recreate my Jeweled Sword wasn't plausible in this scenario, I decided to just take her as an apprentice early on.

Yes, I think I made the correct choice. She did well to prove herself through other means. Teaming up with Caster and her Master, finding the Grail to be corrupted like it was, and even defeating the King of Heroes who persisted from the last war.

They had done wonderfully.

And the time that passed since then did them good, they slowly got acclimatized to the day to day of the Association, and I couldn't help but see them as my own Granddaughters after a point.

Then of course my apparent 'Grandson' comes along and sweeps Miss Artoria off her feet with his honeyed words and charming smile.

I wonder if he realizes who he got it from? I had many a female companion in my day, more so than he even has now.

Poor Artoria, did she ever stand a chance?

With a flick of my wrist, the images of my apprentice disappeared. I did not wish to become a voyeur, merely checking in on her every now and then.

This old heart of mine couldn't help but fuss over their safety.

I readjusted myself in my seat, returning to my previous duties.

More nameless faces appeared before me as I once again took on the role of the Hand Behind the Curtains. I slowly did my best to guide the fate of humanity away from destruction, to ensure that the world would continue to exist in the future.

And I continued to add those grains of sand.


Wanted to give some perspective on Zelretch. Most people only see him as a Troll and nothing else, and while that is certainly one role he enjoys taking up, its just one mask of many. Just a heads up, I will not be posting on Sunday, I have family coming to town and will be busy. I forgot to mention yesterday, so sorry.

Anyways, if you want to read 7 chapters ahead or support me, visit my /astoryforone

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