A Nascent Kaleidoscope.

Chapter 154 - 147

Chapter 154: Chapter 147

"This is amazing." Thorum looked at himself, his arms glowing bright, ethereal scales covering his body and his ghost-like tail swaying around. "I feel significantly stronger."

"I believe I have made an oopsie." I pursed my lips, inspecting it.

"Is something wrong?" Serana approached, looking a little concerned.

"Thorum is a dragon." I said plainly. "His soul is indistinguishable from one, even if his body is that of a man. I brought the physical manifestation of his soul out, so It obviously would be different than me own." I rubbed the bridge of my nose. "I feel stupid for not even considering this, it's obvious in hindsight."

"Is this bad?" Thorum asked.

"No, not at all. Your Aura can't be bad, its simply your own soul being more.... proactive. Though I don't know what exactly is going on, but if you like it, then that's good enough." I shrugged. Aura was perhaps the safest mystical phenomenon I had ever encountered, as there were literally no detriments here.

Back in Remnant, Grimm were much more attracted to those with Aura awakened, and I guess an argument could be made that having your soul fluttering about could be potentially hazardous under the right circumstances. But in general, there was no overt danger to the person who had their Aura awakened.

I quickly withdrew a notebook and pen from my ring and began jotting down notes. Some quick thoughts, some things to be mindful of and some other miscellaneous stuff. "Here." I ripped the pages out and handed them over to Thorum. "I would advise seeing Jinn in the next few days, give her that. She's more of an expert on Aura than I am, so she should be able to make sure everything is working correctly."

"I trust you, my friend." He put the note away in a pocket. "But I shall speak with Jinn at a later date, even if it is merely to speak with a friend." He gave that big goofy smile.

Well, I'm entirely sure there is actually nothing 'wrong' just merely some thing that should probably be sorted out by an expert. "Get over here, you big idiot." I surprised him with a hug, usually him being the one to do so.

He let out a mirthful chuckle, patting me on the back. "I await more stories for when you return. And I hope to meet your woman as well."

"Of course." I nodded, turning towards Serana. "Take care of him while I'm gone."

"I'll take good care of him." She smirked.

I'm sure you will.

"Don't know how long I'll be gone. Remember, if anything happens, shout for you know who, or get in contact with the girls."

"I will remember your words. Until you return, my friend." He held his hand had as I grasped it in mine.

"Later." I smiled as we parted, sweeping Mirage into the air again and departing the world-line.


I looked up at the fake sky of Kyoto, this small dimension created to house a large portion of Japan's Youkai population.

Well, I appeared nearby Yasaka's estate. Walking up the path towards the large gate I took a moment to admire the view all around me. It was nice and peaceful; it didn't really carry the air of a subspace sectioned off from the world.

It felt alive.

The gate was the same as I recalled, guards were still wary from the previous battles that took place here. I could feel the eyes on me as I made my intentions to approach obvious.

I was ready to explain myself, be polite and not just barge inside but....

"Young Lord!" Several Tengu flew down, greeting me respectfully.

"P-pardon?" I blinked in surprise.

"Young Lord, we welcome you back." They spoke.


That's new....

"Can I enter....?" I hesitantly asked.

"Of course, Young Lord." They immediately stood up, shouting all around as the gates flung open with a surprising haste. "Young Lord, may I ask what you need, do you need to be escorted anywhere? The reconstruction has just been completed recently, there was much remodeling I dare not allow you to get lost." The Tengu at the front, who I assumed was the highest rank was speaking quickly.

"Erm..."I scratched my head. I wasn't used to this kind of attention. Even as my time as Zelretch, there was a healthy dose of fear behind the reverence.... "Is Yasaka available?"

"Of course, Young Lord." The Tengu bowed lightly. "I can lead you to Lady Yasaka immediately."

I let out a sigh. "Sure, take me to her please." I gestured him forward.

"This way." He gestured to the guard who assumed their positions back at the gate, taking direction and leading me through the compound.

I wanted to ask him a couple questions but.... "I apologize, I don't believe I know your name."

"This one is Soma, Young Lord." He replied without a hint of awkwardness. "I am the Third commander of the Blue Sparrows, a recent promotion as I had ascended levels a few days prior." He said with no small amount of pride in his voice.

Ah, there was a little blue bird on his uniform. Some kind of designation for his 'platoon' or whatever it's called?

"Ascended?" I questioned. "I think I may be misunderstanding the vernacular."

"Oh yes, you are a half-devil." He nodded. "It's common these days to use their measuring system. I believe you would be more familiar if I recently became the equivalent of a high-class recent?"

"Oh, I see. Thank you for the explanation." I nodded.

"It is my duty to see to your needs, Young Lord." He seemed a little less stiff as our conversation progressed.

"Well, I admit I'm not as familiar with Youkai customs and social norms. I have a few questions if you wouldn't mind."

"I would be honored to help you in any way."

"If you don't mind me asking....I thought devils weren't particularly liked over here? I thought I would be receiving a lesser reception if I just appeared like this."

"I....apologize for any negative receptions due to your heritage, Young Lord." The Tengu looked down. "But any warrior who fought in that bloody battle wouldn't dare insult you for your devil bloodline." He turned around and slammed his hand on his chest. "We are grateful for the assistance you lent in dealing with the terrorists. Lady Yasaka had revealed the extent of help that we received after everything had been settled."

"That makes more sense." I muttered. I guess she felt comfortable enough to announce a true conclusion to the events. Well, it was neither my place nor my desire to meddle with any of these affairs. "Thank you, Soma. I have but one last question for the moment."

"Yes, Young Lord?"

"Why....am I being referred to as 'Young Lord'?"

"I don't understand, what else would we call you?" He looked confused. "It is common knowledge that the Princess calls you 'father'. Any other title would be an insult."

Well, okay then. It was hard to argue with that logic when put in perspective.

"Young Lord, Lady Yasaka awaits you inside." He bowed, gesturing to a door. "She has already been informed of your arrival."

Oh, I didn't realize how far we had actually walked. "Thank you, Soma, your assistance has been most helpful"

"I am here to serve, Young Lord." He gave one last bow, and disappeared, a few feathers fluttering about in his wake.

Impressive speed, I had to make an effort keep an eye on him if I wanted to see where he went. It was enough to escape my perception if I was being lackadaisical.

Pushing the door open, I was greeting with a scene that truly made my heart thump.

"Wilhelm." Yasaka greeted me, sitting at a small table, tea infront of her and a spot across open for me.

I took my shoes off, and walked over, taking a seat. "Yasaka." I couldn't help but smile towards her. "You look lovely." She clearly did something with he hair, and her makeup was quite well done. Not to mention it looked like she was dressing up. "What's the occasion?"

"Occasion?" She tilt her head. "You're here, isn't that occasion enough?" She gave a small smile.

And now my heart wont sit still.

[Wow, she really knows how to go for the killing blows, doesn't she?]


"So, you're telling me, you did everything in the few minutes it took me to walk over here?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Oho, I am quite skilled at what I do." She let out a small giggle.

"Would it be insincere if compliment you again?"

"I would welcome it whole heartedly."

"You look beautiful." I said with all honesty.

"Your words do make the effort worth it." She preened under the praise. "Did you come back just to compliment me? I wouldn't be against it if you did so more often."

"Well, I did just come to visit." I lightly chuckled. "Admittedly, I missed Kunou....and you."

The fingers around her teacup tightened slightly as she processed my words, though her expression didn't change. "You're going to make an old woman like me blush." She quickly donned a mischievous smirk, perhaps something she's used to 'wearing'.

"Well, this Young Lord is willing to take responsibility for his words." I raised an eyebrow.

She let out a barely concealed snort before breaking out into a giggling fit. "Would you believe me if I said I didn't start that?"

"Nope." I deadpanned.

"It's true!" She whined. "Don't get me wrong, I would have done it without a second thought had the idea crossed my mind."

"Seriously?" I was surprised by her admittance, and I could believe her here. She would totally take credit if she had done it. "Who did it then?"

"Our little Kunou has a little devious side to her." Yasaka smirked.

"That little.....cute fox." I face palmed, running my hand down my face. "Well, she takes after her mother."

"Yes, yes she does." Yasaka said with no small amount of pride in her voice.

Yeah, Kitsune are a really mischievous bunch.

"I'm assuming she isn't here at the moment?"

"She's in school." Yasaka revealed. "I enrolled her in the school that most of the noble clans and wealthy families in this small world send their children to."

"A recent development? Jinn did help Kunou with her homework last time we were over." I took a sip of my tea. "Oh, this is good." I perked up at the taste.

"Isn't it? One of our own special brands." Yasaka gently fingered the rim of her cup. "And yes, Kunou hasn't been going there long. I enrolled her not long after the attack."

"Oh, that's a surprise."

"You're not going to admonish me?" Her eyes met my own, as if expecting something.

"Do you think I would? Kunou is at the age where she needs social interaction, to get friends of her own. The attack was tragic in many ways, but it would be detrimental to hold her back because of it. Not to mention you're much more experienced with raising her, being a parent."

Yasaka let out a sigh. "Maybe I'm just projecting my own worries and insecurities." She shook her head. "I still can't help it. It's her first time going to a 'real' school. She had been tutored with private lessons until this point."

"And it's hard to let her go?"

"Extremely." She let out a sad chuckle. "The constant worry about another attack doesn't help either. I know it isn't likely, but..."

"It's hard to break old habits." I nodded.

"Yes, that's exactly right. Ever since her father passed, I haven't been the most liberal parent." She let out another long winded sigh. "She also retreated into herself, even if she was very young back then. I don't think she ever fully came back out of her shell, and I never gave her the opportunity to." She looked back up at me. "Then you come along and suddenly she has a new daddy that brightens her smile." Yasaka had that small smirk on her face.

"She brightened up my world too." I looked down at my tea. "When she first said it to me, I don't understand why, but I got immediately attached. No regrets since either."

"I said it before, but I'm glad that it was you who took that spot in her heart." Yasaka gave a warm smile. "But enough of this dreary talk." She changed the subject quite easily. "I wish to know how you've been doing."

"I've been good, learned a few new things. Took Rin and Artoria to a place so they could stretch their legs a bit. Rin was able to get some practical experience and that's done wonders for her." I was willing to switch gears. "Jinn's been taking care of my house, sorting my library among other things."

"Oh, Jinn's at your home? Would it be inappropriate if I asked to visit?"

"Of course not." I quickly denied such thoughts. "Jinn would love if you came by. I can't guarantee anyone would be there when you do because of some magic shenanigans, but you're always welcome in my home."

"Kunou absolutely adores her 'Auntie Jinn'" Yasaka giggled, cupping her own cheek. "And I would like to get to know her better, she seemed like quite the interesting person."

"Yeah, Jinn's great. I think she was taken with Kunou just as much." The picture of Jinn and Kunou together still brought a smile to my face. "Jinn seems to latch onto the idea of family just as much as I do."

"Hmm~" She pursed her lips. "You never did tell me how you two met. And you seemed really different the last time I saw you, and even now, there's something different again." She got up, walking over to me. Her nose twitched as she visible began to sniff me. "You smell good, like nature.....really pure nature."

Was it because of the Dust Jinn wove into this outfit for me? Dust was crystallized magical energy with an emphasis on the elements. "Jinn made me some special clothes with the elements intertwined in them."

"Hmm." She got much closer, nose practically touching mine. "There's something more prominent though...Lightning? I think I smell some Lightning on you and it's heavy, much heavier than the other scents."

"Who knows." I grinned.

"Keep your secrets, I'll get them eventually~" She giggled "But for now, we should get going?"

"Get going, where?" I was surprised at her sudden shift in demeanor.

"To pick up our daughter form school, of course." She stood up again, holding out her hand. "I'm sure Kunou would be ecstatic to have both her mom and dad pick her up."

I took it, rising to my feet. "Yeah, let's go get our daughter."

I don't know what was in store for me when I enter the Grail War, but I didn't care for now, I just wanted to see my daughter.


Should be one more chapter left before going to Apocrypha.

On a side note, I don't really understand the hate for giving Thorum Aura, saying stuff like MC is giving everything away. He's literally given him only a Sword he couldn't really use, and Aura.....Like what do you expect friends to do, not help each other? And with regards to power levels, MC is much stronger than Thorum. Without any enhancements, Thorum is Physically stronger than MC, if they fought, Mc would win hands down. Hell, Thorum would lose against Artoria even if she didn't use her Noble Phantasms.

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